1. I’m extremely embarrassed to admit this, but… I’ve let things go too far and need to get something off my chest. This is what my stash of cinnamon should look like…
And this is what my stash of cinnamon currently looks like…
Two empty shakers, and maybe two servings left in the third – you can bet that I’ll be making an emergency grocery trip tonight, because yeah… life without cinnamon is just not something I ever want to experience. Between a missing sweet tooth and neglecting my addiction, I don’t even know who I am anymore.
2. Actually, I’m someone who apparently neglects their car as well. You know the book 50 Shades of Grey? Allow me to introduce you to 50 shades of brown.
I tend to get a little lax with cleaning my car in the winter since it gets dirty approximately 15.7 seconds after I wash it, but I figured it could use a little loving so I took it to the car wash…
Nice and clean. But, true to form, it got just as dirty again in 15.7 #damnyouwinterdriving
3. One thing I haven’t been neglecting, though? My Tamagotchi…

I named him Kirby; he goes to bed at 9; he eats nothing but bread and candy; and he’s surprisingly enjoyable. Admit it, you didn’t think he’d make it this long. It’s okay – I didn’t either.
4. Have you guys heard of of Prinstagram? It’s a website that’ll print your Instagram images for you, either in picture, sticker, book, calendar, or even poster form. I’m thinking about ordering a set of prints for myself. I’ve known a few people who have done it, and they were really impressed with the quality and everything. Oh, and are you following me on Instagram yet? If not, you should! @runwithspoons 😀
5. Someone at my apartment gym definitely knows what’s up when it comes to refuelling… Found this little gem in the garbage bin when I was leaving and I couldn’t help but giggle.
6. And speaking of giggling, please do yourself a favor and watch this:
It feels so wrong but… it gets me every.single.time 😆 😆 😆 Ohhhh, I’m a horrible person.
7. I can’t help but use a lot of smilies whenever I communicate with someone that I can’t see face to face. I just feel like it’s way too easy to misinterpret the tone behind a message when someone can’t see/hear how you’re saying it, and if I ever think that my messages might sound a little mean, I fill them with: 🙂 😀 😆 🙄 😛 😉
8. Song obsession of the week; because sometimes you just have to cut yourself a break…
9. Okay. I need to vent for a quick sec. This is actually something I want to go into more detail about in a future post, but it needs a quick mention… Is it just me, or have you guys noticed the increase of heart rate monitor pics (with calories burned) popping up all over blogs and Instagram too? And can anyone explain to me the reasoning behind these pics? Is it a brag? Is it supposed to motivate others? Is it meant to be informative? Can someone fill me in, because I’m not quite understanding this recent phenomenon…
10. Aaaaaand because I usually like to end things on a positive note…
I’m wishing you all a lovely day 😀
. – . – . – .
What’s one food item that you’ll make unscheduled grocery trips for?
Did the ducks make you giggle?
What are your feelings on HRM pictures?
Haha oh geez, your cinnamon stash is admittedly a little out of control girl. To be fair though, although I can’t say I have multiple jars of it, I always make sure have a substantial stash of it as it is necessary pretty much every day.
The heart rate monitor pictures are something I have notice an increase in lately too, and I think they are just unnecessary. Maybe it’s because I don’t workout for the calories burn, but simply because I enjoy it and it keeps me sane, or maybe because I would rather not scroll through thousands of pictures on my Instagram feed that look completely identical, but either way I definitely agree with you.
Oh, and I totally crack up every time you post of a picture of your newly brought to life Tamagotchi. Mine was the first clue that I would not be able to to keep a fish or a plant alive, but I am crossing my fingers that I can change that when I eventually dip my toes into home gardening/growing.
One final thought: I have most definitely brought and eaten dark chocolate at the gym pre and post workout. No shame. 😉
It’s always females posting those HRM things too. I think girls are just competitive by nature and in a society where weight loss is glorified, it is an easy way to receive compliments and attention.
That’s my opinion though. I’m sure plenty of people have other thoughts!
Those HRM .. I saw something like this in another comment, but even if it is about calories weight lifting burns I find it terrible.. This whole weight lifting obsession is just silly to me, because “building muscles” seems to just be the new cover for wanting to be skinny.. It’s the same thing, obsessive exercise, obsessive diet, but somehow it’s healthier than running to lose weight because it is a woman trying to have cut muscles and no body fat? Since when did average women strive for 8 packs and veiny defined shoulders/arms etc…? I don’t mean this against anyone who lifts weights, obviously it’s healthy, but not the obsession.. Those pics of “Strong is the new Skinny”? The writing is on the wall there.. “Strong” is the new veiled “Healthy”, right??
Oh I completely agree, Shira. The whole “fitspiration” thing is just another excuse for women to be obsessed with their bodies, but it’s portrayed as “healthier” because you’re not trying to get skinny, you’re trying to get strong! Girl, please 🙄
A food ill make an unexpected grocery trip for would have to be onions (is that totally weird?) and cheese. I will never be able to give up my beloved cheese. Just found your blog, love exploring it. Have a great weekend, Girly!
my cinnamon is low too! better refuel. now i notice you have only organize cinnamon here – is that some health reason? or does the taste differ that much? do you eat mostly organic? i’ve never splurged for the organic stuff – is it worth it?
I don’t really notice much of a taste difference, nope. And I don’t buy only organic – it’s just that the closest store to me is a small organic market and that’s usually where I randomly walk past the spices and decide I need to pick some up.
Oh my goodness, those poor little ducks! And I’m sure there’s a special place in hell for me since I just about fell out of my chair laughing so hard! Oops? 😉 <- Oh, and I'm TOTALLY with you on the smilies…even though when I first read that I thought you said SIMILES…and I was a bit confused! Lol Half the time, when I get done typing a post, I go back and smiley edit when I feel like I've gone a bit overboard! Of course, now I'm totally jealous of your cute little animated ones and must now go ask the mighty and powerful Google for the secret to super smiley cuteness! 😉
And seriously? I'm down to like 1 tablespoon of cinnamon right now…I've known all week but keep forgetting to go to the store! Must make that a priority tomorrow or I'm sure I'll start developing some sort of involuntary muscle twitch! lol
No secrets! The laughing one is : lol : and the eye-rolling one is : roll : (without the spaces).
Ahhh! Thanks doll! Of course, NOW I’m really gonna be out of control! 😆
Oh how I love Ritter Sport chocolate bars! They bring back many happy memories of the summer I spent traveling in Germany during middle school. We became well acquainted during that month–especially on train rides when I had nothing better to do than stare out the window, play Game Boy (loved that thing), and…eat chocolate. 🙂 I assumed that because the label said “sport,” it meant that the bars were inherently healthy. This was several years before my “check every label” days began, so little did I know that I was in fact consuming a *real* chocolate bar rather than an energy bar. 😉
Before I forget to mention it, I want you to know that you wrote a bangin’ post last Tuesday! I was computer-less at the time, so I read it from my phone, but it resonated deeply, and I’ve been thinking about what you said ever since. Thank you for addressing some of the biggest “elephants” in the HLB world head on. I really feel that this is a post that every HLB needs to read. <3
The duck video made my night! Too cute. And in regards to the prevalence of heart rate monitor IG posts, I couldn't agree with you more–the calorie burn documentation is out of control. I know that many of those posting their stats are being paid by Polar via Fitfluential to do so (i.e. they may be motivated by money, rather than bragging rights) but that doesn't negate the fact that sharing numbers breeds unhealthy comparison. This is a highly sensitive community, and as bloggers and social media participants, I think it's our responsibility to be cognizant of our peers (whether we like it or not). That doesn't mean we shouldn't "inspire" others by sharing our successes; rather, we should instead promote healthy habits in a way that minimizes competition and encourages self-improvement. 🙂 Much easier said than done, though–I'm not sure that pictures of sweaty faces or 50 lb dumbbells are "healthy" motivation, either—it totally depends on how the image (or words) are interpreted by each individual!
I love that last graphic! Thanks!
Gotta admit – I was definitely afraid of my tamagotchi. Granted, I was afraid of nearly everything as a child… In my defense it started freaking out on me and getting really angry, and to this day I have no idea why. 😛
In response to the HRM pictures – I’ve definitely noticed it too! I’m pretty sure that the company that makes them just did a whole bunch of promotion and gave the monitors to a bunch or bloggers to review and use. And they’ve done good marketing, so other bloggers have gone out to buy them. I have mixed feelings on them – of course it all depends on context. I feel like they can be a good thing for many athletes to insure proper nutrition, as SO many people who train hardcore or teach fitness don’t get enough calories. So in this case a HRM is a good way to make sure you’re fueling your body properly. Also, aside from the calorie stats, seeing your actual heart rate stats can be a great measure of fitness progress, and also a good way to gauge your effort in a workout (if you’re trying to train at a particular intensity level). I know there are people who use the monitors for this reason, and it just so happens that they show calories burned.
I personally wouldn’t get one, only because the idea of the chest strap seems horribly uncomfortable to me.
Loved that last bit on how to have a lovely day – I think I’ll try to implement that tomorrow, I could certainly use a good day! And HRM pics?? I guess I no longer read the blogs of people who would post stuff like that, but yeah, that’s kind of…wtf? I can tell you right now, from an exercise phys point of view, heart rate isn’t even an accurate measure of how hard you’re working because so many other things affect it (amount of sleep you got, amt of caffeine you’ve had, how high altitude you’re at, and your anxiety levels). And yeah no one gives a S**** how many calories you burned during a workout..cuz if you’re a blogger, you probably didn’t even replace half of them when you refueled…just saying….lol anyway.
Mmmm hmm. I hear ya loud and clear, girl.
i’m a cinnamon addict. in the best possible way, yes? and i need a car wash. and i will go anywhere to get kombucha.. sad but true
hahhah number 6 is the cutest thing EVER.
Cinnamon is a very important thing to have. Def worth an unscheduled trip to the grocery store 🙂 I think eggs and bananas seem to be the two things that bring me to the grocery store on random times/days.
I go to the grocery all the time just for bananas or almond milk. Anything else can wait! lol
I’m with ya on the HR monitors. It makes me feel so inadequate and like I’m not exercising enough. I’m trying to keep things low impact, but it is so hard seeing those things. So, I rarely get on instagram anymore.
When figs were still in season, I made an unscheduled trip…or two or three just to get them. However, that’s really because they were only sold at one store near me and I knew I’d regret it if I missed out on them. And of course, I can never buy just the one thing I went to the store for…nope, I always leave with a basket full of impulse purchases!
The HRM pics really bother and sometimes trigger me. It’s like, I can feel perfectly okay with the workouts I do (and not feel the need to post the calories burned or minutes worked out or whatever all over the place) but once I see those numbers, all my good feelings are out the window. They feel like a brag to me, and also sometimes a way for disordered bloggers to reassure themselves that they’re doing enough. But I don’t think they should be made public.
Don’t let them make you feel worse about yourself, hun. You know what your body needs and how far you can go, and if you’re feeling good then that’s all that matters.
I CANNOT believe you still have a tamagotchi!! That is simply amazing. Best thing I’ve seen all day.
I buy the massive jars of cinnamon at Costco 🙂
Kirby has it right. I’m surprisingly enjoyable when full of bread and candy as well.
I dunno … I feel like I’ve kind of been wading through the social media world with blinders on recently. Mostly because I hate what I’m seeing. And I just feel helpless. I know that I can’t help others, but I know that I can help myself. So that’s what I’m doing. Can’t wait to read your post on the matter.
And for the record, I love your text-y smiles. 😉
Everyone comes into realizations in their own time. Just stay strong in your beliefs and stick to doing what you know is right. Be like a stone and just let it wash over you 🙂
I can’t stand how dirty my car gets in the winter either – especially my windshield! I’m constantly spraying while driving and it just gets dirty again it 3 seconds. I would leave it be, except you know, it’s kind of important to be able to see out of it. 😛
I make unscheduled grocery trips for bananas. I can’t go without them!
And I’m not a fan of HRM pictures either. Who cares how many calories you burned?!? It’s such a personal number so it should mean nothing to other people. But by posting it, it’s obviously going to fuel comparisons. It needs to stop!
i love that last quote! I’ll make unscheduled grocery trips for bananas and almond milk….i usually can’t go a day without either one of them!
I don’t even look at the info on the HR monitors. I think it’s probably a combination of, “Look how hard I worked out today,” and then just some people taking pictures of it to document what they’ve done that day (there are only so many exciting ways you can document a run, I guess). Anyway, looks like we’re all ‘over it’; people who understand how HR works know that one person’s results don’t necessarily equate to much of anything for comparative measures.
I am obsessed with cinnamon too! And vanilla extract. We ran out of it last week and weren’t going to Costco for a few more days (where we get it since it’s SO much cheaper!) and I almost had to make a trip to the regular grocer just to have it for my oatmeal 😉 And I agree with the heart rate monitor. I feel like how many calories a person burns is kind of private and it doesn’t really matter to others since we’re all different and burn a different amount of calories. I just try to ignore them 😉 Happy almost Friday!
Peanut butter. And cottage cheese. And yogurt. An cat food (NOT for me :)) In that order.
The ducks made me smile really big because I watched the video in a library. SHHH! (not)
I don’t really have any thoughts about HRM pics; I am Switzerland!! (neutral) <—did that make sense?
P.S. I hear ya on the cinnamon addiction; three bottles down in 1 month. Hello my name is Alex and I'm a cinnamon-addict…
Maybe we need to start a Cinnaholics Anonymous group. Then again, I’m not quite sure I’m ready to give up the addiction 😉
Only unexpected grocery store trips for coffee, almond milk, or stevia….all of my coffee essentials. The ducks DIDN’T make me laugh…it made me feel like crying!! 🙂 You have a lovely day, too!
Awww I just died at the duck video!! Poor little babies!! I have the SAME cinnamon addiction. It’s crazy how fast I go through the huge jar of cinnamon from Costco.. no shame 😉 I am guilty of posting a HRM picture! It’s deifnitely not to brag, just a way of motivating others to workout on my part. Sometimes I don’t want to take a really ugly, sweaty selfie (no one wants to see that) so I just do the HRM sometimes haha now if it was every day…. that’s another story!
I need a minute…*GUUSSSSHH*
(That was just me gushing over how smitten I’ve been with like ALL your posts lately, they’ve been seriously enjoyable reads<3. )
Gotta say, when you opened with ' I'm embarassed to admit', my very 1st thought was- well there goes the Tamagotchi. Forgive me.
Ugh, I hate the HRM pictures too! Its like 'aint no-one needs to see that sh*t!!
Awwwr Sarah. Now you’ve just gone and put the goofiest grin on my face <3 <3
A Tamagotchi!! omg I used to have one when I was a kid and I told my brother how much I wanted one this Christmas and he just laughed at me! Ok, it’s official! I’m getting one!! 🙂