Happy Sunday, friendly faces!
It’s that time of the week again where I share some of my favourite links with you guys! Aaaaand that’s pretty much all I’ve got as far as intros go π I didn’t get a chance to write one last night because I was a little tired after a day of driving, snowboarding, and exploring, and I haven’t had a chance to get any coffee or food in me just yet, so the creative juices aren’t exactly flowing.
That being said, I’m off to hunt down a banana using the light on my iPhone (oh the joys of sharing a room with people who sleep late!) and leave you to your reading. Hope you have a great Sunday, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
In my head…
. fitness .
The Benefits of a 5-Minute Workout via FitSugar.
No time for a full workout? No worries! You still get benefits from a short, higher intensity workout.
The Only 8 Moves You Need to be Fit via Men’s Journal.
I’m a huge fan of functional fitness and the idea of using the moves that our body naturally makes to get fit.
The Best Free Workout Videos on Youtube via Greatist.
A great collection of workout videos that you can do at home if you’re not keen on hitting up the gym.
Why Everyone Should Run a Marathon via Running Out of Wine.
… or why everyone should push themselves to do something they thought they’d never be able to do.
How to Find the Gym That’s Right for You via The Cookie ChRUNicles.
Really practical tips about how to pick out a gym if you’re currently in the market for one.
Weight Fluctuations for Elite Athletes via Fuel Your Future With Tina Muir.
A refreshingly honest post about the reality of being in peak shape and why that’s not maintainable year round.
. health .
The 411 on Protein Powder via The Real Life RD.
Lots of good info on protein requirements, protein powders, and which ones are good options.
The Ultimate Healthy Snack Recipe Roundup via Diary of an ExSloth.
A great collection of healthy snacks to get you through study season!
Everything I Thought I Knew About Recovery Was a Lie via In My Skinny Genes.
Thanks so much to Sam for putting this one past me. An amazing read about recovering from an eating disorder and why it’s so hard to let go of.
Why White Rice Makes a Nice Recovery Food via Cotter Crunch.
As a girl who loves white rice over brown, it’s nice to see the former getting a little bit of love.
. life .
30 Things to Let Go Of Before the New Year via Marc and Angel Hack Life.
Take some weight off your shoulders and stop carrying around unnecessary emotional baggage.
Amazing and Interesting Fact Generator via Mental Floss.
Get ready to become everyone’s favourite trivia game partner…
37 People Who Will Show You the Meaning of ‘Cool’ via DeadState.
They definitely don’t make ’em like they used to…
Releasing Expectations: It’s Okay to be Right Where You Are via Tiny Buddha.
An uplifting read about self-acceptance and learning to appreciate what you already have.
. beauty .
10 Homemade Remedies for Hair Growth via ONYC World.
Some natural solutions to achieving thicker, healthier hair with things you already have in your kitchen.
. blogging .
Does Your Website Design Leave a Good First Impression via Carrie-Anne Foster.
13 basic rules to apply to your blog to make sure your readers have a good experience and come back!
7 Tips for Dealing with Writer’s Block That Really Work via Paleo Running Momma.
Helpful tips on how to overcome that pesky bout of writer’s block.
November Blogging Income Report via Apple of my Eye.
Lots of great info and inspiration when it comes to making money as a blogger!
For my belly…
Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies via The Cookie ChRUNicles.
A delicious looking thick & chewy version of my absolute favourite cookie combo.
Savory Sweet Potato Pancakes via Runnin Srilankan.
Would it be wrong to want to top these with delicious maple syrup? A perfect way to get your sweet & savoury combo in!
Creamy Roasted Beet Hummus via Making Thyme for Health.
A gorgeous twist on classic hummus! This would make a beautiful addition to any holiday meal.
Whole Wheat Pancakes with Apple Crisp Topping via Food Faith Fitness.
Can someone come over and make these for me?!? My pancake flipping skills leave something to be desired…
Roasted Fall Vegetables with Sage, Parmesan, and Balsamic Reduction via Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen.
Gingerbread Granola via Minimalist Baker.
One of my favourite foods and favourite Christmas flavours combined? Hold.me.back.
Whole Wheat Olive Oil Chocolate Chip Cookies via Ambitious Kitchen.
Because everyone needs a delicious-but-slightly-healthier chocolate chip cookie in their arsenal.
Healthy Baked Mac & Cheese via The Almond Eater.
Blue box? What blue box?! Homemade mac and cheese tastes 100x better — especially when it’s [better] for you!
Greek Yogurt Chocolate Brownies via The Big Man’s World.
Ooey, gooey, chocolatey, and… healthy? YES!
Your links…
Do you have your Christmas decorations up yet?
Three things you did yesterday; three things youβre going to do today. Go!
Yesterday: drove to the mountains, snowboarded down the mountains, and wandered around the mountains. Mountains π
Today: going snowboarding, making the drive back home, and faceplanting on my couch.
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Yesterday: drove to cochrane, saw my parents’ new house, went grocery shopping
Today: go to the gym, make a delicious vegetarian stir fry and …. shower? Not a lot on the agenda!
Thank you so so very much for showing my savory sweet potato pancakes so much love!!! <3
You definitely wouldn’t want to share a room with me! I loathe waking up before the sun rises. If it wasn’t for my job, I would sleep in every day until at least 8am. π
That gingerbread granola sounds amazing! If I lived in Canada, I would make you have a granola party with me. And I would force you to make me some of your vegan hot chocolate to go with. You’re cool with that, right? π
Hope you’ve had a great weekend , Amanda :)! After 2 weeks away form the blogosphere, this is the perfect place to come to for catching up with some posts I might have missed :)!
PS your gingerbread muffins sound d.i.v.i.n.e.!
I’ve missed seeing your face around the blog world! Glad to see you back π
Savory sweet potato pancakes sound delicious and I would top them with a dollop of sour cream, some chives and tomato slices. Perfection.
But… but… maple syrup! π₯
What’s a mountain? Is that a fruit?
Thank you so much for the shout out! π
Decorated our tree yesterday hooray hooray!
Today I figured out how to make christmas ornaments from pepermints and I am pretty darn excited about it π
Thanks for the link love! π
3 things I did yesterday: Watched The OC, cooked celeriac for the first time, and went to JZ’s friend’s birthday in Toronto.
3 things I did today: went to Kelly’s Bake Shoppe for cupcakes, did some Christmas shopping, and wrote a blog post.
Confession: I always do a mini happy dance when I hear someone mention celeriac because my mom is always going on and on about how awesome it is and I barely ever hear anyone else mention it π
I’ve had it at restaurants before and always loved it, but never tried cooking it myself until now. I think I might have to post a recipe soon. π
Yassss. I need these recipe links in my life!!! I’ve been baking/cooking more than ever lately since I’m off work for so long with this silly ankle injury!
I always find such good links when you do these posts so thank you for that<3
Great links! I especially liked the one discussing protein powders!!
XO Chloe
A Latte Lipstick
Everything I Thought I Knew About Recovery Was a Lie via In My Skinny Genes. – Thats my sister!!! So happy to see her featured on one of my favorite blogs to read!! :)!
I really like skinny genes. She’s pretty blunt and upfront. In all things! great post and thanks for including me friend.
Thanks so much, Lindsay! I try to be as authentic as I can about the things I’m going through and discovering…I feel like it’s the only way to show that recovery IS possible, even if it’s sometimes a heck of a thing to have to deal with. π
well keep it up! Authenticity is key. <3 that
I’m new to your blog, Kaila, but I have to echo what Lindsay said and say that Ii’m a huge fan of your writing style. Definitely a new fan π
Thank you so much! <3
I have all my decorations up already! My house looks like Santa Claus threw up in there lol! I can’t help it though…this is my favorite time of the year. Today I am at work but tomorrow I am a busy girl. I am running 9 miles, physical therapy, and fly to Vegas for a week long work conference.
Such a great roundup this week! Now I’m off to read the rest of the shared links.
I don’t think I’m going to get a tree after all but palm trees with lights on make my entire life.
When in doubt, just buy some fairy lights and string them up somewhere pretty π
Love when you do these link-ups! I especially love the blogging tips articles and it’s always so fun to find new great bloggers to follow π
Hope you’re having fun in the mountains my dear!!
Yesterday: went out for Brazilian BBQ, went for Dairy Queen, watched Juno.
Today: doing laundry at some point, taking the dog for a long walk, going to bed early because I have another long day tomorrow.
Thank you for the link up! I appreciate the mention.
Of course! Thank you for the informative post π
So much awesomeness in one post! Love it! Some of these blog posts I have read and loved this week, and a lot I am looking forward to checking out. Thanks for posting this!
Today is church and grocery shopping for the week. Maybe some baking. Thanks for all the good reads!
I am doubly honored this morning – thank you for sharing my cookie recipe and gym post. Makes me happy. And feel sort of special….You know I don’t remember yesterday so I will tell you today- errands, my son’s basketball game and I think out for dinner. Who feels like cooking today?
I’m keen to get my decorations up but need to abide by the landlords (er… my parents) rules – nothing doing till the last few days before Christmas! No idea why. It’s torture! Some great finds there – love that Tiny Buddha post especially – just what I needed to read!
Thanks for linking! I know about stumbling around in the dark in the mornings since I get up before everyone else. Every night I have to put out everything I need for morning in the same exact place since it is not an option to turn a light on! Enjoy your Sunday π
It’s nice to see someone not hate on white race! As athletes, I really think there is a time and a place for most foods. One thing that really makes me cringe is people ( I am talking about fit people who don’t have a weight problem and are active) who are so hell bent against sugar. As athletes, we NEED sugar. It really does not have to be the enemy. Same with white rice!
Heck yes my Christmas decorations are up!!!
3 things I did yesterday: wrapped a couple Christmas presents, went on a run in the pouring rain, ate some AMAZING turkey chili my hubby made us! It was his first foray and it turned out well!
3 things I will do today: go for another run, get all my crap ready for the work week tomorrow, MAYBE go shopping as I need some warm clothes!
Couldn’t agree more about sugar. I feel like a lot of people are too quick to jump on whatever current diet recommendations are put out by society without really paying attention to how it makes them feel. I was having a conversation with a friend recently and he said he went gluten-free after hearing about gluten being snarked on so much and actually ended up feeling worse. Go figure.
That does not surprise me since a lot of gluten free stuff has EXTRA carbs and sugar to replace the gluten. Omg, don’t even get me started on these gluten free NON CELIAC people hehe.
Thanks so much for sharing my post! All those recipe post look amazing! I’ve been in such a baking mood lately:) I hope you’re having a great weekend!
Too much good food! I’m resisting all of it. Trying to get back in shape now that my foot is feeling better. Have fun playing in the mountains!
Thank you so much for featuring my post lovely lady! I am glad it has been a positive post, I was kinda scared about putting it out there actually, but seems to have gone over well. I thought of you this week as I went to the coffice in barnes and noble. Although I made the mistake of sitting towards the bakery section, which not only smelled amazing, but had so many goodies that I had to resist….especially when i could make them at home for a fraction of the cost!
Have a wonderful weekend, thanks for the links π
Currently sitting in my own coffice enjoying a warm cup of Pike <3 But I know what you mean about the bakery -- my allergies are the only thing keeping me from eating ALL the treats.