Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. This is the reason I stood you guys up yesterday…
I got completely sucked in to reading. I really needed a good book after struggling through Ender’s Game, and these two did not disappoint. I will admit that I had a bit of a hard time getting into Under the Never Sky, but after a handful of chapters I was smitten… which is why I ran out to buy Through the Ever Night that same night, and finished it the next day (yesterday). Now I really need to find out how it ends in Into the Still Blue, but I promise I won’t abandon you guys again becauseeeee…
2. I have a recipe to share with you!
I told ya I’d make up for slacking last week, and I somehow managed to pull my nose out of my book long enough to work some magic in the kitchen. I also managed to put my nose back into my book and forget about the cookies baking in the oven… hence their slightly toastier appearance. Nevertheless, I’ll be whipping up another batch today so look out for that tomorrow!
3. My cereal addiction is getting a little out of hand. Remember the stash I showed you last week?
Two of those boxes are completely gone and the remaining two are only about half full. I also may or may not have added three new boxes to my collection, and have a dwindling batch of vanilla almond butter granola on hand… I’m addicted. I admit it freely.
4. Can I interest you in a square watermelon?
It’s a steal of a deal for the incredibly low price of $200! 😆 I spotted that gem in the grocery store while I was picking up a boring old round melon, and I can’t help but wonder if they’ll actually have any luck selling it. Like… who would spend that much money on a melon?
5. Me? I’d rather go to Target and buy things that make me smell like cake and make my fingers look pretty…
Be Delectable’s strawberry & cream body lotion and vanilla & cream body mist || Essie’s I’m Addicted
6. Speaking of fingers, Spike lost one of his…
Or maybe that counts as an arm? Either way, whoever said it was impossible to kill a cactus clearly never met me. But… how does one little finger/arm thing just shrivel up and fall off?!?! I’m just hoping his 9 remaining ones fair better than that one did… #prayforspike.
7. I’m also hoping that my lips never touch the skeeviness that is the kombucha mother…
I know there’s technically nothing wrong with drinking it, and that it might even be great for your gut health, but I just can’t get past the slimy bacteria-ness. Not thinking about it.
8. Have you entered my giveaway? You have until Sunday night to enter for a chance to win a $45 gift certificate from Swanson’s Health Products, and they have some pretty awesome things, so you definitely don’t want to miss this one!
9. And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to start reading Into the Still Blue, which I didn’t have when I started writing this post, but ended up running out to get at 9:30 PM because I needed to know how the story ended. I should probably get to sleep considering it’s already 10:30 (I’m writing this on Wednesday night), but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Ob.sessed.
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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For #6 I believe it’s “fare better” instead of fair – but I could be wrong!
I have never heard of any of those books. Always looking for a great read. I am not a big fan of cereal. I don’t find that it is as filling as eggs. I have also never seena square watermelon. How unique.
I’ve been searching for a new book after practically finishing everything on my to read list, so I’ll definitely be checking those out. I love just getting lost in a good book, so it’s a good excuse to miss a post.
I’ve never seen a square watermelon ever, that’s so cool. Kind of like finding purple carrots I just had to buy them because I had never seen them before.
I’ve seen those but never actually tried them. Do they taste any different?
I’d love to try the Certified Organic Raw Cashews!!
I would definitely try some maca powder because I’ve never had it, but everyone seems to love it!
is there gold in that watermelon? i think i’d rather save my $200 for more kombucha LOL!
LOL at that watermelon!!! Although I would never pay $200 for it. Maybe $25… max.
You’re really making me want to make homemade granola right now, but I already have a homemade batch I need to eat my way through. And unfortunately this batch wasn’t that good – it’s really low in sugar and more like muesli. Not my style. I like my granola sugary! Haha.
WHAT the EFF…$200 for watermelon? Square? Because that doesn’t scream chemicals or something altered by a lab. Eat that and your head would probably go square….but then maybe headbands would stay on my head …..hmm.. NOPE. —There’s your random stupid comment from me hahah
NO! No chemicals to make it square! They just grow the watermelon fruit in a box. they place the box around the blossom after it is pollinated and then the fruit will take on the form of the box as it grows and fills the space. If you want to take to time to mess with them, you can do a lot of silly things like that, but it takes extra time and care to do it, hence the price
Is that how they do it? That’s actually pretty interesting. I’m not sure it justifies the $200 price tag though…
Cookieeeees! I’ve been such a cookie monster lately.
Oh man, kombucha. I can’t even… I give kudos to those who like it! And poor Spike! Maybe his arm got too cold?! I think it’s normal for the entire thing to not live forever but hopefully he’ll be able to grow a new arm 😉
I can’t believe you don’t drink the kombucha mother! I can’t drink kombucha anymore because all acidy drinks make my teeth super sensitive (it really sucks) but I used to be addicted to the Divine Grape flavor. I was always HAPPY to get one with a huge tangle of slime! Haha. I just saw it as extra goodness for my belly. Come on, you can do it! 🙂
I LOVED the “Under the Never Sky” series. I think you are a little lucky coming into it now when the series is complete, not having to wait a year in-between the books. I remember a few months ago when I was browsing the library site and saw “Into the Still Blue” available (and I GRABBED it and read it in a day). I hadn’t been paying attention to the release date (although I loved the series, I’m not usually a book stalker) but it jumpstarted me finishing up a bunch of trilogies (seriously, the next seven or so books were all “book 3”).
… I’m fine with a round, cheap watermelon!
I would love to purchase my first ever box of Quest Bars if I won this giveaway!!!!
I’m so impressed by your passion for reading everytime you write about how quickly you’ve finished another stack of books. It’s really admirable. I wish I could get myself to read more. I always think that I have more important things to do (like doing research and writing my paper) and then I don’t want to read in my “free time” as well. Maybe when I’m on holiday I’ll read more! Fingers crossed.
Im sure Spike is alright with his9 arms. He clearly is an octopus cactus 😀
I can do square boiled eggs! Much cooler and less expensive than that square watermelon!
Reading for pleasure can definitely be hard when you have schoolwork taking up a lot of your time. I just find that it helps clear my head and fall asleep easier, so I always make it a point to read before I go to sleep… even if I can only manage a few pages that day.
Need to check out that book series! I’ve been looking for some lighter reading to enjoy on my lunch breaks at work.
…Also need to win that giveaway for Swanson’s so I can try the PlantFusion protein you told me about. 😉
Happy almost-Friday!!
Gosh, all your reading is really inspiring me to check out some new books. I used to be a HUGE reader (2-4 books a week) until I got trampled down by all my schoolwork. The stress totally sucked out all of my passion for books.
And I cannnoooottt wait for that cookie recipe! Oats and chocolate forever.
Sending my prayers to Spike as well.
I’ve never seen a square watermelon before but I think it’s ridiculous that it would be sold for that much!
When I saw the price next to the watermelon, I assume it was a typo. I can’t believe anyone would actually pay $200 for a watermelon!! I don’t care if it’s encrusted in diamonds — there is no way you could convince me it’s a solid life choice to drop $200 on fruit. Insane!
I love the blue polish! Good call on spending your money at Target instead of on a $200 watermelon! 🙂
#4 – is that a true story, that is insane! 5 is my fave number and Tarjay is my fave store, so I wholeheartedly agree with your #5 this week 🙂
I also wanted to say thanks for your LinkUp. This week I used it to write something that has been on my mind for awhile. It’s been sitting in drafts for a while and weighing down on my heart, but today I posted it and just let it flow freely into the abyss! I just wanted to say thanks for the link up and it was the little encouragement I needed to hit “publish”!
Have a great week! xoxo, ganeeban
Awwr girl! Thank YOU for joining 🙂 Off to read your post now!
Silly me I’ve been eating the $5 round watermelons had I known there was a $200 square options I would know to buy that LOL! Seriously? That’s crazy! Kombucha is also NOT for me, I can’t do it. I’ve tried but no dice.
That’s honestly crazy that they would price a watermelon so high just for being genetically modified! I can’t even…but now I want to go to Save On Foods and see it for myself. 😉
And the kombucha – are you talking about the stuff that collects on the bottom? Because I shake mine up every time and think it makes it taste way better! Or maybe it’s something else and I’m totally clueless.
It was the Save On on Jasper if you’re interested 😉 And yup! That’s the stuff! I keep wondering if shaking it up will make it better, but then the bottle says not to shake so I dunno. I think that might have something to do with the fact that it’s fizzy and might explode on ya, though. But hey! If it works for you, I might give it a shot 🙂
Bwahahaha! Seriously that watermelon! WTF? How did they do that and why would anyone pay $200 for it?
That watermelon is crazy!
Okay now I need to know what the deal with these square watermelons are… $200, are you kidding me?!
I just recently tested that nail polish and LOVE it!! And yes I have heard about a square watermelon.. but seriously it’s just square.. and probably GMO..so do not know how that price is legitimized :O
What a weird/aweosme looking watermelon! We bought a HUGE one yesterday (not quite as cool though, as it was an oval shape) and cut it up with some cantaloupe for a balsamic melon salad last night. It was SO refreshing and yummy! This is the recipe, in case you’re interested… http://www.thefirstmess.com/2013/08/08/balsamic-melon-salad-recipe/
But I feel like you said you weren’t a fan of cantaloupe at one point? Not sure, lol.
Have a great day!
Whaaaat?! That square watermelon is crazy! And the price is even MORE crazy. I’m with you … I’d MUCH rather be spending my moo-lah on other things and eat a regular ol’ round watermelon, thankyouverymuch.
OH my gosh between the cookies, granola, and square watermelon, this makes for an excellent Thursday 🙂 Too funny about that melon. I really do wonder if someone will spend $200 on it!
Girl, that granola looks delicious! A watermelon for $199? What?!? I don’t care what shape it is, that’s outrageous!! Ha! That lotion sounds like it would smell absolutely divine! I recently did a post about brewing your own kombucha. I have three “mothers,” or “scobies” as their sometimes called. They are pretty big too. They are gross, however, I’ve recently read where eating them (dehydrating them first) is actually quite good for you. I’ve yet to try eating a whole scoby – as it’s like pancake-sized. Although, I do drink the little “yeasties” as I call them from those Synergy kombucha drinks.
A square watermelon?? For real? And what happens if you buy it and it isn’t even any good in the inside…?
😆 I have no idea. Someone mentioned that they’re not actually for eating — just decoration. Still… I can think of a lot of other decorative items that I’d rather spend $200 on…
Yeah, that sounds like an awfully expensive decoration that won’t even last very long!
omg #prayforspike… I can totally relate because I killed my aloe plant by accident. I thought that if I put my coffee grounds in with the dirt it would grow better… but then it got moldy… and then it attracted bugs… and then my mom sprayed bug repellent on it… and then it shriveled up and died. Poor thing. It had many brushes with death, so I guess it had to come sometime.
Can’t wait for the recipe! xo
$200 for a melon?! Is it made out of gold?!
SO stoked you are finally reading that series!! That is by far probably one of my favorite series ever. Thre 3rd book wasn’t as great as the 1st two, but it still had a solid ending that I was pleased with. My favorite character by far is Roar. I want one of my own 😉
I love toasted things, so to me, those cookies look bomb! Ugh, you make me want Puffins so badly, especially the cinnamon ones. Oh and those would go great with my almond milk addiction!
And now I know what I’m reading next, once I make it through the large mountain of library books on my floor. Slow going right now, but that’s what the renew button is for 😉 that watermelon is crazy too! How in the world did they make it square? and why would someone pay $200 for it?
Yes! You’ll LOVE this series! It’s made the wait for the final book in the Throne of Glass series that much more manageable 😉
A square watermelon for $200!?! Now that’s just crazy! Definitely never heard of that before!
I love that Essie nail polish color! I’m going for a pedicure this weekend and typically I go for dark colors on my toes, but was thinking of shaking things up a bit a going for a cooler tone. An icy blue was just what I was thinking. I’ll definitely be looking out for that color!
Do it, do it! Summer is a perfect time to rock some brights on your toes 😀
I love lotion that smells like food! I need to get some of that strawberry stuff!
I wonder if a square watermelon tastes like ice cream? That’s the only way I would spend 200$ on it!