Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. First things first. You guys need to check out the new gel couture polishes from Essie. NEED. Remember the one I tried out last week? That sucker stayed on for the entire week and only just started showing minimal signs of wear after 7 days… at which point I got bored of the colour and put on a new one…
Essie’s Make The Cut
… which I think I like even more than the first one.
But seriously. I adore this polish and I feel like I’ve finally found one that stays put without me having to baby it. Like… I was doing housework, dishes, putting together furniture, carting stuff around… and no chips. It makes me actually want to wear nail polish again since I know that the time and effort I spend putting it on won’t go to waste 30 minutes after I’m finished. Highly recommend checking this stuff out.
2. Also, no more wrist brace! My wrist doesn’t feel 100% back to normal just yet, but it’s close enough that I’m comfortable walking around without it on. I guess I really must have snapped something back into place while doing my hair last week 😳
3. Speaking of hair, I think it’s time to update you guys on the co-washing situation. It’s been about… 2 weeks, now?… and I’m still going strong and loving it for the most part. My hair has become noticeably smoother and more manageable since I started, and even my drier ends look like they’re starting to plump up a little bit. I was really worried that it would leave my hair looking greasy and flat since it’s so fine and straight, but the only thing I really noticed is that it feels slightly heavier in a moisturized/silky kind of way. Take a look:
Excuse the awkward selfie angle and baby hair sprouts, but yeah… I don’t think you’d really be able to tell that my hair hasn’t seen shampoo in a couple of weeks. I do use dry shampoo on it, but no more than I always have and it’s more to help with volume than anything else. I’ll update you guys in another couple of weeks. I Might even ask someone else to take a picture of my head 😂
4. Also… I know I need a haircut. It’s on the to-do list… And has been for the past 6 months.
5. Ok, so I updated you guys on the nail polish. The wrist. The hair. What else was there 🤔 Biking! I’m still doing my best to bike everywhere, although I had to put the breaks on it for a bit while my wrist healed up. It’s been nice to get back into it, even if it takes way longer to get anywhere and I’ll sometimes get hit with random freak rainstorms when I’m at the EXACT midway point between home and where I need to go. I’ve gotten drenched more times this summer than I care to admit.
6. I’ll admit that I didn’t bike to Ikea, though. I probably could have since it’s only 14km (~9mi) away and would have only taken me an hour according to Google Maps, but the route involves some crazy busy roads and I don’t trust the drivers in my city that much (read: at all). It’s probably a good thing too, since I ended up walking around in there for a good 3 hours, which would have made the entire trip take 5-6 if I biked.
7. I’ve also been using my car to indulge in something that I’ve loved since I learned how to drive – summer night cruises. It’s like therapy, and it never fails to make me feel better if I find myself stressed out or in a funk. Sights like this don’t hurt either…
And don’t worry… I was sitting at a stop light when I snapped that pic.
8. Alright, bye!… Kidding. Kind of. I’m going to end this here since the last few posts have been a little long, but I wanted to say that I hope you have an awesome day, and I’ll see you soon with some more food! 🍪

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i like this nail. It is so beautiful
I’m very interested in the co-washing thing – looking forward to the next update on that!
My hair needs cutting too. But having paid something like £32 the last time for a cut and blow dry, I can’t bear to go again! I’m sure I remember the days when I would get change from a £20 note. I’m also sure this makes me old! 😉
My hair has changed so much as I’ve gotten older. It used to be REALLY thick and uncontrollable and now it’s super fine and almost limp. Maybe I should try co-washing!
It never hurts to give it a shot! They say it’s not recommended for people with fine hair, but mine is super fine as well and I haven’t had any problems. Have you ever tried using dry shampoo? I swear by the stuff and it’s one of the only ways I’ve found to get good volume and texture in my hair. Even use it when my hair is clean.
Your hair looks great even sans haircut and I seriously like the nail polish.
I had such high hopes for co washing and I tried it out last week… No Bueno for me I’m afraid. It left my hair greasy and quite lifeless 🙁 I’m sure I will find away to cut back on shampooing eventually!
Aww that’s kind of a bummer. I was already washing my hair pretty minimally so I guess it was used to it.
Your hair looks beautiful! And I need to try that Essie polish, anything that lasts almost a week is a win in my book!!
I hear you on summer evening cruises being like therapy. Actually, I think summer evenings are like therapy, period. Its one of my favorite times to go on a short bike ride as it’s starting to get dusky and all the bugs and the frogs are chirping.
I don’t usually hear too many frogs, but we get the coyotes coming out and yowling.
i’ve actually managed to live in NYC for 6 years and never go to an Ikea — shocking, i know! glad the wrist is feeling better, and i’ve been reading your golden milk posts — interesting! i don’t know much about turmeric but i might have to try this.
I almost wish I liked painting my nails, because your nails are so pretty! And going outside and driving at night is one of the best ways to just relax and enjoy and stop and smell the ‘roses.’ 🙂
I definitely don’t always enjoy painting them, but this polish has been really nice to use so it’s actually kind of relaxing 🙂
That Essie polish sounds fabulous! I’m just like you in that whenever I wear polish, I get annoyed having to baby it and have it start chipping within a half hour. Will definitely have to check the Essie out! Your hair looks fabulous, too. Yay co-washing! And I know what you mean about not wanting to bike in super busy streets. I always seek out the secluded side streets, or better yet the back alleys that I’d normally avoid on foot. So much less stressful than having to be wary of oncoming cars, etc.
So glad that you are enjoying co-washing! I think I’ve mentioned doing it myself, tho I haven’t made it to 2 weeks without shampooing – Amanda you’ve inspired me to try to! Also glad your wrist is healing and glad you didn’t bike to IKEA – cos imagine if you had made a couple purchases – they might not have quite been able to fit on your bike eh? 🙂 BTW – Have you tried IKEA’s new vegan meatballs? so so good!
Happy Thursday to ya!
Ikea has vegan meatballs?! I had no idea, but I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out next time I go! And my hair is starting to feel like it’s getting bit of build up on it, so I’m thinking a shampoo might be coming up soonish.
I love going for walks at night in the summers. Such a comfortable warm breeze and great sunsets!
Once in a while I miss having a car—those nighttime cruises in the summer. Whether it was alone or with a friend or family member, it was such a relaxing thing and a central part of growing up in the suburbs. Haha this was back before gas was wicked expensive, though. Either that or it just felt less expensive because I was a teenager who didn’t have real bills to pay.
Thanks for the nail polish tip! I have the same problem and am always looking for something that will stay on!
Haha! I have a feeling it’s a little bit of both with the gas prices 😛