I don’t know what it was about this week, but it left me feeling all sorts of overwhelmed — I even have the kink in my neck/shoulder to prove it! Ow. But I’m currently sitting here in my fuzzy pink socks with a bowl of ice cream in my lap and it just so happens to be Friday (it’s actually Thursday night, but let’s pretend I’m not writing this ahead of time), so things are starting to look up.
I was originally planning on sharing a recipe with you guys today, but because the weather decided to be uncooperative yesterday, the pictures I took didn’t come out quite the way I’d wanted them to so I’ll have to push that over to next week and do what I always do when post ideas fall through — turn to a survey/tag
I first saw this one over on Alison’s blog, who I guess got it from Clare. It sounded like a fun and easy post for a Friday, so here.we.go.
Would You Rather…
Speak another language or get a higher degree?
I think I’m going to have to go with language on this one.. especially if I could learn it in the natural environment that it’s spoken in (read: Spain and/or Italy). I’m all for higher schooling, but I think there’s a lot to be said about the education that you get outside of a classroom as well, and at the end of the day, I’d rather have that experience.
Have a beautiful singing voice or be a fantastic dancer?
Singing voice. I’m perfectly content with having moves like Jagger Carlton…
Be a CEO of a huge company or run your own small business?
Own a small business… which is a dream that’s quickly becoming a reality 😀
Fly like a bird or teleport?
Teleport…. always, always, always. As awesome as it would feel to fly, think about how much more awesome it would be blink and be somewhere else. I’d be able to visit all my best Blends, save a tonne of money on airfare/accommodations (since I wouldn’t have to take planes and I could teleport back to my own room for the night), and teleport to different countries for all my meals. France for breakfast, Spain for lunch, and Italy for dinner? Please and thank you.
Eat only sweet food or only salty food for the rest of your life?
This one’s a no-brainer — sweet. Life without sugar gives me the sads.
Do yoga or lift weights?
I think yoga. As much as I enjoy (and miss) lifting, I find that the relaxation aspect of yoga helps me a lot more than the endorphins alone that I get from lifting.
Be a SUPER fast runner be SUPER strong?
Super fast. If I were super strong, I’d be terrified of literally crushing someone when I tried to hug them.
Have 8 kids or no kids?
No kids. Don’t get me wrong — I do want kids — but definitely not 8 of them. I’d lose my mind.
Have a small, older home with character or design a big brand new home?
A small older home with character. This is something I’ve noticed since I started accompanying my parents on their house-hunting excursions. As nice as some of the newer homes can be, I find they usually feel a little cold and uninviting… There’s just something about older homes that makes them so much more cozy and homey.
Watch the Today Show or Good Morning America?
Neither? Mostly because I don’t really care much for TV.
Watch only sports or watch only BRAVO?
See above ^^ Although for this one I’m leaning more towards Bravo since I can’t for the life of me watch sports — I’d rather be doing them.
Cook a romantic dinner at home or go to the nicest restaurant in town?
Romantic dinner at home. I haven’t been huge fan of eating out ever since that one time where I ended up in the ER as a result of a slight “oversight” of the cook. I trust no one.
Drink beer or wine?
Wine. And speaking of which, a glass would go great with my ice cream… which is sadly almost all gone 😥
Eat cookies or eat cake?
Cookies… which would also have gone great with my ice cream.
Have only brothers or have only sisters?
Only brothers. I feel like I would have had more in common with them growing up… maybe because most of my friends growing up were guys.
Go to Africa or Asia?
Africa. An African safari is very much on my travel bucket list.
Eat sweet potato fries or regular fries?
Regular fries. I like sweet potatoes on occasion, but my heart will always belong to the white potato.
Own an SUV or a sports car?
A sports car. This girl has a serious need for speed.
Have a personal chef or a personal trainer? a chef — that would be a dream come true. I don’t care much for following a certain fitness routine or trying to achieve a certain look, but not having to cook my meals? Bliss.
Sleep for 9 hours every night but no coffee, or sleep for 6 hours a night and have coffee?
6 hours and coffee… which is basically how I function now. I love my hug in a mug too much to give it up, and I find that I actually do just fine on 6 hours of sleep — it’s how my body seems to naturally operate. Besides… those extra 3 hours are invaluable.
Read a book or watch a movie?
Going by the fact that I don’t even know if my TV still works since I can’t remember the last time I turned it on, and that I own so many books that I think I’ll need to look into a library for my home, I think I’ll go with “read a book” for this one.
Live on the east coast or west coast?
West coast. Going east just feels strange.
Have your toenails painted or your fingernails painted?
Toes. I’ll often opt out of painting my fingernails just because I hate it when they start chipping (which is basically instantly), but my toes just feel naked without any colour on them.
Go to the beach or the mountains?
Mountains will forever own my heart. There’s nowhere I feel more at home.
I’d love it if you picked a few and gave me your answers! Happy Friday! 😀
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Love this post girlie!
Here a few of my answers:
Small Business
Higher Dgree
Design New Home
Sweets (4 LIFE.. duh!!!)
Personal Trainer
Happy friday babe
I like this survey. The cookie skillet definitely grabbed my attention! I’m with you- sweets over salty and cookies over cake, or both!
Just kidding. I don’t take thaaatt much offense.
I’m with you on the no kids if I can only have 8. I know I’m too selfish to have 8 kids. I would still totally need some time to myself. I’d rather let someone who knows that they can handle 8 kids have them.
Definitely agree about owning a small business! Haha also agree about the wine. I wish I liked beer because I think it would make my dating life a lot better but with the exception of fruity lambic beers, I can’t stand it!
I’m 100% with you on an older home. It’s actually a dream of mine to buy back my grandmother’s house (my aunt sold it about 10 years ago). It’s a Victorian-style home that was built around 1915-1920. It’s seriously gorgeous and was one of my favourite places to be growing up.
Sweet over salty. Always.
And I’m getting a higher degree while trying to learn a second language…so both? 😉
What about getting a higher degree IN another language? ZING! 😉
SUV, West Coast, cookies 🙂
If there is a secret to surviving on six hours of sleep, let me know 😉 I love my more-than-six hours AND coffee! I love finding out new things about people through these kinds of posts; I’ll give it a shot! Sugar over salty, eight kids over none, mountains over beach, super fast over super strong, and all the way with regular potatoes when I want my salty fix. I had never thought about teleporting that way before! Think of the money we could save! *sigh* Happy Friday Amanda!
If there’s a secret, I have no idea what it is… I used to be able to sleep a -tonne- when I was younger, but the older I get, the less I sleep. Bizarre 😯
SWEET food over salty food.
8 kids over no kids. (Yes, I’m weird, I guess.)
SUV over sports car. Except I’d go for a sporty SUV with a really powerful engine. Best of both worlds, right? 😉
Sweet potato fries, wine (duh), beach, cookies, sweet food, own a small business, and personal chef! I know my answers are completely out of order, I just wrote them down as I thought of them:)
Would rather have a big brand new home! I’ve been in the same house for a long time and want something new! I would rather have no kids…oh dear god, 8 kids would make me go nutzo. And I’d rather be a fast runner for sure!
I never had any strong desire to visit Asia but have happened to spend the last two years living here…and it’s been amazing! That said, though, an African safari is on my bucket list as well.
Cookies vs cake? Warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookies will win every single time!
Oh this is fun! I’m saving my answers, though, since I’m stealing it for a future post 😉 this isn’t one I’ve seen yet, so thanks for sharing 😉 have a great weekend hun!
Muaha! These things are addicting, eh? Happy Friday, girl!
Do you know how amazing it would be to have a personal chef?! You could request anything and it would taste amazing NO MATTER WHAT. Plus, a chef isn’t necessarily a “baker” so I could still be able to eat ALL THE COOKIE DOUGH. ;o)
I would love to have the ability to sing because when I have an emotional day, I think it would feel amazing to BELT OUT all of your feelings. And it would be nice to do so without breaking a window in the process ;o)
I love fun little surveys like this! I might have to take it and do it myself one of these days…we’ll see! But yes, please don’t ever make me go without coffee so I’ll take 6 hours and coffee! 😉
Mmmm I’d have to go with sweet potato fries. And Sweet OR salty is an unfair question because the pair tastes SO good together 😉
Oh man, I would ABSOLUTELY take 9 hours of sleep with no coffee over 6 with coffee. Though I don’t like coffee to begin with, so maybe that has something to do with it 😛
This was seriously fun to read – I definitely want to steal it as well ;).
I would absolutely want a personal chef over a personal trainer, and to go to the nicest restaurant in town over cooking at home. I LOVE eating out; always have. Also – does this just mean I’m super lazy? 😉
😆 I’m definitely not in any sort of position to judge anyone as being lazy — this girl eats oatmeal for dinner at least twice a week 😉
Sweet OR salty?! That’s too hard. I can’t decide. I want both. Thanks for giving me this complex so early in the morning on a Friday 😉 Bahaha! Also, LOVE the minions “Doesn’t play well with others” picture.. totally just LOLed at my desk.
Oooh this is a fun one! Might have to “borrow” it 🙂 I agree with you on the wine and cookies for sure! Had a bit too much wine last night actually… Worth it though!
I would love to do an African Safari as well. Today Show all the way- love Matt Lauer! The TVs in our classrooms used to work and I could listen to the Today Show in the morning while I was getting ready for the day… but no more. 🙁 Budget cuts haha at least I still have a job though. 😉
Haha, I used to love playing this game when I was younger! Some of my answers would be…
Speak another language or get a higher degree? Speak another language for sure! I LOVE studying and learning new languages and dream of one day being fluent in French, Italian, German and/or Spanish!
Have a personal chef or a personal trainer? Personal trainer! As much as I love really good food cooking is one of my favorite things to do. But having someone to push me through hard workouts everyday, that would be awesome!
Live on the east coast or west coast? This is the hardest one for me! Can I say both!?!? My husband and I have a goal to start our own business so that we can split our time 50/50 between the coasts and be near each sides of our family for part of the year! haha
Going east does feel strange, I’m with you on that one. I would definitely choose a beach over mountains and for sure drive a sports car over an SUV, unless we’re talking about reality, then I’d go for SUV cause if I could only have one car, a sports car would SUCK in snow. lmao!
😆 I definitely didn’t consider the snow. But if I could have a super nice sports car, I’d keep it in garage for the winter and take the bus. Totally worth it
super fast runner
west coast
sweet potato fries
did I mention super fast runner!
I take lifting any day over yoga. I have two girls and as much as they drive me crazy I’ll take the 8 over the 0. I’ll take the mountain view over the beach any day of the week. I love taking pictures of wildlife.
i would love to learn another language, own a small business, and teleport myself everywhere, and mos t likely live on the East coast.
Totallly stealing this bad boy from you. Im addicted to these things 🙂
Seeing as how I live on the beach you’d think I would pick beach, but its mountains almost every time. Every once in a while I crave a fun beach day, but I adore camping, and beach camping is not as fun as mountain camping! Or as beautiful.
And sweet allll the way. Give me all the sugar!!
This is such a fun post! I think I would rather dance that sing just because I’ve always loved to dance and would love to be able to perform (no one would want to see me perform at this point haha). I’m a terrible singer too, but it’s so bad that even thinking of me having singing talent is a joke. 😉 Oh and sweet for. life.
I’d want a larger, newer home, but mainly so I could go crazy on the decorating. Also, I live in an older apartment complex right now that’s falling apart in some places, which leads to getting bugs, so there’s that…
I would 100% rather eat sweet than salty. I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth seriously. Do you mean your blog is becoming a small buisness? That is awesome!
Well the blog is becoming a pretty nice source of side income, but I was more talking about the health coaching practice that I hope to get up and running soon 🙂
Ohh I’m definitely stealing this survey! So many things to comment on, but the first that comes to mind is pure jealousy that you only have to sleep 6 hours! I’m an 8+ hour gal and a couple of days in a row of 5 or 6 hours leaves me all cranky!
Then on the language vs higher ed..I am with you on the language and learning it IN the country. I took 6 years of French but lost a lot of it because I never really used it outside of class. Immersion is the best way to learn!
Happy Friday!!!!!
I would definitely love to speak another language, preferably Italian! My mom was born in Italy and her parents and siblings speak it, but my brother and I never learned and quite, honestly never took an interest when we were younger. Over the years, I’ve definitely started to regret not learning Italian. Who knows…maybe one of these days…
You should! My parents are Polish and I’m so, SO happy they raised me on it — it’s definitely awesome to know a second language 🙂
My heart totally belongs to the white potato too! I went through a sweet potato phase and occasionally yes, but I have always loved white potatoes as fries, baked potatoes, hash browns, potato salad everything is so yummy!
And gosh I don’t know what it is about us girls having our toes painted all the time but I am totally the same way!
Umm sugar all the way! I would go with Bravo TV, toenails painted, speak another language and no kids. I love kids (an am pregnant!), but eight kids is another story.
You better teleport to Switzerland or otherwise you’re in trouble with your big sista….:-)
I definitely prefer books over movies. I am seriously obsessed only by owning them.
And, even though I am Swiss and madly in love with our Alps – I would choose the beach over them. I blame it on the cold in winter….
Happy Weekend Hunn!!
My mother in law is currently in South Africa where she will be going on a Safari! So jealous, but I can’t wait so see her pictures. This is definitely something I would love to do one day! We have an old house with character in a great neighborhood, and although I love it, there are some things about old houses that are not fun- small closets, small bathrooms and the fact that in the southern heat it never gets as cool as you want it to.. but all in all I love the location! It’s all about compromise!
East coast all the way. WEST COAST feels strange. So there. Cookies or cake is a tough one for me. Nothing beats a warm chocolate chip cookie from the oven but fudge cake? Ugh, my love. Do I have to choose?
I’m going to make you choose just because you said west coast feels strange 😛
Love this! I’d live in the mountains in a small, cozy house with lots of character, definitely closer to the west coast. There’s something about the relaxed, laid-back vibe of the people I’ve encountered there that entices me.
“Life without sugar gives me the sads” ahhh…my sentiments exactly! 🙂
I love these “Would you rather posts” I haven’t read too many of them…
West coast vs East coast living – does that apply to the World or the North American Continent? If it was the latter – I would so love to be on the West coast too – I live on the east and we have been to California and having the beach, mountains and no extremities in temps would be a dream of mine!
P.S. I dream of having moves like Carlton! Have a wonderful weekend lovely lady!
Salty over sweet, run a small business, personal trainer over chef, super fast over strong, weights over yoga, 8 kids over no kids (that’s tough, but couldn’t do without my current 3!)
I live in a small older home with character (literally described my house to a T) but I live in a community where people have huge new homes they’ve either built or majorly renovated and I have to say I get really jealous. I do love my house, it just gets cramped with the 5 of us and it’s difficult to keep clean! A happy medium would be nice.
You want to come to Italy? You can be my guest! 😀
I’m not from a fancy town, but nothing a train ride cannot solve 😉
That would seriously be amazing. One of these [years] I’ll have to take you up on it 😉