I’m a little ashamed to admit this, but one of the best parts of my Monday morning was waking up, grabbing my phone, and seeing that Google Reader still worked. The second was coffee tea…
And the third was breakfast…
Eggy oats layered with plain Greek yogurt and topped with almond butter and honey.
Blogging, brewing, and breakfasting… not a bad way to start any day if you ask me. Except that things didn’t go quite as well when I tried to do the same this morning…
RIP Reader…
Not a good start, mobile Feedly. Not a good start. And never mind the ridiculous time I was awake… Sleeping in (read: sleeping past 5 AM) is pretty much wishful thinking for me at this point. I have no idea what it is, but I’m trying to cut back on caffeine to see if that helps…
Considering I didn’t have any coffee yesterday and still woke up at the crack of dawn today, I’m going to go ahead and assume (read: hope) that’s not the issue. Too many things on my mind, I guess? Hopefully things settle soon.
Anywho, I spent the rest of yesterday running a lot of random errands that I’ve been putting off, but I won’t bother boring you with those (think banks, car wash, drycleaners, and a trip to the hardware store). I will, however, share my grocery haul with you guys, since I know we all like food…
Pantry: Kashi Blueberry Oat Clusters // Barefruit apple chips // Crofter’s North America jam // Mott’s applesauce (strawberry, peach, blueberry)

Produce: celery hearts // tomatoes // baby greens // baby carrots // cucumbers // apples // pears // bananas
Perishables: vanilla Almond Breeze // Amy’s margherita pizza // salsa // Oikos 2% plain Greek yogurt // kombucha // Natural Selections deli chicken
See that epic stash of bananas? I wasn’t kidding when I told you guys that I was slightly obsessed with them. Those should last me to the end of the week, and if not, you can bet that another trip to the grocery store will be happening – running out of bananas just isn’t an option around these parts.
Actually, let’s talk about grocery shopping for a sec…
I used to love it. I had no problem making multiple trips a week (I could seriously have gone every day), visiting multiple stores to pick up everything that I needed, and spending a good chunk of time walking up and down the aisles, trying to find new and exciting products. Now, though? I’ll only make 2 trips a week max, and I like to be in and out as quickly as possible, which usually isn’t a problem since I basically buy the same things every time and have my route pretty much mapped out.
I’m taking it as a good sign, though. My grocery obsession coincided with my eating disorder, (and I’m not trying to say thisis the case for everyone who likes to shop), so I’m taking the fact that I no longer have such a big interest in it as another sign that I’m well on my way to healing. Squee! Either that, or it just means that I’d rather spend my time/money shopping for makeup… but let’s go with the former – it sounds better 😉
Happy Tuesday, friends!!
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Do you enjoy grocery shopping? How often do you go?
What’s your favorite thing to shop for? Clothes? Food? Makeup? Home decor?
I 100% support and even applaud your banana obsession. Thanks for sharing your grocery goodies; I love a good glimpse in someone else’s cart.
Hahahaha. Poor Feedly. Its job has been hard for the past week. First it refused to do the one-click transfer of my Google Reader info on my laptop so I installed the mobile app. Then the app decided it was a good idea to load in Japanese and I was that close to uninstalling it and sending all my feeds to hell. However, now it works pretty well.
I still enjoy food shopping but I don’t obsess over the things I buy and cooking isn’t a religious ritual anymore. Sometimes I just go window shopping. Like yesterday – it was too hot and I just spent about 3 hours in a shopping centre. I got home only with a pen and a nice dark Lindt with coconut (pure bliss!) Not buying stuff doesn’t make wandering around shops less enjoyable at all. One of my favourite parts of the mall along with the supermarket and the camera shop is the kids section. So many toys! 😀
Do not even talk to me about banana obsessions!! I had 3 for breakfast this morning alone haha. They are hands down one of my favorite (if not my favorite) fruit! Running out of bananas is not an option in my house either! I may or may not have an emergency stash of 20 or more in the freezer….and counting.
That IS an epic stash of bananas! I, too, used to enjoy grocery shopping a whole lot more in the past. Not that I don’t enjoy it now…I do still love my weekly grocery runs, but I don’t spend the amount of time there that I used to. Now I prefer online shopping 🙂
As long as I have a list and my boyfriend is with, I definitely love grocery shopping…as long as we are in and out as quick as possible. Making a list cuts back on those impulse buys (those still happen if we are tired/hungry!) Meal plans have become a savior for our different work schedules.
Favorite thing to shop for? I’d say workout clothes – the super cute ones! Home decor is always fun to – cannot wait for my first home!
I loveee grocery shopping – I’ve always loved it [or so my momma says] 🙂 Strolling down the aisles first thing in the morning without the rush of others around is so relaxing to me… I usually don’t make a list since we buy a lot of the same things weekly, but I also like seeing what’s new and trying a few new-to-me products each week!
Oh god, grocery shopping= death. My boyfriend and I just get IN and out, but its SO nice that we live 20 seconds away from a big ralphs! We lucked out! Have you tried Newsblur? That’s what I use… not GREAT, but does the google reader job!
Before moving to Kuwait.. you know the time I had a car… I would go multiple times a week. Did I need anything? No not really, but I enjoyed browsing and seeing what was new. However now that I’m kuwait and have to take a taxi wherever my little heart desires, Joshua & I will go every Friday but that’s about it.
I love grocery shopping — I have been traveling for a few weeks now and it’s one of the things I miss the most! Those oats look delicious btw!
I used to LOVE grocery shopping. I would go multiple times a week, hit up different stores to make sure I could get the exact products I wanted, and spend hours wandering the aisles…
I don’t even have time to THINK about doing all of that anymore. I tend to make it to the store once (maaaybe twice) a week and am in and out as fast as possible. I’ve got much more important and exciting things to spend my time on- not to mention both of my jobs! I definitely think it’s a sign of healing though and I’m happy you’re in the same boat!
PS: Have you tried any sort of meditation or yoga before bed? I know it sounds silly but it actually helps my sleeping a lot. (:
I haven’t – I usually just read. I don’t have a problem with falling asleep or waking up throughout the night… I just can’t seem to sleep in because my brain wants to get started on my day nice and early. Bugger.
I’ve been having trouble sleeping in (and by sleeping in, I mean past 6 am) these past few days too! Maybe it’s something to do with the full moon we just had. 😛
Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one with a not-so-slight banana obsession. I have them once a day, if not more!
I like grocery shopping, but only 1-2x per week. This is one of the reasons why living back at home is driving my crazy – my family doesn’t meal plan and they seriously go to the grocery store every single day. It’s so inefficient lol.
Totally drooling over those oats, I have a new love in life; almond butter…I want it on just about anything!
I go to the grocery store once a week, I hate going more than once, only because I hate spending money all the time lol.
Yes! AB on ALL the things. It makes my peanut-allergy heart do a little happy dance when I hear people say they love AB 😀
I love grocery shopping, but I think it’s for the organization factor. Making lists sorted by aisle and then crossing things off the list…that’s my idea of a good time right there. (I know I’m weird.) I would love to go daily, but I would easily go broke if I did!
I still like grocery shopping but not as much as I used to. It’s mostly because now I have my own apt and have to pay for all my groceries and actually get enough to make 3 meals a day every day.. which sometimes feels like a lot of pressure to figure out how to do most efficiently and cheap
Ooh love that you got a pizza margherita 😉 awesome pizza pick! Bananas are so wonderful- I have been thinking adding Nutella to make frozen banana sandwiches would be extra delcious 😉 I don’t like grocery stores- probably why I eat out a lot- to avoid extra shopping lol! But genoa has amazing street food and local takeaway, I don’t mind shopping for fresh filled baguette, pastizzi, farinata or focaccia 😉 ooh and gelato cone shopping is extra delightful (sometimes samples are needed you understand ;)) I hope you can get a good sleep tonight lovely girl
I’m right there with ya! While I still enjoy getting out and meandering through the store when I have the time, when I was in the worst part of my eating disorder, I could have spent half an hour on every aisle…dreaming up things to cook for other people, but never for myself. I could NEVER eat something that “fattening.” Anywho…I take it as a good sign!
Try writing your thoughts, worries, plans down before going to sleep. I find that sometimes this helps me get it off my mind and not worry about it anymore. It’s like I already worked it out with myself before I turn the light off.
That’s a really great practice for falling asleep, but I don’t really seem to have much of a problem with falling asleep – it’s staying asleep that’s an issue for me. It’s like my brain starts thinking about all the things I have to do that day and wants to get them done as soon as possible… I get super stressed when things start piling up, so that definitely might have something to do with it.
Yeah…that’s exactly what happens to me when I can’t fall asleep. Usually I’m good once I’m able to fall asleep. Maybe you could try writing things down when you wake up? Either way…hope you’re able to get better sleep!
It’s sooo weird! Since I’ve been getting busier throughout the past year I’m less focused on grocery shopping and don’t enjoy it like CRAZY LIKE I USED TO! And it’s really odd that you mention the disordered pattern, because when I had that mindset I definitely loved to go like–everyday!! It’s quite strange, really….
And when we start running out of bananas Greg and I have this look when we see the dwindling stash, almost like our eyes start to twitch. Haha! I hope you have a great day and take care, Amanda!
I’ll admit – when I didn’t see your post in my reader this morning, I was a bit concerned. Glad to see you’re A-okay 😉 My feedly was giving me some issues this morning as well. Quite frustrating if you ask me! I’m weird about the grocery shopping thing, sometimes I love it, and other times I loathe it. I’m pretty much at the point you’re at. I like what I like, and I can go in to the store and get exactly what I want and be out quickly. I take pride in the fact I have grocery stores mapped out in my head 🙂
I’ve been using both Feedly and Bloglovin’, and it’s weird because some blogs show up faster in Feedly, and some show up faster in BL. Nothing seems as reliable as Reader so far 🙁
It’s funny grocery shopping is something I’ve always been fascinated with but it does closely relate with my obsessive and restrictive food habits. The more restrictive the more I like to just look at all the food. (and never buy) Weird.
One thing I do love though is going to grocery stores in foreign countries and seeing all new product.
Another reason I like them is because I’m a designer and interested in great package design.
Also your breakfast looked bomb!
I totally did a little happy dance when Google Reader was still up! Your oats always look so amazing. You should do a tribute to oatmeal like Kath Eats. (Yes, it looks THAT good!) I’ve had a busy morning too. Today was an errand day as well. How do errands take up half the day? It’s crazy stuff! I went grocery shopping too (we had the same schedule!) My favorite thing to shop for is probably fruits and clothes. I eat so much fruit (countless apples and bananas 🙂 ) and love dresses, so those are my top two things to shop for. They have nothing in common, but what can you do!
So funny – lately I have zero patience for my several trips to the grocery store a week combined with my lack of interest in my multiple stores a week search for the best deals. I have had enough these days and thought that maybe it is because it is summer? Whatever the reason is, I just don’t feel like it. But someone has to stock the house appropriately. I have still been going every few days but limiting the amount of stores I go to and trying to get best price yet forking over the extra cents to save myself from multiple store trips.
Why was I not aware that Mott’s made an unsweetened blueberry?! Clearly, I need to get my hands on that. And I’m wondering if maybe Feedly just got overloaded with all the people making the switch over? It better clean up it’s act, because I was not impressed with it today.
And I like grocery shopping, but not nearly as much as I used to. I like shopping and I like meal planning, but the sooner I can get it done, the better. Only one trip a week for me, unless I need something crucial (baby carrots, or my cilantro has gone bad and I want/need to make guac). Nothing compared to a few years ago when I insisted on accompanying my mom to all grocery trips so I could scrutinize everything that was going into the house.
And yup, you are definitely a banana fan 😉
I may be crossing over to the Bloglovin’ darkside… Shh… Don’t tell Feedly.
i swear i am at the grocery store 2x a day for ingredients. Good thing i like to go, well most of the time. I hate going to costco, but i love costco supplies. Weird i know.
p.s. Bloglovin is awesome! didn’t understand feedly
no wonder feedly was acting so funky this morning, I really do miss google reader. that thing had me back for a good four plus years of reading. I only go once to the grocery store a week, I like it, I really do but the whole multiple stores a week was totally an obsession of mine in those dark days. thank goodness for none of that!
Food is my fave shopping thing by far! I’m not massively impressed with Feedly for things at the mo, I like bloglovin but I like to be able to scroll through my feeds and check the ones I want to come back to and read and comment on and mark the rest and read and I’m still trying to figure out how to do that with Bloglovin!
The only thing that’s helped me with that so far is organizing my blogs into different folders. I have ones that I read/comment on every day, ones that I comment when I have time, and ones that I don’t comment at all.
I feel like I end up at the grocery store three times a week. But in the city its hard to get large batched of things. Usually I buy what I’m going to cook that day.
I liked grocery shopping when we first moved in together and I made meals for us…yeah that got old fast. Now, I try to use what I’ve got and look for sales to try to get everything done in one shot. I do still love farmers markets, because I love talking to farmers about food and knowing where it comes from! I’ll make two trips if one is to a farmers market….but I feel like I’m getting robbed at grocery stores.
I can’t drink caffeine after around noon or else I usually can’t fall asleep! 4:30 am is EARLY girl! I actually like grocery shopping, but it depends on where I go and what I have to get. If it’s something like the farmers market, I love it. If it’s Costco on the other hand, forget it. Too crowded!
Is it blogger-inappropriate to admit I never used Google reader? I feel like the odd one out with everybody being a little – or a little more – sad about its discontinuation. Sorry! I’m going to reawaken memories of when one of my favourite magazines was discontinued to imagine what it must feel like for all of you.
Oookay, so I do like grocery shopping quite a bit, still. With all kinds of stores right around the corner I hardly ever make one huge but many small grocery trips. It’s also more practical not having a huge fridge and therefore not enough storage space.
Strawberry kiwi applesauce? That sounds delicious!
I’m sorry sleep is still wonky for you. After reading your post on it a while back I think you really do everything to ensure good sleep so that’s a real pity. If caffeine’s the issue: it’s the same for my dad. Caffeinated beverages after 2 PM and he’ll have a hard time falling asleep later. Non-caffeinated espresso doesn’t affect him, though. But I assume you tried that already.
Oh, also: a blogger exchange sounds pretty awesome to me :).
I found grocery shopping to be a lot different in Europe, and much more enjoyable. All of the little shops and farmer’s markets everywhere made me want to go pretty much every day 🙂 And the problem I have with sleep isn’t falling asleep, but -staying- asleep. My brain just likes to wake me up at 4:30 or 5 and refuses to go back to sleep 😕
I’ve never used Google Reader and have only started using Bloglovin since hearing so many things about Google Reader going extinct, but I have to say I love Bloglovin!
I always get really excited to grocery shop when I’m starting a new health kick. Currently doing Whole30 and couldn’t wait to get in the store – I’m sure next week will be a different story.
I love grocery shopping- seriously impossible for me to make a quick trip to the store. I love looking at everything, reading new products, finding the best price for what I need, and well I just love food so it only makes sense. Every 2 weeks or so I do a “big” shopping trip for canned/dry goods and other essentials but I am at Wegmans about once a week for the fresh stuff.
Favorite thing to shop for is workout clothes–like seriously addicting. I have a dresser full of them and still can’t stop checking online for deals constantly! I guess there are worse things to be addicted to!
I definitely love to grocery shop and look for new products and such! I’m not sure if it’s eating disorder related or not, but I used to gawk over the things I wanted to buy… But now, I buy some of them. I guess it’s a step in the right direction? However, I haven’t been doing much shopping lately due to knee issues so I’ve been on the down front as far as going out there. I guess it’s a good thing since I don’t have much money to spend 😛 My FAVORITE thing to do is go in Barnes and Noble, though… I could spend hours in there.
I still think bloglovin is the way to be LOL. I’m not even ashamed that I don’t like feebly…I feel like it’s a line straight down the blogging world…who really cares though honestly. I like to grocery shop when I have more time. Right now it’s honestly a hassle on top of working.