Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Alrighty! Time to spill the beans on the mysterious trip I told you about last week! Even though it might not be so mysterious if you read my last Link Love post or if you follow me on Instagram…
That right there would be The Spoon, The Clean Feets, and The Big Man (aka: me, Meg, and Arman), and if you’re wondering how we all ended up in the same place at the same time, it’s because we decided to have a mini blogger meet up when Arman announced that he’d be in Toronto for a little while. Is that crazy? Heading across the country to hang out with people that you met online? Well, put that way, maybe… but it was actually a great weekend spent with great friends, so let’s get to recappin’!
2. It all started last Thursday morning when I woke up waaaaaaaaay too early (read: 3:45 AM when my flight was at 10) after tossing and turning all night long. As much as I love to travel, I’m not really the biggest fan of travelling alone… especially when I’m basically flying by the seat of my pants and don’t really know what to expect when I get to where I’m going. I had a hotel room and a roomie…
Meghan rocking the #publicbanana
… who kept me up way past my bedtime with damn good chats and SATC marathons, but other than that? Nada. Needless to say, I was a lovely mix of sleepy and stressed.
3. That being said, I was in dire need of a coffee IV, but it probably wouldn’t have gone over so well with security, so I settled for some Starbucks instead… in my first red cup of the season!

4. Followed eventually by a second (with a side of CN Tower)…
A third…
And a fourth…
Not all on the same day, mind you. And don’t you just love how I felt the need to take pictures of all my #redcups? Apparently I was making up for the fact that I hadn’t been able to find them in Edmonton up to that point. Moving on!
5. The view from the hotel room was pretty…
6. And I loved how downtown Toronto had a nice mix of the old and the new…
City hall.
St. Michael’s Cathedral.
7. But my absolute favourite part of the entire trip, was definitely the people…
… and dog! (aka: The Prince)
We briefly entertained the idea of checking out some of the sights and sounds that Toronto had to offer (CN Tower, Ripley’s Aquarium, Second City, Royal Ontario Museum), but no one was really in the mood to play tourist… we were more than happy to just wander around downtown (or hang out in Whole Foods for 3 hours) and chat. That’s the thing about good friendships — you don’t really need much else. My only complaint is that circumstances got in the way of me being able to meet Chelsea and Davida, but there’s always next time.
8. I did, however, have the pleasure of meeting a pretty amazing lady named Shannyn, who not only took time out of her day to show Meg and I the city, but went out of her way to find peanut-free restaurants that I could eat at. I then went on to commit the biggest blogging fail ever by not grabbing a picture with her. All the more reason to go back!
9. Speaking of going back… I may have shed a tear or two when I had to part ways with the gang. And then another tear or two when I didn’t get a window seat on the way home. I don’t use the bathroom enough on airplanes to appreciate an aisle seat, and not being able to look outside not only makes the flight feel 10x as long, but makes me feel every little bump and dip even more as well. Not a fan.
10. Aaaaaan that’s that! I hope you guys are having an awesome Thursday, and before I go, I just wanted to quickly thank you for all of the support you’ve been showing Spoons. Last week’s ToL was the biggest one yet, and the Link Love roundup keeps growing as well. You guys rock my socks off <3
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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Sounds like such a fantastic weekend! I love hanging out with other bloggers- they just get it. You never have to do anything special, you just get to enjoy each other’s company for the short time you have together. Saying goodbye is always hard though!
Awe, that trips looks like so much fun! Things are so much more fun when they just spontaneously happen rather than meticulously planning every detail. 🙂
I could definitely manage four red cups in one day. And now I feel challenged. 😉
I feel like I am looking at pics of a couple of celebrities when I see you and Arman together! (No offense to Meg, I just have never been to her blog before… but she must be cool if her name is Meg!) Glad ya’ll had a great trip. 🙂
She’s definitely an awesome lady! And look who’s talking miss “I was in Girl, Interrupted” 😛
Sounds like you guys had a fun and relaxing time! Sometimes those are the best trips. Just chilling and nothing specific planned. I spent a few months in Toronto for work two yrs ago and never got to see anything. That makes me sad.
It is so awesome that you guys did this, and it looks like you had a really good time! I usually never end up doing the tourist thing on trips either. I love wandering around and taking in the sights and culture. I also feel the same way about the window seat on an airplane. I think the only time I ever requested an aisle seat was when I was pregnant. I didn’t want to be climbing over everyone with my big belly to go pee every half hour!
Such a fun trip! Enjoy. 🙂
I used to live in Toronto – and really miss wandering around downtown. Taking the subway, grabbing a coffee and just walking. I don’t think I really appreciated Toronto until I left 🙁
I kind of regret not taking the subway! We don’t have one here in Edmonton, and I never end up taking one when I travel. Is that a weird thing to want to do? 😆
I want to meet Armen! I pretty much want to meet any dude blogger, because we aren’t a popular species! ……. and of course meeting everyone else, you included, would be pretty sweet too! =)
“Screw it..they have red cups”
That made me laugh out loud. I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets excited by something as simple as the red starbucks cup 🙂
Looks like you had a blast on your trip!! I am dying to do a blogger meet-up someday! It’s just a little hard because of where I live. I love all your red cup pics and especially the pic of the city at night. So pretty!
So glad you had a great time! Blogging friends really are the best. I think its amazing how people you meet online can become real life friends. Which is good for me because meeting friends in person is hard!
It definitely gets harder as you get older! And I’m already looking forward to our AB meet up 😀
Looked like you guys had a blast! Toronto is a wonderful place! I’d love to join the meet up next time you’re here!!
how fun!!!! i cant imagine what it must be like to meet one of my blogger friends… i hope i get to meet you ALL one day. Would be so surreal! Looked like a blast 🙂 and YAY to red cups!
A blogger conference or retreat is probably one of the best ways to meet a lot of bloggers at once! And if you’re seriously considering one, then I recommend Blend — it feels like a girls weekend in the mountains 🙂
How fun! Public bananas and red cups, yup, sounds like a blogger meetup to me!
So much fun!!!! Blogger meet ups are the best <3
Aw what an awesome trip!!! Love seeing you all in a pic together!! Blog friends that turn into real friends – soooo nice!!! 🙂 I’ve only been to Niagra on the Lake (does that even count? lol)….but your pics are great…I have to get Canada on my list! XO
Holy shit, you look just like Cristina Scabbia! (Look her up, she’s literally the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen!) That being said, you are SUCH a natural beauty and I’m jealous all over the place! Yaaargh!
Aww looks like so much fun! If only I didn’t live like 11 hours away. Never been to Toronto, but it looks so pretty.
Glad to hear you enjoyed Toronto. And I FULLY approve of ALL THE RED CUPS! 🙂
HAH oh my gosh 4 coffees!! how do you do it!? I am going to need that today.. early morning for me for no reason at all! I just cant sleep ugh!
😆 Oh that definitely wasn’t all in one day. If I did that, I’d probably be having out of body experiences…
That sounds like an awesome weekend! And I’ve definitely hung out in Whole Foods for that long…it’s the perfect place to eat and chat for hours!
So fun!! I’m glad you guys were able to coordinate a visit. And no shame in photographing your coffee–I do it allllll the time.
that’s what blog friends are for.. public bananas, coffee, pb free restaurants! Love it!
Wish you were there <3
Ahh I absolutely adore Toronto!! Nathan and I were there this weekend last year! So glad you had a great trip!
Ahhhh! You guys looked like you had so much fun 😀 I had a blogger meet up over the summer and it was awesome 🙂
Also, I haven’t gotten a red cup yet, but that’s cuz I haven’t been to Starbs in more than a month. It was supposed to be part of my 12 step plan but I started making even more coffee at home…at least I’m saving money haha
SO much fomo it’s not even funny- all my faves in one…glad you guys had a fabulous time (although I can’t say I’m surprised ;))! And I totally feel you about the red cups- I had my first one on Tuesday and it totally made my day…and it also totally reminded me of you as after ages, I ordered a cappuccino, extra foam obviii with cinnamon sprinkled on top!
I had one of those in Toronto as well! Definitely one of Bux’s better drinks.
Your weekend sounds like the Best, Amanda! Meghan is the best and Arman is just adorable. Sounds perfect to me…why be a tourist when you can spend time with fun people. Have a great day!
I hear Toronto is awesome, I would love to go someday. Also, I love love love all the red cup photos. At first I did think they were all on the same day which would have been very impressive. ha
Impressive and insane! I would have jumped out of my skin 😆 And Toronto is a really great city! Reminds me a little bit of New York on a smaller scale.
Getting to spend time with “blends” really is incredible. We “spend” so much time with these people online and then email and text and so on, but getting to meet them in person is such a treat. I’m so glad that you got to red cup your way around town with them!
What a fun meetup!! Thanks for recapping it! Seeing all those red cups is making me want to hit up Starbucks today!
How fun to reunite with some blogger besties! Looks like y’all had a blast! And I’m definitely jealous of all your red cups. I need to get on that, stat.
One word: jealous. Majorly jealous. And I’ll pat my own back for guessing right where your trip would take you 😉 .
There’s so much to say about this yet you summed it up already: Blends are amazing. Only they will roam about a health food store for hours without complaining.
Next meet-up in Europe??
A european meet up would be amazing! I’m just not sure how many of the American/Canadian bloggers we could get out there…
What a fun time! You’re right, you know you’re with good friends when you spend three hours in Whole Foods exploring, chatting and eating.
Oh my gooses, how lovely! And that view from your room = WORTH IT, I’m sure!
The last time I was in Toronto I recall going to an underground mall, right? That’s what it was? So cool. Next time I really need to be able to meet with you there! It’s such a fast fight from here which I often forget.
Yup! Our hotel was actually right on top of the underground mall, which was perfect because it was a little chilly. And I wish you could have been there!
4 red cups already!?! I had my first on Saturday, but there will definitely be more soon. I try to limit myself or I would seriously go broke on starbucks. Sounds like such a fun trip!
I’m excited to drink coffee in a red cup, bring on the holidays! Your mini reunion must have been so fun and you guys all look great. And how awesome to have a peanut free tour guide? I’m always forgetting to take pictures so I completely understand 🙂
It’s totally cool that you guys plan meetups wihtout including me. I am not jealous and I don’t melt down right now in tear and screams of hurt.
🙂 Kidding.
Not emtirely – I AM jealous of the meetup, but you flort your way out of it with all those selsfies. I adore you all and I am getting more and more excited for blend!!
I die in embarrassement about all those typos. Ok, hold on I try to fix it:
Damn. Sorry. It’s my fingers fault on this tiny iPhone keyboard!
You know we would have loved to have you there!! It’s not my fault that you chose the beach over chilly Canada 😛 But yes… May 2015. Can.not.WAIT.
Yay for mini blogger reunions!!!
Downtown Toronto is gorgeous – love the blend of new and old – but you are right, the blends you met are better! 🙂
For a second I thought you had 4 cups of Bucks back to back – that would entail buying stock in Bucks! Happy Thursday lady and congrats on last week’s TOL!
😆 If I had that many cups of coffee back to back, I’m pretty sure I’d end up having an out of body experience. And you know what would have gone good with that coffee? A slice of mystery ingredient cake 😛