Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Well, it was good while it lasted…
My boys lost game 7 last night, taking them out of the playoffs and breaking my heart 😥 I’m trying really, really hard not to be salty about it, especially since it was awesome of them to make it that far given how young and inexperienced the team is, but it’s hard not to be just a little bit bitter when the series would have been ours if it wasn’t for a few really unfair calls made by the refs that cost us two games. And yes, you can call me biased, but ask anyone if that third goal in game 5 should have counted, and 99.9% of them will say no. But I’m not ready to talk about it. I need a few weeks.
2. Instead, let’s talk about how I legitimately finished a bottle of nail polish for what may be the first time in my entire life. I mean, I’ve had to throw away a few bottles before because they got old and goopy, but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to the point where I had to toss one just because I couldn’t get enough on the brush. But it happened, friends. It really, seriously did. And in case you’re curious, it was a bottle of Essie’s gel couture in “Hang Up The Heels.” Apparently I’ve switched from baby pinks and pastels to being obsessed with black. This polish is seriously awesome though.
3. Phases are my thing though. Like right now? Ob.sess.ing over this chocolate protein smoothie that I seriously wish I could eat for every meal. And the crazy thing is that I’ve never been big on adding protein to my smoothies, but that powder does something to the texture that I seriously can’t get enough of. Like… you really don’t have to put much in there (frozen bananas, AB, cocoa, protein, milk), and you get this ridiculously creamy, whipped glass bowl of amazingness. The extra nutrients are well and good, but really? I’m just addicted to the powder texture. Is that bad?
4. Another phase? And you have to promise me you won’t laugh at me for this one… but… uhhh… this happened to my Spotify playlist:
I can’t help it! She’s got some catchy tunes, especially when you’re working out. Well, that and I kind of have a soft spot in my heart for her because I basically grew up with her music around.
5. I just realized that I would be in serious trouble if I lost all the contacts on my phone, mainly because I really have no idea what people’s phone numbers actually are. Like, after I enter them into my phone? Poof. Gone. Forgotten. So if I was out and didn’t have my phone on me? Basically the only place I’d be able to call would be home since my parents have had that number since I was… born… and I’ll probably never forget it. But all the others? No idea. Heck, I have to keep my own phone number in my phone because I forget what it is sometimes. That’s probably a horrible thing.
6. And on that note, it’s time for me to wish you a happy Thursday and tell you that I’ll see you soon 🙂 Hope you’re having an awesome one!
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My girl Brittany making a comeback. I like it. Definitely no judgement here. 🙂 🙂
I’m so with you on that game 5 goal. uuugggghhhhhhhh so frustrating.
I think about the phone contacts thing allll the time and how screwed I would be if I was caught in an emergency without my phone. I wrote them down once in a journal, but of course now its done and I don’t have it with me all the time. I keep thinking I need to keep a page in my purse or something, but… that still needs to happen. Let’s just keep crossing our fingers.
What protein powder do you use?
I was really rooting for you guys!! As a Kings fan I am always cheering for the Ducks to lose, so now I have to hope they lose in the next round.
And no shame for loving Brit. That girl may be all sorts of auto-tuned but she has some super catchy music!
That’s so funny, I’ve never thought about that with nail polish but I never get through them either! And I need your smoothie recipes!
I still blast Britney Spears in my car whenever I hear it come on Sirius radio!!! No shame in that girl! 😉 I will always love Britney!
I added old school Nsync songs to my workout playlist before my first marathon. It definitely helped during the race! Also, I locked myself out of my apartment in Minneapolis once and I didn’t have my phone with me and I was like well shoot, now what?
I so agree about chocolate protein smoothies. Can’t they be an every meal thing?
LOL, I only know my husband’s number, and that’s just because we’ve had the same cell numbers for so long.
Happy Thursday, Amanda! OMG – I NEVER finish a bottle of polish before it gets too old! Nice work! And did you ever see Britney in Vegas? The show was AMAZING! It’s ending soon — so hurry up if you haven’t made the trip yet hahaha! Have a fab day, lady!
Do you have an Iphone? It might have a back-up on it?
And . . . how do you make chocolate smoothies look so good? They make me think of Wendy’s Frosties. 🙂
protein powder just makes smoothies extra thick and creamy! I don’t know why but that’s why I always add it 🙂
I’ve said that numerous times about my phone contacts. I have no clue what anyone’s number except those that I would call pre-iphone days. Why remember numbers now?!?!
AWWWW Britney!!! Take me back!!
I think the only bottle I’ve ever finished is my nail envy! Love that color.
Post that peanut butter smoothie recipe please!!!!! Or just in the comments 🙂
Protein powder makes smoothies so thick and it’s the only way for me to stay full when I have a smoothie. I’m with you on the Oilers, I would have loved to see them go to the Western Conference final, but they have a solid team and I’m excited about what the future holds for them. If I forgot my phone or all my contacts were lost I would only be able to call my parents. Who memorizes phone numbers anymore? Thank goodness for iCloud backup to restore all those phone numbers incase something drastic happened!
Hahaha – I’d be in serious trouble, too, if I lost the contacts in my phone – I think I know my daughter’s # and my mom’s and sisters – that’s cos they made me by-heart them!
I love your playlist! Yes she does have some catchy tunes – though I started having a soft spot for her after she had her nervous breakdown and was trying to make a come back. Sorry your boys lost last night – now, you’d probably wanna throw something at me as I have no idea what sport you speak off…off to google what game the oilers and ducks were in…
No shame in that playlist – I still love me some Britney!
YES I have loved Britney since the 90’s! You cant go wrong with her songs! I want the mug that says “If Britney get through 2006, you can get through today”
I’m the same with going through phases.. I could eat/drink something for a month straight then not pick it up again for a long time. The texture of that smoothy DOES look amazing! And I love Britney’s music!
Happy almost-Friday!
Love some Britney! I really wanted to see her in Vegas before her show ends. And omg that protein smoothie, I really need to try that combo!
ugh, I was so upset to see the oilers lost when I woke up! I wanted to be there to text you during the game but it was on wayyy to late for me last night lol. I’m so sorry. I know how you feel to see them lose, especially in game 7. I think they will come back stronger next year though!
We still have an actual phone. So I know some numbers. And we moved my parents this year, but I know their number . . . probably because I call it so much.
Never finished a nail polish, but polish is a phase for me. Mostly because I’ve yet to find remover that doesn’t cause my nails to become brittle after a while. 🙁
No shame for some Britney action – keeping our inner child (or maybe teenager in this case?) alive is important after all. Actually, now that you mention it I might just have to listen to “Circus” again. It’s been ages and I remember I listened to it daily years ago.
#5: Same here. I occasíonally refer to my phone as my external second brain if that’s any indication of how dependent on it I am. Not good but … the reality of 21st century life?!
I just realized as I read this that I don’t know my husband’s cell phone number. Oops. Also, I don’t think I’ve ever finished a bottle of nail polish either!