1. Remember back when I actually used to post random facts on these random thought days? Yeah, me neither. That being the case, let’s kick things off with some random facts that’ll make you everyone’s first pick for trivia game partner…
1. Funny because breakouts and oiliness make me feel a -tad- less beautiful…
2. What I wanna know is… how’d they test this one?
3. That’s a lot of rainbows. Do you have a favourite colour of Skittles? Mine is red…
4. I -had- to Google this one, and apparently it’s true… but not as exciting as you might imagine.
5. That would be awkward… Just like sending a text/message to the wrong person… 😯
2. Remember how I admitted to rockin’ the Christmas socks underneath my boots? I wasn’t kidding…
… and I’ll probably be doing it until at least mid-March.
3. Speaking of Christmas, please tell me I’m not the only one who still has all of her decorations up…
It’s not even that I don’t want to take them down — I’ve just gotten so used to them that I hardly even notice anymore. They really do have to go, though… My tree is currently sitting in the spot where I take all of my food photos, so that’s been a little inconvenient to work around #foodbloggerproblems. I would say that I’ll take it all down this weekend, but that doesn’t seem likely to happen because…
4. … the cold spell has finally broken…
5. … and I’ll be heading up to the mountains on Saturday morning! Whoop whoop. I’m in desperate need of some time on the slopes after basically becoming a shut-in thanks to this nasty weather, so you’d better believe that I plan on taking full advantage of this blessed respite from the cold by spending as much time with my snowboard as I possibly can. Can.not.wait.
6. Can.not.go without road trip snacks, either… which means that I need to whip up another batch of granola bars in the next couple of days seeing as this is all that’s left of the last one…
… and now that’s gone too 😥 What can I say? They taste like cookies…
7. Edit: I went ahead and whipped up another batch approximately 5.5 minutes after writing down #6 ^^ … Now the trick is going to be making them last through the next two days. I can do this… maybe.
8. I’ll just turn my attention to these chocolate and vanilla bunnies instead… You know those foods that completely annihilate all your sense of proper portion control? Yup. Well played, Annie… well played indeed.
9. So hey! We’re about a week into 2014 now, and for those of you who are doing it with me, how are your memory jars coming along? Are you still keeping up with them? Or have you already thrown in the towel? 😉 Still time to catch up!
10. And now for my favourite part… reading your guys’ random thoughts! Seriously one of the highlights of my Thursday…

Aww, bummer! I was totally expecting more out of that unicorn thing! I’m not a big fan of Skittles, but if you put a bowl of red ones in front of me, I wouldn’t turn them down…but sour Skittles on the other hand? Omg, never again! My tongue hurt for DAYS!
Ha! I left my Christmas decorations up until February last year…so don’t feel bad! PS, is it creepy that I like seeing pictures of your house? You have such a great decorating style!
I only had sour Skittles ONCE and while my tongue was okay, I ended up getting a super sore throat! Never again. Sour and spicy I just can’t do…
I think I will probably be rocking my socks ALL year long. So. comfy. I can’t really agree with you if those weather conditions are referred to the “breaking” of a cold spell…. Frozen…
so happy for you that so many folks are joining your link up! i’m sorry i missed it this week, but hopefully next week.
i cannot wait to get some relief from these temps! tomorrow it’s supposed to be in the 50’s (F). craziness…i am totally pumping gas tomorrow! ha, sad winter problems.
Girl, I am loving my memory jar so so much! Makes me reflect on all the good in my life!
Yes to the Christmas socks under boots – one of the best things about winter is being able to wear ridiculous and comfy socks and no one knowing about it. And your random facts in #1 totally made my day. Enjoy the slopes – I didn’t make it skiing this year and I’m jealous! Hope you take some pictures to share so we can live vicariously through the experience :).
I LOVE hiding awesome socks under my boots– it’s like a happy secret all day. 😉
very freaking late to this party. very late. but I have to say that I always rock random ass socks under my boots because hey, you can never tell. hope you have a good friday! ps we are not texting like I thought we would I blame my crazy week
The last two days have been insanity for me. Changing that, stat.
We’ve been pretty cold here too and I am so over it! Annie’s bunnies of any sort are totally addicting! I buy them for my toddler, but my husband and I usually end up eating most of them before he can!
My Christmas decorations came down last weekend, which is a week later than normal. It’s the oddest thing, I love putting all the decorations up and having the tree all lit up for weeks, but as soon as Christmas is over, a switch flips inside me, and I’m done with it all. I’m usually the first person in the neighborhood to toss her tree out. I also love being able to have the house back to normal.
While I haven’t started the memory jar, I have started doing my daily gratitude lists again, which is something I know you enjoy as well.
I’m glad the extreme cold spell ending means you’ll get the opportunity to hit the slopes. You gotta break in that new snowboard.
Grr…those Annie’s cinnamon bunnies and white-cheddar bunnies are my weakness. I can literally eat them by the boxful. It’s a problem. Le sigh.
I’m happy to hear that you’ll be making it up to the slopes this weekend- have fun! With how sick I’ve been, I’ll be lucky to make it out of my apartment. At least I won’t take my health for granted anymore. (:
Enjoy the rest of your week, Amanda! (:
Thank goodness for better weather! It’s warming up here too!
All your pictures are so beautiful! what do you use to take pictures?
Thanks Hayley! I use a Canon EOS7D.
Sadly my famiy has taken down our Christmas decorations, if I had my own house they would most definitely still be up! Mmm can’t wait to make those granola bars this tomorrow or this weekend! Oh and, Annie’s, she knows what’s up, no? 😉
I am so excited about how much this is growing for you! I actually get excited every Thursday to partake!! I have not started my box yet, but I will – very very soon!
So apparently my feedly is being dumb and never told me your post was up for today. I just looked at the clock, realized it was after 4 and I hadn’t read your post today, checked feedly which said you hadn’t done anything, and then decided to take matters into my own hands and typed your address into my phone. Feedly fail. Anywho, I am so glad to hear you’re hitting the slopes this weekend. As soon as I got to the boys’ house today, I informed them that we were bundling and leaving, which we did haha. Couldn’t take another day cooped up!
Awwr! Not even to build forts? 😉
The granola bars look amazing! I absolutely must make some ASAP! and totally loving the festive socks 🙂 my dad is an avid sock wearer, and I caught him wearing pink polka dots to work!
What what??!!!! #1 is totally not true for me because I’m extremely bloated, my face feels “stale” and bloated too, and I look tired. Haha. Those facts are so funny, girl!
And I’m on the same boat about the christmas decorations~We put them up a bit later than we probably should have and now are waiting to get them down. Well, I also don’t feel like doing it because I’d much rather put things together than clean up! 😉