Happy Monday, friends!
And yes, Monday can be happy. Today, we’re going to ignore the fact that it’s cold, cloudy, and we have to go back to work, and focus on some marvelous things instead. Sound good? I thought so too π
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Marvelous… is the fact that I can taste my food again…
Mmmm. Tasty. My nose was only stuffed badly enough to make me lose my sense of taste for about 1.5 days, but that was 1.5 days too long for me. You would think that not being able to taste my food would make me less willing to eat it, but I actually found the opposite to be true – I ended up eating more because nothing satisfied me and I kept picking away at things hoping to be able to detect the slightest taste. Thankfully that nonsense is over with because…
Marvelous… were the chocolate chip oatmeal cookies that I baked this weekend…
It was -20Β°C (-4ΒΊF)Β here on Sunday, and I wasn’t all that willing to go outside and have my nose fall off so shortly after regaining my taste, so I decided to hole up at home and get some baking done. I used this recipe because I was craving something a little healthier after the crazy sugar comas I got around Christmas, but I increased the butter to ΒΌ cup and used a mixture of semi sweet and milk chocolate chips. And speaking of which…
Marvelous… are milk chocolate chips in baking…
I’ve always used semi-sweet or dark chocolate chunks when I baked cookies, but I couldn’t help grab a baggie of the milk chocolate ones when I saw them in the store and holy.wow are they good. I know that most people in the healthy living community tend to gravitate towards dark chocolate, but you can’t deny the deliciousness that is melt-in-your-mouth milk chocolate. Still…
Marvelous… is chocolate in general…
Milk, dark, white… doesn’t matter. I’ve been craving chocolate likeΒ crazy lately, and I have no idea why. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a woman. Or maybe it’s simply an issue of chocolate just being so darn delicious. Whatever the case, I haven’t been able to get enough (and believe me, I’ve tried).
Marvelous… is a weekend spent completely unplugged…
Total coffee shop visits: 5
Total movies watched: 4 (Dumb & Dumber, French Kiss, The Devil Wears Prada, The Illusionist)
Total treadmill workouts: 6 (over 3 days, in spurts of 20-30 minutes)
Total boardgames played: 1 epically long one
I barely spent any time on the computer the Internet this weekend (I played someΒ WoW), and it feltΒ so good to unplug. Unfortunately, coming back after a few days of being away is always a little overwhelming, which is why…
Marvelous… is this button right here…
Sometimes, certain measures have to be taken to to keep one’s sanity in tact. Pushing that button is one of my measures. I hope I didn’t miss anything important, but I’ll be catching up with you guys again shortly Β π And speaking of certain measures…
Marvelous… is using cookies to fuel a workout…
Red Bull Cookies give you wings. No joke. But on a healthier note…
Marvelous… is fruit…
… but that’s a whole other post in itself – tomorrow’s, actually. For now, I hope your week is off to a great start!
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Do you like milk chocolate or dark chocolate? Be honest!
What’s your favorite thing to eat before a workout? Don’t tell me you’ve never gone the cookie route!
Tell me one thing you did this weekend!
Your cookies do look quite marvelous! I admit, I’m a milk chocolate lover at heart. I buy the dark because it’s “healthier”. LOL Milk chocolate tastes MUCH better though, IMO. It’s freezing cold here too… only about 1 degree F today. It’s horrid & I felt like my nose was going to fall off my face today. Fun stuff. Happy Monday!! π
Glad you’re feeling better!
Gahhhh all your food pictures are killing me! Those cookies look so awesome!
Okay, I’m going to answer this question very complexly.. I like dark chocolate in my coffee drinks and in trail mix, dark hershey’s kisses, dark PB cups..
But I like milk chocolate in chocolate chip cookies. So. much. better. It just compliments the cookie’s buttery taste perfectly.
And white chocolate.. meh. It’s okay with peanut butter or mixed with milk/dark chocolate. But alone, I’m not a huge fan.
This question obviously deserved such a long answer, because well, it’s chocolate haha.
Oh, and I’m the same way when I’m sick, too. Never satisfied. Bleh! Have a great week! This is a great post, girl!
Loving your attention to detail when it comes to chocolate, Abby π
Yay for baking on a cold, dreary weekend! Is there seriously anything better? I don’t think so. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better! I’ve been better too for several days now, but I still have a coughing fit after a workout. I’m sure that’ll stop eventually. I spent this weekend completely unplugged too, didn’t even bring my computer home with me. It was fantastic! π
As I sit here with a serious stomach ache + nausea I can attest to the fact that there unfortunately is such a thing as too much chocolate :/ Ouch ouch ouch. I’m sure I’ll feel better after some tea and a nap though π Oh and I’m a 100% dark (like 90% dark) chocolate girl all the way! It’s been pretty cold around these parts as well but damn…-20?!? That’s intense. I wouldn’t leave my house in those conditions either! Glad to hear you’re finally feeling better!
Too much chocolate?! Say it ain’t so! Hope you feel better soon, hun! <3
Ummmm chocolate is chocolate no matter what…white, dark, milk….I’m not picky!
I agree on milk chocolate being delicious! I still love dark chocolate (or any chocolate for that matter…) but sometimes it’s nice to switch it up!
Haha! The mark all as read button is pretty damn marvelous! I have days where I have to do that, things get so busy and overwhelming!
Happy Monday love!
I only like really dark chocolate and even then, I’m not a huge chocolate lover. I mean I like it, but I’m more of a vanilla lover. That’s kind of weird I guess. Everyone seems to love chocolate but just not me. Ha ha. I do like chocolate cookies, or actually chocolate chip muffins! Okay, so off topic. Your weekend sounds like fun:) I still have to e-mail you. I’m super slow haha. This weekend I kept it super low key. Nothing too exciting!
I definitely am a dark chocolate person. I won’t even touch milk chocolate (unless emergency) because I think it’s wayyy too sweet. I’m so glad they make everything with dark chocolate now, too. (Reeses cups MMM) I’m even one who will enjoy a 90% cocoa bar ><, I just love the cocoa taste!
I think I'm making those chocolate chip cookies, btw. I like the recipe and they look really good!
I used to use jelly bellys as post-workout fuel or a lindt truffle π No shame.
Definitely give the cookies a try! You can tell they’re on the healthier side, but sometimes that’s exactly what hits the spot – like little baked oatmeal clusters π
Looks like the perfect relaxing weekend to me. I love milk chocolate. For a long time I tried to convince myself I liked dark better but no matter what I choose milk!
Chocolate is most definitely VERY marvelous! I never used to like dark chocolate and would always stick with milk chocolate, but once I became a vegetarian and adapted healthier eating habits this past year my taste buds have totally changed and I love dark chocolate. It doesn’t hurt that it is “healthier” and I feel less guilty eating it! π
Haha I actually have eaten sweets/cookies before a workout in the past, but about 1 hour before at least…or else I’d die from indigestion. π And to be honest, unless the milk chocolate is from Argentina or some European country and it’s truuuuuuuly truly high quality, velvety texture, I don’t like milk chocolate! xP It’s too sweet for me–but dark chocolate always ends up being more satisfying and just sweet enough, and I enjoy that strong cocoa taste. I’m all about the boldness in my food. I think I get that from my dad b/c he’s always loved the dark stuff.
I like to pride myself on the fact that I eat a lot of sweets. I know this community is supposed to be super healthy, but I LOVE sweets and see nothing wrong with indulging, so long as I have earned them by being productive and active. With that said I REALLY TRULY do prefer dark chocolate. Hands down. Which is awesome now that I am vegan because I don’t eat milk chocolate anymore, but I swear it’s like night and day for me. I am glad you liked them though and there is NOTHING wrong with that! I baked cookies this weekend too, I ate one like.10 minutes ago for breakfast. HA!
π And that’s exactly why I love you so much.
Yay for you feeling better again and being able to taste the marvelousness that is food! I already told you I’m the same when not being able to taste: Super ravenous and mad because I want to feel satisfied by food.
Can I pleeeease come over to play board games? It’s something I really miss but even when I’m at my parents’ we won’t do it because my mum claims she disliked playing them. Which one’s your favourite? Monopoly is a good one for sure – except when going to jail :D.
Lindt Lindor chocolate is one of the reasons I’m not fully vegan. While dark chocolate’s my favourite most days I sometimes just need (!) that goodness. No denying here. And yes, I’ve definitely had chocolate as pre- (and post- ;)) workout fuel.
Of course you can come over to play board games! I’ve started building up my collection for the sole purpose of entertaining guests π As for favorite… that’s kind of a toughie. I love a good game of Monopoly, but I’m going to have to go with Settlers of Catan on that one.
Your weekend sounds like it was faaaaantastic! I’m I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better and can taste again! Such an important thing these days π
I actually do prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate. I’m not sure if it’s because I like things more bitter? Well not bitter, but stronger? Like, I love really strong coffee. The darker the roast the more I love it. But of course I’m never one to turn down chocolate. Or a cookie. So if you could just send them down south, that would be lovely. I need some wings π
Trade you some cookies for some better weather? π
now, how do i go about changing the weather…
1.) Dark Chocolate
2.) Protein bar (chocolate flavored, of course! π )
3.) Got my hair cut and re-dyed.
I am proud of you for your weekend unplugged, it is needed. that little button can do wonders. also the illusionist, amazing movie! I haven’t seen it in ages.
I wish I was the healthier dark chocolate loving girl, but I am all about milk chocolate! The cookies you made look absolutely amazing!!
You so, so, SO deserved some serious unplugging. π I hope that your food tastes as better as ever. That is one beautiful celebratory greek yogurt bowl!
Cookies are the best workout fuel π I felt so bad for you when you couldn’t taste your delicious food, and then I woke up this morning with a sore throat. Nooo….. please pray for me to not get sick! If I can’t taste my birthday cake I will be so sad…
!!! Nooo! Definitely sending some healing vibes your way. Rest, vitamin C, chicken noodle soup, and gargling with salt water should have you back to good in no time π
That’s so cold!! Omg definitely cookie baking weather lol anything to turn the oven on :p they look great too! I’m actually not such a huge chocolate fan, I used to be obsessed but I think I over did it haha but when I do eat the occasional I think I do prefer dark… if it’s in M&M form or hershey kiss, it’s gotta be milk :p
I’m a huge fan of 50% of your MIMM things revolving around chocolate, yes please! I like milk in cookies but prefer dark when I eat it solo. And weekend workout fuel seems to vary for me too, sometimes it’s coffee & sometimes it’s a cookie! Marvelous was spending time with fam & friends this weekend. Happy Monday!
your eats look amazing!
Dark Chocolate all the way! Milk chocolate just doesn’t do it for me anymore.
Mmmm oatmeal chocolate chip cookies – probably my favorite!
I watched Devil wears Prada too π I also ate pizza, made birthday treats for hubby and cursed the weather!
I LOVE dark chocolate, but sometimes you just have to have milk chocolate! Before a workout (which is usually just a long walk or bike ride to be honest) I’ll usually have some fruit, like an orange or banana, an shave something a bit more substantial when I get back (:
This weekend I said goodbye to a lot of my family and friends in the UK, as I’m going back to Australia on Thursday! Well, if the snow somehow disappears…
Eep! Sending good weather vibes your way! And wishing you a safe flight π
Wow, everything looks SO yummy, especially that fresh fruit!
Glad to hear you are feeling better!! And I love the amount of chocolate in this post. I made some dark chocolate dipped apricots this weekend and they were BOMB. I seriously have been eating them nonstop.
And I’ve never seen dumb and dumbber!
Never?! Omigosh but it’s a classic one! I think I’ve watched it so many times that I can basically quote the whole thing.
I like blocks of dark chocolate, but prefer milk chocolate chips .. is that weird?
My pre-workout food isn’t nearly as interesting as the belgian waffles that I’m LOVING post workout. Maple syurp is AMAZING.
Also, might I say that I love that you’re a geek. However, I missed you this weekend, Missy. Hope when you’re ready to reconnect with the real world that a text comes my way. It’s going to be -30 to -35 (with the wind) here all week. I’m going to channel my inner Spoons and make the most of the indoors and keep my nose regular coloured and hopefully still attached to my face. π
I’m looking at all these delicious things and well… I’m glad I’m before dinner! I’m getting hungry.
Honestly – I don’t eat chocolate and I’m fine with that. I only sometimes drink hot chocolate in Starbucks or such a cafe but that’s all and I don’t eventreat it as “eating chocolate”. I used to eat sweet when I was young but then everything changed, including my eating habits.
Well, I only watched a few episodes of The Lying Game and… Ugh. I just wanted to realx. π
dumb and dumber really? One of my fav’s! I can quote the entire thing! I need to watch that today π
Um MILK CHOCOLATE hands down! This weekend I went to a wedding and danced my face off with my one year old son π It was a blast! Have a great week Amanda!
I am so with you about milk chocolate! As much as I love dark chocolate, there’s something about milk chocolate that cannot be beat…even better if it’s with nuts :)! Sounds like you had a great weekend, Amanda. Lord knows I am a technology fiend but a few days away from it all always makes me feel so mentally recharged! One thing great from my weekend: attending a friend’s hen night on Saturday. Although it’s crazy to think that we’re already at the age where marriage is in the picture- I don’t remember becoming a grown up!
I can’t help but laugh whenever I hear those parties being called hens – we call them bachelorette parties over here, and hens makes me think of farms π But I know what you mean about it being cray that we’re at that age… I remember when my friends all started getting married, having kids, and buying houses. It seems like just yesterday when we were all graduating high school together!
Honestly? I like chocolate. Period. I try to gravitate towards dark because I know it’s better for me, but I can’t say no to milk chocolate either. I like to keep a mix of both in my household :-p And I can’t forget about white chocolate – that stuff makes me happy too!
This weekend, I went out for dinner, went shopping, did homework, and spent the rest of it being lazy. It was pretty awesome.
I love both milk and dark and LOVE to mix both types of chips into my baked goods π Yay for feeling better!! Oh and using cookies as my pre and post run fuel is my favorite thing to do π And one thing I did…watched the Pens cream both the Flyers and the Rangers (YAY!!!) and had a date with my daddy π
Well, you know, I live in chocolate paradise – Switzerland. You really can not imagine how many oh-so-delicious-and-aaaaahmazing versions of this exclusive chocolate we have here (at least one thing since we miss out on all the rest you guys have over there :-)). Hm, I love all of them. It really depends on my mood, it’s a bit like clothes or shoes. Some days heels, some days sneakers. Some days white, some days dark. As long as there is a piece every day π
Glad that your nose is back on taste!! Enjoy it! One thing I did this weekend: sleep. Beautiful.
Ahhh now this is a nice post to see on a Monday – cookies and chocolate, two of my fave things! π My tastes have changed over time from milk chocolate when I was a kid, to dark when I got older and now I am a lover of raw chocolate which is about as pure a chocolate as you can get I guess! Never been a fan of white though, despite my very sweet tooth that was always a bit much for me! Your cookies look sooo good..I totally need to do some therapeutic baking soon to get me away from uni work!
Be careful with the raw chocolate, hun! There’s a lot of evidence out there showing the negative effects of eating cacao in it’s raw form – especially when it comes to the nervous, adrenal, and digestive systems. I used to be really into raw foods, but chocolate was something I always shied away from because there are way too many toxins and chemicals in the raw form.
im usually a dark chocolate girl myself. but lately i have had this weird craving for milk chocolate. something about that super sweet goodness that i just can’t get enough of. glad your taste buds are back in action!
I really do love dark chocolate! But I never turn down good quality milk chocolate π When I was younger I was crazy about white chocolate, actually.. And I think I ate enough of the stuff to turn me off it for a lifetime π I find it just too sickly sweet
White chocolate is definitely my least favorite of the three, but I’m still a pretty big fan of the Hershey’s Cookies ‘n Cream bar. Then again, you can never go wrong with throwing cookie chunks in something π