Thursday #happydance. Why? Because…
😀 😀 😀
1. I have to start by saying that you guys are seriously rocking my [Christmas] socks off with all your Thinking Out Loud posts. Last week’s linkup was the biggest one yet, and not only do I adore reading your random thoughts (one of the best ways to get to know people, imho), but I’ve found so many new-to-me blogs as a result. Thank you. Love you. Muah!
2. Speaking of last week, I can’t remember exactly what day it was, but I was over at my parents’ place and Titanic happened to be on TV. I usually have a hard time sitting down and committing to a movie, but this one sucked me right in and didn’t let go for the entire 3 (!!!) hours it was on. My main takeaway thoughts?
a) I forgot how much I freaking love this movie, and…
b) I can’t believe how young Leo looked!
But then again, I probably looked a whole lot younger too… I was 12 when that movie came out 😯
3. On that note, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that my current bedtime is earlier than the bedtime I had as a kid. I remember constantly fighting with my parents in an effort to stay up later, whereas now I’m more likely to be fighting to keep my eyes open. Oh the joys of getting old[er]. But when you [can’t help but] wake up as freakishly early as I do, the only way to get enough sleep is to go to bed early…
4. … which sounds good in theory, but doesn’t always transfer over so well into practice. Case in point: this book…
… robbed me of sleep for a couple of days last week because I literally — it’s that good. I’d say that I’m happy to be done it and back to sleeping again, but I have no idea what I’m going to read next, and life feels empty without a good book…
5. But at least I have my beanie!
Gosh I do love that thing (most recently evidenced here). Cold outside? Beanie. Bad hair day? Beanie. Want to look trendy? Beanie. I guess that’s one of the perks of living in the Arctic wasteland that is Canada — 6 months of beanie-acceptable weather. Also… we call them ‘toques‘ up here.
6. Guess who finally took down her Christmas decorations?! 😀 Well, most of her Christmas decorations, anyways… The tree is still standing, but all the ornaments/garlands are off so it’s naked as a newborn babe. I would have taken the tree itself down as well, but I’m too lazy to head into the garage and drag the box out of storage. It’ll get done… eventually.
7. Insert random facts –> HERE <–
1. Apparently I was born in the wrong era… I would have fit right in!
2. This is a somewhat disturbing realization. Ignorance is bliss…
3. Rubik’s Cube? Did not see that one coming. Has anyone ever solved one of those things?
4. 😆 I have a feeling my parents would have done this when I was going through my hardcore gaming phase.
5. It’s all just a clever way to get people to spend even more time in IKEA…
8. This is a little embarrassing to admit, but we’re all friends here and I trust that you won’t judge me too harshly… In case you didn’t know, I’m a complete wimp when it comes to spicy foods. Mild salsa is about as far as I can go and even the thought of cayenne pepper sends my taste buds into panic mode…. which is why I have absolutely no idea what possessed me to buy this bar of chocolate…
I took one bite and… nope! It may have been the only time I actually spit out a piece of chocolate.
9. At least I have my bunnies! Last week it was cocoa and vanilla, this week it’s honey grahams. I have to admit that I’m slightly more partial to the cocoa ones, but that’s mainly because… chocolate.
10. And now it’s your turn to do some Thinking Out Loud… See you guys tomorrow with a recipe!

Hi, I was SO SO PSYCHED that you came and commented on my blog. I wrote back, but then I thought “maybe she won’t go back to see if I replied!” so I wanted to make sure to let you know I think you’re awesome.
Yay, thank you so much for visiting! You’re one of my blog idols, so it means a lot that you stopped by. I’ve been making AT LEAST one batch of your protein granola bars every week since you posted the recipe 🙂 Hope you had a great time on your trip!
I love how big your Thinking out Loud is getting! And oh my gosh, my Christmas tree is still up to! I am so glad I’m not the only one. I am going to try to take it down today. Let’s see if that happens… 😉
I was hoping to get mine down this weekend as well — fingers crossed for us both!
Now that my kids are teens, I go to sleep before they do and I also go to sleep much earlier than when I was younger. As my husband says I need my beauty sleep. 🙂
I couldn’t stand any heat in my food at all, but something changed and I actually enjoy some heat now. Strange things happen 🙂
I cannot deny it.. my love for Titanic is.. unreal. It is my all time favorite movie and I can watch it whenever. It never gets old! Leo is a total babe. 😉
I have yet to read that book, but it is usually always sold out in nearby book stores. I love reading. Reading is love.
Haha, I too notice my bed time getting earlier than before. It’s a challenge to stay up as late as I used to argue too.. unless I find something totally attention grabbing to do that is.
Beanies are a definite must have. By the way, you look gorgeous!
Chocolate is amazing. Nuff said.
Ahh Titanic, young innocent (prob not) Leo, what a HUNK! <3 C
It’s been one of those weeks where I have gotten reobsessed with young Leonardo DiCaprio and am figuring out a way to build a time machine stat. Also, beanies are totally my favorite new fashion accessory. When I say they’re a life saver, I’m not over exaggerating.
I need to buy that book! I’m currently reading through The Hobbit, so maybe I’ll buy it after I’m done with that!
I LOVE Titanic! Seriously…I used to want to marry Leonardo DiCaprio. For my 6th grade birthday, my friends and I went to the theater to see it then back to my house for a sleepover- good times! I need a new book to read and have heard so many good things about The Fault in Our Stars, so I may have to pick that up this weekend. And beanies are my go-to on bad hair days or I-don’t-feel-like-washing-my-hair days, haha. Pretty sure tomorrow will be that way 😉 Have a great weekend!
Crazy! I went to see Titanic for my birthday too, except I was in the 7th grade 😀 And definitely pick up The Fault In Our Stars — first book to completely suck me in in quite some time.
I saw Titanic SIX times in the theater…HAHA OMG. I’m pretty sure I cried every time too. I was like..10? Leo was so cute, but he’s even cuter with rugged. We waited until the last minute to take down our decorations, but I think you shame.
OMG–I seriously just borrowed this book from the teen that I babysit and I’m DYING to read it. I think I’m the last person on the planet to read it. I want to start it before bed but I’m worried I’ll never sleep….we’re about to find out!!
So excited for your recipe – your granola bars are a staple in my fridge now!!
I’ve been thinking about reading that book for a long time now! You’ve officially convinced me it should be the next book on my list. I’m also dying to read Gone Girl. I just finished the Art of Racing in the Rain. It was pretty good (especially for dog lovers)!
I -loved- The Art of Racing in the Rain, and really enjoyed Gone Girl as well. But definitely put The Fault In Our Stars on your list — it’s an amazing book.
I cried so much while reading The Fault in Our Stars. Such an emotional book. I actually read it while we were in India, and when the tears would start, Vishnu would tell me to put it away because he was worried his family would think something was seriously wrong. Ha!
I’m definitely adding that book to my reading list- I keep hearing about it and forgetting that I want to read it, so thanks for the reminder! 🙂 My Christmas decorations, despite a daily effort to take them down, are still hangin’ out. At this point it’s just tedious and I can’t wait to clear it all out and re-organize!
Hi Amanda! I haven’t commented on your blog in a really long time (I’ve stepped away from blogs for the most part), but I still check on yours since it’s one of my favorites. 🙂 And I have to say I LOVED “The Fault in Our Stars”!! I’ve read it twice now and I couldn’t put it down both times. I didn’t think that I’d like it as much as I did (being a teen romance book). But it’s just amazing. And now I’m really excited, but kinda nervous, for the movie. I’m almost done with “Looking for Alaska” by John Green, but I don’t think it’s nearly as special or “magical” or brilliant or whatever the right word is as TFIOS. Oh, and I should thank you for recommending the Game of Thrones series! I’ve read three of the books and they’re very very good. I really need to finish the series (and watch the show!). Sorry for the random comment, I just wanted to join in on the book appreciation. 😛
I’m glad you joined in, Steph! There can never be too much book love 😀 And I’m glad that you’re enjoying GoT… that’s definitely one of my favourites.
LOVED that book. I also can’t believe you don’t like spicy foods! I literally pour hot sauce on everything 🙂
Girl, you will get NO judgement from me whatsoever! Whole Foods was handing out samples of chili infused chocolates once and I didn’t think about it and threw a piece in my mouth. By the time I got to the next aisle, I was DYING!! I think I’ll stick with the sweet and crunchy and even salty chocolate add ins, but those FREAKS can keep their heat!
Oh gorrrrrrsh, Titanic! When I first developed my Leo crush! Hormones…the only thing that kept me still while watching that movie! Wow, he DID look young! And yeah, I could still kill Kate for letting him go…that b!tch! Lol
Okay, seriously? That plank of wood was HUGE. They could have made it work!!
I think I’m the only person in my social circle who thinks Titanic is a classic. I can not get enough of that movie.
I’ve seen tons of reviews on “The Fault in Our Stars.” I need to add that to my reading list.
Our tree is down, but it still needs to go to storage. It’s the thought, right?
Wow, check out that baby face on Leo!! <3
That water fact… it's kinda disturbing. Eww.
We’re still working on our Christmas decorations too. I love having them up but really dislike taking them down.
I like spicy food and chocolate and I’m pretty sure that candy bar isn’t for me either. I guess I shouldn’t knock it until I try it though.
Ahhh I will never forget watching Titanic in theaters with my friend and parents. The sex scene was SO awkward (I was about 12 maybe? younger probably) with my parents…they made my friend and I turn around haha.
I actually read The Fault in Our Stars last year and couldn’t quite figure out if I loved it or not (sorry :/ ). I am looking forward to the movie though, which is coming out this year!
P.S – I was just blown away by that water fact…I mean how cool is that? Gross yes, but so cool. It kind of makes me feel connected to the world and everyone in it (is that weird?)
Every time I watch Titanic, I think of two things:
1) how crazy I was about this movie when I was 13
2) There was room for both of them on that giant wooden slab!!
I’m the opposite with spicy food- I love it! I put sriracha on everything!
Right?!?! There seriously WAS room on there. Like… why was he in the water?!
You seriously look sooo good in toques and hats!!!! I have to be very choosy with those. And omgness, I know it sounds odd but I despise that movie! I don’t know what it is but it really annoyed me when I saw it in middle school…lol! And although Leo is aging pretty nicely, I cannot believe that much time has passed by! He looks like a young teen in this picture.
Oh my gosh you get such beautiful light in that cornor. I can see why it’s your food photography station.
I’m always a little sad when a book comes to end, especially when I don’t have a new one already lined up.
My hoodie sweatshirt is the equiavalent of my beanie. It’s always on this time of year.
I didn’t much care for spicy foods growing up. It wasn’t until I started making my own chili that I got a desire for heat. Now I love it, so feel free to send that candy bar my way. 😉 Carrot in one hand, candy in the other.
Okay, I’ll be honest here. Deep breath … I’ve never seen Titanic before. Don’t hate me. I can’t say why but by now everybody around has watched it a million times and it doesn’t seem like a movie I’d want to watch alone. Does the fact that I read The Fault in Our Stars and agree it’s well worth loosing some sleep over make up for it? Or should I try to convince my mum to watch it with me saying yours did, too [or didn’t she??]?
Oh, and not to offend you but that bar of chocolate sounds right up my alley. Feel free to mail it to me :D. Even though I’d consider myself a spice wimp cayenne pepper is one of my favourite spices and sneaks its way into many of my [savoury] meals.
I really like IKEA but just like water that has been drunken before I’m not too keen on napping on a sofa or bed a stranger used before. Or nap in public in general.
On a last note. Thank you for linking me up!
Definitely try and get your mom to watch it with you — it’s such a touching movie 🙂
Ok biggest girl and guy crushes are kate and Leo! Gah- Love them so. Beanie is rockin girl. Send that spicy chocolate to me 🙂 I can deal with it. Or settle down the spice by melting it down with some white chocolate, a few bit of dried fruit and a hint of vanilla- Yum! 🙂 or perhaps with some ice cream 😉 Gah- I has to watch titanic now :)!
Titanic. The movie I only saw 2 years ago….and I didn’t even watch the whole thing! I completely hear you on the sleeping thing- I remember thinking it was the coolest thing to stay up as late as possible back in the day. These days? Come 10.30pm and my body shuts down!
Is it too early to make blogging goals for 2015….I can see chilli + amanda happening.
I was going to link up this week but had I wrote my thoughts out loud, there would be a new hashtag #manbitching happening. Just ask Davs.
I loved your post today anyways. But uh oh… I think it’s time I -finally- got around to answering that e-mail. Unless you have an iPhone… Then we could be iMessage buddies?!?!
You’re lookin’ so darn cute in that beanie! I love functional and fashionable pieces.
And those honey graham bunnies looks super duper tasty, but I would be hesitant to buy them because they’d probably disappear in a 24-hour timespan. 😉
My mom, being from Southeast Asia, can insane amounts of spice (she eats raw chili peppers sometimes!!!), so I’ve adapted to a decent amount of spice. Spicy chocolate sounds like something I would not really enjoy though…
Thursdays are so much fun! Lots of interesting stuff here.
I am no longer thirsty. I would like to erase that disturbing factoid from my mind.
I remember when Rubik’s Cubes were first introduced. I got one for Christmas but it was pastel colored rather than the traditional bright colors. My brother told me that was because it was Canadian. I’m sure that’s not true, it was just a knock-off brand but kind of funny that was his explanation.
I, too have the circadian rhythms of a senior citizen. When I taught fifth grade we did a play about the Revolutionary period in America. Benjamin Franklin (portrayed by 10-year-old J.T.) had the line, “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Perhaps that doesn’t apply since I am a woman? Although I did find a dollar bill on a walk the other day…
That book was so good… I am anxious to see what the movie will be like.
I LOVED the Fault in Our Stars. I read it this summer and couldn’t put it down! As for the Titanic, I watched the whole thing once and felt so depressed afterwards so now I stop the movie before the ship sinks!
Thanks for hosting again, I love posting on Thursdays because of you and your link up 🙂