Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Can.you.believe that this is the one HUNDREDth instalment of Thinking Out Loud?!? Because I can’t 😯 I published my very first ToL post all the way back in October of 2012, ending it with a classy…
“These posts are kind of fun. If no one objects, I think I’ll be doing them more often.”
… and I guess no one objected, because I’ve been doing them [almost??] every week since then. Truth be told, they’re my favourite posts both to read and write. To read because I think random thoughts are a great way to get to know someone better (which is why I started the linkup); and to write because I find it extremely relaxing to be able to spew out whatever random craziness happens to be going through my head without having to worry about the rhyme or reason behind it. So thank you for sticking with me and taking part in ToL over the years… whether that be by leaving your random thoughts in a comment or linking up your own posts. I kind of like you guys a lot.
2. I also kind of like this song…
3. And these sugar snap peas…
If you would have told me there’d come a day where I’d willingly snack on [green] vegetables instead of cookies, I probably would have laughed myself sick. Well… that day has come. It all started innocently enough when I grabbed a handful out of boredom on the 13-hour drive to Whistler, and before I know it, I’m buying bag after bag when I get home. Seriously. I can go through a 2 lb. bag of these things in about… 2 or 3 days? And now you’re looking at me like I’m crazy, but I can’t help it — they’re addicting! I’ve tried the Snappea Crisps, and I can honestly say that I like these better because they’re crunchy and refreshing.
4. So I went to the mall this past weekend, all excited to pick up a new iPhone (I finally decided to go with the 6 in gold), only to come home with no iPhone and a few bags of makeup and clothes instead. But they didn’t have my size the one I wanted! I almost, almost caved and settled for one in space grey just so I could have it at.that.very.moment, but I had my heart set on a gold one since I’ve only ever had the black, and I decided to go the delayed gratification route and order one with my phone provider instead. It’s supposed to come sometime within the next week, so hopefully I can share that with you guys in ToL 101!
5. Squee! I feel like I’m getting my groove back! After dealing with a serious case of writer’s block, it’s nice to have the words flowing a little more freely. Thinking Out Loud is kind of amazing for that. Or maybe it’s the caffeine talking. Either way! It’s nice.
6. Speaking of caffeine… I once heard someone say that no one really likes the taste of coffee, and that the only reason people drink it is for the buzz. Guys… I’m not even joking when I say that I legit almost butted into the conversation (these were strangers sitting at the table next to me) to say that I’ll gladly drink straight up black decaf because I love the taste so much. And it’s true — I do. The buzz (which I sometimes don’t even get) is just a bonus.
7. “Can I borrow that leaf?” <– actual words spoken by me to my mom when I was over there for Thanksgiving this past weekend. This was the leaf in question…
… and I wanted to “borrow” (read: take it… Sorry, Mom!) because I figured it would make a good prop in blog pictures Also… Does anyone else ever have a good internal giggle when someone asks to borrow a piece of paper? As if they’re going to return it? No? Just me? Fine.
8. Speaking of Thanksgiving… this year was kind of a strange one for us because we didn’t actually have a turkey 😯 My family’s never been huge on turkey (mostly because of the leftovers), and when it came time to plan out the menu, no one really got enthusiastic about seeing a bird on the table, so we sacked the idea. It was our first time without one, and I had to admit that I didn’t really miss it at all. As long as there’s food and family, I’m a happy camper.
9. My iPhone came! My iPhone came!!!! Between writing point #4 and now (about 5 hours — I write sporadically throughout the day), the UPS guy paid me a visit and delivered my new phone! SQUEEEEE!!! I’m still in the process of setting everything up so I can’t say too much about just yet, but I can’t get over how much faster it is than my old phone. Holy.snap 😯 I’ll share more next week!
10. And lastly but not least-ly… I need your input on tomorrow’s recipe! Your choices are: pumpkin hot chocolate or a creamy chocolate smoothie that has yet to be creatively named. Chocolate is involved either way, so I’m basically just asking you if you prefer a hot drink or a cold one. Let me know in the comments, and I’ll see you tomorrow with whichever one gets more votes!
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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Happy birthday to TOL! 😛 I went through a snap pea phase last summer…I’m surprised I didn’t turn into one. I cracked my iPhone screen last week, and took it as a sign I needed to upgrade finally, so I have a shiny new gold 6 coming my way soon also. I’m in love with it already and it’s not even here yet. Pumpkin hot chocolate please and thank you!
Oh my god, I have a mini bag of decaf coffee that I love in my purse just incase a hotel doesn’t have any, because I can get caffeine anywhere, but I need to have decent coffee (black) once a day.
Also, you have to talk about whether or not you like the new iPhone eventually. Do I give up my 5S, or wait?
I vote for the pumpkin hot chocolate – much more festive!
Also, I’m curious – what did you have for Thanksgiving instead of turkey?
We had honey roasted chicken instead. So, still a bird, but a much smaller one 🙂
Pretty much awesome sauce that you got the phone by the end of the post. That’s when you know you’ve written a good post! Happy 100! Wow, that’s amazing, consider yourself virtually high fived!
did you have the iphone 4 before? or 5? and does that mean IG pics? LOL! i say pumpkin hot choc.
I had the 4 — not even the s — so you can say this is a HUGE upgrade. And there’ll definitely be more IG pics considering I can actually load it without it crashing now 😛
Happy 100 TOL. It’s usually my favourite day to write too. However today, nothing. I mean I had a writers block about random thoughts. Big fail, but oh well. There’s always next week.
Yay! Just wanted to say congrats on the your Thinking Out Loud Century! They’re one of my favourite posts to read 🙂
Also, thumbs up to the iPhone 6! I got the gold too…even though it’s currently hidden by a leather cover, I know in my heart that there’s a gold beauty under there. Hope you love it as much as I do!
Ohhh…and after making it through two pregnancies (almost done this one), I conquer that a decaf latte or cappuccino still makes me very happy 🙂 All about taste (and smell!!!) for me too! <3
I do love it <3 I seriously need to get some kind of cover for it, though, because it feels so slippery and I swear it's going to fly out of my hands someday soon 😯
Hubs and I stopped to attempt to pick up an iphone 6 for him a couple weeks ago, they had gold, but not the slate, which is what he wanted. He does have an updated iphone now. I just sent him a text asking if the ipad announcement was going to make him want a new one of those, and he didn’t know what I was talking about! Usually he’s so on top of all new info.
I AM a turkey girl for Thanksgiving. We went to my mom’s one year and she served chicken. Still a bird, but I was SO bummed. I want, no NEED my turkey for Thanksgiving!
We’ve always had turkey at Thanksgiving, but I don’t think I would mind going without either. The side dishes and pumpkin pie are the best parts anyways!
I definitely love the taste of coffee too. Although, not black. I need some milk/cream in mine for it to be drinkable!
Ha, I’m still rocking the non-smart flip phone due to cost and not wanting to get “sucked in”!
The best “borrow” request….a tissue….yep, it happens…
Wow, 100? Congrats on such a solid and successful link up. You do put in so much hard for work for it. You deserve it!
I have the iPhone 4…not the 4S..the FOUR! It’s slow as EVER, but I am too cheap to buy a new one despite being due for an upgrade for over a year. That iPhone 6 is so tempting though…even the 5s is calling my name. Snap peas are so good, I like the crisps, but they make me feel gross.
Oh girl, I feel ya. I had the regular 4 too, and all I’m gonna say is GET YOUR UPGRADE because you won’t even believe how much faster a new one is…
Oooh your new phone looks gorgeous! I still have my 4s, which I love, but when I need to upgrade I’ll definitely be getting the gold one.
The only thing on my mind right now is the maple gingerbread almond butter I’m in the process of making (recipe courtesy of How Sweet Eats!). I AM SO EXCITED
so jealous you got your phone so quickly! i had to wait 3 weeks for my gold iphone ! and i love that you’re posting more recipes, they’re always tasty and simple – a winning combo! it’s been so hot and humid here lately so i vote for a cold recipe! (must take advantage before it gets cold for real)
Your new phone is so pretty! Love the gold!
That leaf is pretty much perfect. Way to snag that thing! 😉
I vote the chocolate smoothie. It’s still warm here!
1. Happy 100th ToL!
2. Glad you were there when the UPS guy came with your phone and not out getting dates
3. I usually have to hold myself back from butting into convos too, but it’s usually ones about ‘healthy’ eating or fitness 😳
4. I’m already planning out the things I’m gonna ‘borrow’ from my mum’s kitchen when I go home for Christmas
5. I’m voting for the Pumpkin Hot Chocolate 😀
😆 I love that you remembered about the dates <3
Congrats on your 100th TOL! I’m glad I found the link up, its always so cathartic to just spew whatever is on my brain or empty my camera roll and narrate the pics! xoxo, ganeeban
That’s pretty amazing that this is your 100th “Thinking Out Loud”…That’s a lot of posts, but they’re a hit and I always look forward to reading about randomness. 🙂
I vote for the hot drink recipe tomorrow 🙂
Pumpkin hot chocolate!! That sound so delicious!
I am definitely someone who LOVES the taste of straight coffee. I usually take it black or with a tiny bit of cream. The buzz is actually the part that I’m not a huge fan of!
Smooooothie. (Please, I’ve been without blender for a few months and its been a good while since I had one + winter’s for hot choc , and we ‘aint there yet!).
Congrats on 100 tol posts! I’ve never stuck with a series that long so seriously kudos! I’m all about delayed gratification..except sometimes that means I don’t shop for 3 months then I buy allthethings when I shop next lol
That’s basically me as well. I don’t go shopping TOO often, but when I go, I go big
I have the gold iphone 5s! Don’t be dumb like me and avoid getting a case for it. That’s how I kept breaking my phone earlier this summer. hahaha
I completely agree that snap peas are addicting. Especially when each one is covered in a huge blob of hummus. I hate that word. blob
Sugar snap peas are SO good!! However, do you know what I DON’T like? Snow peas. They look almost identical, but the taste is not even close. Apparently I NEED the sweetness!
I was strangely thinking about your chocolate smoothies yesterday on my run. I was INSANELY HUNGRY during my run (more so than usual) and was going to an early (for me) lunch so I was thinking “oh I’ll make a smoothie when I’m done to tide me over/use up produce and frozen foods”.
<——- genuine coffee lov-ah! Pumpkin hot chocolate please!
I am way more fond of cold drinks than hot! I would love to see the smoothie! And happy ToL Thursday.
And if you make it not require a stove I promise, you will be my favourite person alive! Congrats on 100 TOL!! 🙂
But how can you have HOT chocolate without a stove?! Maybe you can make it in the microwave…
And if you make it not require a stove I promise, you will be my favourite person alive! Congrats on 100 TOL!! 🙂
Pumpkin hot chocolate please! It’s getting soooo cold here!! 🙂
Pumpkin hot chocolate plzzzzzz!!! It sounds glorious! I have an iPhone 5. I’ve been wondering if I should get the 6, but not sure I feel like going through he hassle of setting everything up.
Pumpkin hot chocolate!
Also I love that Dirty Heads song! Good choice!
I nearly did the same think you did with the iPhone, then I realized I’d be VERY disappointed if I didn’t get exactly what I wanted, so I waited and it was so worth it. I very much love it 🙂
I don’t drink black coffee, but I DO like the taste of coffee.
no way, I LOVE coffee for the taste! I mostly drink decaf because I just love the taste!
The thought of coffee doesn’t get me out of bed because of the caffeine, if it did I could just drink tea or soda (bleh)! I love coffee for the smell, the taste, the heaven… :p
“…and a few bags of makeup and clothes instead” –> me every time I go to the mall, haha! And despite the fact that it’s muggy and insanely hot out right now, pumpkin hot chocolate sounds so lovely and delicious, mmm 🙂 but let’s be honest, anything chocolate is A-okay with me!
Congrats on the 100! I go back and read all the old ones (because I just found you months ago!) There great! Since they are predicting Pittsburgh to be another crazy cold winter, I’ll take the Hot Pumpkin Chocolate! Dairy free if possible lol Thank you!!!
I respect the opinion of people who don’t drink coffee, as long as it doesn’t involve them criticising my favourite beverage!! Grrrr
Can we have creamy chocolate smoothie please? I love your smoothies! D)