Thursdays are kind of my favourite 😀
1. You guys… I am ashamed. How did I miss out on the fact that yesterday was National Bake Cookies Day?!? Can we just pretend that the white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookies I posted on Monday were in preparation for the big day? (say yes and I’ll give you a cookie)
If not, here are some bloggers who are clearly more on top of things than I am:
Oreo Chocolate Crinkle Cookies via Fit ‘n Cookies
Gluten-Free Shortbread Cookies via The Healthy Maven
Double Chocolate Chunk Macadamia Cookies via Lexi’s Healthy Kitchen
National Bake Cookies Day via The Lean Green Bean
2. Speaking of cookies… Remember those two failed, meltdown-inducing batches I told you about? I figured it was high time to share the incriminating photographic evidence…
Mmmmm. Tasty, no? Actually… they are pretty tasty. I’ve slowly been picking away at that melted cookie heap, and it’s not half bad. But I guess it’s hard to go wrong with a pile of butter, sugar, and flour…
3. And since we’re sharing secrets, here’s a fun one… Throughout the month of December, I wear Christmas socks more often than not — even when I’m out and about.
It’s probably not too bold a move since I’m usually wearing boots and no one can tell, but it’d definitely make for an interesting conversation starter if I ever found myself in a place that required the removal of footwear. Is it weird that I secretly hope that’ll happen?
4. You know what’s been missing around these parts lately? My face! I haven’t posted a picture of myself in quite some time, so… hi! (note: I am wearing Christmas socks)…
I need to get a little more consistent with the whole selfie thing, especially since I always love seeing the faces behind the blogs I read. I think it’s high time for another round of As We Speak…
5. It’s also been a while since I’ve shared a grocery haul, and since I know I’m not the only one who’s nosy about what other people put in their carts, here’s a random restock that happened earlier this week…
old fashioned oats // quick oats // all purpose flour // raisins // cocoa // white chocolate chips // cinnamon
mushrooms // pears // oranges // bananas // cucumber // avocado // broccoli // apples
… aaaaand my camera somehow lost the third picture, but just imagine:
[yogurt // cottage cheese // almond milk // deli chicken // apple butter // salsa]
6. Remember that spaghetti squash that I admitted to holding hostage in my pantry last week? Turns out that 3 months is a few months too long to just let it sit there. I finally got around to cutting into that sucker the other day, and this is the lovely surprise that awaited me inside…
Aliens Sprouts. A quick Google search suggested it’s still safe to eat, but I think I’ll pass 😯
7. Here’s a quick tip for you on this fine Thursday… If you find yourself struggling to drink enough water throughout the day, try drinking it through a straw. Colder weather makes water a little less appealing, but I’ve found that it’s a lot easier to get down when it comes up a straw.
8. I can’t help but wonder if the dogsled carrying my Naked3 palette got lost in a snow storm somewhere. I placed my order with Sephora 2 weeks ago and I’m still waiting for it to show up. I need to get Balto on that.
9. Speaking of Balto, did you know that happens to be one of my favourite childhood movies? I’ve watched it so often that I can pretty much recite the entire movie by heart — same goes for Land Before Time and All Dogs Go To Heaven. But the #1 best childhood movie, in my books? The Last Unicorn — and I know Arman agrees with me on that one 😉
10. Alright, enough of my random ramblings — time for me to read yours! Thanks so much to anyone who joined in this week’s linkup — I can’t wait to see some of the random stuff that you’ve been thinking about!

Love the Christmas socks!!!
Ok, so I just want you to know that when I linked up, I totally left a comment, but just realized that the computer must’ve ated it! Also, I want you to know that the first word of that comment was YESSSSSSSSSS and then I promptly looked at my hand, but there was no cookie to be found! What gives?! Did my computer eat my comment AND my cookie?! That’s it, I’m calling Apple…this is total BS! 😉
Land Before Time…oh the memories! And too funny you should mention The Last Unicorn as I was just telling Arman a couple weeks ago that I’d never even heard of it before!
PS, I thought of you the other day when I put on Christmas socks with my boots! 😉
OMGGG THE LAST UNICORN?! My friend and I used to be obsessed with that movie. Loved it so much. And as always, I love the selfie. That scarf is adorable. 🙂
I wear Christmas socks every single day in December. And now I’ve got the jingle bell earrings on the go too 🙂
haha, I have a bunch of Christmas socks too! And I wear them all through the winter. I just love them! 🙂
Love the picture of you! I’m all about giant scarfs in the winter 🙂