Oh geez. So I pulled a goofball move and completely forgot to announce the giveaway winners in yesterday’s post, so without further ado:
Congrats to Emma and Sam! E-mail me ([email protected]) with your contact info and your kisses will be in the mail soon.
As an aside, would anyone have noticed that I didn’t post the winner on the date I said I would if I didn’t bring light to my blunder? My guess is probably not. I think we have a tendency of being acutely aware of our own mistakes or flaws when others probably don’t even notice them a majority of the time. Just a little food for thought. But what’s say we move on to talking about food for the body; it is, after all, WIAW…
The other day I realized that I don’t really spend a lot of time talking about food anymore. Back when I started blogging, the majority of my posts included a documentation of whatever it was that I ate on that particular day, but now? I’ve even stopped sharing my breakfasts with you guys, and those were always my favorite!
Yogurt mess made with plain Greek yogurt, a banana, Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, chunky applesauce, cinnamon, and roasted almond butter.
So why the change? Well, a big part of it has to do with the fact that food kind of got put on the back burner in my life. I still love it, obviously, but my life no longer revolves around it and I no longer put it on a pedestal like I did when I was recovering from my ED. That’s not to say that I have no interest in talking about food, buuuuut a lot of the time I’d rather be talking about things like travelling and makeup.
That being said, I do have to admit that I kind of miss it sometimes. Like yesterday morning when I was slacking at work enjoying a mid-morning snack?

Barefruit Cinnamon Apple Chips dipped in Oikos coconut Greek yogurt.
I found myself getting super excited over how good it was and wanting to share it with you guys asap. Seriously, I thought the combination of apples and plain yogurt was amazing, but apples and coconut yogurt? Oh.my.word. Talk about taking things to a whole other level. You better believe there was some repeat action going on when I got home…
That would be some freshly made chunky applesauce topped with a dollop of coconut Greek yogurt. Swoon. And for those of you who can’t find coconut flavored yogurt, I would recommend adding some coconut milk (from a can) to plain yogurt – it’s something I used to do way back in the day and it’s pretty much just as delicious. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Before that bowl of deliciousness came lunch…
… which was eventually followed by an afternoon snack…
A blueberry banana muffin with a Starbucks cappuccino to wash it down.
And yes, I whipped up another quick batch of muffins on Monday night. The first one disappeared way too quickly because I was forced to share, so I wasn’t quite able to get my fix. Thankfully, I think I’m good on muffins for a little while and I can now move on to tackling my next project: [maybe protein] bars.
But back to what I was talking about before my mind got sidetracked by food. Another reason for the lack of food talk around these parts is that that I tend to eat a lot of the same things on a daily basis and I feel like constantly showing you guys pictures of string cheese, sandwiches, cereal, and frozen pizza would start getting a bit old. I mean, it’s not every day I whip up something creative for dinner…
Rice cooked in coconut milk with a random stir fry made up of tofu, broccoli, mushroom, bell pepper, orange, sunflower seed butter, and soy sauce.
And my night time snacking routine is pretty consistent…
Plain Greek yogurt with Weetabix, cinnamon, and applesauce.
Basically, I’ve found meals and snacks that work for me and I tend to stick to them for a couple of reasons. First, I have a really finicky stomach that doesn’t always take kindly to a lot of variety. Trying new foods, while exciting, often leaves me feeling not-so-great… especially when a lot of spices or flavors are involved. Second, it’s kind of nice to not have to put a lot of thought into my meals. Every now and then I’ll crave something different and get hit with the urge to be a little more creative, but for the most part I’m pretty satisfied with the foods I eat and don’t feel much of a need to change them out.
Oh! And did you realize that today is officially the first day of spring? I almost forgot about it on account of the fact that we’re still buried in snow over here, but it’s nice to know that warmer days are on the way soon (I hope), and I’m definitely not complaining about extra hours of sunlight that we’re already getting. Not looking forward to spring cleaning so much, but it always feels nice to de-clutter a little bit.
Happy Wednesday, friends!
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Eaten any delicious foods/combos lately that you wanna share? Trust me on the apples and coconut!
What’s your go-to night time snack? Cereal and yogurt is always a winner for me.
Much as I love it, I’ve been trying to cut back on my almond butter consumption– I was eating too much of it, and it was killing my stomach. In lieu of that, though, I’ve been eating salted cashews and almonds with bananas, and it’s actually a really nice change.
That cookie dough shake looks amazing…it’s too bad I had to return the blender I borrowed from a friend. I really, really want to have smoothies every day again.
Cookie dough smoothie?! Oh my, that looks incredible!! 🙂
I neeeed to get on this chunky applesauce. It looks heavenly. I keep hearing about this coconut Greek yogurt. Although I don’t really eat dairy too much anymore I think I would like to try that! I bet it’s delicious.
I tend to stick to the same foods too, mostly because I’m not that creative. Plus I never get bored of oats, smoothies, toast, quinoa/rice bowls, fruits, and veggies! What else do I need in life? OH YEAH…CEREAL!!! Which reminds me…I need to go get some!
It tastes even more than heavenly! Seriously like apple pie filling. And if you can get your hands on some coconut yogurt? Oh man… even better 😀
I like to stick to the same foods too most of the time, also because of the stomach issues! Seriously it’s not fun trying a new food and having it not agree with you. I prefer to try new stuff when I know I’m not going anywhere important haha. And you definitely could’ve gotten away with posting the giveaway results late. I think that was something mentioned in The Happiness Project…others don’t notice your mistakes as much as you do. Definite food for thought!
Mmm i’ve been really boring lately and haven’t tried anything new 🙁 I’m making your muffins this weekend though…joe is getting the stuff to do so as we speak 😀 and cereal with almond milk is my fav by far!
I just have to tell you…I decided to check out Kashi Cinnamon Harvest because of you, and I am SO addicted now. I’m pregnant right now and that cereal has become the thing that I CRAVE all day long every day 🙂 So, thanks for turning me on to it!
Eee! Congrats to you and Woody! So happy for you two 😀 And isn’t that cereal wonderful? I’m completely obsessed with it as well and I can’t even blame it on pregnancy!
Happy Spring! I totally forgot about it until you mentioned it in your post. It’s a cold 35 degrees here today 🙁 I can’t wait for spring break in two weeks. Sleeping in and relaxing here I come!
I’ve GOT to get my hands on that coconut yogurt STAT! Yum! Nothing wrong with sticking what works for you food wise. I do the same! I’ve been loving a sweet egg scramble with apples, cinnamon & coconut butter lately, tastes like a cinnamon roll! As for night time snack? — dark chocolate chips & some cereal & toasted coconut chips has been a go to for me lately!
I’ve recently been obsessed with blending oats, brazil nuts and dates for a really thick cold oatmeal type thing. And today I’ve taken it to the next level. This might sound weird but I wanted to drink tea but needed some extra caffeine soooo … I poured an espresso into the mix and it made it really gooey and yummy!!!! 🙂
That actually sounds really delicious!
My go-to night time snack is an old but recently improved favourite: Greek yogurt mixed with coconut flour. Trust me, you’re still missing out if you haven’t tried adding the coconut flour yet – especially as you like that coconut Greek yogurt in anyway :). The recent improvement to the combination: Banana flakes! Coconut and bananas are a match made in heaven. Yes, I’ve dipped apple slices into aforementioned yogurt combination before :D.
First day of spring? That’s hard to notice on a snowy day …
I am absolutely doing a happy dance right now 😀
Lately my meals have been a bit bigger, so my nighttime snack size has been decreasing. Usually a few spoonfuls of yogurt and/or a bit of peanut butter does it for me.
My favourite combo right now: graham crackers, peanut butter, and coconut Oikos. Delicious little snack!
I’ll do the happy dance with you juuuuuust because dancing always puts me in a better mood. Stupid dreary weather *happy dance*
Those apple chips sound awfully tasty!! They look like a pretty healthy brand/company, too :).
My go-to nighttime snacks are popcorn (cannot get enough!), Pop Chips, lentil chips, fruit, veggies w/ hummus, etc.
I just booked the cookie dough smoothie recipe. I’ll be making it very soon. I don’t really combine foods but I just came up with the idea of apples and cookie butter. I think I can officially call myself a genius.
Oh tell me about the weather, first day of spring I wish! I love the idea of adding coconut milk to plain yoghurt! The coconut flavoured yoghurts are always so full of sugar! I’ve just made my own mini jar of vanilla maple sea salt almond butter – that is definitely a combo I like!
cereal is always a go to for me also! Weetabix huh? Never heard of those…You make me want applesauce too lol, I should really try making my own since you say its so much better! I have some coconut milk at home so ill try adding it to yogurt next time.
Oh girl, storebought applesauce has nothing on the homemade stuff! It honestly tastes like the inside of an apple pie…
Vouching for Amanda…prepare to be addicted 😉
mmmm coconut yogurt!! That sounds AMAZING and I’m totally jealous we don’t have that Oikos flavor in the states (I bet people have been telling you that allllll week haha). I do love yogurt made from coconut milk though 😀 I too kind of shy away from talking about food – I mean, I’m not really that creative with it, I tend to eat the same things over and over….I mean, I could probably do a daily eats post and it would be new to everyone because I never talk about food….but then I could only do it once lol. I always love seeing your breakfast posts and new snack finds though – especially those fruit chips, OMG I want some!!
Mmm…can I come eat at your house. I love all the food you make.
I’ve got to try apples and coconut. I mean, I love apples and I love coconut. Might as well combine the two!
My go to night snack is usually a muffin with some sort of nut butter or I’ve been doing the kashi cereal sometimes too! That stuff is good.
It’s amazing! if you like apples with nut butter, you’ll probably love apples with coconut. I’m thinking I might have to make some sort of warmed apple crisp concoction with melted coconut butter. Omigosh.
Considering I spent almost a half hour this morning scraping ice off of my car…first day of spring? Really? Gahh.
That yogurt mess made my mouth water.
Last night I tried a combo of sliced strawberries + 2 tbsp organic lite whipped topping (like all natural cool-whip) + a pinch of dark chocolate chips. Um, amazing!
I tend to eat the same variety of things too mostly because they are affordable, they are sold near me and my stomach likes them. Dont fix what isn’t broken right?
I kind of forgot it was spring today too! It’s still freeeezing here, but the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, so I’ll take it 🙂
I tend to stick to a lot of the same foods too, maybe switching variety of yogurt or cereal in my breakfast bowl and I also eat a lot of leftovers, cooking a big dish and freezing some for later. But sometimes it’s nice to be inspired by what others are doing, I will have to keep my eyes out for coconut yogurt because that looks sooo good!
Greek yogurt bowls are my typical nighttime snacks too!
I need to find that yogurt. Or better yet, I’ll just jaunt up to Canada and you can share yours with me. And feed me muffins and cereal.
Deal! As long as you can handle our lingering winter weather 😉
I’ve been TRYING to find a good recipe for protein bars, with not much success yet, so if you could post a good one I would be forever indebted to you.
Cinnamon apple chips dipped in coconut yogurt?! *swooooon* And your dinner looks like my kinda dinner…you need to be creative more often because you’re good at it! 🙂
I’m loving cottage cheese mixed with warm vegetables like broccoli and leeks and sprouts and stuff recently..I like how the cheese kinda gets a bit melty even though it is already pretty liquidy but it’s really yum 🙂
Oh and we have snow here still too. I don’t think we’ll get a spring this year >:(
PS I totally laughed at ‘goofball’, I didn’t realise people actually said that outside of movies LOL 😛
Typically my go to late night snack has been some sort of dark chocolate or sweet treat, but since Ive been waking up SO DANG HUNGRY in the mornings, I’ve just switched to frozen greek yogurt at night topped with something chocolaty like one of my muffins or some chocolate chips. Last night it was key lime greek yogurt with the top of one of my chocolate muffins. It was the bomb.com for sure 🙂
What a great idea to add coconut milk to yogurt to get coconut yogurt! I will have to try that. Also, the rice cooked in coconut milk looks amazing
i swear i don’t even like applesauce but every time you post it i want it in my mouth immediately. i think because it looks like the inside of an apple pie when you make it and who doesn’t love pie?
It tastes like the inside of an apple pie too. Seriously, store-bought applesauce has nothing on this stuff.
Hello! Great post for WIAW. Your rice and stir fry looks delicious! I’m going to try cooking rice in coconut milk. Have a great day!
Bananas and cookie butter are my new favorite combination. Yum! I also love strawberries and peanut butter..even though I thought that was a weird combination. I love it!
And the newest fave food combo I’m in love with right now is berry jam,cottage cheese and avo on toast 🙂 yummm
I made a stir fry very similar to that one recently, except I didn’t get as creative with my rice. We’re still buried in snow here in Boston too – another 8 inches or so fell yesterday and everything is a sheet of ice today. Where’s spring??
Everything looks amazing! I can’t believe it’s the first day of spring though. We still have snow on the ground! I’m still holding out for summer 😉
Loving the look of that smoothie. Will leaving out the protein powder alter the texture as well as the flavor?
It shouldn’t change the texture too much. It might change the flavor a bit since the powder has a bit of vanilla and stevia, but the smoothie will taste great even without it.
I love eating yogurt bowls before bedtime because it’s just nice a soothing on the tummy. Plus, I think the cereal and cinnamon is just a perfect way to end the day. Lately, I’ve been eating oatmeal before bed which works out pretty well, too. It’s good you aren’t so focused on food all the time. I always loved talking about food even before my ED so I understand your love for sharing random food thoughts regardless! I’ve been snacking on greek yogurt and those damn quest bars. SO addicting.
So I’ve heard! Unfortunately I’ve never had one… pesky allergies.
Wow Amanda, I love the look of breakfast! Apple sauce and almond butter, such a good combo!
Your day looks so delicious!! I am the same, if something works for me, I stick with it. So my days of eats can be pretty boring, but I definitely think yours is not.
I love Sweet Potato with Goat Cheese on a salad lately. That spicy and sweet flavor hits it. I will be in the U.S. in June, believe me I will have an extra suitcase just for all the food I see here like the coconut yogurt (which I guess they have it in the U.S. hopefully :-))
You’re going to the States in June!? Eee! Where to?! And definitely pack light – I always leave room in my suitcase to bring back some food 😆
I recently bought some Kashi Cinnamon Harvest which has been a favorite night time snack this week with a little almond milk and spoonful of peanut butter. So easy and so tasty!!
I love when you post your meals, as they are all foods right up my alley and since yogurt is still not happening on my end, I am eating vicariously through you! Ohh lord knows I can’t wait to be able to have yogurt with applesauce in a few weeks :)! Our attitude towards food in general seem to be quite similar too- I love to eat but at the same time, I tend to have a few favorites which I rotate around. Lately that has been oatmeal, sweet potatoes with peanut butter, runny eggs on toast and stir-fried greens! As for snacks, I am loving chocolate (duh) and apple slices with peanut butter…some things never get old :)!
I think one of my favorite things to do is take the foods I love and combine them in new ways to come up with new favorites. And I have no idea how you’re managing without yogurt for so long! Have you seen any positive improvements since cutting it out?
A piece of dark chocolate has been my go to post-dinner snack/treat for a while now! Since we eat dinner kind of late, I’m not hungry before bed, but the chocolate leaves me feeling happy!
And you are a genius – I’m totally cooking my quinoa in coconut milk the next time I make stir-fry. YUM!