Happy Wednesday, friends!
Well… sorta. I had to say goodbye to J this morning, which doesn’t exactly top my list of favourite things to do. I didn’t manage to take any pictures of what I’ve been eating over the past week, so I’m going to sit out on WIAW for the second time in a row and update you guys on life as I currently know it instead…
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Current books: Would you believe that I’m still making my way through A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin? I started reading it last month, but the dang book is long (1051 pages), and I haven’t had the time to really sit down and commit to reading more than a handful of pages before I pass out at night. Getting there… slowly but surely.
Current music: Bravado by Lorde. I have to credit Davida for introducing me to this one (girl has amazing taste in music). I like it a whole lot more than Royals, and it’s been coming out of my speakers and buds on a pretty regular basis.
Current guilty pleasure: Curling up on the couch with a warm drink and a good book/movie when it’s either dark, snowy, or ridiculously cold outside. Talk about the absolute perfect excuse to stay in and do nothing at all.
Current nail colour: Naked! I’m going through one of those phases where I just don’t want anything on my nails because the slightest chip starts to drive me crazy and I don’t have the time/patience to repaint my digits every.single.day, so my nails are rocking out in their birthday suits.
Current drink: ALL the tea… and by all I really mean my absolute favourite Hot Cinnamon Spice blend from Harney & Sons. I’ve been drinking multiple a cups a day now that they weather turned cold and gloomy, and my latest shipment came in not too long ago, so I should be alright for a little while 😉
Current food: Two words: mug.cakes. Honestly, I think it’s mostly the coconut flour that I’ve fallen in love with, but I’ve been eating a mug cake of some sort pretty much every day since I first made one as part of Becky’s blogiversary celebration. It was love at first bite and we’ve been together ever since.
Current favorite show: Exciting news! Unlike the last few months, I’ve actually been watching a bit of TV (I blame the cold dark evenings). That being said, it’s nothing crazy exciting, since I’ve only been re-watching old seasons of Game of Thrones, but it’s a start, right? 😀
Current wish list: Well, seeing as I’ve been good and abstained from buying myself anything before Christmas, I’m going to stick with what I said last month: these holiday gift sets from Sephora.
Hint, hint “Santa.”

Sephora Favourites – Superstars // Tarte’s The Tarte of Giving Collector Set
Current needs: A faster reaction time. Urban Decay released the Naked 3 palette last month, and it was completely sold out by the time I found out and tried to order one. And the same thing happened again when they restocked it a week later. Freaking.eh.
Current triumphs: Letting life happen. Even though I kind of freaked out when I found out that J was coming to visit me 2 days before it happened, [I think] I managed the change in routine just fine. It was great to be able to spend a week with him, and I miss him now that he’s gone 😥
Current bane of my existence: Long distance relationships! Le poop 😡
Current celebrity crush: *cough* (team Peeta!!) *cough* I blame going to see Catching Fire again.
Current indulgence: Christmas cookies! I probably bake more batches of cookies in the month of December than I do all the other 11 months of the year combined, but how can you resist the sweet siren song of snickerdoodles, shortbread, gingerbread, and chocolate crinkle cookies? Answer: you can’t.
Current slang: Errr… My mind is drawing a blank on this one.
Current blessing: The amazing people in my life. J, my family, my friends, you guys… I don’t know what I did to deserve it, but I don’t know where I’d be without it.
Current outfit: Boarding gear, more often than not…

Current excitement: You guys… Christmas is in 3 weeks. THREE
Current mood: A confusing mix of happy and sad. Happy about the holidays and the fact that I got to spend the past week with J; sad that he had to go back and I have no idea when I’ll be able to see him next.
Current link: Bloglovin.com. I’ve been a little absent from the blog world so it’s time to play catch up. Hopefully it’ll help keep my mind off the fact that it’s a little more quiet now that J is gone.
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Happy Wednesday, friends!
Give me your current:
1) … song.
2) … food.
3) … mood.
4) … outfit.
5) … link.
Don’t hate me but I am Team Gale all the way I think Miley is a foolish foolish girl for letting that one go!! 😉
I love Lorde too but haven’t heard that one so going to listen to it straight after I comment.
I’ve started reading The Testing, it is a series which is meant to be similar to Hunger Games, so far it is ok if not a bit cheesy but it is easy reading.
I have been binging on episodes of Hart of Dixie ever since one of my friends told me about it and I discovered it is in season 3. I lately haven’t watched much tv but I managed to watch the whole first season (22 episodes) in a week…and now I’m onto season 2 😉
Don’t tell, but I’m fine with playing both sides. Gale seems more like instant gratification, whereas Peeta is a better long-term investment 😆
Awww! I’m so glad you got a good solid week with J but *pouty face* for him having to leave so soon! I give you mad props girlie…I just couldn’t handle the long distance thing. Honestly, just being an hour away from your man is hard enough…especially when holidays fall on weekends and he travels out of town to see his family and you go two weeks without seeing him and barely talking/texting him because you work night shift and it sucks and then you get sick and your praying to the porcelain god for over twenty four hours and all you want is someone to come and hold your hair back…oh, I’m sorry, maybe that’s just me! Good news is I’m feeling better slash less puke-y today and I get to spend the weekend with him AND my family on Saturday to celebrate my birffffday! Hey, at least I got sick before my big day, right? 😉
Awwr lady! I’m glad that you’re feeling better <3
This song is AMAZING! It’s on my iTunes wishlist. =)
Song: ALL of the music on the soundtrack for Catching Fire. Love it.
Food: Overnight Oats – in a peanut butter jar. Which is surprisingly better than I thought it was going to be.
Mood: A little exhausted, but overall happy.
Outfit: VS Pink sweats and a hoodie from my college, UMD (University of Minnesota Duluth). Still rocking my morning comfies.
Link: Found this on a post from Julie at Peanut Butter Fingers. Its a must to watch. http://www.faithit.com/little-girl-saves-dads-life-cute-911-call/
I hate putting effort into doing my nails and then having it chip right away! I’ve never tried the Harney and Sons tea, but I love trying new brands so definitely want to find some. A warm drink with a book on a cold day always makes me one happy gal!
It can be a little tricky to find in stores, which is why I mass order it online a few times a year. definitely worth it!
1) … song. Classy Girls by the Lumineers. I’m obsessed.
2) … food. I’ve been loving all things salty lately! Potato chips, salted almonds, etc.
3) … mood. Hmmm…indifferent.
4) … outfit. Well..currently I’m in sweatpants under my covers but soon I’ll be in leggings, boots, a long shirt, and a long winter coat. My typical style this year.
5) … link. http://www.reddit.com Kills ALL my time.
Love your post!
1) … song: Hey brother – Avicii
2) … food: Wraps – I am still all into wrapping up everything!
3) … mood: Fall melancholy meets enthusiastic christmas spirit! A tad strange 🙂
4) … outfit: Boots and anything that goes along with them
5) … link: youtube.com
1) … song. Been stuck at “No End, No Beginning” by Poets Of The Fall for a while but I think it will be replaced by Christmas carols very soon.
2) … food. Having a very bad pizza craving. Real pizza. Not Japanese “pizza”.
3) … mood. Somewhere between meh in regard of uni and freaking excited about next week’s flight home.
4) … outfit. Skinny jeans and an aqua tank top over a black shirt.
5) … link. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1452416_764793510202135_1853193355_n.jpg For someone who’s never had a cat I have a weird obsession with cats.
Rant: I want to watch Catching Fire noooooooooow!!! (not out in Japan until the end of the month…)
I can very much relate to the obsession with cats. I’ve really grown to like them as I’ve gotten older, and I’d love to have one myself, but allergies make that kind of complicated 😕
I hadn’t heard Bravado yet, but I like it better than Royals also!
You’re so prettay! In My skiing and snowboarding pics I look like a polar bear 😉
I need to put Game of Thrones on my Christmas list! Every time I hear you mention it I am reminded again of how much I want to watch the show! (I also bought the first book a few weeks ago and hope to start it soon 🙂 ).
Team Peeta all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a bread-loaf powered sleigh… Hey! (<< If you didn't just begin singing that to Jingle Bells, shame on you. Haha.)
1) … song. Scotty McCreery's Christmas in Heaven
2) … food. Turkey.
3) … mood. Tired.
4) … outfit. Athletic pants and t-shirts. (Jeans for classes though!)
5) … link. My school e-mail system. How boring. I wish I could say wordpress or bloglovin but I just don't have that much time right now.
I blame you for the fact that I’ll probably be singing Jingle Bells for the next 3 days…
1) … song.
Demons…and the Chipmunk Christmas song 🙂 and Spice Up Your Life (SPICE GIRLS FTW)
2) … food.
Amy’s rice mac and cheese…so unexpectedly good
3) … mood.
4) … outfit.
leggings, thermal tees and infinity scarves
5) … link.
(fake, but still hilarious)
I didn’t realize you had a whole WEEK with your guy! That’s amazing! I’m sorry that it’s over, but really glad that it worked out and was able to happen. I’m glad you introduced me to mug cakes because wow are they amazing. And I don’t even HAVE coconut flour.
1) … song.
Listening to Bravado from your link… it’s one of my fave’s on her album, Lorde is so amazing.
Other than that – It’s Hard Out Here by Lily Allen. SO fun to run to.
2) … food.
I made a monster salad for dinner… followed by one of Davida’s pumpkin snickerdoodles!
3) … mood.
Tired. A little annoyed but… content?
4) … outfit.
Sweatpants and a child’s Texas Longhorns T. It’s the softest shirt ever and was a freebie sample when we closed our kid’s line.
5) … link.
Respectful rappers: My bestie sent this to me as a pep-up yesterday: http://respectfulrappers.tumblr.com/
That respectful rappers is so strangely sweet. I hope it worked to cheer ya up <3
LOVE that song by lourde! And I love these “currently” posts you do!
I cannot believe Christmas is in 3 weeks. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was knee deep in Halloween candy. YIKES!
1) … song. anything on BPM radio
2) … food. all you can eat Indian buffets, chocolate
3) … mood. blah/sad.. but optimistic
4) … outfit. my housecoat that has PB stains all over it + sweat pants
5) … link. oh geez, I don’t know!