So you know how I said that I love my early mornings? Well, while it’s true for the most part, there’s one thing that I’m definitely not too crazy about, and that’s the fact that they turn me into a snacking fiend. Now, you guys know I’m a big snacker in general, but waking up at the crack of dawn makes me an even bigger one – I’m talking constant munchies over here. And not only that, but it messes up my whole eating schedule too… Lunch at 10? Dinner at 4? You bet I’d be down for that!
I do try to keep my grazing in check and stick to a more-or-less normal schedule with my meals, though. That doesn’t mean I’m always successful, but hey… at least I put in an honest effort 😉 So, for today’s WIAW, I thought it would be fun to share the not-so-fun aspect of being a [ridiculously early] early bird who’s constantly searching for worms. Aaaaand go! Wait… did I seriously just compare my eats to slimy invertebrates? Nice, Amanda… real nice.
Anyways, I usually eat breakfast anywhere from 6:30 – 7, but there’s no way I’d be able to go from the time I wake up (~4:30) to then without feeling like I was going to gnaw my arm off. Enter pre-breakfast snacking (aka: breakfast #1).

Usually fruit. Today, a nectarine somewhere around 5 AM.
After that, I go about my morning routine, and eventually sit down to breakfast around 7.
Eggy oats layered with plain Greek yogurt and topped with almond butter, honey, and cinnamon. Can’t get enough of the AB/honey combo lately.
That’ll usually get my mind off food for a few hours so that I can get some work done, but I start getting a little snacky around 9…

Liberte vanilla Greek yogurt // Cinnamon Puffins and almonds.
And, of course, coffee gets to be kind of a must at this point as well…
Starbucks Pike roast with a shot of vanilla and a splash of milk.
Is it just me, or does any kind of writing/studying/computing make you incredibly snacky as well? I spent the better part of the morning drowning in paperwork – and maybe it was a boredom thing – but I just couldn’t shake the feeling of constantly wanting to munch on something. Eventually I gave in and started snacking on lunch around 11…
Baked chicken breast on a bed of greens and tomatoes/cucumbers/baby carrots.

Ketchup Popchips.
Golden delicious apple with Barney Butter cocoa + coconut almond butter (which is AMAZING).
Homegrown tomatoes that I picked from my parents’ garden. They’re so good that I’ve literally been poppin’ em like berries. I was going to say cherries, but it seemed a little inappropriate.
…. and kept snacking ’till about 2. Remember how I mentioned that lunch is my least favourite meal of the day so I usually just snack through the afternoon instead? Definitely still the case… But hey, as long as it works and gets me through work, I’m not going to complain. Being stuck inside when it’s absolutely gorgeous out, on the other hand? I’m not against complaining about that one.
Luckily there was still plenty of day left by the time I finished working for me to run home, grab a quick snack [around 4]..
Frozen banana chunks with a spoonful of Justin’s vanilla almond butter.
… and run out the door for a nice walk in the river valley…
Blissful. Unfortunately, the calm and serenity that I managed to accrue on my walk was jarred out of me when I was getting ready to head back and realized that… I didn’t have my keys – I lost them somewhere.
Insert minor freak out here 😯 😯 😯
I retraced my steps as best I could, but to no avail – my keys were gone. Seeing as I couldn’t even get into my building without my hub, I called my mom to come rescue me and sat outside to wait. Luckily, one of my neighbours happened to be walking out, so I managed to sneak my way past the front door and figured I’d go loiter around my front door instead. Well guess what I found on the way there?..
My keys… in the hallway… literally 10 feet from my door. Needless to say, I was more than a little relieved, but still shaken up. I don’t like the thought of my keys being out there for anyone to find (because, you know, they’re immediately going to know where I live and come steal my stuff), so my nerves were a little shot. It was well past dinner at this point but I was not feeling food. I know a lot of people turn to food when they get stressed out, but it’s always been the opposite for me – when I get stressed, I completely lose my desire to eat.
Thankfully, time heals all wounds shot nerves, and I eventually recovered enough to want dinner [around 7]. What I didn’t want was to do any sort of cooking, so I threw a frozen pizza into the oven and called it good…
Amy’s Italiano pizza.
I’m actually surprised that I didn’t resort to having a yogurt mess or cereal bowl for dinner… But I was craving something savoury… and if I’m being completely honest here, I should probably tell you that I haven’t had breakfast for dinner in well over a month. Believe me, I’m just as shocked as you are. But before you go worrying about me being a victim to body snatchers, be comforted by the fact that I’ve still been ending most of my nights with breakfast before bed [around 8:30]… because I know I always am.
A yogurt mess made with Plain Greek yogurt, sliced banana, homemade applesauce, Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, almond butter, and cinnamon.
Happy Wednesday, friends! 😀 Hope it’s a good tasty one!
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Do you have a tendency to eat when you’re bored or stressed?
Have you ever lost your keys?
When was the last time you had breakfast for dinner?
When I’m stressed or bored, I tend to lose my appetite, too. This was NOT good while I was in college because I would crave coffee and wouldn’t eat anything while I spent hours in the library. I always lost more weight when I went back to school due to all the stress from studying… Oof. I just do not deal well under a lot of pressure! The last time I had breakfast for dinner… For once, I can’t even remember! I think the last time was when my mom made waffles for dinner which was well over a month ago! At least I’m past the days of eating oatmeal every day for dinner… Gah. Happy Hump Day! And no more popping cherries 😉 LOL
i am not that nut butter lover but that cocoa and coconut combo sounds amazing, I am super intrigued by it. lately I just have been digging coconut everything.
It’s actually pretty similar to the Cacao Bliss coconut butter from Artisana if you’ve ever tried that one.
I love your snackiness 🙂 I am hardly having 3 proper meals a day and mostly have like 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. Guess there are just meal eaters and grazers, I consider myself a cow or something 🙂 and believe me, I am a pretty happy cow.
Boredom snacking is a definite for me…I don’t have it at work as much (probably because I don’t have unlimited kitchen access) but when I’m at home and not doing much I find myself reaching for pretzels or baby carrots pretty often – when I’m bored, I like to crunch things, apparently.
And I’d be freaking out about my keys too! Especially if I had just gone on a walk like that, I would have been afraid they were in the bottom of a canyon somewhere. Good thing that you found them.
I actually can’t remember the last time I had breakfast for dinner either…might have to make up some pancakes for dinner in the near future.
I’m good about finding something else to do or just drinking water when I’m bored. Sometimes I’ll even just make some tea and that helps! When I’m stressed, though, my healthy eating disappears…all I want is carbs most of the time! But I’m going to attempt to keep that in check once the semester starts and become better at planning when to eat and what to eat as well. =)
I hve always been a snacky beast. I feel like I’m hungry an hour after breakfast, even though I was full at the time! Usually it is hunger for me, although at night I get the munchies for non-hunger reasons. However, I recently kicked my calorie-counting habit for good, and that has seemed to make me a little less hungry in between meals and with fewer cravings at night. Who knew!
I honestly have been just snacking lately. It’s awful! Instead of meals, I have lots of little snacks. Thank God most of them have been healthy and in control, but I hate my constant grazing! I try to ask myself am I bored or genuinely hungry every time I go to the fridge. I also drink water and see how I feel afterwards. That helps keep me in check, but I still succumb some days! 🙂
I’m pretty sure everyone does it to some extent… Eating is just enjoyable 🙂
haha! So glad you found your keys! I hate when something like that happens. The other day my son dropped one of his shoes while we were on our run and I had to retrace our steps all the way back to the start to find it. Got in some extra distance though! I definitely get snacky when at home and when sitting. If I’m busy, I don’t snack as much but if I’m sitting working the snack itch comes on strong!
I definitely eat when I’m bored or stressed and have to sit down for a long time.
Studying late at night is the worst for mindless snacking. Ugh I get annoyed just thinking about it.
Glad you appreciate the magic of frozen bananas!
I actually found someone’s keys on my walk the other day so I waited in the parking lot to see if anyone looked like they lost their keys! Luckily the girl came and I could get them back to their rightful owner 🙂
You are amazing. Your photography even makes frozen pizza look GOOD!! 😉
Bahahaha I am cracking up over your tomato comment
OMG I would’ve completely lost it if I lost my keys. I give you a lot of credit for keeping it together as much as possible; and thank goodness your keys were still in the hallway.
Ooh I’ve never seen that variety of Amy’s pizza before. Yum!
When I’m bored or stressed, I can’t eat.
Oh, did I mention that I once left my keys falling into this little lap between the floor and the elevator? Now that was freaking out big time. Even worse if you know where they are, but can not get them yourself. It was expensive too. 🙂
Oh noes! For a while I actually thought that happened to me too. That’s actually a huge fear of mine… dropping something in that little crack in the elevator doors 😯
I love the views of your walk! I would give anything to join you there! Oh, and I have several stories of lost keys. The feeling is TERRIBLE. Glad you have them back!
Besides that, your food looks heavenly, like always. I am obsessed with the cocoa coconut butter, I mean, it tastes like the better version of nutella, right?
I am a stress eater. Awful. So when people think, that when I gain weight, that I am healthy and tell me so, I tell them that that’s not the case – mostly, when I snack around, I am stressed or sad.
We are so beyond alike! Lately I have been nonstop wanting to snack, eat, munch on something and being up early just starts the process that much earlier! I am feeling more normal about it today though – thank goodness because I can’t stand the constant need to eat something feeling. I haven’t had breakfast for dinner in a long time – I think about it but when dinner rolls around, I want savory.
I’ve definitely had freak outs about my keys like that before…and they’re usually in the most obvious places. Ugh.
I actually find myself getting the most hungry when I’m at work (read: bored) so there’s something to be said about that. I also get super hungry when I’m watching TV because I’m usually watching Food Network, or there is some food commercial on (have you ever noticed how perfectly restaurants time their food commercials?). Anyway – I think you make it through the day just fine. You’ve got me on a Cinnamon Harvest kick and now I’ll be on the lookout for that AB.
Have a great day 🙂
I completely agree with the waking up early/snacking thing! I started externing at a hospital this summer and I have to be up at 4:45…Every time I am there I am literally starving the ENTIRE time, no matter how much I eat…not even just a want to munch feeling, but legitimately hungry. It makes me a bit anxious sometimes, but I have finally learned to deal with it for the most part! Also, why does studying/paperwork make us so munchy? I mean come on body, I am barely even moving! Must be our brains using so much energy and becoming so much smarter 🙂
Well our brains do need a good amount of calories to function… And don’t worry, girl… I definitely feel ya on the constant hunger.
Losing keys is the worst! I lost my dorm room keys last semester and never found them again! I had to pay $125 for a new key.
first of all, i love all your eats. that POP chips i need to try soon. I tend to get when Im bored esp. crunchy salty things.
Oh you KNOW I get you on the snacky thing. Snacky is my middle name (or Jane… I forget which). I get super snacky when I’m sleep-deprived. And when I’m bored. And basically all the damn time.
So glad you found your keys. Losing things gives me major anxiety. I was getting second-hand anxiety just reading about your keys incident!
At least you have a middle name. My parents never gave me one!
Your dinner looks amazing! I’m definitely a snacker when I’m bored and stressed lol! I’ve definitely gotten better about it but definitely still get hungry for snacks throughout the day!
I literally posted this same thing today (ok well not yet seeing as how for some reason I cant get the post to freakin go up!) But Ive totally been having an early morning snack BEFORE breakfast. Im like at the point where I don’t even care anymore lol I was up at 3:45 this morning, literally I just want to pull my hair out! But I do typically snack my way through the day, ESPECIALLY if its a work day. I get way more snacky staring at a computer screen than sitting on the couch for some reason!
I would be totally freaked out too if I didn’t find my keys anywhere. I definitely prefer snacking over 3 big meals. I usually aim for about 5-6 mini meals throughout the day. If I don’t eat every 4 hours, I am starved.
As someone that wakes up at roughly the same time I completely understand this. Though I must say I have no issues eating lunch at 10 and eating second lunch around 1. When living on my own there really isn’t a need to follow standard meal times I guess because it doesn’t work with my schedule!
Aiiii i’m glad you found your keys! That’s one of my worst nightmares for sure! I eat more when I’m tired or bored haha…stress tends to make me want to run more than anything else 😛 and the last time i had breakfast for dinner was last wednesday when joe wasn’t home to cook for me (yes, i’m officially that girl 😛 )….and i do believe i’m having pancakes tonight since i’m on my own again…i may not be a chef in the kitchen but i know how to make a mean pancake so i’m perfectly ok with that 😉
A for effort! 😉 (If only life worked like that…sigh.) That Barney Butter looks and sounds heavenly–I’m going to have to track down a jar pronto. That’s a little scary finding your keys so close to your apartment! When I’m at home, I don’t own a house key–I just use the little numberpad on our garage door, and I’m always freaked out that one day I’ll go on a walk with Rosie while I’m home alone and it’s going to stop working and I’ll be locked out of our house. 🙁
I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve gotten locked out of my house when I was still living at my parents’… let’s just say I became quite adept at breaking in through windows 😉
I hear ya! Work this week has been super slow, and since I work from home, that leaves me with an entire fridge and pantry. It sounds dumb, but it *really* can be hard to tell the difference between boredom and hunger!
Wow!!!! That scenery is amazing! So jealous.
Ha ha, my day doesn’t start without me running around looking for my keys! Not sure why that is. It does not make for a pleasant start, though. :/
Oh studying makes me so snacky, like non stop hunger monster even when I know I’m really not hungry. That Barney butter sounds amazing! There are so many nut butters I have been wanting to try. Those eggy oats look wonderful. I haven’t had oatmeal in awhile, it is usually my go to breakfast all winter long.
I definitely get hungry when I am bored or have lots of time to spare. I used to eat breakfast as soon as I woke up, but now that I workout in the morning I tend to have a lighter snack first than a big full breakfast after. I am a big snacker in the afternoon but I am usually alright in the morning. I think it has to do with the big breakfast!
Oh man I would have been freaked if I lost my keys to…and then found it in my hallway! Either way I am glad you and your home are safe :)! I actually almost lost my keys the other day but after going frantic in my lift, it turns out it fell into the depths of my handbag- those few minutes of searching were not fun! I’m more of a boredom eater rather than stress eater- when I’m stressed/busy, food is the last thing on my mind but once I start eating, my appetite kicks in like no other…kinda what happened last night ha!
I don’t think snacking is bad thing, especially since all your snacks look super delicious. I’m SO glad you found your keys! I would’ve been totally freaking out too!
Do you have a tendency to eat when you’re bored or stressed? I’ll eat when I’m bored, but if I’m stressed, I totally loose my appetite and can’t eat a thing.
Have you ever lost your keys? I don’t think so.
When was the last time you had breakfast for dinner? I think sometime last week.
I’m completely with ya on how hungry being up early in the morning can make you!! I actually have a hard time eating for the first 1-2 hours after I wake up (as in, food just does not sound appetizing at all), but I’m ravenous for the rest of the day! Mhmm have you ever tried the frozen baguette pizzas? Such a childhood favorite!
I’ve never even heard of them… The only thing that comes to mind is pizza pockets, which I kind of OD’d on when I was growing up 😆
I hate the feeling of losing anything, especially keys…glad you found them. And yes, the main problem with waking up early are all of those early eats. All of yours look delish!
Had these oat bars for breakfast AND dinner the other day 🙂
Liberte yogurt is the best! And thanks for the link to the Eggy oats – I must try putting an egg in my oats sometime!
I dont even know what to comment on w/ this post. I mean your breakfast, those ketchup chips, the Barney Butter cocoa + coconut almond butter (HOLY SHIT), your dinner, and of course your dessert… um feed me?!!
Wow, I had no idea Popchips made a ketchup flavor! That sounds great, though.
They’re pretty amazing… the only downside (upside for me?) is that they’re exclusive to Canada.
I can buy them here 🙂 I don’t think they import ketchup flavour but I can buy a bunch of other flavours. I wish they imported nice nut butters too.
ahh my stomach dropped when i read the part about losing your keys, thats the worst feeling! its right up there with thinking you lost your phone. thank goodness you found them!! and “Do you have a tendency to eat when you’re bored or stressed?” ha ha ha is there any other time to eat? i kid, i kid of course, but if i actually ate ONLY when i was hungry, i would probably eat half what i do now. and i cant remember last time i had breakfast for dinner, i’m going to have to do that again soon!
You and me both! I’m starting to miss it big time.
I completely agree on the early mornings turning me into a Snacking fiend. I guess it’s part of the territory of getting up super duper early. I’ve just come to accept it now. Lunch at 11 seems fine by me these days;)
Oh my gosshhh. At first I thought your keys were a giant snake and that freaked me out a bit too much. Yikes.
I definitely eat when I’m bored, but when I’m stressed I tend to go the other route of not eating a ton.
And I totally had Breakfast for Dinner a few days ago, but did have Breakfast for Lunch yesterday!