I can’t shake the feeling that I just did one of these monthly favourites posts… probably because I posted February’s about halfway through the month, which was just a few short weeks ago. Nevermind that. It’s the end of a new month (no, for real — it is) and I’m getting this one up on time, so let’s take a look-see at what I’ve been loving in March…
Best new foodie discovery of March definitely belongs to Wowbutter…
You know those things you can’t help but kick yourself over for not trying sooner? This is one of those things for me. You’d think that someone who was allergic to peanuts and was constantly getting frustrated by the fact that even most non-peanut nut butters “may contain traces of peanuts” (I just wrong meanuts) would be more open to trying alternative versions, but I had my heart set on almond butters and raised my nose up at everything else.
All I can say is thank goodness that chance circumstance brought toasted soy nut butter into my life because this stuff is amazing — so much so that I’m often choosing it over my beloved almond butter. It’s ridiculously creamy, has an addictive sweet/saltiness, doesn’t contain any artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives, and is made with non-GMO soy. It’s also school lunchbox safe for anyone lucky enough to be attending an allergy aware school. Love, love, love.
Also loving this white basmati rice from Lundberg Family Farms…
When I mentioned that I prefer white rice over brown, I probably should have been more specific and said white basmati rice, because I can definitely agree that regular white rice isn’t all that interesting. Basmati, though? SO much more flavour, and it makes my house smell amazing while it’s cooking. It also tends to have a slightly fluffier, drier texture, which is huge for a texture freak like me. Also, tonnes of love for sweet rice bowls…

And with all the travelling I’ve been doing lately, I feel like I really need to mention my saving grace through it all — Nature’s Path instant hot oatmeal…
I’ll admit that I’m not the biggest fan of instant oats, but they’re a lifesaver when you’re on the road. I like to get the plain ones because I prefer adding my own mix-ins, and as long as your hotel has an in-room coffee maker or you have access to a coffee shop, you can happily enjoy your beloved oats for breakfast…

As far as blog recipes go, I definitely slacked a bit in March, but between travelling, recapping, WIAWing, and ToLing, I just couldn’t find any place to squeeze them in! I still managed a few tasty ones, though…
Pumpkin Chili Mexican Scramble
I promise to do better in April — I’ve already got a good handful of recipes lined up 🙂
Unlike February, March was pretty quiet on the beauty front. I don’t think I made a single trip to Sephora, which means that I’ve been using a lot of the products that I mentioned last month and in previous monthly favourites. I do want to bring up a few things that I’ve talked about before, though, since I was kind of reminded of how awesome they are.
First up is Urban Decay’s All Nighter makeup setting spray…
This stuff is a godsend, and funnily enough, it’s a product I mentioned exactly one year ago in March of 2013. It’s a finishing spray that you spritz over your face after you finish applying your makeup, and it helps your makeup stay put for up to 16 hours in all sorts of weather. This was invaluable in the crazy humidity of Hawaii, and is invaluable in the lingering dry winter conditions of Edmonton. I never leave home without it, and I’ll often spray my face throughout the day if I need a little refresher.
Speaking of dry winter conditions, they’ve been wreaking havoc on my hair. I’ve been slacking on using my favourite deep-repair hair conditioning mask by MoroccanOil, and it’s amazing how big of a difference I notice after just one use. My hair becomes softer, smoother, and shinier without feeling weighed down at all. Definitely have to remember to keep this up on a more regular basis…
The book that rocked my socks off this month was Blood Song by Anthony Ryan…
An epic fantasy exploring themes of conflict, loyalty and religious faith. Vaelin Al Sorna, Brother of the Sixth Order, has been trained from childhood to fight and kill in service to the Faith. He has earned many names and almost as many scars, acquiring an ugly dog and a bad-tempered horse in the process. Ensnared in an unjust war by a king possessed of either madness or genius, Vaelin seeks to answer the question that will decide the fate of the Realm: …who is the one who waits?
Blood Song is the first volume of Raven’s Shadow – a new epic fantasy of war, intrigue, and tested faith.
Blood Song is very much your traditional fantasy book, and actually reminds me a lot of The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (which I reviewed here). The story centres around Vaelin Al Sorna, a young boy abandoned by his father into a brotherhood that fights to defend the Faith of the realm. It’s a coming of age story, following Vaelin through all the trials and tribulations that turn him into the notorious hero/villain that be eventually becomes. He is trained in the art of survival, killing, and war, and it’s interesting to see him struggle with his own conscience and moral judgments. He comes to terms with the fact that he is a good killer, but vows to never become a murderer.
The story is well-wrtitten, faced paced, and shrouded in mystery. Although it’s technically a fantasy, it could easily be read as a historical, political, classical, war novel as well. Ryan does a fantastic job at building a believable world with believable characters without trying to kill you with details, a la Martin with A Song of Ice and Fire. The plot can start to lag at times, but it’s not long before you come across the next twist that sucks you in again. Overall a really great read, and I highly recommend picking it up.

March was a bit of a whirlwind and I’m still having a hard time believing that it’s over…
- The highlight of the month was definitely my trip to Hawaii…
- … some random thoughts and shots from my trip, here and here.
- … what I ate in Kauai, including a slice of the famous hula pie.
- … a helicopter tour over the island, which is something I’ll never forget.
- Spent a little bit of time talking about food this month by professing my love for carbs, highlighting some meatless meals that I’m eating during Lent, and sharing some of my favourite meal/snack ideas.
- Slacked a bit in the kitchen, but still managed to make some good stuff!
- Seeing the month off with a snowboarding trip to the mountains. Recap coming next week!
Disclaimer: none of the products mentioned above are sponsored — they’re simply ones that I use regularly and love. This post does, however, contain some affiliate links.
Tell me 3 awesome things that happened in March!
Any new favourite discoveries this month?
Do you prefer white or brown rice?
When is winter going to go away?!?
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