Today was a rainy day…

… the I’ve-already-lost-track-of-how-many-days-it’s-been rainy day in a row.
When I was little, a rainy day meant a day spent inside driving my mom crazy playing with coloring books, puzzles, and Legos. God I really miss Legos… These days, I’m still known for whipping out the Crayolas when the mood strikes, but my rainy days have shifted away from playful and moved towards productive. I clean. I cook. I bake. I clean some more. And I’ve gotta say that after a week and a half of miserable weather, my house has never been cleaner, nor smelled better… especially after this morning…
I woke up on this murky Monday with an inexplicable craving for some freshly baked goodies. Well, okay, that’s not entirely true – I woke up with the usual craving for hot coffee and oats…
… which I promise are buried under that hot mess of almond butter and pudding…
Once that was taken care of, and my belly and caffeine addiction were fully satisfied, I was free to address the all important question – what do I feel like baking today? Well that was an easy one. Cookies. Warm and chewy oatmeal raisin cookies sounded perfect. Then again, so did spiced coconut muffins…

Cookies always hit the spot, though…
But so do muffins…
Err… damn.
Half an hour and several coin tosses later, and I was no closer to an answer than when I started. Indecisive much? Yes… err no. Wait, maybe? I’ll get back to you on that one…
In any case, because I couldn’t decide between the two, I did what any reasonable person would do and decided to go with both. Problem solved. But because I didn’t wanna clean up twice the mess, I did what any lazy person would do and decided to combine two recipes that only existed in my head into one recipe that might have been better off only existing in my head… I decided to make muffies.
Cookies + Muffins = Muffies
Could it be done? Only time would tell…
Dun, dun, dun.
. . .
Alright, alright. I’ll cut the drama and just tell you… Yes it can be done, yes it is delicious, and yes I’ve already eaten three. Oh wait; that last one was supposed to be kept a secret. Damn.
The recipe, however, was meant to be shared. Enjoy!
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. caramel coconut raisin muffies .
Ingredients (makes 10 muffies)
- ¾ + 2 Tbsp. spelt flour
- ½ cup quick oats
- ¼ cup unrefined sugar
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- ¼ tsp. baking soda
- ¼ tsp. salt
- ½ tsp. cinnamon
- ¼ tsp. nutmeg
- ¼ cup raisins
- 2 Tbsp. shredded coconut
- 1 pot (½ cup) caramel pudding (I use Belsoy) – (inspiration from Emma!)
- ¼ cup vanilla almond milk
- 1 Tbsp. melted coconut oil
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
1. Preheat your oven to 350ºF, and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl, combine all the dry ingredients. Mix well until fully combined and set aside.
3. In a separate bowl, combine pudding, milk, and vanilla. Melt the coconut oil in a microwave or toaster oven and an oven safe dish. Add the melted oil to the pudding mixture and stir until fully incorporated.

4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, and stir gently. Do not overmix.
5. Spoon dough onto the cookie sheet as you would if you were making cookies. Use a heaping tablespoon of dough for each muffie, and flatten slightly.
6. Bake for 12 minutes. Remove from oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Happy Eating!
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I’m not usually one to toot my own horn, but these. were. dee. vine. Shaped like cookies with the spongier consistency of a muffin top – it was the best of both worlds. And the perfect blend of flavors to boot.
Love at first bite.

Cookies? Muffins? If you ever find yourself unable to decide between the two, try these out. I promise you won’t be disappointed!
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Cookies or Muffins? And what kind?
What toys did you play with as a child? I was never one to play with dolls – actually, I don’t think I’ve ever even owned a Barbie… Some of my favorite toys were puzzles, board games, teddies, Lego, Hot Wheels, Play-doh, Playmobil, My Littelest Petshop, My Little Pony… Ahh, good times…
Do you have any suggestion for something to replace the pudding? I have no pudding mix (but I have all the other ingredients) and I can’t wait to try this! I love the tops – best part for sure.
Hrmm. I’m not really too sure… it’s mostly for a bit of sweetness, moistness, and flavor. I suppose you could try applesauce? Or even mashed banana, but then the flavor might be a bit stronger.
Idea! Mashed banana + caramel sauce. 😀
MUFFINS! I am one for soft centers, and a slightly tough skin :). Not as much of a crunch fan! As a kid, I LOVED dolls and stuffed animals, and would often set up tea parties in the yard for them– complete with with blanket, teacups, the whole nine yards!
these look great! I have got to try to make them!
I used to always play with toy cars, like models, and pretend my drivers had lives where they only drove random places 😉
Umm totally genius. Why settle on one when you could go for TWO in one. I’m super indecisive too so this is a perfect desserty match. I honestly don’t know which one I prefer on its own. I think cookies moreso as a dessert and muffins moreso as a snack. I bake cookies when I want SWEET and muffins when I’m trying to healthify it up 😉
As for toys, I was a total Barbie girl. And Polly Pockets. And My Little Pony. And all doll-type things really. I also rocked the lego and toy cars though, my bro was my game time partner in crime and he wasn’t always down for Barbie games.
Um I’m drooling! Those look fantastic!
I have an ED question for you,
How did you get past the constant need and desire to loose weight?
By remembering how crappy I felt when I was underweight, and focusing on how awesome I feel when I’m healthy.
Those muffies look so good! I’ve been craving a baked good lately, too… I would so make these if I had half the ingredients, haha. Usually I’m not too much of a baked good person, though… so I don’t really have an opinion on the muffins versus cookie debate. But there is a local bakery that makes these really thick sugar cookies that might possibly be my favorite food on earth… which is odd, considering I don’t usually care for baked goods.
My favorite toys were Breyer horses! I still have them all sitting on my dresser in my room, haha… me and my friends would sit in my room for HOURS and play. Each one of us would “be” one of the horses, and we’d just make up situations with them interacting with each and everything… we even wrote down some of the best “stories”, lol!
I am making these for sure! Pudding, so perfect!
I’m most definitely a muffin/bread kind-of-girl! I love my carbs! <3
These muffies look delicious. They almost remind me of those frozen Eggo muffin tops…except these are better of course! 😛
Um amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This means I can have one for breakfast and for a snack, right?