Awwr. Thank you guys for sharing some facts with me. You’re all gems 😀
It was great to learn some more about you, and nice to hear that I’m not the only Disney loving, granny schedule following, emetophobic out there. Actually, that’s probably one of the things that I love most about the blog world – it let’s me see that I’m not alone in some of my more… unusual… habits.
And speaking of habits…
But I digress…
Truth be told, I have a pretty hard time relating to the people that I come across in “real life”; and while I have a decent amount of acquaintances, the number of them that I consider true friends is pretty small.
For the most part, I get along with people superficially – friendly on the surface, but it hardly ever goes much deeper than that. I always thought that it was because I’m extremely introverted and don’t really enjoy having people around, but the more I think about it, the more I believe that that’s not necessarily the case. I do enjoy the company of others, I simply can’t find a common ground with most of them.
Take today, for example. Saturday. A day where most people my age sleep in past noon, laze about for most of the day, and party for most of the night. But me? I was up before dawn, productive all day, and I’ll probably be in bed by 10:30. Oh, and did I mention that I also decided to bake bran muffins?
Bran. As in, the stuff that your grandmother eats. How old am I again?
Too old, apparently, but that’s been the story of my life for as long as I can remember. Even as a young child, I always acted more mature than my years would suggest. Of course I played with toys, believed in Santa Claus, and was incredibly afraid of the dark, but even then I wasn’t really able to relate to my peers. I almost felt more comfortable around adults than I did with kids my own age.
And to be honest, not much has changed.

These days, I still don’t really relate to most of my peers – I actually feel a lot more comfortable interacting with children or people who are a good 20 years older than me than I do with those in my own age group. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it’s because I’m an old soul stuck in a young body.
Or maybe it’s because I can’t seem to grow up.
See, the whole concept of becoming a responsible adult kind of terrifies me. Starting a career. Supporting myself. Getting married. Starting a family… I just don’t feel ready for it. So, I cling to the comforts of my childhood and seek solace in the serenity of seniority (yippee for alliteration!!), just to avoid that uncomfortable in-between phase that I’m not so sure I’ll be able to handle.
Factor in the fact that I don’t drink, I’m not big on partying, I can hardly keep my eyes open past 10 o’clock, and I enjoy quiet evenings at home, and… what’s my age again? I know it would be wrong to assume that everyone in their 20’s lives that way, but it probably wouldn’t be a stretch to say that my preferred lifestyle isn’t exactly the norm.
I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I really don’t know how to act my age… if there even is such a thing. Maybe there isn’t. Maybe growing up doesn’t mean abandoning your inner child. Maybe being young doesn’t mean you can’t partake in occasional instances of senioritis. Maybe age is just another useless number that no one should concern themselves with.
Mmm. Yes. I quite like that idea.
And I quite liked my muffins, as well. Grandmotherly or not.
. – . – . – .
Can anyone relate?
I can TOTALLY relate to this. I am kind of shy and introverted as well and only have a few people I would really even consider acquaintences in high school. It feels like girls my age are kind of mean and spiteful and haven’t really grasped what’s actually important in life yet. Doesn’t make me better than them, just on a different plane of awareness.
I don’t understand why girls like to bring each other down so much or engage in bad behaviors like drinking and partying to seem cool or fit in, but that is pretty much the norm at my school, which is sad 🙁 I guess people don’t really know what to think of me! Except that they know I’m a really fast runner and say I have cute clothes and am skinny. I don’t like how high-schoolers judge though. But I know it’s
not the real world and I’ll be done in 2 years.
Age is definitely the second most useless number after the weight! I so relate to what you have written. You know, I love baking, I love creating a lot of my own stuff, I wake up around 5 a.m. and I am in bed no later than 10.30. I go to a party maybe twice a year. It´s always been so much easier to me to talk to people who are much older. Even now at my work place I I feel much better around ladies who are 45 – 50 than around those who are almost my age. But at the same time I love children books, colouring pages, Disney characters, my teddy bears collection… It is a bit schizophrenic so I stopped thinking about acting my age in order not to get crazy. I just act as I want to.
I think you just described my life. Though I’m writing this at 12:30 at night, every other night in the past year, I’ve been asleep by 11, and usually by 10. I’ve never related well to peers at all. I can get along, but it always seems as if I’m more mature and think about differen things, have different interests, and usually their conversations seem to focus around things I couldn’t really care about. I relate better to people who are older than me. I don’t drink either, I wake up early, I’d rather talk with someone or read a book than go out partying. And I love bran muffins too. They’re honestly my favorite muffin, after blueberry. I really related to you completely about feeling unable to relate to most people in real life. It’s good to know someone else feels the same way.
I’m totally an old lady and I always have been! Not only do I look older than my age (or so most people say) but I have always acted that way. I get up super early, eat pureed foods, eat dinner at 5, enjoy doing the dishes, and got to bed early. i’m the same way with friends because i don’t want to go out and party every single weekend, so I don’t hang out with a lot of people that i know.
Ha! Could not believe when I read this post! It was like I had written it ;)… I am exactly the same way! I don’t party, drink, smoke… and it is so hard to find people to relate too ;). I have a lot of “adult” friends and honestly feel more like an “adult.” Infact… dare I say my mom is my best friend? My problem though, is that at first glance people usually think I am like 15 or 16, when I am actually almost 20 :/. Aw… isn’t the blog world nice?! There are actually people out there like me! 😉
Me and my momma are tight, too 😉 And people can’t usually believe it when I tell them how old I am. I used to hate looking so young, but I’ll probably love it when I’m 40 and look like I’m 25 😀
I love to spend my time at home — with a small group of people (ideally just me and Jason to be honest!) at most. Going out terrifies me sometimes — I get so anxious and worried that I prefer to stay in. I have a few close friends that I would do ANYTHING for, but that is about it. And I’m ok with that!
I think you know that I act like a total 5 year old on occasion. Though I can relate to you in that I get along well with adults. I don’t drink or party, and I find myself not necessarily being able to relate to a lot of people. But adults- I can hold a conversation with an adult for hours. Don’t get me wrong, though- I do have some great friends my age that I definitely get along with. But like you said, there are few.
I have some great blog-y friends, though! -hinthintwinkwink-
But then again I’m afraid to grow up. I fear supporting myself and living on my own too. Everything is puppies and rainbows when your parents to all the worrying, you know?
I know you’ll be great on your own. It’s scary- but you’re so strong and smart. I know you’ll be absolutely fabulous.
I am always up at the crack of dawn! I am just a morning person and love to enjoy a whole day rather than sleep in ; )
Loving the bran muffins, did you put PB on top of any of those bad boys, how yummy that would be too, Im sure you did ; )
I actually have a lot of friends older than me, I grew up pretty fast, since I had my son so young, and I relate and get a long better with older people due to that especially : )
Love ya girl! I hope you hit up some Lululemon this weekend too, I know you said you might!
xoxo <3 just described me to a tee.
PLEASE. I am the freaking QUEEN of all grandmas! I’m 21 and wake up before my friends and stay in on some nights so I can spend quality time with my bed! I’m also known to down prunes on occasion as well 😉
Us grandmas are just that much cooler than everyone else 😉
All weirdos have blogs 😀 . Really, in real life I don’t know anybody with the same habits as mine. When I tell people at what time I wake up in the morning, they think I’ve lost my mind. Even when I stay up late on special occasions, I still don’t wake up later than 7 a.m. I do a lot of things that aren’t typical for people my age and it is not unexpected that finding friends is a hard task. But I am happy I finally learned that trying to be like everyone else is not what I should do. Being myself feels so much better. And if there are people of the same kind in the blog world, then I must believe that I will eventually meet some of them in real life, too 🙂 .
I’m the exact same way! I’m almost 19 and my first year of college was a huge shock for me! I knew people liked to party, but it seemed like it was all anyone wanted to talk about. I felt lame going to bed at 11 every night and waking up early on the weekends. But why should I feel bad for being a little mature for my age? Partying just isn’t my thing–I like catching up with friends over some Starbucks or watching The Office or doing something active outside. And there shouldn’t be any shame in that! Thank you so much for writing this post because I don’t feel so alone and “old” 😉
90% of your blog posts I relate to, this one in particular however, I feel as though its 110% me, and actually felt as though it was me that wrote it. I always feel that way about my friend group, the majority of them, as horrible as it is, I truly cannot relate to, and find that they are more acquaintance than anything. To count my real friends on even one hand is also very small. I have a hard time relating to people around me, then I read blogs and I’m like “wow, this person I’d so be friends with” it really sucks.
As for the Bran I was thinking of that yesterday. Instead of adding oats to some milk yesterday I added Bran, because truthfully I’ve loved the stuff ever since my mom introduced it to my diet when I was about six. When I brought my breakfast to work with me, my friend (and this is actually a real friend, which sucks since I’ll be moving back home soon and have never gotten along with anyone as well as her before, other than our food choices haha) asked me what I asked was having for breakfast and wrinkled her nose when I said Bran. I love bran, it’s probably my second, no scratch that it IS my second favourite grain, and I will always choose a bran muffin, especially cranberry blueberry bran muffin over anything else. I’ve been called a grandma for so many years now, and thought it was a bad thing for so long, but I now know otherwise, I embrace the fact that I am so conscious of my health where my “friends” are staying out late, drinking, hurting their livers, and sleeping in all day, where as I drink 2-3 times a year, wake up (yes, before dawn) start working out and start my day right. Be proud of that fact!
I can relate completely! I’ve always been an early riser and often get funny looks when I admit to happily waking up at 5am and then heading off to bed at 10pm. I sometimes can’t even make it past 9:30-an hour that seems much too early for someone in their 20s.
I’ve often had the same thoughts on acting my age. I know most people my age would rather be out drinking, partying or doing whatever. I still love to watch cartoons (I’m ready for Captain planet at 6am!), I still go to playgrounds and run around, and I’ve often found the entertainment of our childhood is just as good now. My roommate and I have stayed up watching cartoons and coloring in coloring books. Kids have the right idea! Though some of my interests seem old or old fashioned. I love to sew, quilt, and read.
I have a lot of friends who are a lot older than me, and also a fair amount of friends younger than me. I sometimes find I have more in common with them than my own peers. It’s interesting, I think its a maturity thing. You’re mature for your age, and I feel the same way. There’s a gap between the maturity of children and the maturity of an older adult. Some peers are more interested in things like drinking, hooking up etc, but I have no interest in it and I’d rather sit and enjoy a cup of coffee with my pastor and talk about life.
It was so completely strange reading that post and feeling like I could have written it. Seriously, everything you wrote about explains me dead on. I’ve just recently been getting into the blog world and it so cool to be able to read about/discover people who share ALL the same interests as me. I just thought I would write and let you know you’re definitely not alone!
PS. those bran muffins look awesome! i don’t usually make them because no one else in my family likes them..
you know i’m right there with ya 😉 but you know what…i don’t regret my “wild days” one bit. i’m glad i did things i shouldn’t have, stayed out late and partied it up. i may not be that way any more…but i’m glad i arrived to where i am now by my own choices, having already “been there, done that,” y’know?! i almost feel like it’s just a part of growing up.
now bloggers just need to all re-locate to some place we can all wake up early and go to bed early 😛
Age is less of how many years we’ve been on this earth and more of how you feel, act and think! I, too, am a mix of young and old that somehow averages out to 27 (which I am, but rarely act)! And don’t worry about being “old” enough to get a job, support yourself, get married and all that future stuff. When I found my husband, I knew it was a match made in heaven…we’re kids together!
Can I relate? ummm… you basically described me! And looking at the comments I feel so much less alone. I just turned 21 and didn’t drink on my birthday (or ever really) and people my age could not get over that. I went out to a a super amazing dinner had delicious food and dessert and was in bed by 10:30 🙂 I sometimes feel weird about it when others bring it up or comment on my “not so normal” 20 year old lifestyle, but hey that’s me. PS send some bran muffins this way!
Yes! I’m the only one of my friends who never sleeps in…I just physically can’t- and staying out late/all night is such a struggle for me. Now that I’ve been living at home since graduating I usually go to bed before 11pm and rise by 7- but even in college I would never sleep in past 8 on weekends…I get too hungry and need my coffee 🙂
Oh well…my moods also fluctuate in terms of how ‘mature’ i feel- I’m pretty homey and lowkey a lot of the time but I definitely have my times when I’m in the mood to get dressed up and have a night on the town 🙂
I too am a grandmother. I go to bed at like ten and wake up early.
Oat bran = the best.
Oh my goodness. How do I NOT relate to this??! I am one hundred percent like you, deary. It sucks not being able to connect to people around you. I can mingle, but I don’t really get into deep friendships that easily. There are one or two people who I am very close with, but that’s it. I am looking forward to going to a different college this fall and meeting people who are, hopefully, more like me!
It’s Saturday night and I am getting ready to read and then go to sleep. 🙂 I also got up at 6 am this morning and ran in a 5k at 8am. Much better than trying to cure a hangover and sleeping in until 12 like most people our age!
Oh my gosh, YES. I am everything you just described – bar the going to sleep early thing.
“I don’t drink, I’m not big on partying, I can hardly keep my eyes open past 10 o’clock, and I enjoy quiet evenings at home” = my life.
So many of my friends at college regularly get wasted, party till dawn, and think a 3am bedtime on a WEEKday is early. I am the exact opposite. I never drink (I just think alcohol tastes vile, and honestly, what is the point?), and I hate dirty, loud, inebriated frat parties where the floors are coated in vomit, the hallways are packed, and the people you are thrust into are all drenched in sweat. I would MUCH rather a relaxed evening at home, watching a movie, baking, reading, doing my nails…
I’ve never truly felt comfortable with other people around my age, except for a select few who are themselves teetotalers and/or very mature. I think it’s because I grew up as an only child and have spent more time with adults than children my own age. I find it sad, sometimes, that I never had a typical carefree, fun childhood, but I suppose it was for the best – I mean, I am more mature, responsible, and thoughtful than many of my peers, so I suppose if you lose some, you always gain some.
All my friends I act too mature for my age…that I’m quite “different.” I disagree though. I think I’m just introverted, and I’m just interested in other things compared to them.
By the way, the honey says “buckwheat” on it. Is it a special kind of honey?
Yep! Honey tastes different depending on what flower the pollen comes from. Buckwheat honey come from buckwheat flowers, and it’s one of my favorites 🙂
Oh yes, I can relate. I’m 23 and for the first time in my life I moved out of my parents’ place (had to because I found a job after graduating) and am just now beginning to experience “going out” and drinking at bars… But its not my ideal way to spend time! I don’t like drinking, I never meet people who I click with it seems, so the whole time I feel like I’m being fake and trying to be outgoing when I’d really rather lounge around at home!
I know my ed made me a hermit all through college and now that I’m trying recovery on my own and still am haunted by disordered thoughts (more so since I miss my family so much and fear all this change that comes with officially being a grown up) its still so hard to try to act “normal” as in being super social and going out on weekends.
I want to live my life to the fullest (whatever that really means!) And don’t want to someday look back with regret like I do on my college years because of ed, but… I seem to like my life a lot when I have the time to myself to wander around a new park, go shopping, or read a book… Without having to chatter aimlessly about guys or work or whatever with someone while doing all those things!
Girl, if you don’t enjoy it, then you shouldn’t force yourself to do it just as an attempt to be “normal”. Living life to the fullest means something different for everyone. To some people it’s going out to parties, and to others it’s enjoying peaceful nights alone. Neither one is better than the other, it just depends what YOU like.
RELATE 100%. I always thought there was something wrong with me as well because I just could not connect at ALL with people my own age, like even a year or two age difference made it sooo much easier! I also go to bed at 9:30 and wake up early on weekends-my younger brother and sister make fun of me every single day. and I’m going to join you in bran muffins tonight, as long as I can crank them out before crashing at 10!
Amanda I love you! haha. Seriously, I relate to you so much here.
Since I was a kid my dad has been calling me “old soul” and it’s true, my thoughts have always been way ahead of my age. While other kids my age are out partying, sleeping in, lying to their parents. I’m baking at home, up by 7, hell mostly 6, and whenever I engage in conversation with kids at school I feel completely distant – I just don’t care for who’sgoingoutwithwho or what so and so is wearing. I have better conversations with adults who I can learn things from ya know?
I could probably actually go on and on and on about non-teenage like ways..
I’ve always been this way and for so long I’ve tried to pretend to act like a “normal teenager” but clearly that didn’t work out for me. I have peers at school who I hang out with around there and I’m not lonely or anything but I don’t waste my time hanging out with people I can’t relate too anymore.
P.s. This is why I freaking love the blog world! I never thought I would “meet” people who felt the way I did – but look at all the above comments!
Gah, it makes me so happy 🙂
Haha, I love this post of yours!
On a side note, I love your blog! I have been reading for the last 3 weeks and haven’t had the guts to write a comment (I am new to the blog world), but I loved this post soo much that I decided,”why not, what have I got to lose?”
sooo, about your last question, the answer is…I completely relate! That is why I love this post! Eating healthier, baking, drinking tea, going to bed at 9 (gasp! I even fall asleep while guests are still at our house) and getting up a 5 make my “peers” think I am crazy. So I hang out with kiddies mostly. And nerdy adults. I am still figuring out why I get along with them.
No parties, drugs, alcohol, soda, cussing, gossiping, or bad talking people for me. Hence, I am doomed to a life of loneliness when it comes to people my age :/ I know you understand. Actually, apparently a lot of people understand. And that is what have loved about the blog world so far! You can find people like you and know you aren’t alone in the world or accidentally born into the wrong time period! (There would way too many accidents if that were the case as I am discovering).
Hope this makes you feel better about your abnormalities 🙂 I’m thinkn’ that it’s what we’re here for 🙂
Your Bran muffins look delish!
Thank you for your comment, Maxwell 😀 Don’t be scared to de-lurk, because you have some wonderful things to say. The blog world is definitely a great place to find like-minded people… I just wish we were all closer together!
I’m the in bed by 10 up by 5 kind of girl myself so I can totally relate!
I am 15, and boy-oh-boy I am not your “typical” teenager. I get up at 5:30 am. I am in bed by 9:30 pm. The idea of drinking alcohol terrifies me. Drugs? Parties? I’d rather play with my rats. I am vegan (which got a lot of scary comments and questions from my peers when I was in school). I’m an environmentalist, and I bring my klean-kanteen thermous to coffee shops on the rare occasion I even hang out with someone my own age (where I get tea anyway, because I don’t like coffee). I homeschool, and already know my passions and my mission in life. Most of my true friends are age thirty or over, and they all say I am so “mature”. i don’t know– am I “mature for my age”, or am I just different? Despite the fact that I haven’t hit over 1 1/2 decades, I am frustrated by my lack of legal ability to lead the lifestyle I desire to choose. I don’t know a lot of kids my own age, who are friends that is, and when I see someone my own age around I get sort of nervous. Unless I know someone really well, I want to get out of the sight line of another teen as fast as possible (most of the time)!
YES YES YES I can sooo relate! I also could have written this post( erm,if I could write as well as you).
I think its just important to accept how you are and what you like doing . I used to do the whole late night partying , clubbing thang- because I basically felt the need to conform with the rest of my age group. Not because I actually enjoyed it. But now I try to live my life in a way that makes me happy- even if its not the norm. Not normal can be be pretty dang good anyway, e.g jam & hummus on top of eggy bananafied oats( I tried it!)= definitely not considered normal(think my mum gagged when she saw what I was having for dinner actually), but its awesome(thankyou)!
I love those bran muffins- branny things really appeal to me
!!! You tried ’em! Ahh girl, I adore ya 😀 Straying from the beaten path is definitely the way to go. I don’t have a problem with being the way I am, I think I just like to think too much 😉
I felt like you were writing about MY life! I feel you on just about EVERY single one of these points. I am not the type that likes to sleep in.. lounge around all day.. and do nothing on the weekends. Nor do I start my evenings by pre-gaming to go out the the bar at 9:00. 9:00..seriously? I am already changed into my pajamas and relaxing on the couch by then. You will NOT see me getting my party on. I think you and I would get along VERY well 🙂
Believe me you are not alone in feeling like an old soul! struggling with my own recovery i also don’t drink, find myself uncomfortable around people my own age (especially girls) and am up on the weekend before my parents cleaning the house. I’ve often debated weather my shift in behaviours is due to my ED ( i use to sleep till lunch time and drink and party the whole night before) and then suddenly my disorder hit and bam! no more partying, no more drinking and as a result no more friends my own age.
Iv’e come to terms with who iv’e become, and no longer think that the way i am is abnormal. We are meant to be the way we are for a reason, and you are a very talented beautiful girl, and i would not ruminate on these particular concerns. Just be comforted knowing there are other girls your own age feeling the same way and trying to come to terms with the same issues and doubts (even in Australia:) a million miles away!)
Before my ED hit, I used to stay out all night and sleep ’till noon as well. Then enter ED and a complete 180… but I haven’t found myself wanting to go back to that kind of life even though I’m recovered, so I dunno what that’s all about. I guess this is just who I am, and I’m fine with that 🙂
“I actually feel a lot more comfortable interacting with children or people who are a good 20 years older than me than I do with those in my own age group” <–My exact feeling since I was about 7. I have never met someone else who could relate, it's comforting to know I'm not the only "old person in a young body" haha 😀
I always used to think I had issues since I never really got along with kids my own age, but I've come to realize I prefer to stay away because of all the hurt my peers have caused me in the past. I guess unintentionally I veer away from any chance of being hurt?
Oh yes, growing up can be rough sometimes. But with more responsibility comes more satisfaction and fulfillment in the things we accomplish.
btw, your muffins look uhmayzing!
This post really hit home for me. I have always felt more comfortable around adults, couldn’t relate to the kids around me, and was a huge homebody. I admit I don’t have many..err any friends that I hang out with on a regular basis. I go to bed around 10 and wake up at 5. I don’t drink and parties/bars are not for me.
I don’t know many other 20 year olds who live on the same schedule as me. I also don’t know many other people who enjoy working out, eating healthy, and would rather hang out with the family.
So glad you made a post about this! I feel less alone 🙂
Awwr girl you’re definitely not alone. I think there are tonnes of people who feel this way. The only reason we don’t see ’em is because they keep to themselves and stay home a lot more, so it’s less likely that we’ll run into ’em.
wow, you hit it right on the head for me. thats what i do, im a homebody, love getting up early to work out and eat healthy foods!! i am having the same problem, currently, trying to find friends with these common interests! i am in high school and it seems no one does this!! i would lovee to be able to find someone like you.
I can totally relate!!! I feel comfortable with people who are older than me too….I just connect with them better I guess. And I LOVE bran muffins so don’t feel bad about that one at all….they are so delicious.
When I was in grade/middle school I had no problem getting along with people my age. I loved going to sleepovers, and hanging out with my friends. But that changed in high school when people started drinking and partying and sneaking out at night. I just didn’t find it appealing and I still don’t. Sometimes I try to tell myself to just “be a normal 20 year old” but then I realize there is no normal, I’ve just got an old person heart but that doesn’t mean that I’m not living my life the fullest 🙂
Those muffins look delish!
me me me!!! I have been acting 35 since I was about 7. I like to stay home, go to bed early, and wake up early. It’s just who I am!
Relate? Girl, I could have written this post, though likely less eloquently, myself. Granted, I’m a fair few years younger than you, being seventeen, but I’m still in that age bracket where partying and going out and having large social circles is “the norm”.
I really don’t have terribly many close friends. I’ve always had a significant disconnect between myself and my peers. I have grown up with a fairly limited peer-group (a graduating class of 250 or so), but even so, I never seem to be able to find people who are operating on quite the same frequency as me. I can, and do, maintain acquaintanceships, but nothing that could really classify as a friendship. And I don’t feel bad about it. I can’t tell if this makes me a robot, or simply an introvert capable of taking solace in silence, but I’ve learned to accept it (and embrace it? I just think differently, and that’s something that makes me me.)
Who knows what university will hold for me, though? And I’m sure the same can be said for you, as you pursue your higher education (seriously, your intelligence, compassion, and ability to take multiple viewpoints of a situation whilst firmly maintaining your own opinion makes me think you will ROCK as an eating disorder psychology specialist.)
Gush. Thank you Rosalie. That’s so incredibly sweet of you 😀
And you should never feel bad about who you are, because there’s definitely nothing wrong with being an introvert or enjoying time alone. As long as you’re fine with it, then that’s all that matters.
I hate sleeping in haha! I feel I waste the day. I am always up early and bed early. I wish I could eat bran haha…I have a bit of a sensitive tummy for bran…;)