You guys… I think I have a problem.
See, I was planning on doing a nice little Easter recap today, but I kind of slacked on the picture front over the weekend, and when I went through my camera to see what I could pull together, I realized that basically 95.8% of the pics I did manage to take looked like this…
Are we seeing a theme here? Can we say raging chocoholic? Because she (he? it?) definitely had a field day over the Easter holidays. Combine all that chocolate with Easter brunches, lunches, and dinners that were full of foods I don’t normally eat, and you’re looking at a girl who’ll be rocking the stretchy pants for at least a week #thankgodforstretchypants.
That being said, my appetite has been a little wonky over the past couple of days, but one thing that I’ll always find room for is breakfast — it’s my favourite meal of the day and there’s no way I’m passing up an opportunity to eat it… especially because doing so would only come back to bite me in the butt big time.
As luck would have it, Mister Arman picked breakfast for this week’s Spill It theme, giving me the perfect excuse to dote on my favourite meal of the day… and the only food I can really think about at this point 😆 So let’s spill the beans on breakfast…
1. What is your classic go-to breakfast of choice?
Eggs! Just kidding 😉 Oatmeal all the way. I wake up craving oats every morning, even though I’ve been having them for breakfast for years now. I love them so much that if I don’t have them for breakfast for some strange reason, I end up needing to have them for lunch or dinner. Heck, sometimes I’ll eat them for lunch/dinner even after having them for breakfast. And if I find myself getting a little bored? I just change up my toppings. The possibilities are pretty much endless…
2. Favourite sweet style breakfast?
Easy peasy! Honey almond butter oats. The honey/AB combo pretty much rocks my socks off right now, which is probably why it shows up in so many of my recipes.
3. Favourite savoury style breakfast?
Dammit, Arman…. you just had to toss this one in there, didn’t you? This one is a little tough because I wouldn’t really say that I have a favourite savoury breakfast. I’ll eat them on the rare occasion, but they’re not really something that I ever crave. I guess I like eggs well enough, though… but I usually have them for as a breakfast-for-dinner type deal, and I almost always pair them with something sweet like maple syrup or jam.
(Hey look! A picture from Easter that’s not chocolate! These were the eggs we took to church to bless before diving them up and sharing. More about this in last year’s recap)
4. Share a breakfast recipe you are a fan of – It can be your own or another blogger’s!
I’m going to give you two since I’m feeling generous indecisive. First, my eggy bananafied oats, since I make them basically every morning and they result in what I consider to be a perfect oat consistency/taste…
And second, my Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Pancakes, since they’re basically my favourite bowl of oats in a different form 😉
5. Strangest breakfast you’ve ever eaten?
Strange breakfasts only really tend to happen when I travel. Remember California?
And Kauai?
I realize that bacon, bagels, hash browns, and eggs are all perfectly normal breakfast foods, but not to a girl who loves her oats! And speaking of oats… do coffee maker oats and airport terminal Starbucks oats count as strange too? ‘Cause those tend to happen more than I care to admit…

6. Do you have a typical breakfast routine?
You betcha! I have my mornings pretty much down to a T. Get out of bed; visit bathroom; head to kitchen; make a cup of my favourite tea; put oats on stove; blog/journal/stretch until oats are done; put oats together; eat while blogging; get on with day. I love relaxed mornings, which is probably the main reason why I wake up so dratted early.
What’s your favourite go-to breakfast?
Do you prefer sweet or savoury breakfasts?
Did you get an Easter basket this year? What was in it??
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Well this whole page looks delicious… Glad I was reading while eating! I have such breakfast ADD that I can’t even pick a favorite, I tend to lean sweeter like you (oatmeal, granola, cereal with everything on top) most weekdays because it’s faster for me. But I’ll certainly never turn down a plate of eggs and potatoes 😉
I am 31, do not live at home, but my mom STILL makes me an Easter basket. I didn’t get it yet though because we were away for Easter. In fact, I don’t really like Easter so it was fun to skip it this year!
I definitely made oatmeal in the airport with hot water this Sunday!! Except they charged me for the hot water… what the heck! I took a teabag for later since they did that…
Yup I’m totally with you on oatmeal being my favourite breakfast – with banana and almond butter as toppings of course! I don’t have savoury breakfasts regularly on weekdays, but I will have them sometimes on weekends now since JZ is a fan of them. My favourite is a good ol’ plate of hashbrowns, eggs, buttered toast, and breakfast sausages!
Relaxing mornings with some quiet time bundled in are specifically why I wake up so early too. It’s my thing, my time, you get it.
I love the California and Hawaii breakfasts. I know you dig your oats, but those eggs and hash browns are what sing to me….. different strokes for different folks. 🙂
At least we would never be fighting over breakfast 🙂
Oatmeal artist. That is what you are. And I hope you realise honey and AB and oats is amanda in food form.
Saying that….Your Maui and California eats are faceplant worthy…but that shouldn’t surprise you. 😉
I do like eggs in the morning. I put them in the microwave so they cook quickly. Never had them with syrup or jam though. Maybe I should try that. I do like sweet foods in the morning because they do go better with my coffee I have to have with my flavored creamer. My sister made me an Easter basket with some powerbars and GUs for my runs. Also she got me energy bit. You’re suppose to take a few before your runs to give you more energy. Excited to see if they will actually work.
I’m with you on the oat loving in the morning. I have to have it every day or my day just feels off. They are just so delicious! I don’t think I will ever get tired of it.
Favorite savory? Hmm.. does french toast with eggs count? 😀
Girl, I am SO with you on the sweet breakfasts and oats. Oats for life. Although I guess I am starting to enjoy some savory breakfasts as well, thanks to vacationing.
Favorite go-to breakfast: overnight oats.
I ate a {white] chocolate egg on Easter! It did have milk chocolate inside too 🙂
Breakfast is only the best meal of the day! Have you ever tried mixing hot chocolate mix into your oats? Obviously, topped with almond butter. Divine.
!! Never. I’ve added cocoa powder before, but never hot chocolate mix. Need to do that, asap.
AHhh those Kinder eggs are my childhood favorite! I would eat one in my youth when we would visit Russia. They immediately remind me of my childhood now…ah good times 🙂 Looks like you had a great Easter!
Why must Kinder Eggs be illegal in the states? Whyyyy?
(Can you sense my envy?)
I’m actually happy to see that you didn’t come out of Easter with a collection of photographs– that means you were genuinely enjoying the moment which is more important than anything. (:
On the breakfast front, I rarely [read: never] eat oatmeal after OD’ing on it a few years ago. But, I’m not going to lie, this post has me craving it and I have a feeling it’ll be making it’s way back into my mornings very soon. I’m with you on sweet vs. savory breakfasts though…I don’t think I’ve ever woken up and craved “savory”.
😯 I actually had no idea Kinder eggs were illegal in the States 😯 That’s craziness!
My favorite kind of breakfast is anything with eggs, especially eggs benedict! I still can’t teach myself how to make it perfectly so I only get to have it when I’m at a breakfast café.
My favorite breakfasts have to include oats too! I have been experimenting with some pancakes and french toast but in all honesty I prefer to have them for lunch or dinner haha, Oats are just perfect! Easy to digest too and oh so yummy, not to mention you can eat them cold or hot!
I prefer sweet breakfasts when I am cooking at home, but for some reason I almost always will order savory when I go out to eat! I guess the added sugar at restaurants just turns me off from sweet breakfasts out!
For Easter this year I got some unjunk peanut butter cups! I was shocked that they are actually pretty decent!
If you ask me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with those first pictures. Well, except that I can’t come try that splendid looking chocolate cake 😉 Your breakfast routine is totally my perfect morning. I am a morning person and love when I have the time to read blogs while eating breakfast. 2 of my favorite things!
I am definitely a 100% eggs person. Love them and can eat them for every meal of the day. Oats I eat them because my doc recommended them but I force myself to eat it. On weekends I like to indulge in a good waffle. In all though, I prefer a savory breakfast.
I have the big sweet tooth, but I choose salty breakfasts recently. I noticed that if I eat something sweet for breakfast, I want sweet also for lunch, a dinner and in general there is a wish to bathe in sugar. It isn’t really good. Therefore eggs and a toast – my favourite option 😉
Oatmeal is the perfect breakfast! I tried adding maple extract to oatmeal this morning, so so good! You should try it, with almond butter too!
Ohhh, I have GOT to try those pancakes! They look awesome!
The Minnie Mug, awww, my heart opens up – same one is sitting next to me right now! Oh and I’ll also join the breakfast (and chocolate addiction) club. Currently I am munching on some oatmeal for dinner, since the last days one bowl just wasn’t enough to satisfy my oatmeal tooth – sometimes I end up having three portions of my ooey-gooey-banana microwave oats. I might need a rehab.
You and me both… but I’m not quite willing to admit that I have a problem yet 😉
i have eggs more for lunch or dinner too. Breakfast? Smoothies or pancakes! and when i lived in hawaii i at spam sushi… ON ACCIDENT! eek
I LOVE that minney mug!!!!!!
the best part of the day is waking up for breakfast 🙂
i always wake up early so I can make my almond milk latte and blog/blog read
Breakfast will always be King! On Sunday James decided to chop up a Cadburys creme egg to mix into this porridge. It looked amazing! Chocolate and breakfast 😉