1. Why hello there, August. I know that you always come after July, and that it makes perfect logical sense that today be your first day seeing as July is over and all, but… what? 😯 I’d like to redo last month please! Okay, okay… that’s only partially true. I mean, yes, I’d love to relive July, but that’s mostly because it was all sorts of amazing. Truth be told, I’m more than ready for fall. The food, the fashion, the cozy feeling in the air… love it. But ask me again in a few months when it’s constantly cold and dark outside and I’ll probably be singing a different tune. Appreciate the moment, Amanda… The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
2. I’ve been cheating on Starbucks… with McDonald’s.
But before you get all Judgy McJudgerson on me, I’ll have you know that McDonald’s actually makes a pretty decent cup of coffee. I initially picked some up out of sheer necessity when J and I were driving up to the mountains and there was no Starbucks in sight, but there are days now where I’ll stop by McD’s to grab a coffee rather than hitting up Starbucks like I normally do. Variety is good, right? Keeps things interesting.
3. The only problem with switching it up and trying new things is that you inevitably run in to a few duds. I explored a lot of different local cafes with J while he was visiting, and I’ve found that a lot of the swankier places actually have horrible tasting coffee. I’ve always prided myself on being able to handle any kind of coffee, but daaaaang… some of those places definitely put that belief to the test. One cafe, I’m not even kidding, had coffee with an after-hint of tomato soup. Not cool.
4. My new contact lens case, on the other hand? Very cool…
5. Remember watching Full House when you were growing up (or catching reruns)? Remember Danny Tanner, and Uncle Jesse, and Stephanie, and DJ? Ever wonder what they’re up to now? This article spills the beans on the entire cast. Definitely takes me back to my childhood…
6. Speaking of childhood things… Hello, my name is Amanda and I’m addicted to [Disney] puzzles…

I’ve always loved ’em, but lately I’ve really kicked things up a notch [and maybe gone a little bit overboard]. I think I’m just trying to keep myself busy so I don’t get too lonely without J, but I can’t deny that there’s something inherently satisfying about fitting the pieces together. I used to be all about the crazy 1k+ puzzles, but having smaller ones that you can finish in 20-30 minutes makes for an awesome way to mindlessly relax.
7. Current song obsession…
8. Speaking of music, this one’s for all my Canadian friends who are frustrated by the fact that Pandora doesn’t work north of the border. I recently came across a site called Slacker Radio that does essentially the same thing as Pandora, but isn’t restricted to those living in the States. You pick a favorite artist/band/era, create a station around it, and listen to related songs until your heart’s content. My heart is content.
9. And while we’re on the topic of things not available in Canada, a mini haul featuring some foodie finds that I brought back with me from the Whole Foods in Vegas.

Barbara’s Snackimals Vanilla Blast and Nature’s Path toaster pastries (Blueberry and Chocolate) // Justin’s almond butter (maple and vanilla) and Barney Butter cocoa and coconut AB
Breakfast foods and nut butters – don’t act surprised. I didn’t go too crazy since I’ll be down in the States again in about a month and a half and probably pick up more stuff, but I had to grab some things that I’ve been dying to try for a while. Now to make them last until my next trip south of the border.
10. The girl sitting at the table next to me in Bux is browsing corgi puppies for sale in Edmonton (I’m a creeper), and they’re so fluffy I’m gonna die! (bonus points if you know where that line’s from). It seriously makes me want a puppy of my own, buuuuuut I have a feeling that now isn’t a good time; and as much as I love dogs, I have to admit that the lack of extra responsibility is kind of nice. Still, I’d kill for another one of these…
That’s Belle, our Bernese mountain dog. She died about 6 years back, and I still miss her to this day.
But Happy Thursday, friends! See you guys tomorrow with a July favorites post!
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Were/are you a Full House fan? Who was your favorite character? Yes… and Uncle Jesse <3
LOVED the Full House article! So neat to see what they are up to these days! I was a HUGE fan growing up and Stephanie was always my favorite! “How rude!!” 😉
What do you think of the Snackimals cereal? I’ve come close to buying it at least half a dozen times, but still haven’t done it yet! Lol
I don’t have the time/energy/patience for a dog right now (heck, I can’t even handle Tiger), but if I DO ever get one, I’d love to have a Weimaraner…it’s been one of my favorite breeds for years!
I’m kinda still enjoying the summer which is unusual for me to say at this time of year, but the humidity actually hasn’t been too bad this year. Fall will forever be my favorite season though…I just love the way it smells…the changing leaves…and the cooler nights!
The cereal itself is really good, but it’s not filling in the least so I usually end up either mixing it with other cereals or just grabbing a quick handful throughout the day.
Oh my gosh, where did you get that contact lens case?!? I love all things owl-themed, and I NEED it 🙂
I actually got mine in a little novelty gift shop when I was up in the mountains, but you can get them at Pier 1 http://www.pier1.com/Owl-Contact-Lens-Case/2679056,default,pd.html and Amazon has them as well http://www.amazon.com/Kikkerland-Contact-Assorted-Colors-Green/dp/B007L4T7RA
i love mcdonald’s iced coffee! also their vanilla soft serve cones are absurdly good…much better than they should be…
Case. Contact lens CASE.
I really want a dog too, but I definitely can’t get one while I’m living with my parents for the next year because they don’t want one. And after that I’ll be entering my first real job and probably won’t have time for a dog… but hopefully I’ll be able to get one within the next 5 years!
I’m so jealous you found that new flavoured Barney Butter in the US! How was that one? I can’t wait to make a trip down there and load up on all the new flavours (please don’t break my heart and tell me it sucked haha).
I’ve heard a lot of people saying that Micky D’s coffee is good – I’m going to need to try it next time I’m out and about and need a coffee fix!
Don’t worry – it definitely didn’t suck 😀 I mean come on! Chocolate and coconut? You know it’s gotta be good 😉 Just perfectly sweet and chocolatey enough.
A puzzle pack?! What a genius idea. The fact that it’s Disney makes it even better. I just worked on a puzzle last week at out family vacation, and it gave me the itch to do more. My name is Meghan, and I’m a puzzle addict too. Maybe we should form a support group.
Your new contact lens case is wacky! Definitely won’t get lost! I’ve always wanted a dog; when I was younger I would borrow dog books from the library to read up on different breeds. But I’m completely satisfied with my cat Batman, once a stray, whose neuroticism makes him all the more endearing.
Although I can’t enjoy the physical aspect of Fall in Singapore (ie the weather and the golden leaves), at least I can partake gastronomically with pumpkins & lots of cinnamon!
Agreed….Micky D’s does surprisingly have some pretty awesome coffee, and pretty cheap to boot! I was OBSESSED with Full House. I still love to catch a rerun every now and then. I’m also a puzzle lover. Hardly ever take the time to do ’em, but man, do I love the challenge!
I’m not a huge fan of the ones that take forever too, which I think is why I’ve been buying simpler ones that aren’t as frustrating and don’t take that long to finish. I didn’t think I would like them as much, but they’re actually a great way to relax.
I sure have missed your posts…my goodness.
I’ve been crazy busy over the past few weeks so I haven’t had a chance to comment on the past few posts that explained your absence but I’m really glad that you’ve been focusing on the things (and people 😉 ) that make you happy right now. That’s what truly matters!
Full House was, and still is, one of my favorite shows ever. It just never gets old!
And as for swanky coffee houses…AMEN. There are so many coffee shops in LA that are “high-end” but serve the yuckiest coffee ever. I don’t understand!
We definitely must be on the same wave length or something!
I just wrote a post about all the things I love about fall, mainly pumpkin everything. (nice long crisp fall runs ain’t so bad either)
Corgis are my favorite (I follow at least 5 on instagram and highly recommend it)
I’m so jealous you had a Bernese mountain dog, they are so incredibly beautiful.
So happy your back ‘n bloggin’ (and it’s totally ok to cheat on your favorite coffee shop)
I personally love McDonals Coffees! I got hooked on them when they do their free coffee weeks 🙂 I love that contact case, mine is the boring type. I want to go to the states to haul overs some goodies. I love so many of the foodie items in the states! 🙂
BEST LENS CASE EVER. Mine are simply the generic ones with the L and the R on them (which I only recently realised what they stood for…. slow).
I didn’t know there was much of a difference in product selection between Canada and America! When I visited Canada What I noticed was the French writing alongside the English and some items (like Kashi Go lean) had different nutritional information compared to America. Strange.
Regarding the mcdonalds coffee, they are doing this huge campaign here in Melbourne about how mcdonalds coffee was voted best in the country….they forgot to mention that they only compared it to three other companies lol!
I LOVE that lens case!! Where did you get it?
Definitely a Full House fan…it’s on early in the mornings when I work out, so I often watch the reruns then. I love Aunt Becky. She was so sane and not over the top like some of the other characters, and I loved the dynamic she brought into the family.
I’m not even ready to talk about fall yet. I cannot believe summer is almost over. It makes me sad! But I do have things I like about fall, too, so I guess it isn’t all bad…
I actually picked mine up from a novelty gift shop when I was in the mountains, but you can find them at Pier 1 http://www.pier1.com/Owl-Contact-Lens-Case/2679056,default,pd.html or Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Kikkerland-Contact-Assorted-Colors-Green/dp/B007L4T7RA
Major fan of Full House!! It’s so funny that you should mention that because here recently my 7-year-old daughter has been watching old episodes. I catch myself watching right along with her. Belle is so pretty! I have a Coton de Tulear named Max. He is the best dog I’ve ever had!
I’ve been cheating on my beloved Starbucks too! McD’s $1 Iced Coffee…. its good and SO cheap! If only they could get some soy milk up in there…
I really do love the summer, but I’m so ready for the fall as well. Something about those comfy sweaters and of course all the fun holidays that come with that time of the year. Belle is gorgeous, I’m so sorry. 🙁 Dogs have such a way of imprinting themselves in our lives forever, such loyal friends!
Your contact lens case is adorable, love it!
Oh my gosh, that contacts lense case is TOO cute!! I NEED that! Where did you find it?
I actually got mine in a little novelty gift shop when I was up in the mountains, but apparently you can get them at Pier 1! http://www.pier1.com/Owl-Contact-Lens-Case/2679056,default,pd.html Or Amazon has them as well http://www.amazon.com/Kikkerland-Contact-Assorted-Colors-Green/dp/B007L4T7RA
Awesome!! Thanks for researching that! 🙂
Loooove Hurricane. Had that song on my ipod for a while now 🙂
I actually have an intense love for Mc Donalds coffee. Usually before youth group Ninja and I will swing by so he can get an ice cream cone and I can get a coffee AND an ice cream cone 😉