Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I feel like I always have something to say about coffee or Bux in these ToL posts, but it’s something that I do on the daily, so I guess it’s only natural for something to come up. Anyways! no new nicknames this time, BUT I decided to go the hot coffee route again after drinking iced for about a month, and I just burned the crap out of the tip of my tongue and the roof of my mouth. As in… I currently have two patches of very smooth skin in my mouth and no feeling in either spot. Patience. I need more of it.
2. VIQ! (very important question)… Do you turn your computer(s) off when you’re going to sleep at night? Or do you just close your laptop and/or let the desktop go to sleep? I used to always shut mine off completely, but then I got lazy and started letting them go to sleep instead so that I didn’t have to wait [the whole 10 seconds] for them to boot up in the morning. I’m not sure if that’s okay or if I should go back to shutting them off. This is why I come to you guys for help ☺️
3. Also! VIQ#2 – is frozen fruit bad for your teeth? Because it’s one of my favourite things to munch on in the summer months, but I’d rather [try to] break the habit if it’s going to cause me problems down the road… especially given my fear of the dentist. My teeth have been feeling a bit more sensitive lately, but I’ve heard that can also be due to things like stress, hormones, and just getting older. Tell me what you know!
4. And yes, I know I could just Google both these things, but there’s no human interaction in that! Besides… you know what it’s like when you look things up on the internet…
5. Speaking of strange things on the internet… have you heard about the Chipotle diet guy? A guy named Devin Cunningham who’s been eating Chipotle every day for almost a year while bulking up and then cutting down? He even took a 3-hour road trip up to Canada to bring back a two weeks-worth supply of burritos when the E-coli outbreak hit and his store closed down. Now that’s dedication… and makes me really wish we had a Chipotle up here. Until we do (it has to happen one day!), I’ll be over here eating my homemade burrito bowls…
6. In other strange food news, have you guys heard of Matt Stonie? He’s a world famous competitive eater and I’ve been binge-watching his videos wondering how such a small guy can put away such a massive amount of food. Like… it literally boggles my mind. Check this out:
I mean, I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch and all, but can you imagine eating that much of it in a single sitting?!? I guess this is why I’m not a world famous competitive eater 😳
7. Speaking of eating, have you ever noticed that you can eat the exact same thing on two different days and have a completely different reaction to it? It makes trying to figure out what my stomach likes and doesn’t like a huge pain in the ass… and I’m starting to think that my levels of exhaustion and/or stress have a bigger effect on my stomach than the actual food I eat.
8. And now it’s time to wish you guys an awesome day and say goodbye! I’m currently watching the football (read: soccer) game since hockey is over, and I’m not 100% sure what I’m saying anymore. See you Saturday with more foods!

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Yeah, I just close my laptop to sleep too since I usually have a bunch of tabs open that I don’t want to restart.
Laptop off at night or not? Well I ain’t no expert, but I do work in IT and from a work point of view we are told to turn off our laptops after work, at night, just in case any updates are pushed out during the night by my colleagues, so that our laptops boot up in the morning and picks those new updates up.
However, at home, I only shut down and re-start when there’s updates. Or when I’m going away for a few days. I think this is fine as booting up uses more energy and so you use less energy when it’s on. But it’s pointless leaving my laptop on, when I’m away for a few days. It’s just wasting energy that way.
Have a great weekend and thanks for your Hawaii info!! 🙂
I never shut my laptop off. I just close it. It will shit it’s self off when it updates, which is really annoying! I try not to ever Google anything medical because you never know what kind of answers you will get!
I have noticed that I can eat the same thing two days in a row and have different reactions to it, although I’ve also noticed that my IBS symptoms tend to hit about twenty-four hours (or more) later. Yes, things do stick around in my system that long.
I like Matt’s attitude; he seems like he’d be a cool guy to hang out with. I’m trying not to think about how my system would handle all that. I guess you work up to it : s
Ah the bane of being a black coffee drinker… Even during the winter here I am drinking iced black coffee a so that I can drink it straight away… I get funny looks for sure!
And I always switch my computer off… I am so tight with money that even if it only costs me like 3cents extra per day I would rather that in my pocket!
Ahhh good ol’ footy! Andrew and I went to the Canada vs Mexico game a few months ago. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! Do you watch English Premier?
I’m with you on not googling symptoms…you’re either dead, pregnant, or have some crazy disease. Terrible! I know that super acidy foods are bad for the teeth and I think blueberries are high on the acid scale.
OMG NUMBER 7 IS THE BANE OF MY LIFE! It really makes me wish we were born with a list of “preferred foods” stamped on our stomachs 😉
Oooh now you have me confused too – am not sure if you should shut your computer down – I’ve kept mine up for as long as I cam remeber…hmmm…well, but I do remeber reading something about chomping on ice being bad for your teeth – so doesn’t ice and frozen berries kinda fall in the same category? Sorry lady, am answering your questions with more questions…GAH!
And double GAH at that cinnamon toast crunch – tho that Chipotle diet sounds very do-able! 🙂
Happy Thursday – here’s hoping your weekend is wonderful! XX
Oooh now you have me confused too – am not sure if you should shut your computer down – I’ve kept mine up for as long as I cam remeber…hmmm…well, but I do remeber reading something about chomping on ice being bad for your teeth – so doesn’t ice and frozen berries kinda fall in the same category? Sorry lady, am answering your questions with more questions…GAH!
I eat frozen fruit probably every day! I don’t know why, but I just like it even better than regular fruit. I’ve never had teeth sensitivity though. Also, I totally know what you mean about eating the same meal twice yet feeling completely different. Just happened to me the other day. I chalk it up to bodies being weird, but that’s just me.
Your homemade burrito bowl looks awesome! We kind of make lazy/less fancy (definitely less pretty!) versions of that for dinner at least two nights a week and I love it.
I ask my mom so much crap I could just Google, and only once has she said, “Just Google it, I don’t know.” I’d totally rather find things out from my mom/blogging. (I don’t have any answers though!)
Just closing your computer should be fine…I don’t really see why you would shut it down, unless you want to save on battery (short-term, that is. As far as I know shutting it down doesn’t effect the battery long-term.) My dad is a software engineer, and so I know a lot of computer tips and tricks, but I’ve never heard of any benefit of shutting down overnight vs. sleeping. I could be just ignorant, but we’ve been putting our laptops to sleep for as long as I can remember, and it’s fine. 😀 👍🏽
I always shut down my computer at night but my phone and my tablet are another story. I never close apps or anything they tell you to do. Whoops. I do think shutting it down is better for it’s life expectancy but that’s just what I’ve heard. I’m no expert.
You really need to get a Chipotle near you! I eat it once a week, including when the E. Coli outbreak happened. I ain’t skerd. I love that ish!
Definitely agree that energy levels (fatigue) and hormones impact my digestion. On days where I’m exhausted, I experience indigestion/heartburn and that dreaded “Not sure if I’m hungry or full” feeling. ugh
I definitely close my Macbook instead of shutting it off. Hahaha. I probably restart it once a month. Probably not the best idea, hey?
I NEED to try this golden milk everyone is going crazy over! I’m sure I’ll enjoy your take on it it… everything you make is delicious.
I need more patience too… I always burn my tongue on soup or hot cocoa. So I feel your pain. 🙁 Web MD is so crazy. It’s like a fuel for paranoia/stress. I’d almost rather not look up anything. I am crazy excited about any videos that involve people eating epic amounts of food, because it’s not something I think I could ever do. Also, that Chipotle diet? I think I could do that. 😉
OMG I can’t even tell you how many people come in with googled symptoms that are just SO off. Terrible. Haha, but sometimes funny.