Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Hi! Hello! I’m here! I’m here. Phew. I almost completely blanked on the fact that today is Thursday (<– side effect of being on vacation – forgetting what day of the week it is). Instead, I only 90% blanked, meaning I remembered at the last minute and had to start this post at 10:30pm on Wednesday night. But I haven’t missed a ToL post in over 177 weeks, and I’d like to keep that streak going.
2. That being said, things will be going back to normal right quick because today marks our final day here in Hawaii. We’re hoping to spend the day out at Iao Valley, and then we’re catching a red eye out tonight and flying in at around noon tomorrow. I’m not happy about it. I’m not sad about it. I’m just kind of… I dunno. Grateful for it, I guess? Being in Hawaii is so, so, so, so great, but being home is pretty great as well. I don’t want to go all Sappy Spoons on you guys, but I feel like a huge part of happiness depends on being able to see the good in the moment you’re currently in, even it it’s not necessarily your idea of a “perfect” one. It’s not constantly telling yourself you’ll be happy in the future “when X happens,” and it’s not constantly living in the past reminiscing about “the good old days.” It’s being in the here and now and making a conscious effort to make the most of the cards that are currently in your hands. I dunno… I just felt like I needed to say that 🙂
3. But enough of the sap! Let’s talk happenings since we last spoke. First, a snorkelling trip to Molokini crater and Turtle Town…
It was so much fun! We took a tour out there with the Pacific Whale Foundation, and I definitely recommend going with them if you’re ever in the area and thinking about a snorkelling (or whale watching) tour because not only are they a great bunch of people, but they’re a non-profit organization and 100% of the profits go to supporting ocean research, education and conservation programs… which is pretty freaking epic.
Anyways! the trip itself was awesome. All of the snorkelling I’ve done has been right off the shore, so getting dropped off in the middle of the ocean was definitely an experience. AND! we got to see what we went out there to see – plenty of green sea turtles!!!
4. I even brought one home with me 😉
What can I say? You guys know I’m just a big kid at heart, and this guy totally reminds me of the baby turtle from Finding Nemo… which is why I named him Squirt.
5. So after the snorkelling trip, it took about 3 hours for me to stop feeling like I was still on the boat. I’m not really one to get seasick, but after almost 5 hours on the ocean, my head was definitely rocking whenever I closed my eyes. Them shaky sea legs…
6. And then it was luau time!
I’m probably not the best person to ask about a luau since one of the biggest parts of it (the buffet) is mostly lost on me (I need to do a food/WIAW update for you guys soon!!), but the show itself was really nice. We went to the Drums of the Pacific at the Hyatt on Kaanapali, and yeah… it was a good time.
7. Time! Let’s talk about it. It feels SO weird to be so far behind everyone else. At 5:30am here, when I’m usually waking up and checking the computer for messages, e-mails, social media, etc., it’s already 9:30 back home, and 11:30 on the east coast… meaning I kind of miss out on the prime time to connect with people. And then by the time I settle in for the evening, it’s already the middle of the night for everyone else, soooooo I miss that window as well. I’m not so much looking forward to dealing with the jet lag when I get back 😬
8. Speaking of which, I’m thinking I should probably get some sleep. I’m not so great at sleeping on planes, so tomorrow (today) is probably going to end up being a solid 30-hour day. See you back at home!!

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I really love the message at the beginning of this post! It’s so true. Happiness is a state of mind, it has nothing to do with your surroundings. Of course, it makes it a little easier when you’re in a place as beautiful as Maui! 😉
That’s so awesome that the tour donates all of their money to ocean research. Love!
I hope you have a safe trip back home!!
Ehehe! Being in Maui definitely makes it a little bit easier. Is it weird that I can’t wait to see recaps of your trip? It’s been a while since I was in Kauai, and I’d love to see it again!
That last picture looks like there’s a face in the clouds watching that plane flying by. How nice! Safe travels back!
I never saw that, but you’re totally right! It does 😀
Just went to Maui not too long ago and did many of the same activities you did! Snorkeling at Turtle Town/Molokini Crater was definitely a highlight!! Brings back so many happy memories. Lovely pictures, Amanda 🙂
Wow, such lovely memories you’ll always have of this vacation! Thanks for sharing some cool photos!
You’re such an amazing photographer, Amanda. You must have an underwater camera–those turtle pictures are stunning!
I actually understand feeling kind of relieved to go back home after a vacation. Hope the flight home goes well and that you’re able to adjust back to your normal routine.
Thanks so much, Joyce! I was using my GoPro in it’s little protective case, and I’m so happy I had it because it really is nice to be able to go back and look ate the picture afterwards 🙂
I can imagine being behind would be odd… It’s really strange being so far ahead of my friends and family here, especially being 12 hours ahead of America!
I love your little squirt – yeah I probably would have bought one too, simply for the memories of seeing the real thing! So breathtaking!
Loved your snaps – Hawaii just looked so peaceful 🙂
Eep! I honestly have no idea how I’d adjust to blogging with the time zone in Australia. But it looks so beautiful out there, so I guess the experience kind of makes up for it 🙂
Wow, it looks like you’re having a blast at Hawaii! That water is just gorgeous! I know just what you mean about vacation being awesome, but home also being your special place. And I don’t think your thought about living in the present and being grateful for the moment was sappy at all! It’s a very much needed reminder in this day and age, especially for me. So thank you!
I totally am a kid at heart myself, and when I saw your giant turtle, Squirt from Nemo is just what I thought of. 😜 So it gave me a weird sense of satisfaction when you (seemingly) followed through on my thought process. 😆
This seems weird, because I am not present I your real life or even truly know you, but I have really missed you, girl!! 💕 Can’t wait to “see” you online again!!! Have a terrific last day on vacay!!!
Not weird at all, girl! Your thoughtful comments never fail to bring a smile to my face, so it’s always nice to see them popping up in my inbox 🙂 We seriously need to connect outside of blogging!
Looks like a great vacation! And those pictures of the sea turtles are amazing! Have a safe trip home.
Awe, the turtles!! Love them. Have a good trip nack home my Love. I so want to see Hawaii one day!
We should make a blogging retreat there one day. Maybe 2017? YES.
WoW! What an amazing experience you must have had on this trip! I have been to Hawaii once, 18 years or so ago I think, so I think it’s time to go back and check out all your favorite spots! Absolutely love that rainbow picture – and the words in your first paragraph really spoke to me. So hard to do sometimes, but so important. Thanks for hosting my favorite link up!
Time change just totally completely confuses me every time. If blogging were my real job, I’d just have to completely give in and not try to figure it out all. I’d go bonkers trying to even think about it. Hope you got some good sleep and safe travels!
ahhh your pictures are making me want to move snorkeling up on my bucket list. i love what you said about being in the now. i struggle a lot with saying i’ll be happy when X happens, but i’m trying to focus on being happy with what i have going on now.
Snorkelling definitely deserves a top spot! I really want to do it with dolphins one day!
Everything looks gorgeous and fun and exactly the kind of moments you really want to savor – different than the small moments in everyday life at home, which you also want to treasure, so I think that’s an excellent way to look at it, sappy or not!
Gratitude is essential. It is like bathing. Clean slate for the day. Love, love, love your pics. The water is so unbelievably beautiful. Welcome home. xo Lauren
Ahhhh, I went to the Drums of the Pacific when I was in Maui, too! I know luaus are touristy but I really do love them. Glad you had a good time! Regarding the buffet – did you try the poi?
Squirt is adorable! Your snorkeling pictures are stunning. I have also heard great things about the Pacific Whale Foundation. They do great work!
I relate to that feeling of ocean motion even when back on dry land. I went on a cruise earlier this year, and for DAYS afterwards I could still feel the rocking of the ship. The worst times were when I was just sitting at my desk, et al.
Safe travels and hope you can get some rest!
I didn’t try the poi because I’m totally NOT a fan of fish, and I’m pretty sure I came out of the womb that way because I’ve never liked it. And I’ve always wondered that about cruises! I figured it would be okay since the boat was so huge, but that’s good to know…
I loved hearing your thoughts on happiness being here and now. Life becomes so much more rewarding when we look at the things we’re grateful for! Those crazy high vibin times are fleeting, just like the deepest lows we experience. I think a lot of us look back with regret for not appreciating what we had in the moment!
Safe travels home! 🙂 xoxo
You’re totally right about the extremes being super fleeting! I think they make more of an impact on us because the emotions were so strong, but they’re just a small blip in the movie reel that is our life. It’s the basic everyday stuff that adds up to make the biggest difference.
Your trip looks like it has been amazing and love, love all the turtle pictures 🙂 You are so right about being in the moment–wish I could live a little more like that!!
It just takes some time and practice! I don’t think it’s realistic to expect to never have those past/future thoughts, but it helps to counter them and bring yourself back to the present moment.
I agree so much with what you said about being happy in the present! I feel like I’m in this strange state of missing the past (college) and looking forward to the future (trips, races, etc.) and not focusing on each day. Oftentimes the best times and best memories are in the small, regular days you know?! Haha. I love all your snorkeling pictures though!
Hawaii looks totally divine as I watch is snow sideways here right now. But I won’t complain because I’m just back from a Pacific coast cruise so yes, grateful. I had the open water snorkel experience in Grand Cayman a few years ago. It was weird. Reminded me a little of the movie Open Water. But yes, amazing. Glad you’re enjoying! Thanks for the linkup!
It’s crazy because I’m actually kind of afraid of open water and all the things that might be lurking in it. I guess I just tried not to think about it when I was out there. And it helped that it was so bright and there was a good number of us out there.