Today has felt a lot like Friday, which is disappointing considering it’s only Wednesday. BUT! The good news is that Wednesday happens to be host to one of the best parties around…
… and it means that I still have a few more days to finish buying and wrapping presents. I may have mentioned that I like the last minute rush? Well, I must because I do it every.single.year. But enough about my procrastinator ways; let’s get to the food! I was originally going to do a recap of what I ate in Vegas until I realized that I have almost no pictures of what I ate while I was there. An early allergy scare coupled with being too shy to take pictures of my meals when others are around means this is pretty much all I have from my whole trip…
Typical yogurt mess packed to go – Starbucks latte.
… and the only reason I managed to snap that gem is because there was a moment where no one was sitting next to me on the plane #bloggerfail. So, we’re just going to have to settle for what I’ve been eating since I’ve been back. I’ve actually been putting in more of an effort to switch up my meals, but there are some things that I haven’t messed with. Breakfasts, for example, have been the same old, same old…
Plain Greek yogurt – banana – blueberries – Puffins – Kashi Cinnamon Harvest – roasted almond butter.
As have my kryptonites…

My watermelon addiction is still going strong (although I’ve managed to cut back to mini melons), and the batch of applesauce that I made last night with around 10 apples is about half gone at this point. That’s 5 apples in less than 24 hours. How embarrassing… In light of that, I guess I shouldn’t mention how much Greek yogurt I go through on a daily basis… I don’t want you to lose any respect you might have for me…
Instead, I’m going to talk about some of the real food that I’ve been putting more of an effort into eating/making lately. You guys know I’m a big fan of breakfast and have no problem eating it for every meal, but I’ve been told that variety is the spice of life, so I decided to give it a shot with lunch…
Ezekiel English muffin – egg fried in coconut oil – avocado – random veggies.
… and then dinner…
Sesame chicken stir fry made with soba noodles, toasted sesame oil, chicken, and random veggies.
Sadly, that was about as much novelty as my delicate nerves could handle (;)), so I resorted back to my tried and true staples. Daily capps…
Nightlycereal bowls…
And lots of my favorite snack ever…
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to get some baking done. I’ve been craving snickerdoodles like crazy lately, so I think it’s high time I satisfied that craving. Hope you guys are doing well, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
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How do you feel about photographing what you eat when others are around? I have no problem when it’s my parents, but anyone else and you won’t see me breaking out the camera any time soon.
Have you started your holiday baking yet? What did you make?
Have you tried any new foods lately? If not, what haven’t you been able to get enough of?
Haha I’m too much of a wuss to take photos of my food with people around. I’ve been going out to a lot of work dinners to really nice restaurants (aka lots of pretty food!) but never took any photos because I didn’t want my co-workers to think I’m crazy or weird 🙂 Your lunch with all those colorful veggies is actually making me crave vegetables! That rarely happens which means that I’ve been eating too many random carbs and now my body wants some green…hey I’m not complaining!
Pleaseee come down this-a-way soon so we can live off of cereal + yogurt bowls, tasty burgers, and peanutty noodles. I wish I read this earlier this morning because I want to recreate all of your meals haha 😛