Happy Friday, friends 😀 Today’s post will be picture heavy and word light…
… because it’s rude to talk with your mouth full…
… and I was busy nibbling away..

So get ready for a random mish-mash of today’s events 😀
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Red Bull Kombucha gives me wings…
… as long as I don’t look down *gag*

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And speaking of lookers, brown bananas are quite the eyesore…
… but with a little work…

… they can turn into something beautiful delicious too…
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But what the heck was I doing inside when the weather was so gorgeous?

Boiling. That’s what.
Don’t ask why I bake on sweltering hot days.
I don’t know.
So when the bread came out, the shades did too…
… and it was time to head outside for a doggie play date.

Unfortunately, the bushes called the game early…
And even more unfortunate is the fact that Kaiah is probably chewing on my favorite pair of shoes as we speak, just to get back at me for posting such an unflattering picture…
But I can’t stop her because after my doggie date, I prettied myself up…

… and rushed out the door for a real date…
… but not before spilling my purse on the ground…
… and then stopping to take a picture…
It’s all about being fashionably late, right? 😉
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And speaking of dates, June 10th marks the 1 month anniversary of my cozy little place on the web. It feels like just yesterday that I decided to come back to the blog world, and I have a hard time believing that 30 days have already gone by…
I just wanted to thank you guys for making the past month so amazing. Honestly. I feel so blessed to be able to reach out and connect to such fabulous people, and I hope you guys know how much every comment and e-mail mean to me… They make me smile like a kid on Christmas morning, so don’t be afraid to say hi!
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Let’s talk dates: how far is too far on the first one?
First: a looooong overdue thank you for your blissful banana bread recipe. I made it using mighty maple peanut butter one time–it was fabulous. It was also the first time in a loooong time I had had the courage to actually eat one of my baked goods (with butter, no less!) Ie your banana bread=stepping stone in my recovery c:
Second: I am so happy to have been able to read your blog this past month. I used to follow your old blog, and I remember actually feeling relieved when I found your new one, as I’d actually longed to know how someone who was clearly so creative and beautiful had fared since her adieu to blogland. This past month has been such a celebration of your success and strength, and I am truly happy for you. I think it says a lot as to your character that you’ve drawn so many in and connected with so many through your sincerity, openness, honesty, and straight up kick-assedness. Some of your posts have hit me so hard and really shown me the potential for growth and recovery that lies in my future.
Hope your date was wonderful (if not, girl, it was him, not you 😉 )
Aww Kaiah is so incredibly adorable! I reaaally want a dog.
Happy 1 month anniversary! So glad you decided to come back because I love your blog! And I hope your date went well 🙂
Ohhh, I hope you had a fabolous time on your date Amanda 🙂 It is such a joy to be a part of your life and see how you are truely living life now. Keep shining beautiful ^^
I have gone too far too fast too many times in the past, but these days I have a hard time letting people into my life. There are so many experiences of being hurt that causes me to keep a distance to other. I realized this have to change after a guy I had shared wonderful experiences with for quite some time sat down with me and asked me to please let him in. To just give him a chance to prove himself worthy of my trust.
I guess the best thing ( according to me 😛 ) is to take some time to get to know the other person, listen to his words and the ideas he express before you make any serious moves. But, and this is an important but, a hug is allways good 😉 Haha!
Love you <3
I have that same nail polish. I’m jealous of such great weather! I live in Texas and it’s getting up to almost 100 every day 🙁
Wow, I didn’t know this blog was only a month old! You are such a brilliant and articulate writer (and eater, haha) that I would have guessed you’ve been doing it for years. And your dog! Oh my, she is so cute! I love fluffy, shepherd-like dogs
eeehh. I don’t like dating. Good thing I’m only 16 so I don’t really want to worry about that. I was in far too serious of a relationship pre ED so I’ve put that whole dating thing on the back burner.
I hope you had fun though!
Your dog, is too cute. As are you Amanda, such a pretty thang 😉