You know you’ve had a pretty easy day when the worst part about it was the fact that your bananas weren’t as ripe as you’d like them to be…
Don’t get me wrong – I know how important a good, ripe banana is – but all things taken into consideration, there are definitely worse things out there… like still having to go get your blood taken; not that I’ve been putting it off or anything 😯 😯
But I digress. Today’s post is not about needles. Thank God. Today’s post is about something far more pleasant:
If I haven’t made it painfully obvious by now, or if you’re new around these parts (hi!!!!) I kind of love fruit – absolutely adore it – and I eat a lot of it. Let’s take yesterday for example. Over the course of one day, I managed to easily scarf down:
- 2 large bananas,
- ½ cantaloupe,
- 1 mini watermelon,
- around 3 apples worth of applesauce, and
- ½ lb. of blueberries
… and that’s a pretty typical day for me. Heck, I would probably eat more if I didn’t worry about having to save room for other foods. Should I be concerned?
I used to be. In the depths of my ED, fruit was definitely on my list of fear foods, and I would never allow myself to eat more than half a serving a day, if that. Fruit had too much sugar. Fruit would make me fat. Fruit was inferior to veggies. Does that kind of thinking sound familiar? My guess is that it probably does…
It makes me sad to see fruit get such a bad rap, especially when it comes to the ones with a higher sugar content like grapes, cherries, mangoes, and my personal favorite, bananas…
Almost every diet and weight-loss program I’ve ever come across advocates “avoiding or limiting” those fruits, claiming that their high sugar content can contribute to weight problems. Really?! I understand that there are people who have to watch their sugar intake as a result of legit medical conditions, but the idea that fruit makes people fat?
That’s just absurd.
Fruit is wonderful. Sure it has sugar, but our bodies need sugar to function, and what better place to get it than from fruit, where it comes with a host of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

I eat my weight in fruit on pretty much a daily basis, and I have yet to experience any sort of negative side effects. I haven’t blown up to epic proportions and I don’t struggle with my weight. I do wish that those ridiculous diet claims would die off, but I think that may be asking too much…
. – . – . – .
Fruit: friend or foe?
How much fruit do you eat in a day?
What’s your favorite fruit?
I can so relate to this! I hate when people say fruit is fattening and full of sugar; if that were true I’d way 700 lbs. And at 4’11 I barely border at 100. No I don’t have a super fast metabolism, but I do believe that food from nature does not harm you. I have days where I just wake up craving fruit like nobody’s business and will pound back 4 bananas for breakfast. What protein? And sometimes in the summer when its so bloody hot outside I’ll just settle for half a watermelon for lunch….actually that sounds pretty good for today. When I see people who are just like Oh I limit myself to one piece of fruit a day because the sugar content is soo highhh, I’ll just have a low carb cookie instead I’m just like um no. Eat all da fruit!!
fruit friend!! for sure 🙂 i’m like you in that I love bananas but my faves are berries and pineapple!! man i just love big chunks of fresh pineapple….ooh and kiwis. Yeah a perfectly ripe kiwi usually turns into two kiwis….mmmm!!
Haha oh my gosh I put off getting my blood drawn for almost 3 weeks until yesterday! It’s just so inconvenient and secretly kind of scary :/ Just get it done and you can celebrate…with more fruit!! I actually LOVE fruit as well and consume huge amounts of it on a daily basis. However, I think there was a point when I realized that I was actually eating too much of it because I would physically feel full but my body would still crave foods even though there was absolutely no room in my stomach. It took me a while but I found a good balance now between fruits and hearty meals 🙂 But to answer your question – fruit will never ever ever be a foe!!! Gimme all that delicious suga
While I am not a crazy fruit lover. That is just due to my preferential treatment of veggies. There does seem to be some misconception that fruit is bad for you due to the sugar content. What about all the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are so very important for our bodies.
I don’t understand the no-fruits thing, either. I eat a lot of fruit, and my weight hasn’t budged in years. The only times I gain weight are when I eat a lot of processed sugar– cookies, mochas, etc. I think people get freaked out by the word ‘sugar’ and try to avoid it altogether, and I don’t disagree, if one is eating fruit at the expense of veggies or proteins or healthy fats. But– if fruit is part of a complete diet, then go for it! A natural sweet treat, full of vitamins and water and flavor? Sign me up!
Yes fruit is amazing! I changed my diet to a plant based diet a bout 4 months ago and I feel 100 times better. My thinking has improved so much. My rapping ability has improved also. When I rap now, I can actually finish my verses at one time. My mind used to be so cluttered I couldn’t even think straight. I rap so fluently now it’s amazing what fruits and veggies can do for you and your body. I started with a detox then worked my way into this new lifestyle. Remember diet is part of lifestyle. Great post!
Alright, I may be going against the grain here, but let me give it a shot.
First of all, I’ve had a very touch and go relationship with fruit. More go than touch, but let me explain.
Deep in my ED, fruit used to be my go-to. It was the only thing besides veggies that I thought of as “safe”. Even while in recovery fruit was always safe for me. I would go through phases where I would freak out about the sugar content and refuse to eat more than a piece a day, but for the most part fruit was always A-O-K in my book.
However, now I find myself to be a little TOO okay with fruit. I’m still trying to gain weight, yet whenever I feel a ping of hunger I turn to fruit, knowing that it’s “safe” and healthy. But fruit doesn’t hold me over, and either leaves me still hungry, or bloated (Apples on an empty stomach are a no-go for me!). So my nutritionist told me I should try to LIMIT my fruit intake, because it seems to be getting in the way of me eating more nutritious foods, or other nutrients that my body needs that are often being taken place of by fruit. It’s not that I’m not eating enough calories, but that I’m substituting important calories (like fats and protein) with fruit.
With that being said, as long as you aren’t using fruit to replace other necessary foods, I see NO problem eating lots of it. It’s delicious (obviously!) and good for you. Just make sure you’re getting enough of everything your body needs!
Fruits are friends, not foes!! My phobia of fruit got pretty intense this past summer, but now? Gone, baby, gone. Berries, bananas, pears, and appbles of my fruit of choice. Oh so much fruity goodness. I can’t believe that I was convinced that my life would be better without it (because you know, better body = better life, right?!?!?! face palm)
Ooooo, lotsa’ comments and opinions. Looks like I’m late to the party on this one. 🙂 Fruit is def my friend. I limit fruits to about 2 per day most days, but if there’s fruit salad in the break room, extra strawberry in my smoothie, or a big ole’ watermelon at a cookout, fruit is the absolute LAST thing I’ll worry about. Nature’s candy!
Coming from an Asian country, fruits like blueberries and cherries are ridiculously expensive hence I can’t afford to be devouring them the way you do (haha).
Though, that doesn’t stop me from enjoying plenty of fruits because I LOVE fruits. I’m pretty sure I eat at least 6 servings of fruit every day and to be honest, it scares me sometimes thinking of the amount of sugar I’m consuming but come to think of it – what’s most important is that I enjoy the fruits and it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals and I don’t feel stuffed after all those fruits.
I know you’re supposed to ask the questions but I couldn’t help but wonder if you have tried any tropical fruit and happen to really love it?
Aside from the occasional mango, I don’t tend to eat a lot of tropical fruit. I used to really love pineapple but I developed an allergy (or something??) to it a few years back and now I get a bad stomach ache and rash whenever I eat any.
Love this! I eat so much fruit, I didn’t even or never would have thought it was weird until people started commenting on it… like at work, and even my boyfriends fam, and I did start hearing oh too much sugar, which I thought was insaaane. I know it helps curb my super sweet tooth, but its just what I crave and makes me feel amazing. I don’t question naturally good habits like this, and I hope no one does! I always have eaten like this… prob 7-8 servings/pieces a day? I’m not kidding… minimum day is like 4-5 pieces and thats when supplies are low. My favourites are grapefruits, cherries, grapes and raspberries. But I also can’t go a day without a banana (or 2)! And pears are really yummy right now!
7-8 servings sounds about right to me, too
hey Amanda!! I don’t know if you remember me, Eliza from Nourishing Mornings blog? 🙂 well, i made a new blog recently and i’d love you to check it out!
Anyway, fruit = Friend, hands down my favorite food group! I also was afraid of fruit while in my ed, yet now i can not comprehend how anyone could believe fruit could make you fat!
My favorite fruits are bananas, fresh figs, persimmons, dried apricots and raisins! although i really can’t choose favorites. ^_^
Of course I remember you, hun! It’s great to hear that you’re back – I’ll have to hop over 🙂 Hope you’re doing well <3 <3
Haha, i love this post… im a little fruit-loop too. i can easily pack away a whole cantaloupe in one sitting. In fact sometimes when im feeling abit grotty, eating a bit of fruit will actuallu make me feel alot better. its weird – maybe i used to be a melon in a past life :p
I look forwards to my evening fruit bowl, im loving chopped pear, kiwi, cantaloupe and frozen berries all mixed together. SO good 🙂
Fruit is, and always has been a friend of mine! Maybe not so much with my ED years ago, but with me? Oh, yes. I don’t know what I’d do without bananas–I eat 2-3 every day, and enjoy them at different ripeness levels, depending on how I’m using them. For eating, they have to be perfectly yellow (no spots, please!), for pancakes, oatmeal, and other breafasty items: lots of brown spots. For banana bread: preferably brown all over. 🙂
In addition to bananas, I usually have 1-2 more servings, usually in the form of berries, but if I’m lucky, mangoes! Oh, and tack on another serving for the avocado I eat every day, too. 😀
Well, “fruityrunner” – do I have to say more? 😉
Mmmm… you know I love my fruit too
Apples: 2 a day
Banana: 1 a day
Clementines: 2 a day
&& sometimes I’ll have another apple or banana.
🙂 🙂
Fruit is definitely a friend…BFF for that matter ;)! What’s even more absurd is the fact that I’ve seen fitness professionals discuss/post about “why they don’t eat fruit” and if they do, it’s only right before or after a workout. In my opinion, if fruit is the “unhealthy” part of your diet, perhaps your diet is a bit too healthy to even be considered that anymore. I don’t eat too much in a day because between fruit & vegetables, all that fiber doesn’t sit well in my stomach…but I still manage to eat enough to get my fix. Lately that has been in the form of applesauce & bananas- yum!
“if fruit is the “unhealthy” part of your diet, perhaps your diet is a bit too healthy to even be considered that anymore” <--- I couldn't have put it better myself. I mean, I know that kind of micromanagement is worth it for some people, but personally? I could never do it - too many rules make my brain hurt.
Love fruit!! Never a such thing as too much!!
Ahhh I love fruit so much! I was terrified of it during my disordered days also – I actually just very recently got comfortable with it. My favorites are blueberries, bananas, apples, oranges, and pineapple! And I love grapes too, but don’t buy them too often because they’re super expensive here in most stores.
Oh no! I sense that you are afraid of needles, too! I am absolutely phobic. I will go years(!) without getting blood work done, and the last time I got a finger prick, I passed out. A few months ago, I actually really needed to have blood work done, and I found that breathing and meditation helped a lot. Anyways, I’m rambling.
Fruit = BFF
And it’s hard to pick a favorite. My everyday fruit is an apple, but I also eat bananas every day. And sometimes I can’t think of a better snack than a sweet grapefruit. MMmmmm…
I’m terrified of needles 😯 I tend to put off getting my blood drawn as long as I possibly can, but at the same time it stresses me out because I know it has to be done. I also heard that popping in some earbuds and listening to music helps!
….I can’t stand it when people refer to “carbohydrates” as “sugar”. Also, the “sugar” that most people “watch out for” is Glucose, and the main sugar in fruits is Fructose. GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT, PEOPLE. Lol anyway, I’ve never understood the whole “fruit makes you fat” thing – completely the opposite of you, during my worst ED times I ate nothing BUT fruit. lol. And you’re right – the fiber, vitamins, and minerals that come with them – not to mention the polyphenols, which are POWERFUL antioxidants – are more than worth the “sugar”….which is in miniscule amounts anyways and the fiber allows it to be slowly digested….okay I’ll stop being judgemental over the internet now lol. I couldn’t even tell you how much fruit I eat in a day but my favorites are strawberries, clementines, grapes, and cherries!
Ahhhhhh fruit. Mi amorita! Nothing gives optimal energy to every cell, like fruit. Our trillions of cells run on glucose, and eventually all foods are converted into glucose. Digestion is the body’s #1 priority when food comes down (beginning immediately with digestive enzymes released via saliva) and it takes a lot of work for some foods (meat, nuts, etc) to be digested- and a lot of time. Ripe fruit is already digestible and perfectly so. Not only do we give our colons a nice break, but we immediately get the energy we need and the sweetness we want. Plus our lil hands are shaped perfectly for fruit. It’s my favorite! And makes me so happy! Cheers to eating fruit to your hearts content!
As if I needed any more reason to eat it <3
Amen! I love my fruit. My wallet doesn’t.
I can’t pick favourites, they are all so delicious.
Fruit is definitely a very very good friend of mine. My family always says that if theres any fruit in the house they have to eat it before I spot it because I will scarf down allll the fruit in the fridge. By the end of the day. I wish I were exaggerating.
My favorite fruit changes all the time, but currently I’d say it’s persimmons, apples, and pineapple. But I’ll pretty much eat any fruit. Minus durian. I don’t consider that one a fruit. So maybe if my family wants me to stop eating fruit out of the fridge that’s all they need to put in there. One whiff and I’ll be heading in the opposite direction 🙂
Girl, I am totally on your side with this! You know about the watermelon addiction already 😉 and then I easily go through 2 bananas, 1 pineapple, 1 big mango and handfuls of blueberries in a day. It used to really scare me that I might be the only one who could down so much fruit and still eat normal meals and snacks on top of it!
I totally agree about the weight loss nutrition program bit. I never had that feeling about fruit so when I hear people or programs say limit certain fruits or they are scared it irritates me. So it’s okay to each sugar-free chocolate bars but not fruit? No comment!
Ugh. I don’t even know what to say to people who advocate eating those cardboard 100 calorie snack packs over something like a banana… There are just no words.
I’m 100% with you on this!!! The best snacks for school are tangerines (christmas oranges!!) and cherries, grapes, bananas etc
I mean, fruit is practically natures gift to us 🙂 It would be rude not to accept it 😉
I looooooove fruit- it’s like nature’s candy!! I definitely eat a whole lot more in the summer – I’m partial to strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. I also love fresh peaches in the summertime. I never understood the whole fruit “taboo” thing. I eat at least 3 servings of fruit each day!
I am rather obsessed with fruit… there is honestly not one kind I don’t like! Of course I have my preferences but you get what I am saying 🙂 It’s interesting though, in the depths of my ED I actually would eat my body weight in fruit because it was the only SAFE food in my mind. How crazy are delusions were… the absurdities that are brains can make us believe that THIS is the only way to eat! You and I both swore on “rules” with fruit and they were completely opposite, wow that is just so interesting to me. Oh and yeah, we were both quite swept up in the ED, yeeshe man.
I’ve always found it pretty interesting how an ED can manifest in different ways for different people… that’s why it’s so hard to judge when someone is engaging in ED behaviours and when they’re being perfectly normal! Like to someone who was never afraid of fruit, the fact that I eat so much of it could be taken as a negative thing, but the fact that it was a big no-no for me in my ED and I can eat so much of it now is just a sign of recovery. Definitely interesting stuff…
Excellent post! I can’t enough fruit, either! I am totally with you on the worst part of of my day being that the nanner’s weren’t ripe enough 😉
I can’t eat a non-ripe banana! So tasteless.
Love LOVE fruit! I try to eat lots of it… breakfast, lunch and snacks.
My favorite fruit is strawberries. Wait! Honey Crisp apples. Wait! Cantaloupe. I can’t pick.
Again… love the pics on your blog!
Fruit is probably my favorite food group! I sometimes think I could become one of those 80/10/10 people because I just love fruit, but then again I’m not sure I could eat that much fruit every day!
A lot of my favorite fruits are the ones with more sugar, like pineapple, mango and dates but I’m so sick of people saying fruit is unhealthy. It’s completely natural, packed with vitamins and fiber–what’s so unhealthy about that? I just think there’s such a fear of sugar, but if it comes from the right sources, it’s totally fine!
And I’m one of those weirdos who prefers (most) of my fruit to be frozen. I freeze bananas, grapes and berries all the time and like them better that way!
That’s not weird at all! I don’t usually eat frozen bananas unless they’re blended, but grapes, mango, and berries are all things that I prefer frozen. Maaaaaybe not in the middle of winter though 😆
I have been downing bananas and apples like crazy over here too!! I hate when people tell you not to eat too much fruit… it is FRUIT! it is healthy, and gosh darnit I like it so I’m eating it!
im the same with my fruit.. especially in the summer time?! heck my shopping cart is filled with every fruit out there! the diet that really lead me into my bad eating habits was the NY diet, and its big thing was not eating fruit for the first few phases. I obv lost weight on it because it called for 800 calories a day! But in my mind oh its because im not eating fruit anymore so i stayed away from fruit for awhile because of that.. dumb mistake, i love it to much. esp the devil banana, i have bags and bags of frozen ones and eat a piece every time i walk by the freezer. bring on the fruit 🙂
800 calories?! Omigosh girl, don’t do that! I’m glad to hear that you left that all behind!
This all looks so fresh and delicious 🙂 I do love fruit, especially apples and bananas with peanut butter.
I am so glad you brought this up! Ever since I was little, fruit has always been my favorite thing to eat. I probably eat an equivalent amount to what you mentioned up there… But I’ve had the misfortune of coming across one too many health gurus claiming you should limit your intake. What!? They come naturally from the ground and who can resist a good piece of fruit? Come on!
It makes me so frustrated that people are restricting fruit now! I mean seriously people! It’s natural, whole food from the earth and there are A LOT worse things you could be eating! I’m sorry but no one ever got fat eating fruit. People need to just calm down with the rigidity and get over it. IT’S FRUIT. Aaaaah sorry for the rant. It’s just stuf like this makes me so mad. Just because a new diet fad all of the sudden swears off fruit doesn’t mean you should follow it. And I can’t believe people are starting to group fruits into good and bad categories….poor bananas and grapes 🙁
Rant away, girl… I know exactly how you feel. If one more magazine or website tells me to replace bananas and grapes with blueberries and green apples, I might just scream…
I don’t eat a lot of fruit… I used to eat only fruit when I was skeletal, so fruit kind of has a bad association to it for me.