Hello hello! It’s Wednesday yet again and you know what that means…
Things have been pretty wordy around these parts lately, so I hope you’ll forgive me if today I just don’t say too much. Besides, I’m currently in the middle of eating dinner and everyone knows it’s not nice to talk with your mouth full, right? 😉 Well that and my mind is kind of preoccupied with thoughts of the terrifying trip that I have to take tomorrow morning. Dentist. I’m only going in for my yearly checkup and cleaning, but I still get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. Anyone want to come along and hold my hand? I’m a wimp…
Cold temps + cold breakfasts = cold ‘Manda. Still, I’m not quite ready to give up my yogurt messes. This one had: plain Greek yogurt, a banana, a nectarine, Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, Puffins, and roasted almond butter. Delicious, but I can definitely tell that summer fruit is no longer in season. What am I supposed to replace it with? Apples? Pumpkin?
Nothing interesting to see here, folks, just your basic unimaginative work snacks. This is a perfect example of where food is pretty much nothing more than fuel. Tasty, but nothing to fawn over.
Lunch time! Toasted tastes better. Or at least, slightly warmed and melty does. Turkey. Cheese. Tortilla. Yum.

Guys, I have a problem. The watermelon thing? Still going strong. I don’t know what to think… or say 😳 Should I cut back? Should I just leave well-enough alone? Should I eat some dates? I have no idea what dates have to do with melons, other than the fact that they’re both delicious, but I’m grasping at straws here. I’m completely at a loss.
As good as nature’s candy is, sometimes you just need good old fashioned candy candy. Love.
Wonderfully foamy Starbucks capp – still a daily thing around these parts.
Sunday night’s dinner at Mom & Dad’s ended up being lunch and dinner on a few more occasions this week. No complaints. Noodles, veggies, chicken, soy sauce, and toasted sesame oil? Get in my belly.
Nothing like breakfast before bed. Lately I’ve been satisfying some waffle cravings with a little bit of almond butter and blueberry jam for a perfect after dinner treat. Hits the spot every time.
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Are you afraid of the dentist? Yes 😯 I used to have to take anti-anxiety meds any time I had to go.
I probably shouldn’t ask this given the dentist question, but what’s your favorite candy? KitKat definitely makes a strong contender for me.
so much deliciousness! And surprisingly, I’ve never been scared of the dentist! When I was little I used to looooove going there, not sure why. 0_0 But now I’m just like, ayyy hope it doesn’t hurt too much, but still don’t mind it. 😀 And in the US, reese’s pb cups are my fave! But my all time faves are from Argentina–candy/chocolate like Alfajores, Bonbones, and oh mannn there’s just so much good stuff there!
I actually love the dentist! Probably because I really wanted to be a dental hygienist ha ha. I’m odd. Hmm…favourite candy…I don’t think I really know! It’s probably because I haven’t eaten a legit piece of candy in about 4 years…so I always think I hate candy. When I was younger, my favorite were reese’s peanut butter cups. I remember going trick or treating and giving away all of my candy except for those ones:) Loving all your meals!
Is it crazy that out of all this yum, I’d most like the turkey wrap? So underrated. 🙂
Your dinner and waffle snack look oddly familiar! Haha, I had something very similar yesterday, loving your food choices 🙂 I actually sort of like the dentist? I’m weird. But I also have a good dentist who doesn’t hurt my teeth. And my favorite candy is either snickers, kit kats, m&m’s or reese’s pieces. That was me really trying to narrow it down haha, I love candy!
I’m one of the FEW that loves going to the dentist. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I went on Tuesday, and every time I go I feel at home. BAHA. Could be why I want to be a dental hygienist!? Good luck, in fact you may just be there right now!! Teeth check ups are gooood for you. Just think of them as fuel for your body! My favorite candy pre-vegan days was a good ol REESE’S!! Now I just eat anything chocolate basically.
Ummm I’m terrified of the dentist!! When I was young, the dentist would literally find a cavity every single time I went in for a visit. I now have a total of 7 cavities, haven’t had a new one in many years, but still get anxiety every time I go in for a check-up. I also find the tooth cleaning to be very painful, but maybe that’s just my dentist :/ Hope all goes well for you!
Back in the day I looooved candy and basically lived off it (thus the 7 cavities…). Now, I still love Twix and Snickers. Yummm
I’m a weirdo…. I LOVE getting my teeth cleaned. Maybe that is why I’m a dental hygienist! 😉 Wish you could come to our office… it is really easy and relaxing.
Ugh def NOT a dentist fan. Although my cleaning lady and I are like bbf”s. She even came to my wedding!!
And seriously lady, all your food is calling to me. That melty delicious looking waffle? Get in my belly!! I havent had a waffle in FOREVER. I think I need to invest in a waffle iron.
And I need to dust mine off! I’ve been taking the lazy route and just buying them frozen, but I should really start making them again. Not in the morning, though… which I guess is even more of an excuse to have breakfast for dinner 😀
I have a beautiful smile because of the dentist, but I really don’t enjoy going! I have never had a cavity so I am always so scared that when I go they are going to tell me I have one! Favorite candy? um hard to say I used to say butterfingers because I have many fond memories but I think I’ll go with dark chocolate peanut MMs 😀
I’m actually weird, I love the dentist. I used to be terrified when I was younger, but my mom is a dental hygienist and I LOVE getting my teeth cleaned!
bananas are a great substitute now that nectarines and peaches are not in season any longer. I do also loce to throw in some frozen berries or thinly sliced apples. And since you have your cereal with yoghurt instead of milk, you could also just whisk in some apple sauce – homemade and with chunks = delicious!
I’ve actually been adding in store bought applesauce, but the homemade kind with chunks sounds even better!
Haha that’s the problem with yogurt messes – I prefer berries in mine, so they’re not the greatest breakfast choice during the fall. 😛 I sometimes like adding pumpkin, raisins, and a dash of pumpkin pie spice to them though for a more fall-like meal!
Mmm turkey and melty cheese. Looks like you and I were on the same brain waves for our WIAWs this week. 😉
My favourite candy… I don’t even know what to choose! Currently it’s Hershey’s cookies n cream kisses, because I have a stash in my desk drawer right now. 😉 But I also love Kit Kat, Caramilk bars, and Swedish berries!
having a bit of breakfast before bed is one of my very favorite things! i usually have granola or cereal – something about that sweet aspect of breakfast (or at least my breakfasts – and your breakfasts) really hits the spot!
I seriously need to move in with you– all of your eats look SO good! And I’m jealous of your watermelon finding skills. Even in blazing hot Texas, I can’t find any!! Guess I’ll just have to visit heehee 😉
Favorite candy hmmm probably Rolos or Reese’s! And the only thing I like about the dentist–free toothbrushes and sometimes (if I have a cool hygenist) free stickers and toys heehee!!
What! Kit Kats look so much cooler in Canada!
I’m actually not particularly afraid of the dentist, but I had a pretty good one while I was growing up. He was always in a positive mood and gave me prizes at the end of my visit, so I enjoyed going! Anything that had me ending up with glow-in-the-dark teeth as a kid was a winner 😉
Ah I had a dentist appointment this morning too.! I am sure you will agree that the sound of a dentist drill is probably the most painful sound, even more so than nails against a chalk board ick! Hope your appointment went well! As much as I love the “fancy” chocolates like Lindt with Sea Salt & Godiva, there’s something about Kit Kat that will always have my heart! Thanks for reminding me that I have a few bars at home…I always make sure to bring back some to Mumbai when I visit London. Did the Kit Kat Chunky varieties ever come to Canada? It was basically like a Kit Kat stick on steroids… and hence infinitely better than the regular bars.
As for the yogurt bowl substitution – I am sure every other blogger will vote pumpkin but I am all for the apples instead :)!
Kit Kat Chunky was my absolute FAVORITE candy while studying in London! They have a version of it in America (I can’t remember the name…it might even be the same) but it’s to DIE for. I was also obsessed with Galaxy Minstrels, which are basically like Hershey’s drops here. Otherwise, if we’re sticking to American candy, it’s definitely Reeses and plain old M&M’s!
Ooh Minstrels are in the same league as Kit Kat Chunky- amazing yet addictive!
We do actually get the KitKat Chunky over here, but I kind of prefer the original ones 😮 I think it’s mostly because they’re lighter and crispier and better for dunking in coffee. When I want something chunkier I go for Mars 😀
I don’t mind orthodontists but dentists are scary! I don’t mind going to the doctors but dentists?! I’m immune to the orthodontists office because I had braces and had to go there regularly. I am however avoiding all teeth-related doctors because my wisdom teeth are coming through and I REFUSE to have them taken out!!
My favourite candy…wow this is really difficult. How could you ask such a question, Amanda?! GEEZ!!! Although I am rather partial to KitKats myself. Hmmmm, I really don’t know. Depends on the day of consumption 😛
Bleh, dentists. Yucky:( , good luck though.
Iv been topping my cereal messes,( I actually copy yours because your pictures entice me majorly), with seasonal pears, bananas( don’t know if they’re seasonal or not, but ill use any excuse to eat them), and homemade chunky apple sauce. It is so good.
I used to love my in-school dentist just because we could skip classes to check our teeth once in a while 😉
Maybe these won’t be considered as candy but I love oreos! Well that and kinder surprise – I can’t find those around anymore though!
Love you insight on things girl – you’re truly an inspiration and I’ve abandoned many of my fears after reading your blog!
Awwr that’s so great to hear Shreya! I hope that one day you’ll be able to abandon all of them 🙂
mmm, i want your dinner like NOW! It looks ridiculously amazing girl.
How are you still finding good watermelon?! I’m so jealous. I’d totally top a waffle with it. 🙂
Now I really want some watermelon! I’ve basically given up on summer fruits at this point but that doesn’t mean I’m not still craving them. Summer is definitely the best season for fruit, you can’t go wrong with berries and peaches and watermelon!
When I was younger, I was obsessed with candy! I didn’t get it all the time, just at Halloween and Christmas and on camping trips but I had so many favorites. I usually went for the sour stuff like gummy Lifesavers but I also liked those Hershey’s special dark bars and the dark chocolate mint 3 Musketeers bars!
I was JUST going to say what Shelley did! Please come back this time!!
I don’t necessarily LIKE the dentist either but there are definitely perks to going. 1- I come out with teeth feeling the cleanest they have since the last time I was there. 2- My hygienist is super sweet and talks to me the whole time, asking question, etc… although it is hard to hold a conversation with someone’s hands in your mouth. And 3- I neeeed to go there after eating my kit-kats 😉
Dentists…bleah. I had some major mouth work (extractions & sinus lift) @ age 43 to prep for braces, which my family couldn’t afford when I was younger. I kind of learned to dissociate myself from whatever was going on in there, like, I’m over here, and that there is something else. But, no fun.
Last time you mentioned that you were going to the dentist next day, you disappeared for months! Please don’t do that again. I hope it goes/went well for you.
😆 Omigosh you’re right. I can’t believe you remembered that! 😛 I promise I’ll come back this time.
I don’t mind the dentist at all; that might be something to do with the fact that I’ve never had any cavities! I have only a very small sweet tooth which is easily satisfied. Most lollies and artificial sugars are too much for me, but I could eat fruit all day long, especially watermelon! Can’t wait until they’re in season here.
Also your sandwiches and wraps always look so scrummy that I get hungry just looking at them! Hope your trip to the dentist went well, and without too much anxiety. <3
So that waffle officially has me drooling. Time for a night time sweet treat 😉 The dentist actually doesn’t scare me at all, but SHOTS are another thing. It is impossible for me to get a shot without passing out. Even if I can hardly feel it and don’t look, I faint every.single.time. It’s actually pretty embarrassing. And my favorite candy is hands down coconut M&Ms – obsessed.
Oh, wow. So I can’t even think about getting blood taken without feeling faint. I always have to get my blood taken lying down otherwise I pass out. Oh, and I find that it helps to throw earphones in and play some loud music…
Ugh, nobody likes the dentist. Pretty sure I haven’t been in about two years…not exactly a good thing!
I’ve actually never been a fan of KitKats! too much wafer, not enough chocolate.
If you want to know my favourite candy bar, I pretty much have to put them in a top 5 list for yea, cause I have far too many favourites.
1. Reese’s peanut butter cups
2. Almond Joy (it’s my dad’s favourite and I love coconut)
3. Caramilk
4. Mars
5. Hershey’s Special Dark
Yup…sweet tooth right here. :-p
But… but… the wafer is so light and crispy and wonderful! Pft. Just like Coffee Crisp! (another fave) I think I just like things that I can dunk in coffee or hot chocolate. But I’ve gotta admit that the gooeyness of Caramilk and Mars is pretty darn wonderful as well.
Your eats look great! Every time I see your bowls of cereal they make me hungry. It looks deeeeelicious!
Now THIS is what a WIAW should look like!! So balanced. I LOVELOVELOVE it!! Seriously, quite possibly my favourite WIAW ever. Applause for sure!
Ps. I bought Annies today … it’s sitting in my cupboard. I’ll probably conquer it this weekend. Nervous but excited!! 🙂
Well now that you mentioned it, you know I’m going to hold you to it, right? Better believe that I’m gonna be creepin’ your blog looking for the Mac&Cheese 😀
Guilty as charged — I was looking for some accountability. 🙂
Hold me to it, please!!
Hate the dentist too! I used to have lots of cavities when I was younger…. but I think the reason I don’t like dentists now is that even a routine cleaning takes almost an hour when I go, and it’s annoying keeping your mouth open the whole time while the dentist is trying to make awkward small talk… I pretty much go every other year LOL. Yeahhhh, whatevs. I clean my teeth myself, thanks! haha.
Strangely enough, I was really craving watermelon for maybe two months in the summer, but now, I can’t stand it… it tastes too much like a sweet cucumber :\ Ick. But I’m glad there’s demand for it elsewhere 😉
My favorite candy has ALWAYS been Reese’s PB cups. Good ol fashioned Kit Kat is good too though!
Reese’s!!!! All the way! Although top contenders are: Heath, KitKat, Twix, Butterfinger, Snickers (!!!), and Hershey’s Milk chocolate with almonds. Notice a running theme? I like chocolate! haha
i was jussst thinking about how delicious frozen waffles are at night! yummy. You know what else is yummy? Watermelon 🙂 I’d say go for it, and just keep on eating it. You gotta eat what you love! And if you’re anything like me, watermelon cravings could all of a sudden change to other cravings. Currently I can’t get enough of persimmons!
Im actually okay with going to the dentist. Surprisingly I used to want to BE a dentist when i was in elementary school. That is until I realized that there was blood involved. Then i decided I wanted to be as far from that career as possible. Plus i don’t want to be telling children to say no to sweets 😉 My favorite candy is twix!
Ahhh I used to love Twix! That was my favorite candy growing up. But then they put the “May contain traces of peanuts” label on it so I had to stop eating it! I’m still bitter to this day…
darn peanuts! 🙁
maybe you can have these??…
– just sub out the pb for almond butter and you can ‘almost’ be eating twix again! 🙂
You make me want watermelon, I haven’t seen it around though. Tough when it is out of season. Loving all the combos. I like you am very much into combining loads of flavors to get such a punch. I adore just mixing and seeing what works.
My favorite candy is definitely Twizzlers, especially the individually wrapped Halloween ones because they definitely taste better for some reason (or maybe I’m imagining it??). I haven’t had any for quite some time though because once I start I can’t stop! 🙁
For some reason I thought you were a vegetarian? Where have I been!?
😆 I used to be. Not for like a year, though.
Well the dentist is just one of those things.
Yeah self care!
PS- What I really want to suggest (even though you are a sweetsy girl) is trying a sprinling of some nce sea salt on that watermelon. Oh. Em…. Oh my. I also do love to add red onions, black olives, fresh basil and feta goat or gorgonzola cheese — optionally tossed in a raspberry vinaigrette.
Holy crappooodle. Ras-p-berry …. is spelled that way. That P is like the hidden “s” in brusselS sprouts.
Oohhhh I used to hate going to the dentist as a child – bring back bad memories!! But now I guess I don’t mind so much since my brother is now my dentist!! I’ll be crossing my fingers for you tomorrow!
Nothing wrong with too much watermelon in my book! I love summer fruits and try and eat them for as long as possible! 🙂
Aaaah, dentists are scaaary – definitely fitting in with the Halloween theme! I’ll come along and hold your hand if you’re holding mine the next time I have to go 😀 – which will likely be much too soon. Unfortunately, I’m suspecting it’s my crazy apple addiction – they’re my foodie kryptonite – doing damage to my teeth and making the trip to the dentist’s necessary.
As for your watermelon consumption: If you’re feeling fine and not overdoing – why give up on it? Unless you’re experiencing stomach aches again – but I guess you’ve learned your lesson, right ;)?
Ahh yeah apples can do that. I have a friend who’s dad completely wrecked the enamel on his front teeth from biting in to too many apples… I guess the “too much of a good thing…” theory applies to even the healthiest of things… which is why I wonder about the melon 😆
Breakfast Before Bed….is there a blog with that title? Because there should be!! It’s cute!
I love toast, pancakes, and oatmeal right before I go to bed!
Thanks for sharing your eats, Amanda 🙂
Strangley enough, I love the dentist! I have no idea why! When I was younger my teeth were pretty bad, and I had to have fillings often, but I always got a sticker or a colouring sheet, so I loved going there! Positive reinforcement much?
In Australia candy is called lollies, however you wouldn’t call chocolate a lolly, it’s just a chocolate. If I had to say my favourite lolly, it would have to be one of three, little milk bottles, bananas, or licorice (don’t know if you are familiar with the milk bottles or bananas…). My favourite chocolate is a toss between a Kinder Surprise (the child in me!) or a Cherry Ripe, which is basically dried cherries mixed with coconut and covered in dark chocolate. Yum!
By the way, with the watermelon thing, just eat it! Winter time will roll around and the delicious fruit will disapppear and you will regret not eating it when you wanted to. Luckily for me, summer is approaching, and as are the new season watermelons (;
I always got a reward for going to the dentist when I was younger, too, but I don’t think it did much in lessening my fear of them. And I’m preeeeeeetty sure that I’m going to have to move to Australia for half of the year just so I can support my watermelon addiction 😯