Oh. you. guys.
Why d’you gotta go warm my heart like that? Your comments on my last post… gah! Absolutely blew me away. You guys are definitely some of my most favorite people in the whole entire world 😀
And speaking of favorites, I’ve been seeing a lot of “Friday favorites” posts popping up around the blog world over the last little while, and since I like to keep my Friday posts light, and I have a massive collection of pictures that somehow never make it to the pages of my blog, I thought I’d do a favorites post to give you guys a little glimpse into what I’ve been loving this week… hope you enjoy!
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Dessert for breakfast…

Oats with pudding and almond butter. This is by far my favorite breakfast. No matter how many times I try and switch things up in the morning, I always come back to this combination. Is it the healthiest way to start the day? Eh. Probably not. Do I care? Clearly… which is why I eat it more often than not…
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Breakfast for lunch…
Since dessert for breakfast doesn’t really count as breakfast, I figure having a real breakfast around lunchtime is a good idea. Lately it’s been in the form of my favorite yogurt mess (Greek yogurt, Kashi Honey Sunshine, puffed wheat, Puffins, trail mix) and a smoothie. Oh, and speaking of smoothies…
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Frozen mango…
Oh. my. word. I got a little burnt out on bananas the other day (don’t worry, the condition has since cleared up), so I decided to throw some frozen mango into my vanilla tofu protein pudding in place of the banana. Can we say new obsession? Yes. Yes we can. This one’s a winner for sure…
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Spending time outside…

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous [for the most part] since summer officially arrived, and I’ve been spending every available moment outside soaking in the sun.
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I. am. addicted… The other day, I ate an entire cantaloupe that was literally the size of my head over the course of the afternoon. Oh come on… like you’ve never eaten your weight in fruit before. Don’t lie!
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Books, books, and more books…

One thing that I love about being done with school is that I have more time to read for pleasure since I no longer have to spend all of my time with my nose buried in a textbook. I just finished up Divergent, by Veronica Roth, which actually reminded me a lot of The Hunger Games – so if you liked those books, you’d probably like this one as well. Now I’m in the middle of The Help, and really loving it as well.
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Sweet and Savory Oats…
You probably saw this one coming… Sometimes I eat “real” dinners, but more often than not… I don’t. I used to be really big on the whole “dinner has to be dinner food” thing, which meant that dinner could never be sweet, needed to have lots of veggies, and had to have the right amount of protein/fat/carbs; but after being left unsatisfied after too many of those kind of meals, I decided to scrap that idea and just started going with whatever I was craving instead. The result? A happy tummy, a satisfied mind, and, dare I say it, more energy and less digestive complaints than ever before? Win, win 😀
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What was the last book that you read?
What have you been loving this week?
I recently read The Help and loved it!! I can’t wait for the movie to come out later this summer!
Hehehe, is that oats for three meals I spy?? Yes, your diet and I would get on very well..very well indeed 🙂
I’m reading Born To Run atm, and it. is. amazing! Life changing 🙂
I am most definitely a dessert for breakfast kind of girl. I think that’s the reason why I’m an early bird 😉 I am loving your mango smoothie. Looks delicious! 😀
The last series I read was the Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning. I was/am absolutely in LOVE with it. Now im reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, slowly getting into it.
I read SO MUCH! I love it… I’ve been meaning to read The Help for ages!
STILL reading Persuasion by Jane Austen… I. Hate. Required. Summer. Reading.
Naw, I kid… its not that bad… I’m just ready for it to be over, you know? And I want to read books that I actually want to read… but after this one, I have two more school books lined up. And they sound just delightful… especially How to Read Literature Like a Professor. Because I’ve always wanted to learn to read like a college professor, right? … Yeah.
the help is great! i just finished it and micheal pollan’s book in defense of food. now im readinf la casa en mango street. i looooove having all my summer time to read for fun. im such a nerd 🙂
La Casa en Mango Street… The House on Mango Street? I had to read that book my freshman year! How do you like it?
Oh my gosh, Amanda.
I’ve not actually been blogging for 3 months, but when I was I would always check to see if you had posted, and I always wondered how you were and what you were getting up too. Totally in a non creepy way 😀
Its so lovely to see you back and blogging again. 😀
Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.
Love Jess. xxx
Haha, I have definitely eaten a whole cantaloupe before (more than once actually). They are just SO good! 🙂
I’m reading The Help right now too, and I LOVE it! I was actually looking into reading Divergent…I’m now considering it even more :). Hope you’re having an awesome Saturday!
I am definitely trying your sweet and savory combo pronto! I am all about strange combinations so i’m sure I am going to love it. And p.s. I can totally eat breakfast foods all day long and be pretty darn happy. It’s the best meal of the day!
Such beautiful photos! As always 🙂 And thanks for the book recommendations! I’m always looking for new books to read. I read the Hunger Games trilogy recently so I’m totally interested in reading Divergent now. And I have been hearing so much about The Help lately too. So I guess I better get on that! 🙂