Happy Monday, friends! ๐
I hope you guys had a relaxing weekend and that the start of the week is treating you well so far. I won’t lie – I’m a big fan of Mondays. I think most of it comes down to that whole “fresh start” feeling, but I kind of like getting back into a routine as well. I know, I know – I’m a weirdo – but at least I’m a happy weirdo when Monday morning rolls around, right? Right.ย I know a lot of people don’t exactly share my sentiments when it comes to trading in two days of freedom for a day in the office/classroom, though, so I thought I’d share an inspirational little story that I came across this weekend to [hopefully]ย start the week off on a positive note for those who feel like they’re dragging their feet.ย It’s called “The Mayonnaise Jar”…
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When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day is not enough time, remember the mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee…
A professor stood before his philosophy class with some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of small pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly and the pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
Next, the professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up the space between the golf balls and pebbles. Once more, the professor asked if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “YES.”
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the stand. The students laughed.
“Now,” said the professor, as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things – God, family, children, health, friends, and passions. Things, that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter – your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else – “the small stuff.”
“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “There is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you…“
“So… pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Worship with your family. Play with your children. Take your partner out to dinner. Spend time with good friends. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the dropping tap. Take care of the golf balls first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.“
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled and said, “I’m glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.“
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I’m definitely guilty of getting caught up in the small stuff and spending far too much time and energy on things that, in the grand scheme of things, probably don’t really matter all that much. I think a lot of it has to do with perfectionism and feeling like I need to give everything 110% of my attention – it can get exhausting and overwhelming at times, so I constantly need little reminders like this because they help me take a step back and re-prioritize. Even though I still fall victim to burying myself in “sand,”ย I do notice that when I focus more on the “golf balls” of life, everything else just has a way of falling into place. Go figure.
With that said, here are a few scenes I captured of the golf ball moments from my weekend….
Fresh, sunny flowers at the farmers market. I was so tempted to pick some up, but I didn’t because…

… I ended up picking up a few baby herb plants instead. Now, I definitely doย not have a green thumb, but I hear that herbs are pretty low maintenance so I’m hoping that my minimal skills can keep them alive. I got basil, thyme, and chocolate (!!!) mint. Not gonna lie… they kind of warm my plant-killer heart.
Nothing like coming across some new foodie products in the grocery store, am.I.right? On my [apparently snack-filled] shopping trip, I managed to come across a few new-to-me things that I’ve been wanting to try for a while:ย chocolate rice crispies (because everything is better with chocolate), Sunwarrior protein powder (because I keep hearing amazing things), and the Simply Whey bar (because it’s near impossible to find an allergy-friendly energy bar). So far I’ve only broken in to the cereal (surprise, surprise), and… swooooooon.

A gorgeous weekend meant lots of time spent out in the sun…
… with ice cold drinks and [creepster] photobombers…

… who were quite finicky when it came toย actually being photographed.

Nothing like freshly grilled corn on the cob… even if you have to pick the kernels out of your teeth.
Oh the things I’ll do for delicious food… This was the scene at Duchess Bake Shop literally 5 minutes after they opened… I’m usually a patient person, butย not when it comes to food.
… but it was so totally worth it. Hello blueberry scone.
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Do you struggle with getting too caught up in things that don’t matter?
What are some “sands” in your life right now? What about some “golf balls?”
Oh wow! I LOVED this story, Amanda! I am such a visual person so this is just like…whoa! I love how certain people just have a knack for breaking things down like this…a good way to remind us of the truths in life! I’m like you, thanks to my perfectionistic ways, I can get so caught up in the little things that time just blows right past me and before I even realize it, it’s been MONTHS since I’ve spent quality time with people whom I love. I’d say most of the “sands” of my life are the obligations that I create for myself…as in the ones that don’t really exist, but I make them so…most of them involving the guilt that arises when I step away from blogging for a while. I’ve made so many friends through blogging and I love the community/family feel of it, but I have to remember that I have real life friends too! My golf balls are definitely my family…my friends…and the time I take for myself to just unwind and destress!
What a great illustration! And so, 110% true. I like how he pointed out if you begin filling the jar with the sand and coffee, there won’t be room for the golf balls. Great reminder! Thanks for sharing Amanda!
Guilty, guilty, guilty…of getting caught in the sand, that is. I’ve gotten much better though at identifying it and being able to take a step back and reprioritize, if need be.
Good luck with your mini herb garden. My advice – since you didn’t ask ๐ – would be to repot them into permanent containers. For some reason they seem to like it, and water them a little bit every other day. In the winter, you’ll be able to water them a lot less (like once or twice a week). Cut off any dead stuff and use them often. The best way for the plants to grow is to trim them regularly (i.e. eat stuff with your new herbs often).
Thank you! – for the advice. I’m definitely a noobie when it comes to taking care of plants, so I can use all the advice I can get. The mint shouldn’t be a problem to use up, but I don’t know how I’m going to go through that much basil…
Pesto is a great way to use basil and freezes really well so you can add it to dishes all year long. Or you can make lots of Caprese Salads with fresh tomatoes.
You’ll love having a little mini herb garden! I tried growing herbs from seeds. Fail. Smart move buying the plants in the pot!
I literally avoid eating corn for that reason… I hate it getting stuck in my teeth!
I struggle all the time with priorities. Definitely needed to see this post today. Perspective is so important!
I really don’t even have any other words to say about the mayo jar story besides “beautiful, perfect, empowering, deep”, etc… It truly did make me sit back & think. Thank you so much for sharing it, darling.
I love this so much, thank you for sharing. ๐ I actually read this one the way home from the gym while completely annoyed about the influx of freshmen taking over the campus gym (why haven’t I graduated yet I am going to be in school forever ahhhh) and it certainly made me do a perspective/attitude check. So thanks for making me a little easier to deal with today. ๐
The first time I heard this story there was beer involved, not coffee but I guess that’s a matter of taste and doesn’t change the moral of the story ๐
I think I finally learned to recognise the things that really matter from those that don’t. Life is so much better when you know that even if you lose the small things you hold onto so tightly for no good reason, you will still have the important things which give it a meaning. For the first time in so many years I can say I am happy and mean it.
I love this post Amanda! Your posts seriously correspond perfectly to what I’m struggling with on any given day. I’m so thankful for you! You truly inspire me and lift me up so thank you ๐ Every time I hear this story I love it. I really do struggle with managing my priorities. It’s so tough not to get caught up in the silly things. I tend to put blogging first and then I get stressed out because I didn’t set aside time for God, family or work and it becomes quite overwhelming. This reminds me to keep things in perspective ๐
It’s definitely a struggle not to get caught up in the small things… I think I need to write myself a Post-It note or something ๐
Oh DAMN that scone.
Love the mayonnaise jar story! My friend Mattias tells it as “There’s always room for 1 more beer”…fitting for him, but I like the coffee version too! Happy Monday sweet girl!
AH I love this post!! I had never heard that mayo jar story/life analogy! LOVE IT!! I do get caught up at times in the things that don’t matter, but lately have been doing a good job focusing on the things that DO matter! OHH that scone..I would wait an hour for a good baked treat.
It’s like you read my mind. I needed to read that story today so thank you for posting this.
…and I need that blueberry scone in my life.
Everyone could use a blueberry scone. Sending hugs <3
Thanks so much for writing this post, Amanda. Often in life, we tend to subconsciously get caught up in things which when reflected upon, truly is such an insignificant aspect that the amount of stress associated with it was completely wasted!
It looks like you had quite the fun filled weekend! Any bakery with a line that long, you know that the goods are worth the wait ๐ I have a fair few typical golf balls (family, friends, self appreciation) but also I think studying falls under that category. I keep wanting to throw the towel in, but need to realise its only another 2 months then I’m free!
I love this analogy! And it’s so true. When I just focus on the “golf balls” (family, friends, learning, pleasure, purpose) in my life, that’s when I’m at my happiest. I think I have a lot of “sand” I need to stop focusing on lately… things like worrying about being liked by people, stressing about the future, letting insignificant things bother me, comparing myself to others, etc. It really is just a waste of my time. Thanks for the reminder girl. ๐
What a great story!! I wish I had read this earlier in the day so I didn’t waste so much time on the little things! Golf balls are definitely friends and family for me. I’m actually going to a nice little get together tomorrow night to see a friend off as she moves down to Florida. Sad/happy at the same time!
Awwr well there’s always tomorrow to try and focus more on the golf balls!
I’ve heard this story before, but each time I read it it gets better! And the coffee part is definitely my favorite ๐
Baha. That coffee ending is the best ever. I’ve got to share this story with my fellow facebookers. It’s too good not to!
I’m so bad at filling my life up with “pebbles”and not leaving room for golf balls. This is something I’ve been working on!
Oh my gosh! That blueberry scone looks to die for!
SIMPLY BARS! <3 Have you tried em yet? I love 'em! I'm a huge food snob when it comes to bars & they're the only ones I'll eat (and actually enjoy). The chocolate mint & cinnamon pecan are my favs.
So, Costco is now selling massive bags of some Thai flavoured Popchips. Should I even go there?! I can't decide if it would be a wonderful or disastrous decision.
I did try the bar and -loved- it. I didn’t see the chocolate mint one (the only other they had was coconut), and I can’t eat the other Simply Bars because of allergies ๐ The whey ones are the only ones I can have, but it feels SO good to finally find a peanut-free bar.
that is such an amazing story. I need to think about this mayonnaise jar.
I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of “the mayonnaise” theory before and thought it was so interesting. I love it! I waited in line at Sprinkles Cupcakes for about 20 minutes and while it was frustrating, it was totally worth it. If there’s a line to get in, you know it’s got to be good ๐
Loveee that story!!! Especially the coffee part haha ๐
wow! i have been letting the sand pile up around me too much this summer & this past week i actually took the time for coffee (literally!) with friends 3x! thanks for the reminder- it is easy to let the sand slide in. my golf balls this summer have been quality time with my hubs (even if it is fishing or shooting guns!) & hot yoga for my mental & physical health. i had not heard the story but i am going to send it out to my sis & mom right now. happy Monday!
What a great story- thanks for sharing it! I like that you appreciate Mondays. I used to hate them, but after several “Marvelous Mondays,” I’ve actually started to enjoy Mondays. Just goes to show how great the blogging community and positive thinking can be!
It’s definitely all about attitude! I mean, why waste time and energy on being unhappy?