Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. So it only took me three days to start feeling normal again after the massively awesome trail ride I did on the weekend. I never really did any serious biking before, and I’ll be the first to admit that I seriously underestimated how big of an energy expenditure it is, especially when hills are involved. Let’s just say I was a whole other breed of crazy in the days following my ride, and that I definitely won’t be making that mistake again.
2. But in my defense, I wasn’t exactly planning on going so hard when I first set out, and the only reason I did was because I kept coming across new places that I wanted to explore. I think that’s what got me so hooked on biking in the first place – it lets you cover a lot of ground and see places that you normally wouldn’t be able to see in something like a car. Then there’s the speed, and the adrenaline, and the fresh air. It’s fabulous.
3. Wanna see something suuuuuuper creepy? Here’s what happens when you do a little face swap action with a Starbucks cup…
I know! I was procrastinating playing around with the face swap thingy in Snapchat (username: runningspoons) where you can swap your face with one of the pictures on your phone, and just about died when that one came up. What do you guys think? Is it a good look for me? 😂
4. Or maybe you prefer this frosted cupcake beauty?
Nothing like those white chocolate candy noses 😂
5. Speaking of coffee! I’m still off the bean. It’s beeeeeen… almost two weeks now (?), and I honestly can’t say that I’ve noticed much of a difference either way. I almost gave in and whipped brewed up a pot while I was riding the struggle bus (see #1), but I managed to make it through… by napping 😂 In all seriousness, though, it hasn’t been horrible. I’m not really doing this for any reason other than “because why not”, and I can’t say that I’ll stay off it forever, but for now I’ve been enjoying my herbal coffees when I need a little bit of that “hug in a mug” action. Teeccino is my go to.
6. So let’s talk food! I actually really miss doing my What I Ate posts because it gave me a chance to talk food with you guys, but it’s been hard to squeeze in any extra posts while working on the book, so I’ll be bringing those back when I’m done with that in about a month or so. In the meantime, we’ll talk the occasional food randomness here, starting withhhhh… sweet potatoes. Have you ever stopped eating a food you really like for no reason other than you just kind of forgot about it? And then you randomly just started seeing it everywhere? Sweet potatoes, man! All of a sudden everyone’s using them in recipes, which I’m taking as a sign that I need to bring them back into my life.
7. What I have been eating, is a tonne of guacamole. I probably shouldn’t be shopping at Costco for a while after the recall and potential consequent stomach thing I had going on, but I came across this guac from Good Food Group, and I’m in loooove. I’m not sure if every Costco carries it, but definitely give the fridge section a glance over to see if yours does! I’m not even that crazy about guac, but this is good stuff.
8. Also, watermelon. I don’t think it’s technically in season just yet, but it’s been showing up for a reasonable price, and I’ve been eating it at a completely unreasonable rate. Hello melon baby, my old friend.
9. Also, also! I’ve been doing this new thing with my oats that I’m completely kicking myself for not taking a picture of because it.is.good. So what I’ve been doing is topping them with some banana “ice cream” that I blend up in the morning, and the contrast between the warm oats and the cool and creamy banana ice cream is heavenly. Add some cacao nibs and shredded coconut on that, and it’s like an oatmeal sundae.
10. And that’s all I’ve got for you this week! I hope you guys have the most awesome Thursday, and I’ll see your friendly faces again soon!

Let’s chat!
No questions! Just tell me whatever randomness comes to mind!
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Those face swaps are hilarious 😂😂. Snapchat never ceases to entertain! I’m not a big oatmeal fan, but that combo you described sounds incredible!
OMG…the face swap with the Starbuck’s cup is hilarious!! That’s one filter I need to play around with some more. Too funny!
I’ve also been loving watermelon lately. It’s not in season in California but it is in Mexico and that’s just a hop, skip and and a jump away so why not? 😉
Lol, Amanda!! 😂 I’m dying over your face swaps!! And I am currently on an sweet potato kick myself, but in all honestly, I’m mostly talk, because I’m s impatient when it comes to baking the things or attempting perfect fries (which are the love of my life right now…). My sister said she’d be willing to help me on the fry front, so now I need to get on it. Every time I do knuckle down and make SP and wait for them to be fully cooked (I have been known to eat a crunchy bit because it was taking too long…😆), I swoon and am like, “Why don’t I do this more often?!”
Ugh I can’t stand the face swap thing! That and so many of the snapchat filters freak me out. AND everyone keeps sending them and posting them – even yen Snapchat!!
You are INSANE for your cook book and blogging and sharing recipes. Such an inspiration!! You GO girl! I wish I had some of your energy!
OMG the snapchat picture has me cackling. HILARIOUS.
Thank you for being such a role model in the blogging world, Amanda. I really look up to you a lot!
I haven’t tried the face swap yet! It looks like fun! 😊
Sweet potatoes AND watermelon? My kind of eats! Mmmmmm. I also can’t wait to try that banana ice cream and oats idea. Just in time for summer. Thanks as always for doing the link-up to bring all these amazing bloggers together!
OH my gosh that watermelon looks do delicious! My mom just gave me one and I couldn’t stop the juices from flowing out of it. Something about watermelons just speaks spring fever. Yum!
Congrats on still being off the bean. Teeccino is a nice alternative. How awesome is the pic of the sweet potato. A heart! Sweet potato is a staple in my diet.
My sweet potato love has been going strong since the fall and YES to a recent guac addiction. I’m totally craving it all the time right now. And I love your banana “ice cream” + oatmeal combo. I also love swirling a little actual ice cream into oatmeal for a sweet snack that’s bordering on dessert 😉
I love that I can eat sweet potatoes a million different ways!! Hoping to take our bikes out this weekend, David has been mountain biking a ton…but I’m not quite that brave.
I’ve already been having some good watermelon too! It makes me feel like summer is here.
Those face swaps are a little terrifying!!! I love sweet potato I’m not very creative with it but yum! You gotta get back on the band wagon 🙂
I’m all about the biking, although I haven’t been doing much of it lately. It’s so awesome to see different places that you couldn’t necessarily cover on foot. Love it. Especially as the weather gets nicer. I’m pretty sure I’d rather walk/run up a hill than bike though haha I’ve definitely gotten off and walked before if the hill is too steep.
Seriously SO jealous of your bike!! I bet it is such a fun way to explore.
And I cannot WAIT until melon season! My store hasn’t started carrying them yet, well at least not at a price I want to pay, but hopefully the prices will drop soon and I will be able to dive in head first! [literally] 😉
i haven’t done any serious biking in years — my only bike experiences consist of my rides to work, which are leisurely and flat and lovely — it sounds like you had a doozy of a workout! love that sign on the bench. always enjoy finding cute little “life is unexpectedly adorable” reminders like that.
I love that you do the biking with so much gusto Amanda. 🙂 Also, you’re eating watermelon already? That’s so cool! 🙂 Those face swaps are um…. a little interesting and funny. 😀
Sweet potatoes are the best! 🙂 I’m not sure if i could give up coffee-to me its not just for caffeine but its almost like a morning relaxing ritual or something!
Wow, never thought of putting banana ice cream on my oatmeal. I usually cook the banana in with my oats so that it’s warm and gooey. The hot and cold contract sounds amazing though!
Ohhh that watermelon! I can’t wait for summer to actually arrive. We are back to 50 degrees today 🙂 Thanks for hosting.
I love how into trail biking you are! That’s one of the reasons I love hiking so much—the ability to explore places you’d never see on foot.
My sister keeps sending me face swaps of my dog and me, which creeps me out so much.
Banana ice cream on oats in genius. Perfect for the summer when I’m still too chicken to lose the warming comfort of my breakfast, but need a little something with a chill.
I feel like I could actually get on board with that oatmeal ice cream idea. And whoaaaaa that face swap is awesome/hilarious/so frightening.
woah banana ice cream on oats sounds delicious! that’s an awesome idea 🙂
I’ve had the Starbucks lady as my face too! It’s very strange, haha.
I’m really digging your oatmeal sundae idea. I’m gvj n I’ll have that for dinner next time I’m on my own.
Mmm I can’t wait for watermelon and all the yummy summer fruit! Also gonna have to try nice cream with oats…I can’t imagine what that would taste like. Happy almost weekend girl!
I’m so glad to see you enjoying your bike rides but yes it can be physically taxing!
You have me craving watermelon now! It’s my favorite fruit (I can go ham on it).
Oh, Snapchat. So often the stuff of nightmares. 🙂
I have a tiny bit of a guacamole addiction– I think I’ve had it every day this week. And I’m not usually a huge watermelon person, but that picture is making me crave it.
Watermelon would be one of those foods I forgot about! Yum, your slide looks delicious. Can’t wait for it to be in season. Definitely going to check it out next time I am at the store!
The whole face swap thing REALLY weirds me out. Like a lot. I don’t really get the draw of it, to be honest. Nor can I figure out how to do it (I guess I need to spend more time on Snapchat, which I am unlikely to do , lol). So I guess I am just out of the times. Back in myyyyyy day….
I feel a little uncomfortable now, because I told you how great I was without coffee in the other day and drank ice americano yesterday. Ugh, I even didn`t like the taste! But we have wonderful weather here and cold coffee sounds nice. I like my herbal replacement that called “chicory” more 😀
Before I knew what herbal coffee was I bought it by accident and Adam and I legit thought we were getting sick for a solid 2 days before I realized we were caffeine deprived! Sadly I have THAT association with it now, although it sure is tasty!
Biking up hills is seriously difficult. I’m glad you are enjoying it though.
I can’t believe you’re almost done with your book. It feels like just yesterday you began working on it. I look forward to seeing the end product.
That Starbucks face swap…oh my stars.
Ugh so jealous of your watermelon!! It’s still way too procey/nor that good around here for me to be able to justify the purchase. I need summer!!!!
i am almost over watermelon because I have eaten so much of it before it’s true season lol…I have done that with the banana in the oats, usually in the summer, so good! and this week I am tired of sweet potatoes – I don’t know what’s up with up taste buds since race but most of what I normally eat is simply unappealing. I don’t like this feeling!
I’m not an adrenaline jukie at all! I don’t like going fast (except for running, I wish I could run fast).
How you write a cookbook AND keep posting recipes is beyond me! Must be the naps.