Hey , hey, hey! Happy Thinking Out Loud Thursday! A day where I can throw coherent thought flow to the wind and just spew out whatever random thoughts are in my head. Yay! 😀
1. Remember how yesterday had me gushing about my mom and the amazing dinner she made me let me mooch off her? Well today I’ve got to do some gushing over my dad; a man who picked up not one, not two, but three watermelons for me when he was at Costco the other day…
Gah! They spoil love me But in all fairness, I do think of them when I’m out and about as well…
2. Speaking of which, you’ll never believe some of the things I come across while I’m out and about…

Gee, thanks! But as amazing as both of those sound, I’d really just settle for some Chobani and a Chipotle around these parts. Get your priorities straight, Canada!
3. Guess who already started packing for her snowboarding getaway this weekend? Mmm hmmm – this girl right here! Ms. Packing Procrastinator herself! Although… I feel as though I should mention that I never really unpacked from my last trip… but let’s not get caught up in details and consider this progress, mmkay?
4. Does harboring thoughts like this make me a bad person?
5. How about the fact that I didn’t inform a girl I came across whose self-tanning fail was so blatantly obvious that having a pumpkin orange face and a ghostly white neck isn’t a good look for anybody. Does this girl not have a mirror? Or good girl friends that will tell her these kinds of things?!?
6. Speaking of self-tanner… what are your guys’ thoughts on it? I’ve always preferred soaking up some sun as opposed to slathering myself with creams, but with things like skin cancer and premature aging being a pretty big concern, I’m starting to reconsider. I’ve actually got my eye on this one here…
7. Nothing makes you feel older than someone calling you ma’am. Seriously?! On the one hand I’ve got people telling me that I barely look 18, and on the other I’ve got people ma’aming me. I’m not sure which one bothers me more.
8. I heard this song by Radiohead earlier this week and it’s been stuck in my head for something like three days straight. It’s a good thing I like it, although a few more days and I’m going to start to hate it…
9. I’d like to draw your attention to this little bar right here…
You can find it at the bottom of each of my posts and use it to share my post to places like Twitter and Facebook. The real reason I’m bringing it up, though, is because I just added the Pinterest option to make it easier to pin any of my images to your boards.
10. Oh and by the way… just call me Queen Ygritte Snow…
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Do you use self-tanner? Which one?
Even if you’re not a fan, what’s your Game of Thrones name?
Bahaha! The gummy bears! Omg, I would have paid money to see the look of restraint on your face at that moment! 😆
Your parents are the BEST! My mom and dad don’t really eat the sort of things I like, if you know what I mean, so there isn’t much mooching going on over here…mind if I borrow yours? 😉
I’m White Walker (yeah, sensing that is a bad thing?) Greta Targaryen….I’m so behind the times, I don’t even know what Game of Thrones is about! Sorry. :-/
Weeeellll, a White Walker makes you basically like a demon zombie, but being a Targaryen means you have the royal blood line in you… so I guess it balances out? 😀
Irri Westerling – Knight of KingsGuard! Wooohoo! So glad someone is the blogosphere is a game of thrones fan. I don’t feel like such a nerd anymore. Any chance you play skyrim or far cry 3… no? Sadly I am still alone on this one.
Oh girl, I’m the biggest closet geek there is… Although I don’t play it as much as I play Warcraft, I love Skyrim 🙂
I am too scared to start warcraft – I hear it is a real time consumer 🙂 I already have a problem no need to add to it right 🙂
Oh it’s definitely a time sink. Sooooo many years invested in that game, but I can’t regret it because I had some good times and met some great people.
Lord commander Margery Royce. And I so badly wanted to be a queen.
I’m pale, or porcelain as I like to say, so I’m afraid self tanners will just look silly on me. I’m with you on the orange face, white neck look. How do you not notice that?! Where are your friends?!
It’s an honor to meet you Queen Ygritte Snow. Sellsword Shireeen Stark is my name! 😀
Since winter seems to be never ending this year I started using a light self-tanner. Solarium is a no-go for my skin – I am so pale that my boyfriend always tells me a sheet of paper is more tanned than me – and probably should be a no-go for everyone considering the health risks! Self-tanners got quite good over the years and mine is really just as light that it makes me look like a human being and not a zombie, vampire or whatever undead association you might have when you meet me after 6 straight month without decent sunshine.
i would love a self-tanner but i can’t stand the smell! i used to use clarins or lancome but the smell just got to me and i stopped using them. also, i can’t seem to find a color that suits me..i always turn out orangey, not the golden brown they advertise on the bottles 🙁
Ending up looking like an Oompa Loompa is one of the main reasons I’ve been hesitant as well!
I actually really need to pick up some sunless tanner, but I was thinking maybe the Jergens one that is a lotion and gradually builds? My legs are super white from soccer, only the knee area is exposed during the game, my socks cover my shins and my shorts cover my thighs, so I have a super cute tan going on. My heels are nude for the wedding and literally my legs are so white you cant even tell I have heels on lol
TIME OUT. What is in that Sexcereal???? haha I’m so curious, but i’m scared to google it on my work computer, HAH
😆 It’s actually not anything horrible – it’s just full of ingredients that are supposed to support hormonal balance … but really, most of it is probably gimmicks and it’s just kind of a healthy granola cereal.
I totally shop my parents’ pantry when I’m home! It’s great 😀
I haven’t used it in a year as I was pregnant and just avoiding all unnatural products, but I still have St. Tropez under my sink. I definitely worry about too much sun exposure, especially now that we are living in Australia for a few years. If you’re going to go for a self tanner, then I definitely recommend St. Tropez. It’s the best I’ve ever tried, as it doesn’t streak and doesn’t make you smell horrible, as do all pharmacy brands (despite what people say, they are all nasty). I’ve used Victoria’s Secret before. It smells the best, but it came off on my clothes. Hope that helps!
Aw, your dad buying you watermelons reminds me of my dad always picking me up kabocha squash when he sees them at the farmers market. I always try to repay him also though! Ha ha, and I’ve definitely seen a couple pictures of that sex cereal around the Canada Instagram and blog world, they should just replace that with Chobani and you guys would be good to go. 😉
I used to tan like crazy.. in tanning beds year round (like 2x a wk.. minimum.. *cough*) and baby-oiled up allll summer long. My tan was sick 😉 It was a beautiful thing… buut the fake tanning was getting expensive, my skin started to kinda feel weird (kinda thicker? sounds worse than it was ha) and some guilt inducing family members made me promise to stop.. so I did. I wear spf yr round and don’t tan anymore.. and I am a paaale girl like lightest shade of any foundation brand pale. I Am interested in using self tanner, because I miss having a tan sometimes, I still get a little colour in the summer even through spf 30.. I love the feeling of lying in the sun, that’s what started my tanning obsession in the first place! I have completely embraced and come to love my natural pale colour though, and would much rather be snow white here than streaky jersey shore orange. So I’m not too worried about it.. but I would love to hear of a natural looking, safe for sensitive skin, Fool-proof lotion 😉 A girl can dream..
Oh and I get the same.. some ppl think I am way younger than my real age, and then I get a ma’am, or even a miss and I feel over the hill..
Ah the self-tanning dilemma. Personally, I’m pretty adamant about sun-safety. I think a lot of people have the “oh it’ll never happen to me” mindset, but what few people realize is that it’s not just a sunburn that puts you at risk – it’s sun EXPOSURE, period. I’ve already had a mole removed for biopsy, and though it came back clean I would really rather not repeat the experience – so I don’t go outside without sunscreen. I can still enjoy the light and the warmth, but as far as color goes, I’m all about self tanning lotions. Jergens makes a nice one, you can put it on an hour before bed, sleep on it, then wear sunscreen during the day (that way you’re not layering two lotions and being greasy lol). Being outside is awesome, but intentionally trying to get a tan via the sun is really REALLY dangerous (especially for fair-complexioned northern-european types such as you and me). Okay, off my soapbox now. I’ve been called “ma’am” before too! by guys my own age! Mostly when I’m down south in Virginia or NC, because that’s how people are raised down there…but still lol.
I love watermelon! I can’t wait to get my hands on all the fruit this summer! I miss it during the winter 🙁 I heard of Sexcereal on Kelly and Michael a few weeks ago! So funny! I use tanning lotions.. melanoma killed my uncle, and I’ve had more than 30 moles off my body because of pre-cancer cells. Better to be safe 🙂 I really like neutrogena bronze tanning! Never streaks and looks great! However, nothing beats laying out in the sun! I love that, just use sunscreen for it! 🙂
I probably would’ve gone for those gummie bears.. nothing wrong with sharing?!
I honestly don’t think I’d be able to last the whole winter without my watermelon! The trouble is that only the mini ones have been around, and they can be pretty hit or miss in terms of sweetness 😕
I live too far away from my parents to mooch… but my mom just came to visit and i totallllyy made her cook for me (and order like three nights worth of take-out food lol) 🙂
I definitely mooch and get food from my dad and mom. As a matter of fact, my mom made us pizza and brownies tonight. There’s no place like home. Have a fabulous Friday!!
Oh how I wish that there was chobani, chiptotle (or any decent mexican food) and trader joes in Canada. 🙁
I think all of us Canadians do 🙁
Woot yay for boarding this weekend, I hope it is wonderful for you m’dear! I have always been about soaking up the sun but like you, the premature aging and that whole horrid cancer business has me rethinking my decisions. So self tanner… I think if you find a good one then heck yes to using it, but the cheap ones that leave you looking nice and streaky? Ehh not so much lol
Mmm those watermelons are going to be good, I just bought a half of one at the store earlier today, a beauty and oh so sweet 🙂 get excited about yours
I’m Queen Cerci! Dohhh crazy, wine-loving lady with an evil son shares the same name as me!
😆 Well I’m a bastard (Snow) if it makes you feel any better!
Ohhh that self tanner sounds and looks like a great buy! Kind of pricey but I’m sure it’s worth it. And wowww…that cereal thing is creepy, I’m still not even sure what it really is, haha! And I definitely get food from my parents every now and then. Mayyyybe once every 2 weeks? It’s such a great feeling to be fed by them because it brings memories and makes me feel so loved. 😀
All of those watermelons! I’m definitely a little jealous right now 😉 It’s my pony’s favorite food, so occasionally for Christmas etc. we throw a whole one in his stall- he stomps on it and breaks it open with his hoof and has a blast lol. Have a great night Amanda!
I totally mooch off of my parents – it’s becoming quite obnoxious, actually, how much I take from them. I can’t say I’m a fan of self tanner – but it’s tempting sometimes!
lol i totally understand the age confusion 😛 I work at a tutoring centre on the weekends and sometimes people think I’m one of the students and sometimes people think I’m a teacher ha ha I’m 19!!!
I’ve never used self tanner before… I’m way too freaked out about applying it wrong and looking super orange/streaky. 😛 I don’t really care about looking tan in the winter and in the summers I just get a bit of a natural tan. I wear sunscreen pretty religiously, but I still manage to get a tan anyway!
Hahaha someone called me ma’am the other day too. Freaked me the heck out, I tell you!
I’ve seen that sex cereal in stores a couple of times. I’ve actually been tempted to buy it, just because.
As for self tanners, I don’t use them and never have. I’ve never actually been even remotely tan in my entire life. Because of my Irish blood I’m pale as a ghost year round. I don’t even try to tan because when I used to I’d only burn, and when the burn healed I’d just be white again. So I just stay out of the sun. I don’t mind it, though. I’m so used to being pale that I think I’d look funny if I had a tan.
And I for one have never tired of “Karma Police”! It’s one of my favourite Radiohead songs.
Ciao Queen Ygritte- I’m Shae Dondarrion Sellsword at your service lol. I still live with mama and papa so yes they feed me well :). I’m very olive skinned so my apologies I can offer no tan advice but I bet your skin would look beautiful naturally! You could rock any skin colour (even orange) so don’t worry or stress I’m sure your skin looks perfect for you! Ciao and p.s – I’m apparently here if you need anyone taken out my Lady (can you tell I adore game of thrones) lol
eek I’ve always stayed away from self tanner….pale is the new tan
Oh watermelon love! I am so upset that watermelon season is ending (and the prices keep going up) so I’m savouring every bit of watermelon I have. I’m seriously addicted though, I eat a whole watermelon to myself a week (cough… twice a week)…
Oh noes! It’s actually just starting here. And I can easily go through an entire watermelon in a couple of days. Let’s just say that watermelon food babies are a pretty common thing around these parts 😀
I much prefer laying out for a little bit each day on sunny days to get more natural-looking color, but I’ve been using tanning lotion a lot lately as it hasn’t been warm enough yet to lay outside comfortably for too long. I like the Jergen’s Natural and L’Oreal brands of tanning lotion because they both smell fantastic and aren’t too streaky but I haven’t done too much experimenting with other brands.
You’ve got me craving a giant watermelon right now! I hope the stores around me have started stocking some good ones because I miss my favorite summer fruit.
They were talking about the Sexcereal on Kelly and Micheal a few weeks ago!!! I’d have to buy it… just to be able to say I sexed up my breakfast.
jesus christ can I have your dad? and your mom? wow parents of the century. is it weird though I feel like we are related because my dad does the same thing with fresh fruit every time i am home. especially watermelon because he knows I love them. twins, just saying. I also may come off as really vain but I feel so much better body image wise when I am tan. i want to be tan so bad.
Wait… sex cereal?! Ummmmm ok? :/// I like Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs, it’s like a self-tanner but just gives you a little glow. It does have glittery things in it, though. :/
You get to be a Snow? No fair! Although technically that would make Jon off-limits I suppose (though obviously it didn’t stop Jaime and Cirsei haha). My GOT name is crap – I’m ‘Mordane Harlaw’ and I’m a lowly Sellsword.
I like to think I’m pale and interesting 😛 I’d never use a self-tanner – I actually prefer having white skin…it meant I never had to wear any white make-up when I was a Goth 😀