Hi friends! Happy Saturday!
I hope your weekend is off to a great start. Mine? Definitely can’t complain. After enjoying a leisurely breakfast…
Plain Greek yogurt – banana – blueberries – Weetabix – roasted almond butter – cinnamon.
… I got bit by the productivity bug, knocking off two loads of laundry, vacuuming, dusting, tidying, and even scrubbing down both of my bathrooms – all before 10 AM. Talk about productivity at its finest. I remember when Saturday mornings meant nothing more than slurping up the sugary milk left in the bottom of my cereal bowl and watching cartoons…
Name that show!
But now? Chores to do. Errands to run. Things to get done. Oh the joys of growing up. But honestly, I don’t even mind too much (aside from being on bathroom duty, that is). There are definitely times where I can’t be bothered to tidy up and put it off until I can muster up the motivation to get it done, but when that happens? Boom! I just get in the zone and can easily clean for a couple of hours. Love it.
Anyways, right now I’m taking a well deserved break and enjoying a snack while I plan out the rest of my day…
I’m not too sure what I’ll end up doing, but I’m thinking that nail painting, a trip to the gym, and a coffee date with a friend will be on the agenda. Oh! And before I forget, Blend is coming up (tickets go on sale tomorrow!) and I was wondering who was going. The reason I ask is because I’m really considering attending this year, since I’ve never been to a blogger meetup and always end up kicking myself for not going, but it’d be nice to know some people who are going to be there so I don’t feel like the odd one out.
Enjoy your Saturday, loves. See you tomorrow!
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Cleaning: love it or hate it? Favorite chore? Least favorite? I actually really enjoy cleaning, as long as I don’t have to do the bathrooms
Is anyone going to Blend? Has anyone ever been? How was it?
dada dada da dahhh da da da dada….that’s me singing the rugrats tune! love rugrats!!! and love productive mornings even more!! when you sit down with satisfaction afterwards….love it 🙂
I’m going to Blend.. if I get a ticket!! You should come!!
WOW. All that cleaning before 10am? Now that’s definitely what I call productive haha! That’s what my weekends typically look like – I work so much during th week that I don’t have time to get much cleaning or errand running done, so it ALLL has to happen Saturday and Sunday. eeep. I hope the rest of your weekend got to be slightly less “grown-up”!