And here we are at the end of another month, and not only that, but the end of another year. Resolutions are being made, parties are being planned, and the future seems to be at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts; but I’ll start looking ahead (and sharing my stance on the the whole NYE thing) tomorrow. Today, I wanted to look back at the past month and share some of my favorite things from December with you 😀
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. Food Favorites .
Even though I’m not really feeling this way so much anymore (thank you multiple sugar comas), I can’t deny that December saw some serious cookie and candy love…

Did I overdo it? Possibly, if my current lack of interest towards anything sugar related is any indication. Did I feel guilty for it? On a few occasions. But we’re talking the Christmas season, here – I definitely don’t plan on eating this way all year round (honestly, I don’t think my body could handle it), but giving myself a break and letting myself enjoy holiday treats really made the whole season feel so much more special.
There are way too many Christmases, birthdays, and holidays in general where restriction is my most salient memory, and I was determined not to let that happen again this year. Watching everyone enjoy a slice of chocolate cake while I sit there salivating miserably? Eff that. I’ll have my cake and eat it too, Aaaaaand I apologize for that tangent… Moving right along!
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. Beauty Favorites .
You probably aren’t surprised that Lush made into my monthly favorites yet again, this time with their American Cream conditioner.
I decided to give it a shot based on the recommendation of a reader (hi Sarah!), and I’m seriously in love. Not only does it smell amazing (strawberry milkshake, anyone?), but it leaves my hair feeling ridiculously soft and hydrated. I was a little worried at first because it doesn’t have the heavy, creamy consistency that I’ve come to expect from most conditioners, and it honestly didn’t feel like it was doing much as I worked it through my wet hair, but that’s actually the beauty of it. Hello what is probably the softest hair I’ve had since I was a baby, with no greasy or weighed-down feeling to speak of. This conditioner has done more for my hair than any other that I’ve tried, and I can’t recommend it enough if you have fine hair like I do.
I also can’t say enough good things about the new concealer that I decided to pick up this month…
I’ve been using (and loving) Maybelline’s BB cream for a while now, so I wanted to give their SuperStay concealer a try to see if I liked it as much. I do. They’re really not kidding when they say this stuff lasts 24 hours. Granted I don’t think I’ve tried to wear it for quite that long, but I put it on in the morning and lo and behold, it’s still in place by the end of the day. You know how some concealers fade and feel like they’re sliding off your face as the day goes on? Definitely not the case with this one – amazing quality for a drugstore brand.
December was also the month that I decided to get a little bold…
… with my lip color. I don’t wear lipstick all that often, and when I do, I usually keep it subtle and go for a pink or nude color. This month, being Christmas and all, I wanted to give a bolder red a shot to see how it would look. I eased into it by starting with Revlon’s Lip Butter in Candy Apple; and, liking how that looked, picked up a Cover Girl lipstick in Hot not too long after. I’ve always been a little intimidated by bold lip colors, but as long as you get one that matches your skin tone, they can look pretty darn nice.
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. Fashion Favorites .
I want to say my new Tory Burch boots…
… which even share my name, but I haven’t even had them for a week so it doesn’t seem fair. Instead, I’m going with the goofy David and Goliath tees that I picked up when I was in Vegas…
Ohhh these speak to my soul on so many levels. I mean, I enjoy getting dressed up and actually looking like an adult every once in a while, but I’m a kid at heart and 90% of the time you’ll find me in something comfy, loungey, and cute. This one especially makes me squeak in delight…
Closet dork forever, and yes, I still have my original GameBoy.
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. Book Favorites .
My book pick for this month is Drop Dead Healthy, by A.J. Jacobs.
It’s been a while since I’ve picked up a book related to health/fitness/diet/nutrition, but I was intrigued by the concept behind this one so I decided to take a closer look. I mean, someone going on a two-year quest to become the healthiest man alive? It’s gotta be good! From [temporarily] following the raw food diet to wearing noise reducing headphones all day, Jacobs tests a variety of health related theories to find out what actually works and what’s nothing more than a sham. He offers a lot of scientific backing for the theories he tests out, but it’s his own personal experience of actually putting the theories into practice that I loved reading about the most. Not only did this book keep me constantly laughing, but I loved the take-away message: do what you can to stay healthy, but don’t let it become an obsession that takes over your life. Towards the end of his book, Jacobs himself states that “in the name of mental health, [he had] to put an end to full-time, nonstop healthy living.” Love it.
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How’d you do with the Christmas treats this year? Ready to go back to eating normally?
What color (if any) do you wear on your lips? Are you intimidated by bold lips like I was?
What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
I’m pretty sure my diet has consisted of a steady stream of sugar, cookies, desserts, and candy since Halloween. You’re absolutely right – while it’s ok (and necessary!) to “indulge” and enjoy the holidays guilt-free, it’s not something my body can keep up with for prolonged periods of time. I found myself craving fruits and veggies after a few days that completely lacked anything that was actually grown 🙂
I love the lipstick color! I finally braved my bold color fear and bought a gorgeous deep plum-colored lipstick. It really is all about finding the right color for your skin color.
Happy New Year’s Eve, dear!
I like a bold-yet-neutral lip color, if that makes sense. Like a dark berry shade that is neutral enough to wear everyday, but dramatic enough so that you can actually tell I’m wearing a lip color (it really makes such a difference). I especially like the lip stains – they stay on all day!
As much as I tried to let go during this xmas month, I feel like most of my sweet-eating was out of obligation. I’ve deprived myself so long of my favorite treats, I just needed to try them again just to see if that ‘good feeling’ I used to get from binging on cookies was still there…it wasn’t…sort of disappointing. I wish I could just eat a bunch of christmas cookies and feel satisfied like I used to, but I can’t let go of that guilty feeling. I can’t tell if I’ve legitimately lost my taste for sweets, or if it’s my food-anxiety at work. At least I can say I’ve branched out to allowing myself to eat sweets, which is way more than I could have said a few months ago.
Absolutely love that take home message from Drop Dead Healthy…kinda fascinating to read about others coming to the same conclusions that you do! Still obsessed with those boots and love the lip color! I wore lipstick for the first time in ages the other day, I really should wear it more often. For some reason it still feels like I’m playing dress up and trying on my mom’s haha
I’ll have to keep an eye out for that conditioner, I have fine hair too and it sounds perfect!
I’m completely obsessed & jealous of those AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, MARVELOUS boots!!
p.s. FIVE days until your birthday =)
OMG so many DELICIOUS foods to choose from this month, lol!! I don’t think I could narrow down my favorites that’s for sure!!
I also think I need to look into Maybelline’s BB cream! Looks very interesting 🙂
And I am totally LOVING those t-shirts too…. I need to look into getting me one.
I’m all about bold lips! I tend to gravitate towards vibrant corals or fuschias, however occasionally I’ll go for a mild baby pink. When I’m out, I’ll often get comments from other women who say things like, “Wow, I love that pop of color – you’re so brave!” I don’t know whether that’s a compliment, or a nice way of saying “a little too bright,” but I do know that it makes feel like I’m shining bright. 😀
Eeee! The David and Goliath shirts are so cute! Love! I think I’d go for the milk and cookies BFF one first, however I sure got a good laugh about those melons. As for concealer: I’m a loyal Cover Girl stick wearer (I’ve been using it since junior high and haven’t found one that works better on my skin since!), however I may need to give Maybelline a try now.
Drop Dead Healthy has been on my list of must-reads for awhile now, but I’d actually completely forgotten about it. I couldn’t agree more with the author’s conclusion: the only way I can be mentally healthy is to approach my “health quest” with a good dose of subtlety, patience, and humor. 🙂
I’m definitely going with compliment. Your lip color always looks great 😀
Those tshirts are AMAZING and may very well be the only aspects of our style that we have in common. 😉 Even so, I love the idea that you’re treating your body so kindly with items and products that you love.
A.J. Jacobs is one of my FAVORITE authors! I read “The Year of Living Biblically” (he’s Jewish I believe) and DIED laughing. I’ve been wanting to pick up Drop Dead Healthy for awhile now! Glad it gets a good review from you 😀 I’m definitely gonna be trying out those beauty products too, I also have fine hair and a seemingly insolvable problem of my foundation sliding off…*sigh*. Props for rocking red lipstick too – I’ve never been brave enough to wear lipstick! And yeah I can’t wait to hear your take on New Year’s Eve – anticipationnnnnn!
Your take on NYE? I’m intrigued. 🙂 I love the boots, and that book sounds quite enjoyable. I can see why you picked it up. Oh, and to answer your question – heck yeah I’m scared of bold lipstick. It makes my lips look like balloons. ha!
OhMaGaaw, your litle shout-out to me just totally made my day/ made me smile so big!! I’m EVEN happier that you are loving on American Cream :). It is good, isn’t it? You got me hooked on their Honey Trap lip balm, big time.
And I’m giddy you were able to embrace & enjoy Christmas, & the deliciousness it brings. Ya know, even among the sweetness & baked goodies you have posted about, it was your savoury fare that really got me( this is weird). I’m STILL thinking about salatka- never tasted it, or know what it is, but it looks gooood.
Basically , loving all your favourites. I swoon for David & Goliath, too cute.Their over-sized hoodies are perfect for lounging. And I’ve been meaning to get that book( side note: I can hardly believe there was a period in your life where you did the raw vegan thing.)
Side note numbah2: I just made chunky apple sauce for like the 3rd time in a short period of time. It’s an addiction!
I think I went out to Lush the day after you recommended it 😛 Have you tried their Dream Cream? I picked some up for my mom for Christmas and it’s seriously amazing for dry skin.
And ugh… don’t remind me about the raw vegan nonsense. The only reason I don’t completely block it from my conscious awareness is because I want to remember how horrible it was so that I’m never tempted to try it again.
I want to read that book so bad, I’ve heard great things about it! Surprisingly, I’m not a huge cookie fan. I’m more of a muffin/bread lady! No clue why, but cookies have never really done it for me…unless I eat about 10 in a sitting;) I didn’t eat too much during Christmas, but I had some extra wine that I’m feeling sick of now…just new years to go and that will be over, and I’m totally okay with that fact! I used to hate bold lipsticks, but I’m not totally obsessed with bright red lips! I think they look so beautiful and classy. New favorite thing!
I am still overdoing it on Christmas cookies. Gah! I tend to restrict during the day to binge on them at night because I fear 1 or 2 or 3 won’t fill me up. I feel like I need so many to feel full and satisfied. Have you ever struggled with this? Has anyone else ever?
Sorry Karla 😕 It’s not something I’ve struggled with personally, but I’ve heard that restriction only exacerbates the problem, so maybe you could try working on letting yourself have treats throughout the day instead of labelling them as off-limits.
What a fun blog post! I am going to check out that concealer. My current one is gone within 15 minutes, I swear.
That book looks fun too! I am going to go request it at the library.
Enjoy your NYE! 🙂
Ive been trying to get back into the normal routine, and I have done pretty good! working out keeps me motivated. Im trying to watch the sugar and carbs, but tomorrow I know will be tempting, we will see how it goes!
Wow- still can’t believe December is over already- I loved all of you r December favorites – especially your new boots!! Thanks for sharing your new conditioner – a new must try for me!
As for lip colors I always wear shimmery beige colors – one of my favs is Chanel Unity.
Two words: cookie porn. hahaa!! But even though I’ve had cookie and sugar comas galore, I still can’t get enough of em! 🙂 And I’m totally with you on that book– man I fell in love with it! I literally wanted to hug that man when I was done reading it, his take on health is so refreshing in a world of perfection.
AHH I still can’t believe this month is already over! Time is just flying too fast!
Great picks for your favorites!
Since I’m really pale, I keep my lip color light (otherwise I end up looking like a mime or a geisha, if I wear dark lipstick). I go for a frosty pink color.
But that can be a really unique look! I’m pretty pale around this time of the year as well, but it’s still possible to pull it off 😀
First yes, yes and yes. I def ate a lot of everything. I spent an entire week with my boyfriends parents who are amazing cooks and drink until the sun comes up. (not obsessively or dangerously just enjoy good liquor) so needless to say my belly is full of fantastic cookies and eggnog. I can’t wait to kind of get on a better routine eventually.
I am so scared to do bold lips too…I think it looks like someone punched me in the face!
I ate a lot of Christmas treats too – I had dessert every night for the 3 days around Christmas and I had cookies during the days, but I wouldn’t say I went overboard. That’s pretty normal for the holidays! I’ve definitely cut down on the sweets now that the holidays are over though.
I’ve been really wanting to read that book! I find some things that people do for the sake of health to be kind of extreme and ridiculous, so I think that book would be really funny.
wait those shirts are freaking adorable, I would never want to take those off. I have wanted to read that book, people keep saying it is a real eye opener.
Haha, those t-shirts are awesome. I’ve been wanting to read that book for a while now, and after your review, I might just have to go out and get it!
I don’t wear anything but chap stick, but I would love to sport some bright red lips in far off cities. I had the normal amount of sweets I usually eat, which might be a lot to others haha. I want to read that book, anddd I LOVE your tshirts. So cute and so you. I too have my original Gameboy.
I think I am going to try that conditioner!! I have been looking for a new one – I use a drugstore one right now that is way too heavy for my fine hair and I feel like it leaves it greasy sometimes. But I also don’t want to use a thin one because then I feel like it’s not moisturizing enough…the way you described this one sounds perfect. Thanks for the tip lovey 🙂
Glad you’ve had a good month lovie! And like you say, this time of year only happens once a year so indulging is okay and more importantly, fun, when the rest of the year we do everything in moderation. Totally agree with you ‘eff’ sitting there watching everyone have their cake whilst you sit their miserably…life is definitely too short!! 🙂 I have definitely indulged this month with the run up to Christmas, Boxing Day and then my birthday today along with NYE tomorrow. But that’s okay, back to a healthy moderation soon and I have really enjoyed just letting go for once…my soul thanks me even if my body doesn’t and sometimes the body just has to deal with it 😉
You know, I LOVE red lippy and you’ve totally reminded me that I need to wear it more often! I’ve been going for a darker browner shade recently but I have been known for wearing bright red and pink, even orangey!
I think (know) I definitely over did it on the sweets too this month, but it is only once a year so I say go for it 😉 And those shirts are too cute.
I absolutely LOVE your t-shirts. I usually wear black clothes but sometimes I like to put on something that makes me look like a rainbow. :3
I don’t really often war make up. My lips are usually bold but when I decide to do some make up I decide to wear red or burgundy on my lips. 🙂
I’m going to spend New Year’s Eve with my mother including a few hours in the city centre. She came back home today after a few months working and I just want to spend time with her 🙂
Aww that sounds like a perfect way to spend your New Year’s! Mother-daughter time is the best 🙂
I definitely found it tricky to find a balance between indulging during the holiday season and managing feelings of guilt. Due to my guilt, for the most part I ate rather healthy. But I definitely splurged Christmas day and indulged in MANY desserts that I would not normally eat. I felt slightly guilty, but reminded myself that it was Christmas and it only comes around one time a year. An extra cookie or piece of fudge was NOT going to hurt me. In fact, it was actually quite freeing to just eat what I wanted. I am hoping that finding this balance will continue to get easier every year.
An extra treat definitely won’t make a difference when it comes to your health and body, but it makes a HUGE difference when it comes to your mentality – it does get easier over time because you start to fall in love with that feeling of freedom 🙂
I’m a total wimp when it comes to lipstick in general, especially the bold colors…maybe something to shoot for in 2013 😉 As far as treats were concerned, your philosophy was mine and I followed it pretty damn well for me especially this year, and while I am ready to go back to “healthier” eating, I want to keep working on opening up more and going for things that I want more often than things I “should” have, if that makes sense. NYE is going to be spent at a friend’s house with the boy, but they live close so we can walk home at the end of the night and sleep in bed, which was a requirement for me this year!
oh now i want to read that book! looks like my kind of experimenting! so glad you ENJOYED your holidays!
I’m going to have to check out that book! It sounds really interesting! I feel like December is the time to overdo it on sweets anyway and good for you for enjoying your cake along with everyone else! I spent too many years not doing it and its just not worth it!
I finally worked up the courage to try red lips this year! I’m still a little self-conscious though – I always fear there’s lipstick on my teeth. Love love love your new boots!
Haha I have that same fear… which is probably why I’m constantly licking my teeth when wearing red lips.
I adore that shirt- closet geeks unite!
And I had the same approach to Christmas treats – it only comes once a year, so enjoy it! I’ll be backing off the cookies for a little while now, (even my insatiable sweet tooth has had a bit too much) but I have no regrets. It was delicious and worth every sugar coma.
I’ve heard great things about that book, I’ve been meaning to pick it up!
Although you won’t catch me going on any detox, I am so with you about going back to eating more normally…yes I’m that crazy person who is craving veggies ;)! Loved that book too and thought it had a great underlying message: there are infinite ways to be healthy, we just need to pick your battles to avoid going crazy in the process! Those goofy t-shirts are to cute- I have that milk & cookie one and I am such a gameboy fan too…you would love my current iPhone case:
(I have the black)
Have a great Sunday, Amanda!
Eeee! I DO love that iPhone case! Did you just order it off Etsy?
I bought mine from a phone store in London! Watching people’s expressions when they see it is always priceless :)!
You had a great month for sure! I’m seriously obsessed with Tory Burch.
Anyways, tis the season for sweets, so you did exactly what you should do indulging in the cookies 🙂 They’re worth the sweetache later 😉
Love the favorite posts!! So funny – I was always intimidated by bold colors for lips (my lips are – big..?) but this christmas I wanted to try RED too!! I bought a liner and lipstick from MAC and I am totally convinced. Not for everyday of course, but special occasions will do it. Your sugar stuff looks delicious. What is that cake thing? Did I miss a dessert recipe??? I will go back on a healthier track on Tuesday for sure, I feel that my body gets intolerant towards sugar and alcohol 🙂 I am bad. Happy Sunday, my Dear!!
No you didn’t miss any recipe 🙂 It’s just a chocolate cake loaf that my mom bakes around the holidays. Delicious, but definitely nothing out of the ordinary.