Happy Friday, friends!
Wait… it is Friday, right? Ok, good. The reason I ask is because I spent the majority of yesterday thinking it was Friday and was consequently disappointed every time I had to remind myself that it wasn’t – which actually happened more times than I care to admit. I was also pretty disappointed that hardly anyone told me their Game of Thrones names yesterday! Oh, you guys…. what am I going to do with you? Not share any of these, that’s for sure…
I kid, I kid. I could never stay mad at you. But I actually don’t have anything to share because…
The last muffin (cupcake?) has met it’s end. Sorry… but I’ve been a hungry little bugger lately and keeping my hand out of the cookie jar muffin basket has proven to be quite the challenge. As has finding a good lunch box (how’s that for the most random change in subject?)! Remember how I mentioned that I wanted to invest in a cute lunch box after showing you this monstrosity last week?
Well, it took me a good week, but I finally managed to find one…
I know what you’re thinking – that’s not cute – and I agree (although I have to admit that I’ve developed quite an affinity for my grunchy little lunch tote); but do you know how difficult it is to find a decent lunch box around here?! Either that or I just have no idea where to look, which is entirely possible since I can’t even remember the last time I had a lunch box. Either way, most of the ones I came across were covered in Batman and Barbies (Spongebob and My Little Pony would have been perfectly acceptable), while all the grown-up cute ones were teeny tiny and wouldn’t have been able to handle the massive stash I bring with me when I have to be out and about all day. But this guy? He knows what’s up…

What can I say? Size matters. And on that note, let’s talk about size for a second, or more specifically, length (don’t worry – we’re keeping it PG). I participated in a Twitter chat on Wednesday night where the topic being discussed was blogging tips and tricks (you can read Lindsay’s recap of the entire chat here), and one of the things that I found most interesting was that post length plays a pretty big role in what people consider to be a good blog.
In general, most people prefer posts that are on the shorter side – under 500 words.
It makes sense. As interesting as the topic may be, and as good of a voice as the writer may have, the majority of blog readers are reading a decent number of blogs per day, and lengthy posts with huge walls of text can be difficult to get through. I’ve definitely been guilty of writing novels myself, but I’ve really been putting in more of an effort to shorten my posts because, not only are they easier to write, but they’re probably easier to read as well.
That being said, this post is starting to get on the lengthy side and ain’t no one got time for that! I’ll be leaving for the mountains tomorrow morning and won’t be back until Sunday night so I probably won’t see you guys again until Monday, but I hope you have an amazing weekend!
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What are some of the things that you think make a good blog?
Do you prefer posts that are on the shorter side?
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I’m such a hypocrite! I definitely prefer to read posts on the lighter side, but I’ll be damned if I can’t get a post to be less than 800 words! I even delete WHOLE PARAGRAPHS sometimes at the end just to minimize my word count as much as possible! Grrr!
i like both short and long posts, depending what the topic is and how it is getting across. I also love pics! Man those roads look horrible, hate driving in the snow! Gosh you can make a cup of coffee look sooo freaking good! I also love your lunchbox! I need to invest in a new one, I either use my whole foods “i love veggies” bag or my hannah montana lunch box, im cool!
Ah the post length conundrum, I agree, short-ish posts are the best – I mean I don’t like posts that are super short – because then, what’s the point – but ones that are too long I’m like ehhhh I don’t have time for this lol. We’ve all got jobs and lives and if you read more than one or two blogs a day…they have to be on the shorter side. But it seems that’s the general consensus. Anywho as for the l unchbox – eh, I’ve actually also never seen a cute one that would hold all my food! Function over looks, I guess…it’s really not that bad though! I think it’s pretty unobtrusive and standard, which means it won’t stick out.
I actually think your lunch bag is about as cute as they come! I do the plastic bag thing! Have a great weekend!
I had the same problem finding a lunchbox big enough to fit my obnoxious amounts of food when I was working during the summer so I ended up going all out and purchasing a huge Scout cooler tote which I adore. It is totally inconvenient to actually take anywhere except long day trips/picnics/etc. but it will likely last forever so I’m fine with it haha! I did eventually find a good sized one with a cute pattern at Whole Foods, but I have a tendency to just tote around a Lululemon bag if I don’t have any perishables with me.
I think the lunch box is cute.. I have a similarly shaped one but it’s pink and white! I shall be showing it on my blog soon, you inspired me to do so haha
A mix of long and short posts is what makes a blog great, if you ask me. As long as the long ones have some sort of main topic and are cohesive. I’m not much in the mood to read rambles that don’t make much sense! If the content is good, doesn’t matter if it’s a novel
Hope you are having a delightful weekend 🙂
Very cute lunchbox!! I don’t really care if it is a long or short post as long as the blogger isn’t rambling or is boring! 🙂 As long as you have something of substance to say, I don’t think there needs to be a word limit! Ya know?
I love your lunch bag! Where did you get it? It’s the perfect size! I haven’t been able to find a big enough one either, so I usually have to put half of my lunch in my lunch bag and carry the other half in my purse. 😛
I’m so bummed I had to miss that Twitter chat because of studying – it sounds like it was a good one! I agree that I prefer posts on the shorter side. Or, if they are longer, I think it’s important to break it up into chunks so that I’m not stuck reading a huge paragraph at a time. Pictures definitely help too!
I actually found the lunch box at Walmart. I hear Target is supposed to be another good place to get them, but ours doesn’t open here for another month or so 😕
I try to keep my posts on the shorter side too, usually because I think people will lose interest if they’re too long. When I’m reading, it depends on what kind of mood I’m in/what else I’m doing at the time to determine whether I’d want to read a long or short post. A few things that I don’t like that some blogs do: Only including snippets in the RSS feed so you have to click through to read a full post, and not allowing everybody to comment (some sites restrict you to a google account, wordpress account, etc.).
Oh how I’ve tried to do short posts, and I totally suck at it.
Size does matter, and I’m sad you kept it PG, but I understand.
size totally matters when it comes to lunch boxes – glad you got one, i can’t live without mine =)
I’ll definitely have to check out the link to Lindsay’s post – always looking for good blog tips!
I agree with the blog post length thing, sort of. I don’t mind reading long posts if it’s a serious topic. It’s nice to get a discussion going about health related topics that we all clearly have opinions/issues/questions with. I hate long posts with no “meat” – those are the posts I usually don’t comment on because I really just don’t know what to say other than “nice breakfast”, which seems totally fake!
Hehe yeah I struggle with those long daily recaps as well. It’s neat to get a glimpse into peoples’ lives, but sometimes it’s definitely hard to find substance in those kind of posts.
I need to learn how to bake/cook because your pictures always make it all look SO good and worth the time to learn how 🙂
I like reading blogs that include a few diff topics – hobbies, health & wellness, dining & recipes, travel, clothes/makeup & good pictures are always a bonus. I get bored when blogs are like, ‘look at my heart rate monitor…this is the salad I ate after” everyday.
I really like the lunch box. I really enjoyed reading all the comments on this post about what they like about blogs. When I get deep into thought and talk about something serious and important to me, I don’t think about the length of the post and they usually end up lengthy. But I find when it’s personal, people will read and relate.
When the post is just about my day, I keep it short and put in as many pictures as I can. I love seeing blogs with lots of pictures.
I like that approach 🙂 Some of the more serious topics definitely require lengthier posts, but I like to vary those up with lighter and shorter posts as well.
I am guilty – I have way too many lunchboxes… Because I find one, think it’s “the one” and then it disappoints. Usually because it doesn’t fit enough. Love the wide bottom of that one!
Yesterday technically was my Friday, since I only have classes Monday through Thursday! It does confuse me though because I felt like today was Saturday, and tomorrow will probably feel more like Sunday.
I think shorter blog posts are easier to read, but I don’t mind longer ones if the content is interesting and it’s broken up with pictures. One of my classes requires us to keep a blog and update it regularly and for that blog, our posts have to be very short, like 100 words or less! I think that’s overdoing it a bit, and it makes it hard for me to write, but I get that a lot of people would rather not read lengthy blog posts!
Yes it’s Friday! 🙂 Yay! 🙂
Doesn’t matter, long or short posts… as long as they make sense. 🙂 A+ if with beautiful pics! 🙂
Boo!! I hate, HATE, HATEEE when you think it’s a certain day only to be reminded (sometimes more than once), that indeed it’s not =(
umm no problem, I could read your posts for daysss, keep them as long as you want! In addition to content, I love your prose – such sophisticated style of writing!
when I saw this, I did a double take “ain’t no one got time for that”
I love that!!!!
Noooooo! The muffins are gone! True story: I’ve been thinking about making carrot cake/banana muffins every since you posted the recipe a few days ago. Actually, that’s partially a lie. I’ve been thinking about the cream cheese frosting *atop* the carrot cake banana muffins ever since you posted the recipe a few days ago. Cream cheese frosting is my favorite, and I’d be a happy girl if I could sink a spoon into a bowl of it (with muffin crumble “sprinkles,” of course 😉 )
When it comes to the length of a blog post, it really depends on both the writer and the topic. Some of my favorite posts have been quite lengthy because they were highly engaging and thought-provoking. However I also appreciate a post that’s concise and straight to the point. What’s most important, though, is that I “know” the writer through their words–that they’re staying true to their own voice and style. 🙂
I actually LOVE the lunch box (tote?)! I too, have been known to carry my food in a plastic grocery bag (or, when I’m in a rush, I’ll just stuff it in my tote, which never ends well!) so I may follow your lead on this one.
Have a wonderful time in the mountains! Looking forward to hearing about it! <3 xoxo
I have to admit that the frosting was my favorite part, and since it was healthy enough, I experimented spreading it on other things like toast and rice cakes. Omigosh gooood 😀
I completely agree with the <500 words per post thing! I have a hard time getting through super lengthy posts (unless it's a topic that really requires the length!) I always edit and re-edit my posts to shorten them after the initial draft. My stream of consciousness tends to ramble…
And YAY for a lunchbox! I need to invest in one of those…
I don’t mind it when certain bloggers (like you!) have longer posts. If the topic is meaty, then go for it! I also think a good blogger blogs with intention – figure out what the key message you’re trying to get across is and address it. I am also trying to write shorter posts because you’re right it makes the whole process easier for both me and my readers. Have a great weekend, Amanda!
Ahhhhhh, TGIF!! Have an amazing weekend!! I think I prefer in between posts, not too short, but not too long either. I love writers who are honest and relatable. Like you! 🙂
Awwr. Thanks girl! <3
Lol.. I think I may have gone the other way with the name game- I really love game of thrones! And I sincerely think your posts are always the perfect length because they express your point so elegantly- whatever that may be from the trivial and fun to the more profound 🙂 Grazie Sophia
I really don’t think that lunch box is too big!! It looks insulated too which is awesome!
I have to say, there aren’t too many “lengthy” posts that I read….perhaps only a handful of them (like yours:-D), but mine are always long. That’s probably because I post so little….haha. I like lots of pictures, too.
I was GOING to, I swear!!!! We are cousins…I’m Meera Snow, Smuggler 🙂
Wellllll, I suppose I can forgive you… Being family and all 😉
Unless I am a faithful reader to the blog, I def get bored when the posts just continue on and on and on. I like lot’s of pictures, and a bit of a space in between each topic. Interesting to see most people prefer the shorter posts too!
I used to always use bags for my lunch too and one day, our secretary at work said she had extras so now I have a nice blue lunch box. Lunch boxes are definitely better than bags 😀
I dont like super long posts or I usually end up skipping to the pictures, unless its a topic I truly love!! Pictures do it for me 🙂 I’ve been craving muffins too and right now I am eating one! A low carb low sugar blueberry muffin, yum. Of course yours look delicious too!
That lunchbox is LEGIT! Love it. I would totally use that. Oh the blogging world…I think pictures do a lot for a post as well as some sarcasm & humor. The best advice I’ve read about writing a blog is “Write something you yourself would read”, simple & easy, that’s always stuck with me. Happy “real” Friday!