Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. So I know my fellow foodies and health nuts will feel me on this one! Last week, Planet Organic (read: my long-time favourite place to buy groceries) opened the doors of it’s newest upgraded location, and I legit felt like a kid in a candy store as soon as I walked in. No, really… See? ?
(they do sell things besides candy, btw ?)
We don’t have a Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s here in my neck of the woods, so PO has always been the place to go for organic foods and specialty products. The last building they were in had a cozy hole-in-the-wall feel to it, but it was tiny and didn’t have the room to stock a massive selection. This new one, though? Leeeeee-jit.
2. That being said… we’re getting a Whole Foods in the fall of 2016 ? And while our Canadian Whole Foods’ don’t really compare to the American ones, it’ll still be nice to have a little more selection in the natural food department. I love seeing that market grow because it means that more people are getting serious about their health and taking an interest in what they put in their bodies… and that makes my health coaching heart all sorts of happy.
3. And in case you’ve been wondering, here’s what I’ve been putting into my body lately…
4. I’m a creature of habit, and it’s super easy for me to fall into ruts grooves… especially with food. That’s why I don’t really mind when I run out of certain staple ingredients – it forces me to do something different. Case in point: I ran out of almond milk a little while back, which meant I couldn’t make my go-to almond milk latte. I settled for a regular coffee and remembered how much I adore the taste of really strong plain black coffee. Takeaway lesson: it’s good to switch things up every now and then (<– I need to write that on a Post-It and stick it everywhere).
5. That being said, I refuse to go without bananas. Re.fuse. I always have issues with getting bananas to ripen fast enough in the winter months, so I’ve taken precautionary measures and started stocking them in mass quantities…
I’ve pretty much got it down to a science at this point, with each consecutive batch ripening at just the right time. I wasn’t kidding when I said I can’t live without [ripe] bananas…
6. In other non-food related shopping news, I finally picked up those falsies that I mentioned wanting to try a while back…
Ardell lashes in 120 Demi Black
I heard these ones were pretty good beginner lashes, and they’re a nice inexpensive drugstore brand… which means it’s not a big deal if they take one for the team while I’m practicing. I’ll let you know how things go when I actually try them. Maybe this weekend.
7. In other, other non-food related shopping news… guess who finally got a glass straw!!
I mostly wanted one of these because I think they look snazzy in smoothie pictures, buuuuut then I realized that most of my smoothies are the kind you eat with a spoon ?
8. I feel like I had something else to tell you, but I can’t remember what it is and I don’t feel like getting up to go get my notes ? Gimme a sec… OH! I started watching Gossip Girl again as a way to motivate myself to get my treadmill workouts in.
I’ve had to take all my walks/runs inside lately on account of it being so cold outside, and while I’m thankful to still have a way to get those workouts in, I’m not going to act like the treadmill doesn’t suck the life-force out of me. SO! To combat boredom and keep myself from feeling [too much] like a hamster on a wheel, I decided to practice a little temptation bundling and re-watch one of my favourite shows of all time while getting my miles in on the ‘mill. It works. Time goes by in a flash, and I find myself actually looking forward to it. Plus, it’s been so long since I last watched GG, that it basically feels like watching it for the first time.
9. And I’m not sure when I started ending things on a 9 instead of 10, but it doesn’t seem like a bad place to stop. Hope you guys are having an awesome Thursday, and I’ll see your friendly faces tomorrow!

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Hey i just visited your site for the first time and i really liked it, i bookmarked it and will be back
Wow, very bright and colorful photos. I wonder who is more difficult to restrain themselves from sweets for adults or children. But it is possible for children to arrange unloading sweet days after they go to training courses and thus they will wait for a new day for learning. But this is more a joke than a serious one.
I need a glass straw. I keep looking without any luck, although I suppose I could find one easily enough on the internet. When I think of all the straws I toss every day after my smoothie is done, it makes me a little sad.
I love seeing so many health food stores opening up too. It’s a good sign for our foodie climate.
I randomly came across one when I was Christmas shopping, otherwise I’m pretty sure I -still- wouldn’t have one. They’re great, but a bit of a pain in the butt to clean. A nice metal one is on my list next.
Between you and Meghan, I’m starting to eat bananas now like crazy.
That’s my girl. Go bananas!
It might happen – I might start watching Gossip Girl this weekend. I tried to do Gilmore Girls, but it just didn’t click the second go-around. But Gossip Girl sounds amazing! Ps, bought those pens you mentioned last week and I’m totally in love with them.
Oooo I must get a glass straw, I feel like everything would just taste 10x better with one! And I’m with you girl, I love the flavor of strong black coffee- people think I’m crazy for drinking it that way, but I’ve been sipping it that way since I was a freshman in high school!
Right?!?! I once heard someone say that no one actually likes the taste of coffee – they just drink it for the buzz. And I’m like… pfffffft. I don’t even think coffee gives me a buzz at this point, and I’d happily drink decaf like water if I didn’t think it would dehydrate the crap out of me.
I feel you on the whole foods/ trader joes FOMO. We had a small but amazing whole foods in Glasgow and I was really worried about moving to Australia where there are NONE (who knows why!). But I have found that I didn’t need to worry, the supermarkets here have more organic/ health food items than I could have ever imagined, and at a good price too! Gotta love those aussies or being so health conscious!
Ps Divine chocolate is so good! Ever had the one with ginger? amazing!
I always have a hard time adjusting to the supermarkets when I go visit my family in Europe, but once I get used to it, I find there’s actually WAY more good food to buy. And a lot of it is less processed, so… <3
And no! I was actually THIS close to picking up the ginger one but I went for mint instead. I'll definitely grab that one next time!
I loved watching Bridezilla marriage bootcamp on netflix…it was like my trash show that i would watch when i wanted to wind down! 🙂
Happy TOL Thursday! Please let me know how the false eyelashes go. I’m terrible at applying and haven’t found a pair that I think would actually work for me.
So far the going is slow 😆 I’m hoping it gets easier with practice, because right now I get all sorts of nervous when I have to use sharp tweezers THAT close to my eyeballs.
I wish I loved black coffee. I’ve had to give up dairy and I just don’t love any of the other options I’ve tried. Trader Joe’s coconut creamer is the best option I’ve found so far…
I like stopping at random numbers. Leaves us hanging. ;o)
Have you tried making your own creamer at home? I have a recipe for a dairy-free creamer that’s pretty darn tasty — http://www.runningwithspoons.com/2015/05/01/dairy-free-coffee-creamer/
Haha!!! The banana situation…that’s me, right there! ?? So guilty. ? And that glass straw!!! I want one terribly, just for the reason that a) it looks so snazzy, as you said, and b) it makes me feel all trendy and cool kid. ? Until then, I guess I’m stuck with using the reusable clear plastic straws we have and pretending it’s glass. ?
I wanted one for -so- long, and I probably still wouldn’t have one if I didn’t randomly come across it while I was Christmas shopping 😆 Next on my list is one of those metal straws!
I LOVE bananas…. and recently I mash them and freeze them in individual bowls, take them out 30 minutes before I want to eat them. Just like ice cream, but healthier.
I never thought about mashing them before freezing them. Usually I freeze them in small chunks and toss them in the blender when I’m ready to eat. But your way sounds so much simpler.
Candy galore! I love WholeFoods for their candy bulk section. I usually just get a small portion (its next to work) because I could eat it in one sitting! Sour gummies, malt balls, dark chocolate covered everything… NOMS!
Oo malt balls! It’s been forever since I’ve had those but I remember loving them. Time to go out on the hunt.
I hate treadmills! I’ve been stuck on one twice now this winter when we had a downpour outside and I didn’t feel like becoming hypothermic. They suck though.
I should be better about grocery shopping, but mostly I still buy crap. I work so much I rarely have time to cook, so most of my food is food I can eat on the go.
I honestly have no idea what I’d do without them considering I live in one of the coldest parts of Canada and couldn’t imagine running outside when it’s -25C out. I’m also a bit of a klutz when I run, so I could see myself breaking a leg on the ice 😆
My mother-in-law does the same thing with her bananas! It works well! Also, those falsies are awesome! I used them for my wedding last July!
They look so gorgeous! Now if only I could learn how to put them on easily 😆
Soo I watched Gossip Girl a while it was airing for a while but stopped at some point. I have been watching from the beginning and while I already know who GG is, I’m in the last season and I just can’t wait for the reveal! Because I’m still trying to figure out those logistics as to how that works…
I feel like for me bananas are green one day and brown and mushy the next. So I usually only buy like four at a time to avoid it and I either eat one a day and then they’re gone so fast, or they’ll STILL get overripe on me somehow!
It literally boggled my mind when I found out who it was! But now, going through and watching it again, I can totally pick up on little hints they dropped along the way. Either that or I’m just looking too far into things 😆
I love grocery shopping. It’s like the perfect mix between practical and creative. I also love that feeling when I’m done of, like, “Okay, I’m ready for the storm/zombie apocalypse/workweek.”
Lolol! I love how you just casually tossed workweek in with a zombie apocalypse. No big deal 😉
Those candies look so good! Wanna share?! I started Gossip Girl recently as well, but haven’t quite gotten into it.
I -suppose- a little sharing wouldn’t hurt. What colour of jelly bean would you like? 😛
Any place that sells Giddy Yoyo has got to be good! Also, that’s super exciting about getting a WF soon! When I lived with my parents after uni there was one about 20 minutes away, but now it’s more like an hour’s drive. I keep hoping we’ll get one in my city!
John and I are on season 4 of GG and he keeps asking me questions about the plot, but I actually can’t remember what happens next lol. It really has been a long time since it ended!
I was SO happy to see Giddy Yoyo again! They sold them in Save On for a while and then stopped, and I haven’t been able to find them since. I literally did happy dances when I saw 😆
Oh, and I have to say that Whole Foods is one of my favorite stores! It’s so homey. I never thought stores could be homey until I went into one.
The worst part about drinking your smoothie with a straw: it’s so hard to clean the straw!
So true!! I might have to look into getting a little pipe cleaner or something to make sure that I can get all the gunk out.
OMG! I am so jealous of your massive Planet Organic! The only health food dtores anywhere near me are just tiny. I’d have to go up to London to find a Planet Organic. I wonder if the UK shop s are the same ones you have over in Canada and the USA? By the way after this I’m going to bake my second double-batch of your cookie dough protein balls! Xxx
Our Whole Foods are a little different from the ones in the States, so I’m guessing that each country has it’s little thing going on. And I’m glad you like those protein balls! I haven’t made those in a while, but man oh man did I love them.
I really need to start stocking up on bananas in advance. I eat at least one a day and I hate when I use my last ripe one and only have green ones left! As for false eyelashes, I’ve only worn them a couple times for special occasions and hated the way they felt on my eyes. I do love how they look though!
I just briefly tried them on without actually gluing them on, and yeah… you can definitely feel them. But maybe it also depends on the lashes you get? I know some are more hardcore than others.
Good luck with lashes! They look so great but I have the hardest time putting them on.
I’ve heard that practice makes it easier! Here’s hoping…
Calgary’s getting a Whole Foods in 2017 and I’ve been excited since it was announced. I know it won’t quite be the same, but I’ll still love it.
I’ve been to the one in TO and honestly didn’t think it was much worse than the one in the States. Now maybe we’ll start getting Chipotle over here too *fingers crossed*
There’s a Chipotle in Vancouver so I REALLY hope so!!
Now that Green Smoothie looks like a green milkshake. SO MUCH YUMMINESS! And we need to get bananas again sometime soon. O_O
Frozen bananas are KEY for nice and creamy green smoothies 😀 I couldn’t go without them!
Oh man there are so many things to comment on. First, I love that grocery store. I’m pretty much in love with all grocery stores and could spend hours in them.
I’m pumped for those muffins. This past weekend when I had MAC do my makeup they put on fake eyelashes too and it was so nice to have someone else do it instead of awkwardly closing one eye and trying to get them on right. Also, those are some serious bananas.
I’m mostly terrified of accidentally poking myself in the eye with sharp tweezers. I can’t say I’m used to having anything sharp that close to my eyeballs 😯