Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. The best part about being [slightly] jet lagged is the fact that it kind of put me back on a more normal sleeping schedule. Not that going to sleep at 9:30pm and getting up at 4:30am was the worst thing in the world (*snort*), but I kind of prefer the whole 11:30-6:30 thing I’ve got going on now. Sometimes I’ll even force myself to stay up a little later just so it’ll help me sleep in. I mean, I love early mornings and all, but waking up 4am makes the day feel really, really long; and it kind of sucks to look at the clock and realize it’s only 10am when it feels like it should be 2pm.
2. Speaking of the longer days! Are we loving them or are we LOVING them?!? I went out for a little walk at 8:30pm to get some fresh air after being in the kitchen for most of the day (cookbooking is no joke!), and it was still pleasantly bright out. It’s a big change from Hawaii, where the sun was setting at around 6:30.
3. So I brought two things home with me from Hawaii: a pretty decent tan (for me… I’m still pretty pale comparatively) and a serious cereal addiction. I mean, I already had a pretty big one going in, but Hawaii definitely kicked it up a few notches. I went through almost 3 boxes of cereal in the 10 days I was there, and the habit’s been going strong ever since… namely with these, these, and these.
4. In other food news, I was happily (yes, happily) going to town on some applesauce the other day and I thought to myself: “man, this is the best tasting applesauce I’ve ever had!” Turns out the reason it was so good was because I accidentally bought the sweetened kind without noticing 😂 The sweet-tooth is real, my friends. And it reigns supreme. Actually, I should probably go back to making my own homemade applesauce again.
5. Can someone please tell me why most medical/professional buildings have such creepy hallways?! I was only in there to have my yearly eye exam, but the heebie jeebie vibes were real. And the best part is that my optometrist’s office is at the veeeeeeery end of aforementioned ominous hallway.
6. I seriously love my doctor, though. I’ve had the same one since I got my first pair of glasses at age…. err… 10? and he’s always telling me stories or giving me eyeball biology lessons when I see him. Yesterday’s lesson was all about the anatomy of the eye, and I had a chance to see pictures/scans of the inside of my eyeballs (creepy) and even some pictures/scans of eyeballs that had cataracts, haemorrhages, and macular degeneration (also creepy). Pro tip: to keep your eyes healthy, eat lots of leafy greens, orange bell peppers, and goji berries. Each of those contains high amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are two carotenoids that help prevent macular degeneration. Learn something new every day!
7. On that note, if you wear glasses/contacts, how old were you when you got your first pair? I feel like I needed them super early, which is weird because no one else in my entire family is near-sighted, and I didn’t even watch a lot of TV or have a computer as a kid. I’m also the only one who has a life-threatening food allergy. Yessssss.
8. And last but not least, time for a little cookbook Q&A! I’ve been getting quite a few questions regarding the book, so I figured I’d answer some of the more common ones here:
- When will it be coming out? I don’t have an exact date for you guys just yet, but I do know it’ll be early 2017. As soon as I find out, you guys will be the… err… second to know. Possibly third if Mama Spoons gets to me first 😂 And the closer we get to the publication date, the more details I’ll be able to share.
- Will it be all new recipes or ones that are already on the blog? Brand spankin’ new, baby! Besides 2 or 3 personal favourites that I really wanted to put in there, it’ll be 80 new recipes that I’ve been making behind the scenes and just not telling you about 😜
- What kind of recipes will they be? So you may have noticed that there’s been a lack of flourless muffins around these parts for the past couple of months, and that’s becauseeeee…. that’s the concept for the book! Healthy flourless muffins, as well as some flourless brownies, bars, and cookies. I’ve completely revamped my go-to flourless muffin recipe and I seriously can’t wait for you guys to see all the tasty flavour variations I came up with 😁

Let’s chat!
No questions! Just tell me whatever randomness comes to mind!
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OMG, I LOVE that you are doing a book on flourless muffins/desserts! It makes perfect sense seeing how you are the queen of flourless muffins and all. 😉
2017 can’t come soon enough, eeek!
Why have you not gotten Lasik yet? You need to get on that.
Also, I need to be on the early communication for the cookbook release date. Right up there with Mama Spoons please. I know I’ve been a bit preoccupied lately, but I’m still super proud of you. Blows kiss.
2. I’m loving all this sunshine! Undoubtedly puts me in a better mood. ☀️
4. Applesauce is sooooo underrated. Deliciousness!!!
7. I was actually in 2nd grade when I got my first pair of glasses and wore them for less than a year. I then got glasses again in my junior year of high school but would only wear them in class. I was totally embarrassed of how I looked! Finally, I started wearing glasses FOR REAL a couple of years ago in college when I just accepted how bad my near-sightedness had become.
Hope you have a lovely weekend! 😊
Cereal is my favorite night time snack! I’m weird and I never eat it for breakfast, something about cereal before bed is so comforting! Also weird, I don’t use milk!
I’m an oatmeal for breakfast kind of girl myself, but I definitely NEED my bowl of cereal before bed. Puts me right to sleep.
I remember going to to see the opthamologist as a kid in an ancient and seemingly windowless medical building, which was like something out of a scary B movie. That building has since been torn down, but I’ll take those creepy images with me to the grave, i guess! Can’t wait to see the cookbook when it comes out!
Thanks so much for your support, Ginger! Means a lot 😀
I’m pleased to hear you have managed to get back to a good sleeping schedule – I get up at 5am and by 8pm I am pooped! So going out in the evening is pretty much a no no unless I want to fall asleep!
I am really lucky that I have great eyesight – in fact my optician said I was better than 20:20 vision… Now I am glad I don’t need glasses and feel pretty lucky that it is the case but I do really suit glasses so I wouldn’t mind them. David is the opposite of me, blind as a bat!
I got your email btw – will iMessage you soon 🙂
Wow the sun was setting at 630 in hawaii? i love the longer days too–its nice having some time in the evening after working to actually get outside!
Crazy, right?! I thought maybe it was just a winter/spring thing, but apparently it’s like that year-round.
Good optometrists are the best! I just got a new one since I moved for grad school and she is amazing! I’ve been wearing glasses since I was three (although I mostly wear contacts now)
A walk out at 8:30? That sounds like heavenly bliss. Absolutely perfect! I cannot cannot cannot wait to see the cookbook! 🙂
Thanks so much, Julia! Your support means a tonne 🙂
I am SUCH a huge fan of the the long days. The late sunsets almost make our super short winter days worth it!
that Hawaii sunset!! the boy and i STILL cannot reconcile our day-to-day lives in NY with our perfect existence for a week in Maui. we are determined to go back for an extended stay once i finish my grad program. so many changes need to happen and i’m excited for next year!
Is it weird that I totally love hearing about people being excited for the future? #addictedtohappiness
I’m a big proponent of cereal. 🙂 AND YES THE SWEET TOOTH IS REAL!!!
What is up with the doctor office hallway creepiness?!?! No wonder there is a thing called white coat syndrome. They are there to freak us out!
Oh man I love when I get a lot done and then see it’s still before noon. I never thought I would ever say that in my life haha
I hear that! I was a total night owl when I was younger, and I usually wouldn’t even be up until around noon.
Don’t feel bad about having glasses that long, I’ve had them since 1st grade! And no sign of that changing either #blindasabat
I am nearsighted too but not until after college. Once I needed them all the time, I got contacts. I never wear my glasses now.
I can’t wait for more details on the cookbook! We never buy cereal anymore so naturally I am drooling over your big bowl 🙂
I’ve noticed a drastic improvement in my mood now that we have all these extra daylight hours! Love love LOVE this time of year! It’s really the only downfall to the tropics – nighttime comes so quickly. BUT HEY… no snow. That’s a trade off I could definitely live with.
I’m so excited for your cookbook release! 🙂
I’m so weird, I’d rather the 9:30 to 4:30 sleep schedule 🙂 I like being up early to get things done. If I could I wouldn’t sleep at all, lol. I’m requiring a lot these days though!
Growing tiny people is tough work! You have every reason to get a little more shut eye 🙂
I think I got my first pair of glasses in 2nd grade. After a few years, but eye sight took a turn for the worst and became completely terrible. So with my lack of peripheral vision I took the leap to contacts when I was 12. Luckily it hasn’t worsened much since then, but it’s still awful (like can’t see two inches in front of me awful). Now that I’m 25 I am giving serious thought to lasik. It would be so nice to be able to see without assistance.
I can’t see a lick without my contacts/glasses either. And I’ve thought about getting Lasik too, but I have astigmatism which supposedly decreases the chance of it being successful. I dunno. I need to talk to my doctor more about it.
I was in grade 4 when I first got glasses! I cannot see without them!
I was on the phone with my sister earlier this week and realized there was still some daylight at 9pm! It made me sooooo happy!
The longer days are wonderful. I love applesauce and use to make my own. Thank you so much for the reminder and the recipe.
xo Lauren
I’ve had glasses since first grade and contacts since third grade, aaand my eyesight just kept getting worse. I think it’s slowed down, but it definitely should have stopped by now. And I’m loving the longer days! I didn’t realize just how much of an effect early darkness had on me, but now I feel like I can work till 7, where before it was 4 and I felt DONE.
My eyes have gotten progressively worse over the years as well, and they’re just now starting to find their happy place I think. My doc said they usually settle around the mid-twenties, but mine did close to 30.
That’s so exciting about the cookbook! I got glasses when I was in 2nd grade and my mom said I cried way too hard when we found out haha. Getting surgery for tonsils out and tubes in my ears? No tears at all. Found out I had to get glasses? Sobs on sobs. Hahah I don’t understand.
i know i was in second grade when i got my first glasses but i have no idea how old that is 8? i liked my glasses but was in sports and had to BEG my parents to let me get contacts in junior high. i want to get lasick but am a big scardy cat about that.
Me too! Especially after I read what the procedure actually does 😆
My dentist’s hallway looks exactly like that one! And it smells awful too. It seems that leafy greens are the answer to everything. Why can’t it be more red wine and chocolate?
Right?!?! To be fair, though… those have their benefits as well. And if nothing else, they’re good for the soul… which is important for a healthy body too 😉
I love that you love your eye doctor. I’m kind of a chicken about going to the eye doctor, because I always dread what he’s going to tell me. I don’t know why I do, because he is there to help me. 🙂 I’m thankful we have doctors that can help us see better.
I’m not overly keen on getting any kind of exams done, to be honest, and you’re definitely right that there’s always that idea in the back of your mind that they’ll find something awful. But at least getting regular checkups means they’re likely to catch things early!