Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Thank you guys for all the well wishes after my last post! 😘💕 I’m pretty much back to feeling 100% normal again, and SO ready to eat something besides soupy oatmeal and applesauce 3x a day. I’m still keeping things pretty basic as far as food goes (read: avoiding most veggies, spices, and sauces), but we’re getting there, friends. We’re getting there.
2. The only thing I’m not 100% sure that I want to bring back into my diet is coffee –> 😲😯!!! I know, right? I’ve only professed my love for the stuff about a billion times over the years, but I haven’t really craved it since my stomach made me give it up about 5 days ago and I kind of want to see how long I can drag this out for. Granted, caffeine never really did much for me in the first place and I haven’t had any headaches, or lack of energy, or anything else that’s usually associated with caffeine withdrawals, but I do love the taste, so… we’ll see!
(please take me back to this place)
3. Also not invited back into the diet? Frozen blueberries and rice cakes… for reasons that I do not want to discuss but I’m sure you can guess. Actually, I’m kind of giving the side eye to most frozen fruit these days after hearing about the huge recall at Costco… Because guess who buys frozen fruit at Costco? And guess who just got over dealing with some mysterious stomach ailment? Just.saying 🤔
4. On a more serious note, one good thing that comes from being off your game for a little while is that it really makes you appreciate your health that much more. I know I’m always harping about gratitude and positivity and finding the good in a bad situation, but that’s because I 100% believe it and it has 100% changed my life. It’s easy to get caught up in the minor annoyances of day to day life and complain about the traffic, or the weather, or work, or taxes, or whatever it might be, but if you have your health then you already have the most important thing that you need in life. Think about it… what good is anything else if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy it? What good is money, or fame, or a nice house, or tonnes of stuff if you’re dealing with chronic pain, disability, or a life-threatening illness? Ask anybody who’s in that situation, and they’ll [most likely] tell you that the only thing they want is to be healthy again.
5. That actually reminds me a lot of when I was recovering from my eating disorder and how amazing it felt just to be able to do regular, everyday things again. I’m serious. I still clearly remember marvelling over the fact that I could walk up a full flight of stairs without having to stop in the middle because I didn’t have the energy to pull myself up the rest of the way. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to deal with anything like that, and an even longer time since I’ve been sick, so thank you food poisoning or whatever the heck you were for putting things into perspective.
6. And thank you weather for finally clearing up enough to let me go outside and do something I love 🚴🏼
7. And thank you guys for such a positive response on my PlantFusion post! As promised, the giveaway winner is making an appearance in today’s post, soooooo….
Congratulations, Haley! I’ll be getting in touch with you asap to grab your info so that I can pass it along to the people at PF.
8. Happy Thursday, friendly faces! Make it an awesome one!

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So funny about the coffee. Every time I think I’m hooked, I’ll accidentally forget to drink it for like a week and I”m always fine. Good to know I can resist if I needed to!
I’ve actually found that to be with the case with a lot of foods that I always say I can’t live without! There’s always ways to make it work.
So glad you’re feeling better! And number 4… yep. I can confirm from the perspective of a chronically-pained (and obviously very eloquent 😉) person, but still, there are so many things to be grateful for. Loving all the gratitude posts going around the blog world lately – such a positive trend 🙂
I’m the same as you with coffee. I barely get a jolt out of it but I just love the taste of it.
Oh glad that you are on the mend and feeling a little better! Solid food with flavor is a good thing! And I feel like Costco is recalling their fruit every other month, seriously!
I’m so far behind in reading posts but I”m sorry to hear you were sick! I mysteriously got really sick Tuesday night. No clue what from but thankfully it passed. I just read about the recall on Costco frozen fruit yesterday…after I bought a huge bag of mixed berries. I’m going to just hope they would have gotten rid of the bad ones? Isn’t it crazy how sometimes it takes us being thrown for a loop (aka sick) to realize what is truly important in life?! Crazy that we need that reminder.
you are so right, nothing makes you appreciate your health more than being sick or injured. so sorry you had food posioning or something to that effect. i’ve only been through that once and wanted to die. im not a fan of frozen fruit in general but now im not even more if it did evil things to you! what a pretty picture from your bike ride, i love when the sun peaks over trees like that 😀
I gave up coffee once, for like a week & it was the worst. I would deal with the loss of coffee, but the loss of holding something warm in a mug & enjoying it on the weekends on the couch, or curled up on the porch in fall with a blanket. Tea just wasn’t cutting it for those times.
Have you tried any of the herbal coffee alternatives? There’s one called Teeccino that I really like, and it’s -almost- exactly the same. Almost.
I love your positive take on everything! I really need to work on that!
I gave up coffee also, due to stomach issues. I just discovered Teeccino Coffee alternative. Ordered a sampler package of all their flavors, so far I like what I have tried so far. Haven’t tried them all yet. This is the next best thing to coffee in my opinion. I really had missed the ice-coffees, but now I can make this Teeccino the same way.
Teeccino has been my go-to as well! Their java and mocha flavours are my favourite.
Glad to hear you are feeling better! I actually did NOT know about the recall at Costco, and now I am thanking my lucky stars that I didn’t buy all the frozen fruit there that I wanted to! Yikes.
As for coffee, you and I are basically the same. I have zero side effects from the caffeine, but dangggg do I love the flavor and smell! I actually think that’s the part I’m addicted to 😉
Did you hear about the recall at Trader Joe’s now!?! Seriously some crazy shenanigans going on in the food industry…
So glad you are feeling better! I feel like I don’t rely on the caffeine for coffee, i simply just love the taste! Hope you have a great day Amanda!
Oh boy, the stomach flu…or food poisoning…that is definitely no fun. I’m glad to hear you are on the mend!
I do love coffee, but I go through periods where I’m a big coffee drinker and then I’ll switch to tea. It depends on my mood. Right now I’m definitely in the I love coffee phase.
Glad you’re feeling better girl! It’s so true what you said about being grateful for the easily overlooked things, like our health. I’m going to be soooo grateful for my left hand once this darn cast comes off hahaha.
I went from drinking coffee everyday to having it maybe 5x a year. I’m all about a good cuppa orange pekoe now! That being said, if a cup if Irish cream coffee presents itself to me, I’m ALL over it.
The old saying of appreciating anything more when you loose it is so true. Yes, health is something I think many of us – myself included – take for granted. Like you said getting sick every once in a while might just be the kick in our butts to appreciate health and maybe slow down a little … In your case also a little wink to change your shopping places, I guess ;). No, honestly, I’d probably be scared to buy any frozen produce afterwards.
I haven’t really been able to get back into frozen produce since, especially since there’s been another huge real on frozen veggies at a big retailer in the States. I know we don’t have it up here, but still! Some craziness going on…
Amen, it’s amazing how I take health for granted, but now, I’ve realized just how much of a gift it is. Wow, it’s wonderful to be able to live and be healthy. <3 I'm thankful for you're feeling better. <3
So glad to hear you’re feeling better. Being sick is never fun but it definitely makes you appreciate your health that much more!
And I’m with you on biking… I’m so excited for warm weather and getting outside!
Glad you are feeling better! I read about the Costco recall and even though I don’t shop there, it’s safe to say I won’t be buying frozen berries from anywhere for a while. Scary stuff!
A new thing came out about the frozen veggies in Trader Joe’s now! I seriously need to look into starting up my own garden 😆
So glad you’re feeling better–sometimes i forget how important my health is until i lose it! Hope you’re now on the up swing!
Glad to hear you are feeling better! I would definitely be having headaches from caffeine withdrawal! It happens every time I skip my morning coffee (which isn’t often!).
You get the biggest hugest props from me if you are able to give up coffee. I have tried many times but the smell always lures me back in! Thanks for hosting!
I honestly didn’t think I could do it either! But it’s amazing how much a stomach bug can mess with your tastebuds. Have you ever tried herbal coffee alternatives? One I really like is called Teeccino and it’s helped a lot of people I know cut back on the habit.
Glad your feeling better! I hate not being able to drink coffee either, especially when I don’t feel well because caffeine just makes me feel worse! Isn’t it amazing how much more we appreciate our health after it’s taken away for a few days!?
I go through stage of on coffee/off coffee.To put it mildly, right now I am ON coffee because babies are exhausting, but I’m sure that the obsession (and exhaustion..) will pass at some point.
Aw man, I’m so sorry to hear that you had food poisoning, dear. That stuff is no joke. But you’re right, whenever things go to crap (figuratively and sometimes literally) in our bodies after long periods of health, it reminds us how important health truly is. Glad to hear you’re on the mend! ❤️
Well, I am giving up drink coffee a week ago and feel great now. First few days was terrbile, I felt huge lack of energy though. As for me, coffee is a big stimulant. I love taste and all, and coffee houses are my happy place, but I am so tired of being dependent. Nice to see that I am not the only one who stopped drink it!
High five! It’s been about 2 weeks for me now, and I’m still feeling pretty good. Have you tried any of the herbal coffee drinks? They don’t have any stimulants, but they still give that nice “hug in a mug” feeling 😀
I’m glad you’re feeling better!! I hope you’re able to add the things you really love and miss back into your diet soon.
Good luck with giving up coffee! Sometimes when you have stomach problems, it turns you off on a lot of food, depending on what you were having before you got sick! That bike ride looks so nice and relaxing. Glad you are able to get out and enjoy the weather!
Glad you are feeling better. Your food that you have been eating looks delicious though!! I am definitely grateful for my health. i think about that when I get to go to the gym nearly daily and workout. Going to the gym improves my mood and overall happiness and I definitely don’t like to be stuck inside.
Number 4… I can confirm it. Yes indeed. Glad to hear that you are feeling better–but can I say that even when you are ill, you still eat better than 90% of the population! I’m drinking a lot of coffee right now (granted mostly decaf) and I started to a few years ago when I switched to being inside a lot more–I was always cold in over air-conditioned rooms. But yeah, I drink mostly decaf, and I would freeze without it!
That’s what I miss the most! The hug in a mug feeling. I’ve been drinking herbal coffee, though, and that’s been helping with that.
After my last stomach but coffee was also the last thing to come back, but once I had it again I didn’t want to go without! Then I went off again prior to the marathon but brought it back the day after. It definitely gives me a boost I need in the morning, plus I’m likelier to get headaches without it. Glad you’re feeling better!
I imagine it’ll come back in my diet as well. I haven’t noticed much of a difference as far as energy goes, but I miss the taste!
Stomach bugs are the worst! Although not having enough energy isn’t fun, either — I’ve been sick too, and my energy has been nonexistent and I hate that.
Fresh fruit can be dangerous, too. And think about all those ecoli outbreaks from lettuce!
I think it’s ok to complain a little — it’s human nature, but you do have to appreciate the good things. I got out for a run for the first time in 3 days yesterday, and I smiled because I could (even if I probably needed a few more days of rest). You do have to appreciate your healh!
Oh no! I hope you’re feeling better, Judy! The lack of energy thing is definitely the hardest to deal with! And did you hear about all the recalls in from veggies from Trader Joe’s now? Seriously crazy stuff.
Glad you are feeling better! Thanks for hosting!
I’m glad you’re feeling better! Stomach illnesses are the worst.
I’m glad to hear you are feeling better Amanda. Being sick to any degree is unenjoyable so I’m glad you feel a lot better.
I don’t know how you do it, I love my coffee and would miss it dearly if I didn’t bring it back into my diet.
I’ll admit that I do kind of miss the taste and I probably won’t stay off it forever. I’m just curious to see if I notice a difference.
When will you post “the process of healing” about your eating disorder story ?
I can’t wait since I’ve had a similar story to yours and am still strugling a bit although i am doing much better
Thanks =)
It’s been so long that I’m struggling to remember everything, but I’m slowly working on it! In the meantime, if you ever need a shoulder or ear, definitely don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!
I’m glad you’re feeling better and are on the mend Amanda. Best wishes for that to continue from Lynne and I. 🙂
Thinking out loud 4. (above). I feel you always have a way with words that I often struggle with. You are able to summarise in one simply paragraph what I too believe, but I would take pages to describe!!
Health. Too many take it for granted. I’m grateful each day that Lynne and I look after our health, and I believe too that because of that we’re better for it. And gratitude and being positive in all situations relates back to good health too. Good health gives you the strength to deal with all manner of situations.
Thanks so much, Neil! And say thank you to Lynne for me too 🙂 Definitely feeling better. And I love that you put such an emphasis on health and set such a great example for your family! Those hiking excursions of yours seriously put Scotland on my travel bucket list!