Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. How early is too early to start decorating for Christmas? I ask because I’ve made it a tradition to put up decorations on December 1st, but I’ve already been seeing Christmas trees in people’s windows… and the first one was up before Halloween! Don’t get me wrong, I adore Christmas and I’m eagerly counting down the days until I can start getting more festive, but I feel like putting up decorations now would only make them start feeling old by the time Christmas rolled around. It’s all about the delayed gratification!
2. That being said, when it comes to desserts, I want (read: need) mine yesterday, which is why I absolutely adore mug cakes… even if I do go through phases where I completely forget about them, stop eating them for months, and then wonder why I stopped after randomly deciding to have one and falling in love all over again. My latest obsession? This Mocha Chip Mug Cake, which I’ll be sharing with you either tomorrow or Monday… depending how well I can get my act together while packing/travelling (read: probably Monday).
3. In the meantime, can I interest you in a batch of nutritious and delicious Sweet Potato Pancake Muffins? If so, then head on over to Savory Style to check out my latest recipe! They’re gluten-free and make a perfect fall-time breakfast or snack!
4. As for me, you’ll find me enjoying my cinnamon with a side of coffee…
😆 My love for that spice is a little extreme completely normal…
5. So is the fact that I’ll sometimes randomly lie out in the grass [even though it’s prickly as hell at this time of the year]…
But you see some pretty neat things when you look at the world from a different perspective…
6. This is my life…
But I’m sure you guys know what I’m talking about… You have your favourite [big] mugs (because the tiny ones that only hold two sips are useless), but they’re all dirty so those bowls start to look mighty fine… I’ll let you try and guess what I did in the end 😉
7. Does anyone else freak out really bad when they’re trying to sign in to something and enter the wrong password not once, but twice [or more]? That happens to me more often than I care to admit, and I start to panic every.single.time because I think I got hacked… especially when I make an effort to hit each key reeeeeeeeal slow, and it still ends up being wrong. It turns out that sometimes I’m just a derp.
8. Want to know what I dislike the most about Daylight Savings? It’s not the time change, but the fact that I can’t for the life of me figure out how to change the clock in the dashboard of my car. I must have done it at some point because it’s been right until now, but my countless subsequent attempts have proven fruitless thus far… And I know I could just look in the manual, but I’m being stubborn. Watch me just leave it until Daylight Savings starts next year and it’ll be right again 😆 Wouldn’t be the first time!
9. Also… does anyone else put off updating their phone software for as long as humanely possible? Because we all know how it goes… Everything will be working just fine until you update it and then BOOM!! Suddenly nothing works anymore. I think I’m going to have to demote the “Settings” button to the second page so I don’t have that little number staring me in the face anymore, because it drives.me.nuts.
And in case you’re wondering, yes… my phone ended up dying about 15 minutes after I took that picture. Enter panic mode.
10. And that’s all, folks! There’s a very good chance that I’m no longer at home as you read this, so if I don’t manage to get that recipe up for you guys tomorrow, then it’ll definitely be up on Monday! Either way, I’ll be seeing you on Sunday with some Link Love 😀
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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Oh my god. I love cinnamon too.
It’s great with greek yogurt. But I’m sure you know that.
When I have porridge/oats, I dump, like, way too much cinnamon on top. But mid-way through, I always decide I need a bit more.
I refuse to decorate for Christmas until Thanksgiving is done here. It’s my unwritten rule, and then I get super excited to decorate. The tree goes up, the decorations come out, the carols go on and merriment is had. Then almost literally the day after Christmas, I rip it all down because I can’t stand the clutter after a few weeks.
It is always good to see things from a different perspective and sometimes I think the ground floor is the best way to do it. It certainly makes you appreciate life and its surroundings that much more.
The day after Christmas? Awwwr. I always leave them up until at -least- my birthday 😛
This post could have been written by me! I drove around with my clock in my car off by an hour and 7 minutes because I couldn’t figure out how to change it. Eventually I just got a new car. Why do they make it so difficult!? I also wait until the last possible moment to update my software because I just don’t like doing it. Which drives my husband crazy because he used to work for Apple and must do everything immediately. I can’t for the life of me type my password in if someone is watching me. I will type it wrong, repeatedly, every single time. And after trying so many times I usually tell my husband it just doesn’t work and then he types it in and it works on the first try. Grrrr.
I knew we were long lost sisters (minus the fact that I am mocha) when I found out we have the same love for copious amounts of cinnamon in our coffee. I am averaging a jar of cinnamon a month now…not to mention I take advantage of adding it in my oat’s and pancakes. It’s so bad I started buying my from the $1 store to save money. Not the greatest quality, but it’s the taste I crave. One day, hopefully this year we can sit and share a cup of joe (with extra cinnamon). I hope you are well darling.
So my car was delivered to SF yesterday and I was like “ummm it’s not 12:30″… my clock was behind 4 hours thanks to daylight savings! Luckily I had updated the time not too long ago so I still remembered how!
You don’t even wanna know how jealous I am that you’re in SF now. We’re currently dealing with snow…
1. I don’t know why I even still keep those small mugs…I honestly just use the same 3 on a regular basis.
2. YES on the upgrades on my phone. I don’t know why it is so annoying to update, but it is and I ignore it for as long as possible. That damn little “1” drives me nuts! 😉
Being a fellow cinnaholic, I can’t believe I have never added it to my coffee!!! Please insert shock face!!
What a great shot of your mug. Honestly, I hate updating my phone, especially because all the apps change face. lol I guess I don’t like change either!
Number 8 and 9….Yes and yes! Oh my goodness, I CANNOT figure out how to change the time on my car. But it’s actually on a new dashboard/radio that I had put into my car after I received it for a birthday present one year so it’s not the original clock for my car….No idea how to change the time. Not sure it bothers me enough to change it. Ha!
And the phone software, also yes. I tend to, likewise, refuse to fill up my car until the red light comes on that I HAVE to get gas.
I can’t wait for that mug cake!! YUM! Christmas stuff can’t go up here until after Thanksgiving (or Dec 1)! Thanksgiving is my favorite.
December first is the perfect time to put up decorations. Any earlier than that and I feel like it’s still Thanksgiving.
I’m the total opposite though when it comes to Christmas music though, I want it as early as possible. It’s my favorite holiday ever though, and hearing it just makes me ready for it.
I know! The stores got it all backwards. They put out the decorations way too early… They should start playing the music first.
I’ve been drinking my coffee with frothy almond milk and topped with cinnamon or pumpkin spice, so delicious! And speaking of the passcode, whenever I get mine wrong I always worry about getting locked out of my phone! Yes, it’s happened before…twice. It was a rough morning and I got locked out for an hour. And then got it wrong AGAIN and was locked out for another 90 minutes! Worst.morning.ever.
Oh – I’m with you on the settings button – I hate updating and that number gets on my nerves!!!
And, I like to decorate around Thanksgiving – sometimes the week before if we go out of town – I can never get tired of Christmas stuff especially all the lights!!
you know what’s funny is I don’t really like to lay in the grass, but loooove to walk it in…yup I’m odd
I wait too long to update my phone and I am always way over my storage. Not a good plan at all!
Are we the same person with the same phone? Okay, the first one is an obvious no and I’ll let you in on the second being one, too. Yet still: I can’t figure out technological issues like that for whatever’s worth it, either. And my phone had been ‘threatening me’ with a huge update for weeks (!), too, when I finally caved just yesterday. Those were some anxious 10 minutes waiting to see the potential damage done … no losses as of now.
On a last note it’s funny you’re challenged by something as small as the time setting when you have no troubles rebuilding the entire engine on the other hand 😀 .
I actually bit the bullet and updated my phone this morning too, and so far so good. Fingers crossed for us both! Well, that’s not true. I did actually have to reinstall one app, but now everything seems to be working fine. And ugh… mechanical I can do, but technology is definitely -not- my forte.
Oh yes, mug cakes!! I keep forgetting about them too and all of a sudden I bake one every single day.
And as for phone updates – my problem is, that I never have enough storage to actually install the update. But delete my photos or music?? NO WAY!
I know several people who have made it a tradition to decorate for Christmas the day after Halloween. I feel like that is too early!! I consider it “Christmas Time” on the day after Thanksgiving. It just feels so festive. I agree with you… delayed gratification 🙂
I need that mug cake in my life STAT. that is all 🙂
Daylight savings is making me SO TIRED!!! I hate it! I mean, I already went to bed at 7pm before this, but now it’s worse.
I’m totally in the mood to put up “winter” decorations – garland, lights, pinecones, etc. I need to see if I can find some cute stuff in the city this weekend.
I totally understand about needing the big cup but… I’m a tad OCD about leaving dishes in the sink too long so I usually have clean mugs. Hope that doesn’t make me sound too weird.
On another note, sometimes I am more than one update behind on my Apple stuff. When I finally updated my iPad, I was updating from a 7.something to the 8.1 and the only reason I had the 7.something in the first place was my friend had taken pity on me and run the update when I wasn’t looking. So I missed all the new stuff people complained about with the 8.0 and went express to the updates that fixed all the bugs. Turns out waiting DOES pay off sometimes.
It’s not just phone software I put off updating, it’s the wordpress plugin updates that freak me out the most! 🙂
I had a bad experience with a dodgy plugin and my whole blog nearly went down the plughole! 😉
That’s actually one of the things that contributed to my blog crashing at the beginning of October! But then my techie guys told me that I -have- to update regularly or it could slow the site down. There’s no winning!
I need Christmas to at least wait until after (American) Thanksgiving. After that, I do start getting a little antsy/excited.
And yes times a million on the notifications. I hate that updates make everything not work for a while but… I must make them go away.
I think it’s only fair that since we have our Thanksgiving before Halloween that we get the freedom in Canada to start decorating as soon as Halloween ends, that’s just my opinion! 🙂
Omg, that password thing has been happening to me so often lately! Especially since I changed all my passwords so most of them are different, it makes it tricky to remember each one!
Happy Thursday, my dear!
Seriously contemplating starting my decoration process/making xmas decorations today (I’m home sick, surprise surprise). I WANT CHRISTMAS NOW!
Me too… Especially since it snowed so it’s looking all Christmassy here!
Happily, my car is one of the simple clock changes for me. I haven’t bothered updating my heart rate monitor, and probably wont! I also put off updates. I’m a bit “if it ain’t broke” type of gal, I’m really not into change, especially when it IS up to me. That little number on the settings tab is staring up at me too! 🙂
I start my Xmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. I go get my tree and pull out all the home decorations. I even blast Mariah Carey’s Xmas Album. By far the best Xmas album ever!
I most definitely have my Christmas tree up 😉 As soon as November hits I MAJORLY get into the Christmas spirit and so I go for it!
I never do the update, until my phone forces me too! Those muffins look delish! xoxo, ganeeban
Ugh, let’s not even discuss my frustration with Apple and its iPhone software updates. a;lskdfjasdlfk;sjdfasdf;laskdfj I’ve had SO many problems since upgrading to iOS 8, and it seems like every software update fixes two problems and creates two hundred more. RAWR. Give me back my iOS 7 and iPhone 5, when all was well with the world. Haha.
Cinnamon is soooo good in coffee, but I always end up doing the cinnamon challenge by accident in the last gulp. And choke. Lol
I did that challenge by choice once. It hurts… a lot 😯
That mug cakes looks amazing! I cannot wait for the recipe. I always forget about mug cakes. They need to make their way back into my kitchen very soon.
Christmas really has come early around here this year – adverts on the TV, stores full of Christmas gifts, cards and wrap, starbucks playing their Christmas cd on repeat!
But I will refrain on the decorations until the 1st of December, it’s tradition for me too and am going to stick with it – even though I secretly want to crack out those fairy lights!!!
I stick to the December rule. December first, all bets are off – I’ve already told Jo that we need a Christmas tree this year and I may have included Christmas tree ornaments in the collection of random shit I brought out with me.
Lol! Did you really?! Then again… I’m not really surprised because I would have too
I absolutely adore the holidays but I also can’t even think of decorating and being in the “Christmas” mode yet. Heck, I didn’t even know we passed Halloween! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday so I give that all the attention it deserves! Your mug cake looks delicious and I honestly crave cake all the time so I can’t wait until you share the recipe 🙂
They had Christmas trees at Costco up over Labor Day weekend. That’s just wrong in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas but can we wrap up summer first? And passwords…don’t even get me started? I’m always locking myself out of things because I can’t remember them. I started making a list, but then I forgot where I hid it. Lol…
OHhhh Christmas Tree! That’s beautiful. I need your secret to mug cakes mine NEVER come out. Thanks for another great link up.
haha – so many points here I agree with. Christmas tree goes up day after Thanksgiving (if I’m home) or December 1. And I always run out of my favorite coffee mug which is probably a strong indicator I drink too much coffee. Is that even a thing?
😆 I try to keep it limited to 1 cup a day, but everyone is different. Just gotta go by how you feel!
Yes, Halloween is WAY too early to put up those xmas decorations. We usually decorate the day after (American) Thanksgiving, which is at the very end of November. It’s perfect. Oh and don’t even get me started on the stupid phone software updates. I HATE THEM. So much.