Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I’m currently writing this post while walking on a treadmill, so blame any errors in spelling on the fact that I’m desperately trying not to trip and fly off the back of it. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration since I’m only going about 2.8 – 3 mph and I’d most likely just gently stumble and roll off, but the first way sounds so much more interesting. I’ve just found that my thoughts are the clearest when I’m moving, and this is better than pacing around my condo and forgetting what I wanted to say as soon as I sit down to type it. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot…
2. I really wish I could figure out how to edit and upload videos so that I could show you guys some actual footage of me snowboarding in the mountains, but until that happens, I’m afraid we’ll have to settle for stills…
3. I just realized it’s been foreeeeeeever since I’ve done an “As We Speak…” post, or even shared an entire day of eats. I get the odd comment saying that you guys miss them, and honestly… I do too! They can be a bit of a pain since: a) selfies are awkward, and b) my eating habits can be really random and sporadic, but I do miss the personal touch they added to Spoons. What’s say we sprinkle them back in every now and again, eh?
(don’t ask… NO idea)
4. Also… holy snap do I ever need to see some sun. Watch out, Casper!
5. Speaking of white things… I tried dragon fruit for the first time the other day. I’m not really the most adventurous eater and I had to Google how I was actually supposed to eat it, but it ended up being really good! I think mine was a little overripe (which is why it was grey instead of white), but that just made it that much sweeter. Kind of reminded me of a kiwi.
6. Also really good? Second [or third] day banana bread muffins. In true banana bread fashion, they taste better the longer they sit. And if you pop them in the fridge, they have a texture similar to brownies. So.flippin.good.
7. Yesterday marked the first day of Lent, and I’ve decided that one of the things I’m going to give up for the next 40 days is chewing gum. I don’t normally give up anything food related for Lent since I don’t find it too hard to go without a specific food as long as I have something to replace it with, but gum chewing has become a serious habit/addiction and I feel like it would be a good sacrifice to make. Case in point: I’m regretting it already and it’s only been one day π
8. I seriously need to set up a stricter no-work/no-technology time. I used to be really good at shutting down for the night around 8:30 or 9, but lately that cut-off time has been getting later and later. i.e. — it’s currently 10 PM and I’m still writing. But that’s because my schedule has been all wonky. I’ll work in the early morning, take a break for a few hours in the middle of the day since that’s when I feel the most brain dead, and then start working again after dinner when I get another burst of energy. It’s not horrible, but it’s definitely had an impact on how long it takes me to fall asleep at night. I used to be dead tired by 9 PM, but now I don’t usually go to sleep earlier than 11. Oops.
9. And on that note, it’s probably a good idea to end things here. Happy Thursday, friendly faces! π

No questionsβ¦ just tell me whatever comes to your mind! π
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Those mountains are gorgeous! I always feel like I’m the odd one out when I say something like that because most people look at my beach pics (FL native) and wish they were down here with me. But I look at snow and trees and mountains and wish I was there! I guess we always want what we don’t have, right? I really would like to try snowboarding someday though- even though I’d probably fall on my butt half a dozen times!
Your pics of Canada are always so beautiful! If you got those snowboarding videos up that would be awesome, I deeply respect people who are coordinated enough for that π
You can totally pull off pale skin! Your complexion is beautiful. I, on the other hand, look like a zombie in the winter. Growing up in Florida does a number on your skin and it does not look pretty when it’s pale!
And yes to a snowboarding video! I’d love to see you tear it up out there. You’re such a bad ass! π
Those photos of the mountains!!! HOLY. No wonder you keep going back!!
I love dragon fruit. And banana bread. And muffins.
I also think you are a brave soul for giving up gum – haha!! I am a chronic gum chewer and do not think I could ever go without it!!
I heard it can help with bloating, so I’m curious to see if it does anything for me!
I do some of my best thinking on the treadmill as well. Great post
Girl…you are my hero! Typing and treadmilling? I’m lucky I don’t fall off while reading my kindle or texting someone. Your pictures are so beautiful! Some videos would only make you more of a badas* in my mind! haha!
That selfie was brilliant. My favorite one yet.
I need to work on the whole no technology at night cut off too. I think the computer is starting to rot my brain. Maybe I need to go back to video games (because obviously those won’t rot my brain) or an old fashioned puzzle. Something so when I go to be, I can sleep soundly and solidly through the night.
I can see why they mountains are your happy place.
It’s hard to give up the technology at night because then it means I have to say goodbye to some of my favourite people π₯
The phone would be excluded of course. π
Loveeee your hair wavy like that, so pretty!
I need to set up technology times too… still online at nearly 11 when I should have been asleep 40 minutes ago. Whoops.
Great posts Amanda! Love your humor. I chew gum like crazy also. The Cherry Lime is my favorite, I just couldn’t give it up for Lent. I gave up Chocolate…….
Oh shoot was yesterday really the start of Lent? Missed that boat I guess…. I once gave up chocolate for Lent and it was horrible. But I was an un-wise child at the time (19…whatever) and we all make mistakes π
π I gave up chocolate a few times, and yeah… it was bad. But I think the point of it is giving up something that you love π
I was in the Verizon store today and they have this thing called the GoPro which is a camera you can attach to various places or yourself and it videotapes you. It looked SWEET! You should totally get one and put it on your snowboard or helmet. Talk about intense!
I actually have one π That’s what I take all my snowboarding videos with!
I do have to say that dragon fruit looks pretty creepy! Your pictures from your snowboard trip are awesome by the way.
I still need to try dragon fruit myself. It looks so interesting, and I’m sure it’s delicious, I’m just not really an adventurous eater.
Writing while on the treadmill seems like it would take a lot of talent π
I have tried to set up rules for myself about technology in the evening because my brain being overstimulated keeps me up at night. Some nights are better than others, lol.
You’re definitely not alone on that one!
I tried dragon fruit for the first time while on my vacay in Thailand last week – it was delish!
I don’t chew gum often, but whenever I get a pack I will plough through it in just a few days. And then my jaw hurts from all that chewing! Haha.
Your #1 is typically me, too. On a rough guess, I’d say 90 % of my e-mails and blog posts come about while walking on the elliptical. Honestly, some days I feel I only go to the gym for that very reasons. Ideas don’t flow when I’m sitting. Absolutely not. Now if only I could write and format my applications there, too …
And brownie-like Banana Bread Muffins? You better get that idea and description patented ASAP π .
I used to be a huuuuge gum chewer in high school and then one time I read it can make you bloated so I stopped. …..so random, but it’s true hhahah Also, I feel you on the later bedtime. I used to be so good about being in bed by 10 and lately..not so much.
I heard that about gum, too! Did it help? I’m curious to see if it does anything for me…
I love walking on the treadmill and blogging!! HAH, I have THE most ghetto setup, but it works! Those mountains omggggggggg. I’ll take 5 muffins and happily get lost in those mountains.
Hi Amanda! Wow, I’m super impressed you can blog on the treadmill. That’s talent! First of all, I’ve never had dragonfruit, and I would agree it’s a little scary looking. Second of all, I was a HUGE gum chewer all my life and gave it up last year in the fall and haven’t missed it at all. It was so easy. Now I pop a mint after meals, and I don’t crave the gum. I haven’t noticed any differences in my life from not chewing gum, but at least I don’t have to buy it anymore! π