Today is the day!! 😀
1. My bed is one of the comfiest places in the world. It’s true! And that’s a completely unbiased opinion 😉 But as comfy as it is, last night I could not for the life of me fall asleep. You know how when your pillow feels wonky and lumpy in all the wrong places, and how as soon as you start drifting off to sleep your arm or leg moves a little bit and wakes you up? That was me. It probably took me a good hour of pillow-boxing and rolling around to fall asleep, so I’m a little bit on the sleep-deprived side of things today. I blame my excitement over the upcoming opportunity to meet some of my favourite ladies. Squeeeee!
2. My brain needs a little time to kick in, so let’s get the ball rolling with some random facts:
1. Note to self: Do not name any future daughters Jane.
2. What I want to know is why they felt the need to make this a law… And apparently, it’s legit.
3. Dancing Queen… oooOOooO something, something… seventeen!
4. It is! And apparently a German family was granted political asylum in the States because of it.
5. Indifference is the worst kind of punishment.
3. Murphy is a jerk. I waited at home all morning for a scheduled UPS delivery to show up, and when I finally gave up and decided to run across the street to Starbucks for all of THREE MINUTES, my package arrived and I missed it. Well played, world, well played.
4. Speaking of packages… is there any sweeter sight than this?
Okay, so there are several sweeter sights, but that one makes the list, especially since it was filled with snacks (thank you Wild Harvest), oats (thank you MyOatmeal), and omigosh.mind-blown.amazingness (thank you Lucie!!!).

5. Have you ever heard of Thought Blossoms? It’s a company that makes some really adorable hand stamped jewellery that you can personalize with a message of your choice. I won a giveaway over at The Athletarian a little while ago and got to personalize a piece from their new active line. I went with “Choose Happiness” because that’s kind of the mentality that I’m working to adopt, and it’s always nice to look down and get a random reminder throughout the day.
6. And just to finish up with all the talk of packages and products, part of the shopping haul that I mentioned the other day.
Benefit Bad Gal mascara // Urban Decay 24/7 eye liner in Demolition // YSL Rouge Volupté Shine lipstick in #15 Corail Intuitive // BeautyBlender // sample of YSL Babydoll mascara
I’d show you guys a picture of the dress and shoes that I got for HLS, buuuuut I’m just going to save that for the recaps and talk makeup instead. Sephora, you wound me my wallet. But in my defence, I somehow made it at least two months without buying any new higher-end makeup, so I guess I’m making up for lost time.
7. On a less pleasant note, remember that baby mint plant I bought a while back? It pains me to say that it’s gone to a better place…
Okay, it doesn’t pain me at all. Truth be told, I was kind of helping waiting for it to die. I’m just not a plant person and find them to be way more trouble than they’re worth. Making sure they’re watered, making sure they’re not watered too much, making sure they get enough sun, making sure they don’t get too much sun. Ugh. And besides, I think my mint was infested with some kind of tiny little white spiders 😯 Good riddance.
8. Because September is a time to remember…
A hero of war
Is that what they see
Just medals and scars
So damn proud of me
And I brought home that flag
Now it gathers dust
But it’s a flag that I love
It’s the only flag I trust
9. I’ve been seeing a lot of figs around the blog world lately and it’s making me want to give them another shot. I like dried figs, but when it comes to the fresh ones? Ehhhhh. I’ve only tried them once, and they tasted like… lettuce 😯 From what I hear, I must have just gotten a bad batch so I’ll probably pick up another and see for myself. After all, everything deserves a second chance, right? Except eggplant… eggplant does not. Kidding. Sort of.
10. And with that, I’m off to Minneapolis! I can’t even tell you guys how excited I am to finally get a chance to meet some of the great ladies that I’ve made friendships with over the past year – that actually may or may not have been my biggest motivation in attending 😉 I’ll be gone until Sunday afternoon, but I’m assuming that there’ll be plenty of time to sit down and blog so you’ll definitely be hearing from me before then. So until tomorrow…
Have an awesome Thursday 😀
. – . – . – .
Are you good with plants?
Are you a fan of figs?
What’s the last non-food related thing you bought?
I have those nights of taking forever to fall asleep, too! But most of the time I’m an excellent sleeper 😉 I love all of that makeup you purchased! The beauty blender is magical. Have so much fun at HLS this weekend! Sooo jealous, wish I could meet you!
Ahh so excited to meet you! I actually just killed some flowers in a vase by trying to keep them alive longer ha!
I love your blog oh so much! I find you inspiring, not only with what youve been through and your story, but just your everyday chat 🙂 Your blog is such a warm, welcoming and cozy place to be, if that makes sense haha. I am really bad at leaving a comment, it must be a bit frustrating to see you have loads of readers but only 5% commenting, so I felt I should leave one! Because I do really appreciate your blog! And just to give you something back im gonna leave a link to a funny video from some comedians in Norway. Its just a big joke, but its still so catchy haha
Awwr well thank you for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment, Synne! It’s definitely always nice to get some feedback and be able to connect with my readers a bit more. No reason to be shy 🙂
At the end of the summer my only goal for my job was to keep a certain plant alive. It was extremely difficult actually and I struggled with it. Sorry to hear your plant suffered the same fate as mine. Boo.
Have a great time girl!
Aren’t packages the most fun thing ever?? I get so excited when I check my mail! 🙂
Have the best time lady!!! Minn is soooo beautiful (the bf is from there)! I think you should really give figs another shot 🙂
Ive seriously been waiting for a new book to get delivered to me for TWO DAYS now and Im seriously getting ticked. Im like, stalking the FedEx man. He might have to get a restraining order against me if he doesn’t bring me my freakin book soon!
Have a safe and fun trip lovie 🙂
So many fun things in this post! Have a safe trip! You are going to have a blast! Can’t wait to hear all about it!
That sounds so exciting! Damn unfair that all of you live so far away and I cannot join a blogger meet up – it’s really time that we organize one in Europe 🙂 Have a beautiful time!
I know a lot of European bloggers feel the same way, so maybe it’ll happen one day 😀
Hero of War – great song, great choice.
Have an awesome trip!
I always have a hard time sleeping when I’m excited for sure! I’m so-so with plants. I have a nice flower bed in front of my house, which I can handle OK (Mother Nature really takes care of it for me) – not great with potted plants. I’m not a fan of figs (I’m a huuuugely picky eater). And last non-food related thing I bought would be the brand new running shoes I got last night!! Woot!
I have sleeping problem if I do not go to bed at my regular time – I am so jealous of your stash..Have a great time <3
RIP to the mint plant. TREE KILLER. I’m calling PETA… for uhhh, plant violence? … Anyway, I really like dried figs but have yet to try a fresh fig because I don’t want my love to be shattered. The last non-food related thing I bought was a new Essie nail polish and BB Cream (which I adore!). Have a great time at the summit! Enjoy some great foods for me!
I’ll do my best! And I’ll try to convince the pilots to make a pit stop and pick you up 😉
I have heard such good things about that lipstick! Have fun at the Summit!
Have a great time in Minneapolis! Can’t wait to hear all about it. 🙂 I’m not really great with plants either so I’m kind of looking in to buying some fake plants for our place. Might spruce it up a bit with ZERO effort! I love love LOVE getting packages. As my blog takes off I hope to get involved in more promotions and reviews so I can get some great swag.
I love my bed too (it’s one of those memory foam ones with the cooling gel—ohhh yeah!) but I also have a hard time sleeping when I’m excited or nervous about something. Last night that happened because I kept getting woken up by emergency alerts since there’s some serious, life-threatening floods in the town I go to school. It made me sad thinking about all the animals and homeless people who have nowhere to go, as well as everyone who is displaced. Since you’re a beauty product lover, might I recommend Butter London’s new mascara? They have some awesome colors but my favorite is the wild punk indigo one (when the light catches your eyelashes at the right angle, you get this pop of color but otherwise it doesn’t look too intense!)
Floods? Oh no! Stay safe, girl! And thanks for the mascara rec 😀 I love Butter polishes, but I haven’t tried any of their other products. Definitely going to look into that.
Thank you! Yeah Butter polishes are great and I didn’t know they made anything else until a few weeks ago but I’m obsessed with that mascara now!
Those packages are welcome to show up at my door any day 😉 I hope you have a great time this weekend!!
Love figs but i’ve only had them dried. I want to try them ripe 🙂
See you TOMORROW!!!
You know I’m a fan of figs! Please give them another shot? HAVE THE BEST TIME xo
While I can’t deny my jealousy I’m SO happy for you meeting all of these awesome ladies and having lots of fun. As you didn’t reveal them in this post – such a tease! – I also can’t wait to see the dresses you bought in your recap post. Is there any hope you got a coral one ;)?
Cheating here because it makes me kind of excited [and you wouldn’t actually want to know the last item I bought]: the next non-food thing I will buy are stamps. Sounds boring? Well, I’m eager to mail out the first ‘real’ letters I’ve written in months as part of my goals for the month soon and hope to find some cute stamps. Fingers crossed.
Isn’t getting packages just awesome? I got a very exciting food-related one today, too … Let’s just say my weekend’s going to involve some sweet kitchen fun 🙂 …
Regarding the figs: I felt the same about them before, too, and bought some inspired by Amy last week. Trying them on pizza was such a great idea bringing out a lot more flavour and I’ll play around with them some more today.
Safe travels and I hope you’ll have an amazing time at HLS!
Hehe no coral ones – sticking to my tried and true colours. And I think it’s so sweet that you’re mailing out letters… there’s just something so much more meaningful about handwritten notes.
Yayyyyyy your package arrived!! So happy! I hope you like all the stuff!!
Safe travels to you my Dear. Enjoy it and take tons of pics!!
Thank you love! I have to answer your e-mail STAT.
Have SO much fun this weekend!!!!! You know I wish I could be there, so make sure you have some extra treats in honor of me 😉
Well, you know I’m ALL over that makeup you bought. I bet you will love the YSL babydoll mascara. I’m seriously obsessed, it look so amazing on the lashes. And that YSL lipstick is also amazing. I don’t have that color but the formula is incredible. Totally worth the price.
I’m a little embarrassed to say I’ve never had a fig before! Totally weird, right. I think I need to find some.
The last non food thing I bought was makeup. Total shocker.
I was so bummed when I found out you couldn’t come! Would have been awesome to have you there, but we still might end up meeting before the year is up, so that’s good news 😀 And while I haven’t tried the mascara yet, I’m in LOVE with the lipstick. Makeup is just one of those things that I can totally justify the price of…
Well, I was pretty much doing the same darn thing last night. Tossing and turning – I couldn’t get comfortable, then I was hot, then I was cold. Jeesh! So, I’m in the sleep deprived state as well. And yes, this restless night was due to the fact that I’m excited about something. Guess excitement does that to you sometimes!
I LOVE figs! My dad has a fig tree and they’re amazing. You definitely must have tried a bad batch because they’re usually sweet and juicy. I’m so excited for some of them to be ready, which will be in the next few weeks. I plan on raiding the tree as soon as I can! 😉
Have a wonderful time at the HLS!
Mmmmm figs. <3
And I love all that makeup!
I am totally a horrible sleeper when I am excited about something. It's rough.
The last non-food thing I bought was a headband at Target yesterday. It was SO HOT and my bangs were all sticky and disgusting so I bought a big cream lace headband/wrap and have been much happier.
Wowfactz#5 – Could not agree with more!
“Murphy” was indeed a big time jerk this morning ..switched lanes (in traffic) cos mine just wasn’t moving and ALL others were, only to end up not moving at ALL in the new lane while the cars in the old one warped by! bleech!
Yes, I do have trouble falling asleep if I am anxious or excited!
Yes, am good with plants – if they are outdoors. As for figs – I have had a bag of figs in my freezer, given to me by my mom 6 weeks ago … Non food related purchase was a laptop last weekend…my old one finally bit the dust!
Cannot wait to read all about your conerence and see the dress! Safe Travels lady!
Oh man… that traffic thing happens to me ALL the time. It’s gotten so bad that sometimes I’ll just refuse to switch lanes so I’m not kicking myself for it later. And I think I’d do much better with outdoor plants… I just don’t have the room for a garden, unfortunately.
Now thats great advice – and I usually refuse to swtich lanes – but today, today I was a dummy 🙂
Some techy-mechanicy person needs to invent an Inspector Gadget car…oh, and a scratch and taste monitor! Haha…imagine the caos if we were all driving around in Inspector Gadget cars…oh my!
Have an awesome time at the blog conference! I can’t wait to hear all about it. I bet it will be a blast.
I am so beyond sad that I won’t meet you at HLS. I think you should all come to Italy with me instead. Flight leaves in 8 hours. You ready?
All packed and ready to go! Tell ’em to make a pit stop in Edmonton.
I hope you have a great time meeting all the wonderful ladies at HLS! I’m sure it will be a great experience. I have the worst time sleeping when I am excited or nervous about something. It’s like all my thoughts seep into my dreams and give me the craziest dreams that its sometimes just easier to sit up and read a book.
Dried figs = YES. Fresh figs = hell no, haha.
My thoughts exactly 😉
That murphy…he’s a funny one. I’m quite the fan of figs, but the lastest batch I bought was rather funky, so I think it’s safe to say there really are bad batches out there. Have a great trip and have so much fun!! 😀
Getting packages is probably one of my favorite feelings in the world. Even if they’re just something as silly as textbooks 😛 If I found spiders on my plant I would have thrown them out ASAP…I’m not letting any icky bugs in my home!! And eggplant totally deserves another chance. If eggplant is cooked right, it’s one of my favorite foods. And if its not cooked right…well…then it’s just disgusting.
Have the best time this weekend! I am so sad I can’t attend and meet you and everyone else too – perhaps a different event will pop up soon…I hate those nights where the bed is not comfortable. Isn’t it odd, some nights you can just melt right in and some nights are just like sleeping on rocks.
Gahhh!! I’m so excited to meet you, lady! Safe travels to my old city 🙂 Are you going on the Wild Harvest tour in the AM tomorrow? My flight doesn’t land until 8:30am so I’m going to have to miss it. If you aren’t attending, we should grab coffee and I can show you my old walking path. And yes, totally agree on the sleep thing – I couldn’t sleep last night and I am not leaving until tomorrow!
I’m not sure what the schedule is for tomorrow – I’ll have to talk to Sam about it. But if we don’t have anything planned, then we should TOTALLY meet up for coffee. E-mail me!
Your thumb is about as green as mine. Plants don’t like me, and I don’t blame them. haha
Have fun and take lots of pictures! 🙂
I was so excited for my workout yesterday morning that I woke up three different times. It was so so confusing! I think figs are pretty good – my boyfriend’s mom will sometimes put them in salad when we are over for dinner and its pretty tasty! We have bought them here and there, and they do end up becoming a sweet treat. Lastly, I bought some wedged sneakers this past weekend and I can’t wait to wear them at HLS! I’m rocking a dress that I’ve only been able to wear once, so I’m excited about that.
I’m kind of excited to be able to dress up as well! I rarely ever do, so it’ll be a nice change 🙂
Ahhhh have the BEST time at HLS! I can’t wait to hear all about it! The last non-food related thing I bought- deoderant to keep at my internshpi. I mean, I don’t want to be smelly in the office when it’s 100+ degrees out in DC. True life: I’m awkward. I hate sleepless nights like the one you had. I get them all the time but I’ve also never been “good” at sleeping. Hence why I have to take melatonin most nights to help me fall asleep.
I am not a plant person either! I’m really bad at taking care of living things that aren’t me. I had an aloe plant that has actually gone to hell and back in its lifetime. Poor thing. I try to revive it every year. Have fun at HLS!
😆 That actually sounds like a peace lily that I have… I’ve had it for about 5 or 6 years and only keep it around because it’s such a trooper. I think I’ve killed it about 5 times, but it always manages to come back 🙂
I CANNOT wait to meet up!!!! I’ll be flying out tomorrow morning and should arrive around 9:30 on Friday. I really want that bracelet and it so my mentality too. Safe travels to you!
Ahh I almost always have trouble sleeping the night before a holiday/mini getaway- luckily the adrenaline helps on the sleep-deprivation front :)! I am so glad I am not the only one not a fan of figs! They look so pretty but taste kinda meh! And let’s be honest here- when you have fall fruits like apples available, why would you even consider straying! I spy some Lindt in that stash of goodies but can’t make out what flavor- do share? I’m always game to try a new variety! Safe travels, Amanda…can’t wait to read about your first night at HLS!
The adrenaline definitely helps! But it’s dealing with the homecoming crash that I’m not looking forward to 😉 And the Lindt bar is caramel. I haven’t broken into it yet, but it sounds amaaaazing.
have a great time at hls! i cant wait to hear all the recaps!! and i am terrible with plants! there are none in my apt for a reason. i wish i was better, i would love to bring some in, but they would just die and perhaps bring in tiny white spiders too (yikes!)
I had a similar night in that I just kept waking up, which NEVER happens to me. I’m the type of person, that once my head hits the pillow, within seconds (literally) I am out cold, for the entire night until I wake up in the morning. (Unless, that is, my cat wakes me up) So last night was a rarity for me. And I hope it’s not repeated 🙁
I love receiving packages! Always such excitement! And it sure looks like you got a lot of goodies! 🙂 Hope you have a marvelous time in Minnesota!!