Aaaaand cue the randomness!
1. So I went to Starbucks the other day to grab a dry cappuccino. You guys remember how obsessed I used to be with those things… I went through a phase that lasted a good year where I was basically in there My wallet kind of hated me for it, but it was something I really looked forward to so I justified the cost. Anyways… I hadn’t had one in forever, so I figured I would treat myself a few days ago.
You guys… it pains me to say this, but… it wasn’t as good as I remembered 😥 In fact, I was sitting there wishing I had just gotten a regular Pike instead. Maybe it was just poorly made since the barista was kind of new, but yeah… I think I’ll be sticking to coffee from my Keurig from now on.
2. Speaking of the Keurig, I finally got around to taking advantage of my ‘get-2-free-boxes-when-you-register’ deal and put in my order online…
I know I said I was kind of over flavoured coffees, but these are flavours that I can’t find anywhere around here so I figured… what the hey… I’m especially excited about the chocolate glazed donut one since I’ve been hearing so many good things; and chocolate glazed donuts are easily my favourite kind. Hmm… I’m thinking I might need to whip up another batch of these…
3. One last thing about coffee… Does anyone else shed a tear or two when they finish the last sip? I try to limit myself to one cup a day (otherwise my stomach goes into I-hate-you mode), but you’d better believe that I savour that cup as if it were liquid gold.
4. Speaking of drinks, do you guys have a cut-off point when it comes to how late you’ll keep drinking water? There’s a whole lot of nonsense out there about not eating later than [insert hour here], but what about drinking? I ask because sometimes I’ll wake up ridiculously early because I have to go to the bathroom and I won’t be able to fall back asleep after that… I’m wondering if not drinking late will help me avoid that…
5. These are the kind of random things that run through my head. And if you need further proof of my strangeness, look what I found when I opened one of my jars of almond butter the other day…
Half a date 😯 A whole date I could understand, but half?? I’m going to assume that I ate the other half, but why did I leave it in there? Why didn’t I eat it, or at the very least, not store it in an AB jar? Some things even I can’t explain… Like why I never manage to stir my nut butter jars well enough to avoid being left with the crusty bits at the bottom. It’s a sad, sad day when you come to the end of a jar…
6. But it’s a happy day when you find a new jar in your pantry that you didn’t even know you had…
I honestly thought the crusty remains were all I had left of my beloved Justin’s almond butter (which needs to get its butt to Canada… hint, HINT), so you can probably imagine the ridiculous happy dances I was doing when I unexpectedly came across a brand new jar buried in the back of my pantry. I have a lot of nut butters… sometimes a few jars can get lost in the crowd.
7. I’m really looking forward to the weekend. Why? Because Saturday morning I’ll [hopefully be riding shotgun] in a car headed here:
I feel like it’s been forever since I got to go snowboarding in the mountains, and this might be my last chance before the season ends. Can.not.wait. I’m thinking I might need to do another As We Speak mountain edition — I’ve been slacking on the selfies lately!
8. I’m also thinking that I need to whip up a batch of these soft and chewy granola bars for the trip…
I’m almost afraid to open up those flood gates again, though, because I literally cannot control myself around those things. One batch leads to two; two to four; and before I know it, all I’m eating is granola bars 😆
9. One thing putting a damper on my good mood is the fact that I still need to survive one ordeal before I can enjoy myself this weekend — I need to go get my blood taken. Womp, womp. It’s just part of a routine yearly health exam, but ugh… I can think of about a million other things I’d rather be doing, especially since I have the biggest fear of needles. No joke. I can’t even watch people getting poked on TV without feeling all sorts of nervous and jerky, and every.single.time I get my blood drawn, I end up one breath away from passing out — I’m talking ears roaring and black spots taking over my vision. I know it’s no big deal and you can barely feel it, but I feel it in my head! Anyone else? And anyone have tips on how to survive make it easier?
10. This post has been far too wordy for random thoughts — sorry! Hope you’re having a happy Thursday 😀

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How was the chocolate donut coffee?? I love flavored coffee. I’ve had the coconut mocha one before (the packaging looks so different in the US!) and loved it.
I haven’t actually gotten a chance to try it yet because I just put in my order so it hasn’t come around. Better be soon!
I love your granola bars! I wish I had more protein powder, but I don’t really have an extra $30 on hand right now (looking at you, Starbucks and car saving! 😉 )
Yum for the chocolate glazed doughnut coffee! They have the French toast at my office, but I have to say that I wasn’t much of a fan. Boo!
Love the forgotten date! I thought I was the only one who finds dipping-remnants in nut butter jars 😉 One tip that helps me when I give blood is a decent meal before, pretty protein & fat rich. Tbh, And positive ‘I will not pass out’ thoughts aren’t bad either!
I’ve never had coffee … I guess started as a religious thing (LDS/Mormon) but I actually just think I wouldn’t like it. I’m super picky when it comes to eating, and even more when it comes to drinking. I don’t care for the smell at all! There are so many articles now expounding on the health benefits of coffee and tea, but I don’t think I’ll ever try them …
This advice might be too late now, but I’ve found that eating a good-sized meal (that contains a food that’s high in iron) about 30-45 minutes before having blood drawn helps me get through it without a hitch. I’ve donated blood many times and this is finally what works for me – otherwise I almost pass out too!
I think it’s actually more a mental thing for me — I’m just super scared of them!
I hate it when I go to treat myself to something I used to love and it winds up underwhelming 🙁 Those granola bars look amazeballs and I see them in my near future
The Cinnamon Roll coffee is amazing, I really want to try that coconut mocha one now too. Ya I visit Starbucks way too often, and ya know what? Sometimes its so much nicer to sip from you own keurig with a blankie while browsing blogs 😉
If our wallets ever got together, they probably would have a grand ol’ time ranting about how much money we can both spend on Starbucks haha! I don’t even want to think about how much money went down the drain the last two weeks of my finals/studying. *Shudder*. Wish it had tasted better for ya!
With water, I usually try not to drink too much after 8, or I’ll be up around 4 or 5 in the morning to go to the bathroom. And I usually try to ignore all the “you should drink X amount at X time of day” when it comes to water. I drink when I’m thirsty and am not dead yet, so I must be doing something right haha 😉
Justin’s Almond Butter is amazing!!! I don’t even hesitate at it’s high price tag!! When I’m feeling indulgent, I’ll eat it straight out of the jar with a spoon 🙂
That’s one of the best ways to do it 😀
i’m going to comment entirely on your drinks. 1.) yes. i cry over just about every “last sip” of coffee ever. it might be the worst part of my day. and 2.) there is definitely a time every night when i start weighing my incredible thirst with the knowledge that i will absolutely wake up at 4 AM and not ever be able to get back to sleep. so i usually go to bed thirsty. 😉
thanks for hosting thursdays, as always!
Confession: I’ve been adding more and more almond milk to my coffee lately so that my tummy can handle more than one cup. I’m addicted.
I savor my coffee. Every.single.morning. I literally wake up excited to eat my oatmeal and drink my cup of coffee. Is that weird? Let’s hope not. 😉
Those coffee flavors look mighty good! Along with the donuts.. and the almond butter.. and the chewy granola bars. I’m going coo-coo for food here!
I hope all goes well with the blood getting drawn! Mess around on your phone while it happens.
Have fun with the slopes!
starbucks has been disappointing me lately too, haha! the other day i went in and ordered an iced caramel latte because it had been a while since i’d ordered a fancy drink. by the time i got home i decided that they completely forgot the espresso because it tasted like disgusting watered down milk, haha. needless to say i won’t be heading back anytime soon! peet’s has got my heart for now 🙂
HOLY 70!!!!!! You’re gonna sleep welllllll tonight!
Um so I just finished dinner and now all I want is a damn donute. WHY SPOONS WHY?!?! Don’t go to the mountains. Come here. C is going to London so we can play without the boys. Who needs em anyway?
Are you limiting coffee because of caffeine? Why don’t you just drink decaf?
Nope! It’s not the caffeine. There’s something in coffee that messes with my stomach — even when I’m drinking decaf.
I ended up buying a Delonghi fully automatic machine so I could get my fix. I am hooked on americano misto these days. And, I to am very sad to see the bottom of my cup in the morning!
I used to be the same way about needles. I seem to be outgrowing it since having kids.
I still need to find that Justin’s Almond Butter. I’m heading to AZ soon so I will hunt for it.
Enjoy the slopes!
#3…a girl after my own heart 🙂
At least that’s all you found when you opened up the almond butter.
Can you imagine my surprise when I opened up a can of Reinzi cannellini beans to find a mouse brain in it. I took pics of it and actually cut it in half , took it to my neurologist and she confirmed indeed that it is a mouse / rat brain.
You can see the brain stem inside
😯 That might just be the grossest thing I ever heard. I don’t think I’d be able to eat beans after something like that…
I have to drink water up until I go to b ed, and then I have to have a glass beside my bed. I get headaches if I don’t drink enough, so I’d rather wake up having to go to the bathroom than with a pounding head.
I try and stop drinking water about an hour or two before I go to sleep… I found that I have the same problem as you..or that I’m waking up every 3 hours or so to go pee. I usually wake up relatively dehydrated (mouth attractive), but I don’t go to the bathroom as much during the night!!
Whenever I step into Starbucks I always think maybe one day soon I’ll treat myself to a Latte – that new vanilla one looks deelish. But when I’ve splurged and done it I actually end up just wishing I got my regular pike too. Guess I’ve done a good job of weaning off the sugar!
I can relate to the Starbucks incident. I used to love peppermint mochas and then I had one last year and it was gross! I honestly prefer just regular coffee these days. I try to only have one cup and then if I need more caffeine I do green tea. I have an iron deficiency and need to have blood work done regularly. I always try to distract myself in some way i.e. read something on my phone or strike up a conversation with the person drawing blood. I also take a deep breath in and focus on releasing it very slowly. Good luck!
I’ll drink water right up until the lights go out! I have to wake up super early anyway, so having to pee is a good motivator to get me out of bed, haha. I’m a total coffee fiend, too, so I’m basically running to the bathroom all day long.
I savor my cup of coffee in the morning too… I was so sad when it was over today! The chocolate glazed donut flavor coffee IS pretty good! I like all of the ones you have pictured. 🙂 Oh, & I hate when that happens about having something you once loved… & it just wasn’t that good. Boo!
As for the needles/blood… my husband has a huge fear of needles/blood & he usually passes out for blood work. Anyway, he found a tip that listening to your headphones & music you like while getting it done helps… it helped him not pass out completely this time, he only got woozy. 😉 Good luck!!
A lot of people have been mentioning that, actually, so I’m definitely going to give it a try.
mmmmm….those donuts!!!!