Oh hi there…
That lamb has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but it makes me smile and I was hoping to get a smile out of you guy too on what is so far a chilly (-12C/10F) Monday morning. Did it work? Marvelous!
Truth be told, I’m not feeling like my normal peppy self this morning. Maybe it’s the minor sleep debt that I managed to accumulate over the weekend, or maybe it’s the fact that it’s been gray and snowy for the past three days and I’m so over this crap weather… whatever it is, I’ve just been feeling a bit blah. BUT! there’s no use dwelling on it, right? As the lovely Diva is always reminding us, there’s always something to find happiness in, so let’s look at some of the marvelous things I can come up with…
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Movie nights. I’m not much of a movie watcher and it usually takes me a good two or three sits to get through most movies because I find my attention starts to wander about 20 minutes in, but when the family pulled a movie marathon on my mom’s birthday, I kind of found myself getting sucked in and managed to sit through [most of] The Hobbit and Life of Pi. This may or may not have contributed to my aforementioned sleep debt.
Quiet mornings. No matter how late I go to bed, I always seem to naturally wake up around 5 or 5:30, and I kind of love it. I’m not a big fan of starting my day in a crazy rush, so being able to sit down and calmly sip tea, eat breakfast, and chill on the computer for a little while before having to walk out the door makes me a happy camper.
Cupcakes. No explanation needed, really… except maybe to say that these carrot cake banana cupcakes may taste even better after they’ve been sitting in the fridge for a couple of days.
Pretty home accents. I spent a little bit of time putting together various “accent bowls” over the weekend, and I’m really happy with the way they turned out.
Fresh flowers. Even though it definitely doesn’t feel like spring outside, at least it can feel a little bit like spring inside. I love buying fresh flowers to brighten up a room.
Fresh fruit. Summer come soon so I can eat all the fresh fruit. I had a couple of perfectly ripe mangos over the weekend, and holy.wow were they ever good.
Perfect cappuccinos. I always hold my breath when I order cappuccinos at Bux because I never really know how they’re going to turn out. After having way too many cappuccinos that are actually lattes, I never take a good one for granted – especially when the foam comes out perfectly creamy instead of airy and fluffy. Coffee lovers know what I’m talking about, right?
Makeup samples. My inner beauty junkie goes a little crazy for things like this.
Mountain getaways. I may or may not have booked another snowboarding trip for this coming Saturday, and I may or may not be ridiculously excited about it.

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Huh, would you look at that… I’m actually feeling considerably better than I did when I started writing this post. I’ll admit that sometimes it feels a little wonky to try and come up with a list of things that are good in my life when all I really want to do is wallow in negativity, but taking a little bit of time to stop and take inventory of all the little things that add up to make a really big difference in my life really does work wonders when it comes to lifting me out of that funk.
So on that note, I’m wishing you guys a happy and hope you’re having a great one!
Are you a morning person?
What was the last movie you watched?
What’s something good that happened so far today?
Aww, that little lamb is too cute! Love the table accents! Now come over here and whip some up for me…I haven’t a CLUE as to how to decorate anything! I’ve lived in my house for over two years now and STILL have yet to hang anything on the walls in the living room! 😯
I really should buy some fresh flowers…or go steal some buttercups by the highway! 😉 Love how much they brighten up a room! Oh, and speaking of bright…wow, that MANGO!! I’m totally jealous! The last TWO I’ve brought home from the store were totally brown on the inside?! So bummed! Last movie I watched was “Get Low” with Robert Duvall…it wasn’t bad…one of the many movies I “checked out” from Blockbuster de Man-Friend this weekend! 😉 Something good that happened today? EVERYTHING!! I’ve seriously been having such a great day! Beautiful weather, amazing texts/emails from friends, and I even made some INCREDIBLE progress at physical therapy today! Yay! 😀
I’m a morning person…if you consider the fact that most of the time I’m only awake at dawn because I still haven’t gone to bed yet! Lol
Oh girl, I’m completely rubbish when it comes to decorating because I’m so picky and I’m afraid I’m going to waste my time/money on something that I won’t end up liking later on. I’m coming up on two years in my place as well, and my walls are still bare too 😛 That and I still need a few key pieces of furniture 😆
Oh my gosh, that makes me feel sooooooo much better! I am the SAME way! I just KNOW I’ll end up finding something better down the road so I’m always scared of wasting money. And yeah, I still have an “office” that only holds a filing cabinet, a bookshelf, and a random armoire full of junk and an extra bedroom that is pretty much empty besides the table I use for my food photography! Haha!
The little lamb put a smile on my face before I even started reading this post. 🙂
Often times writing about things that cheer me up, however small, leaves me in a significantly better mood.
Ooh, I can’t wait until mangos start showing up for a brief little period at the farmers markets here, the local, in season ones always taste the best. I am pretty jealous of your second mountain getaway, I know it will be a blast once again!
I love all your posts so much! I started recovering from anorexia just over a year ago and have been a healthy weight for around 9 months. But I still have so many mental struggles to come to terms with, I get low quite a bit too. Reading your own experience and reflections always make me realise I’m not alone in my own feelings. I’ve recently cut down on exercise finally but still have issues with needing to be moving all the time.
Anyway, I agree with movie nights so much. Flowers, fruit and make up samples too! I swear it is the little things in life that make all the difference!
Oooo, those are very pretty home accents. Like!
Oh man, it seems like everyone has been in a funk lately! We need vitamin D. 🙂
I just had mangoes for breakfast! Love spring fruits.
I sure am a morning person! Such a pretty accent box. Where did you come up with the idea?
From my mom, actually! She was always making accent boxes with dried fruit, flowers, leaves, and various other nature inspired pieces. They’re really easy! All you need is some kind of bowl/vase and a bag of potpourri in whatever style you want.
I’m a morning person…but not in the sense that YOU are a morning person =P It’s 7 or 8am for me, which is fine since typically I never have anywhere to be until around 10.
The last movie I watched was the Evil Dead with my boyfriend. Gorefest central!
Something good that happened to me so far today? Well..It’s 6:50am so not that much. BUT I’m drinking a pretty damn good cup of coffee and I woke up frantic because I thought I missed my alarm but I was actually 10 minutes too early. So…I’ll say that’s good!
i ordered a cappuccino the other day at starbucks and thought of you. because it was way to milky and hardly any foam. which…as we all know is the best part!
Yes to all of those! I always like painting my nails to lift me out of a funk – I have hot pink toe nails which has made a huge difference!
Mr. Lamb (Mrs. Lamb? Gender neutral lamb?) brought a smile to my face, so yes, it definitely worked. 😉 In fact, all stuffed animals make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. My mom still has a stash of my childhood favorites tucked away in a closet, so whenever I come home, I make sure to pay them a little visit. I may or may not be sleeping with my favorite teddy bear right now. 😉
When it comes to watching movies, I’m just like you–I have a *really* hard time paying attention for more than a half hour, unless the story is exceptionally thought provoking or suspenseful. I typically wait for movies to be released on DVD so that I can watch them in segments.
I’m definitely not a morning person, but I’m trying to be! I asked my mom to start waking me up before she leaves for school, which means as of yesterday, I’m rolling out of bed at 6:30. That’s at least 2-3 hours earlier than usual. Oy. I’ll admit that it was *really* nice waking up with the sun, though; I felt like I had a huge jumpstart on the day. 🙂 Hopefully my desire to be an early bird will stick once I’m back in DC!
And speaking of sleeping schedules…it’s time for me to stop being a night owl, and actually get myself to bed at a decent hour. I hope your Monday ended much happier than it started! <3
GOod luck with making the transition! I’m actually working on sleeping in a little bit more, so maybe I can trade some of my morning bird-ness for your night owl-ness? 😉
Awww, the little lamb totally cheered me up and made me almost forget that we’re about to get dumped on with snow tomorrow. Springtime in the Rockies, I guess!
I’m not sure if I’m really a morning person. I like sleeping in til 8:30 or so but if I have to wake up before 7 for something, I usually don’t have an issue being fully awake once I get out of bed. And I really enjoy quiet mornings with breakfast and reading the comics or browsing blogs, I just prefer to sleep in a little later than most bloggers! And I figure I might as well enjoy my later mornings while I can because I’m sure once I start my career I’ll probably be waking up at 3 in the morning every day…the joys of being in TV journalism!
This post just made me smile. I loved seeing your mood turn from the beginning to the end. I’m glad you were able to cheer yourself up a bit… no one wants to Amanda being down =)
Yes, I am definitely a morning person. I’ll wake up at 4 every morning, but by 830 at night I’m ready for bed, Ha!
Last movie I watched.. A movie with denzel washington, but having a brain fart and can’t think of the name of it.. hmm
gotta love how sometimes just writing down the good things – no matter how small – can turn your day around! I’m totally with you on baked goods, I like them as “leftovers” and refridgerated…weird, but whatever lol. And movie marathons – i’m also a terrible movie watcher! I just don’t have the attention span lol! But for some reason I can watch multiple episodes of a tv show in a row….huh I dunno. Regardless, quality relaxation time with family is ALWAYS a plus 🙂
How was the Hobbit?? I’m reading the book now for my Psychology of Adolescent Literature class and want to see the movie once i’m finished . I’ve heard mixed reviews so far, what did you think?
I thought it was just okay. Definitely nowhere near as good as LOTR was, and far too drawn out. They also added a lot of things that weren’t in the book.
Aww! Lamb is so cute and definitely made me smile. Your home decorations are so pretty! That’s talent! 🙂
I’m not a big movie watcher either, but whenever someone talks me into watching a movie, I usually enjoy it. I saw the Hobbit over Christmas and I really liked it! Doesn’t compare to the LOTR series though.
And I’m totally with you on the quiet mornings – I always look forward to my “me time”!
I am the exact same way with movies. The only way I can manage to actually sit through a movie is in the theatre. I haven’t sat down and watched a movie at home since Christmas (can’t pass on the traditional Home Alone and Santa Claus). I think i have told you this before, but I am going to tell you this again because I always think it when reading your post: I love your photography! 🙂
Talking about the great things in your life and doing thankful posts are always great for curing the blues. Sometimes we just need a reminder or a little sunshine. Hopefully, you’ll be getting some soon. In the meantime, you’ll have to survive on cupcakes and Game of Thrones.
That actually doesn’t seem like such a horrible thing at all 😉
Aww, the lamb definitely made me smile!
I have to say I’m a morning person–though not a 5:30 kind of morning person–but my husband is not. Our house is small and noisy, so I usually sleep later for his sake.
The last movie I saw was Oz The Great and Powerful. It was ok–definitely a wait till it’s available on Netflix or DVD.
I loved having frozen yogurt for dessert tonight!! I am also loving my oversized pants and sweatshirt right now!! 🙂
I’m with you on the waking up early no matter what thing!!! Even if I go out all night and come home at 4:30, I still manage to wake up before my mom who’s been in bed since before I even went out 😛
Hi Amanda! I saw your guest post on *therunwithin* and it was almost creepy how much stuff we have in common. I love, love, love finding others that I can relate to and that can relate to my struggles- someone that gets it! Really glad I found your blog 🙂
Hi Gwen! Thanks so much for stopping by to say hi! I definitely agree that finding people we have something in common with is one of the best part of this community 🙂
Very much a morning person over here! I get up between 5-5:30 every morning. 🙂 I just feel 100x more productive. And as far as good things today – I got to meet a lot of interesting, really smart people at the conference I’m attending this week!
I can definitely relate to being in a funk. Last week was just not my week. But, after work last night I picked up a massive salad from Panera (flower cookie included!) and snuggled up with my kitty and Netflix which was just what I needed. I woke up feeling sooo much better about everything.
It really is the little things that make all the difference. I’m glad you’re feeling better too! And I’m super jealous of those samples- beauty products are my weakness.
Focusing on the little things really does help when you are in a less than stellar mood… good for you for doing that and I am nodding my head at so many of these! Pretty flowers? Always and especially right now as more and more of them are blooming around my town, I cannot help but smile when I see them 🙂 Spring is finally a-coming! I do love quiet mornings too, mine just start a bit later than yours do haha, around 7:30 works… although it’s still a tad early!
I really want to see the hobbit, I just realized it comes out on DVD TODAY! Planning to watch it this weekend though, during the week is impossible, but something to look forward to
I hope you feel better ms Amanda, love ya lady
I wish my mornings would start a little bit later too! Love you, lady! <3 <3
The top picture is cute, I was expecting some lamb story but all the marvelous events of your weekend/monday sound great! I feel like I wake up early compared to a lot of my friends but by early I mean 8 am not 5! I hope the rest of your week is marvelous!
I’m sorry you woke up in a funk, love. Totally with you on the sleep deprivation putting you/me in a less than stellar mood today…just have to get to 5:45ish tomorrow and i can go to bed haha. I am definitely a morning person…i would way rather wake up, take my time and get some stuff done before going to work rather than waiting till after 😛 too tired by lunchtime with the boys, let alone 5:30!
How can you not love ALL of those things 🙂 I love getting up early in the morning – it makes me feel like I have extra time in the day to spend. Fresh mangos are just so amazing.
I’m sorry you have been in a funk! I had the day off today, so this is the first Monday in a LONG time that I haven’t been in a funk. I wish we could hang out and get rid of your funk!
I am a total morning person and it drives my husband and family crazy! I absolutely love waking up early and enjoying tea or coffee and being productive before a day at work. Having a clean kitchen, going to yoga and walking the dog before 8am means that I’m having a great day 😉
Haha I’m the same way with a clean kitchen – I actually hate waking up to a dirty one so I’ll usually clean it the night before so I don’t have to do it in the morning.