Yesterday was a little nuts… literally.
It all started (#1) when I checked my Twitter feed first thing in the morning…
Oh.em.geeee. Now, you guys know I have a serious crush on Maisie Jane’s almond butter, so I’ll unashamedly admit that there was some major gushing and minor happy dancing going on around these parts… followed by (#2) a rendezvous at breakfast, naturally…
So good. A little while later, I had my third nutty encounter of the day – a luscious love affair with a certain nut named Justin…
Oh.em.geeee. As much as I like the vanilla almond butter, I’m going to go ahead and say that the maple is so much better. It’s not as sweet, which I actually appreciate, and I’m Canadian, which means I have an innate affinity for anything involving maple syrup 😉 Seriously, though, it’s good stuff. Unfortunately, nutty encounter #4 was far less pleasant…
So there I was sitting in Starbucks, typing away on the computer and minding my own business, when some lady just sat down at the other chair at my [small] table (without asking mind you), pushed my stuff aside, put her coffee and scone down, and started complaining about how there was nowhere to sit because every table was occupied by one person with a computer.
Uhm? 😯 I’m one person with a computer… one person with a computer who’s trying to get some work done and enjoy her coffee in peace, thank you very much. I did my best to be cordial, and mostly just ignored her, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t giving her a serious stank eye in my head.
I mean, I would have had no problem if she had asked to sit down, but barging right in like that? And then chewing her food too loudly, sipping her coffee with a little too much vigour, and walking away without so much as a thank you? No, lady. That’s just plain rude… /endrant.
But enough about that nut. Moving on to nutty encounter #5, which was far more enjoyable…
I was feeling super snacky when lunch time rolled around, and when I saw Sam post an Instagram pic of her snack plate lunch that included these toasted coconut almonds from Blue Diamond, I deemed it a very good idea and decided to follow suit…
You guys… these are good. They have the perfect amount of coconutty flavour paired with the wonderful crunchiness of toasted almonds. I die. I’m basically praying that Canada is on board with this. I mean, my swag stash is only going to last for so long, and I’m not really looking forward to the inevitable withdrawals that’ll follow when I run out… But moving on to nutty experience #6…

Oh.em.geeee. Someone tell me why on earth it took me so long to get a milk frother, because these things are amazing. I found this little gem in my HLS swag bag (thanks CocoaVia!), and I’m seriously kicking myself for not investing in one sooner. You guys know how much I love my foamy cappuccinos, so you’d think I would have caught on to the concept of homemade froth ages ago. Not so. Clearly I needed a little outside encouragement. Oh, and if you’re wondering how this was a nutty encounter, it was almond milk 😉
And last, but certainly not least, nutty experience #7…
Roasted kabocha and almond butter… no other words are necessary.
Happy Friday, friendly faces! 😀
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What nutty experience have you had, or are you planning to have, today?
Favourite combo: nut butter and _______.
Dude, right on there brrhoet.
RE: – But the money didn’t go “into the economy.” It went into bank reseveres and losses, where it has effectively disappeared.Excess capacity in capital and labor, global wage competition, a consumption based economy with high debt and rising unemployment expressed as falling GDP, all feeding back into the 30+% of the economy dependent upon government tax revenues and spending- none of that supports inflation. – Rate this comment: 0 0
Oh my goodness- that person sounds so incredibly rude! I would have DEFINITELY been handing out a couple of stick eyes. Who does that?! So rude! Anyway- I am now craving justin’s nut butter like a mofo right now!
Man this blog post is just nuts! What’s really nuts is the woman at Starbuck’s. How very intrusive of her. I need to get my hands on some of those Blue Diamond nuts. They look like the ideal snack pack.
I seriously think there needs to be a blog about rude, weird people at Starbucks!
I’m in love with my milk frother! (Ugh auto-correct is putting the dreaded Red Squiggly Line under the word “frother” but we all know it’s a word…) I even find that almond milk froths up better than the regular dairy milk my family uses, so I use it all the time. It’s great for hot drinks, but super-cold chocolate milk all frothed up with a colorful straw is also the tastiest midnight snack sometimes.
You are basically a saint for putting up with that table-intruder. I can not control myself when someone invades my personal space, and it has gotten me into trouble a few times. That’s just one of the rudest things I think a person can do, especially when you’re so obviously trying to concentrate! I hope you get to enjoy your next coffee in absolute peace.
Haha! You DID get to try them! I told you, right? BLISS! And omg, I’m so glad I didn’t waste my money on the vanilla Justin’s…I love the maple but I think it’s sweet enough! Though I guess it doesn’t really matter anyway…since the ol’ nut butter stash is winding down, I went out and bought a JUMBO container of peanuts AND collected up all my other mixed nuts…oh yeah, there’s gonna be some food processor action goin in in here REAL soon! I can’t wait to experiment with some flavors I’ve been thinking about! Maybe I’ll make my OWN vanilla almond butter! 😉
I swear, my milk frother is one of the best (and cheapest) investments I’ve ever made! Actually, you just reminded me that it’s been a while since I whipped it out! Hmmm…
I canNOT believe that lady at the coffee shop! That IS nuts!!
I’ve been playing around with the idea of making my own almond butter, but the sound of them grinding away in the food processor freaks me out! I feel like it’s just going to start smoking and blow up at any second 😯
Haha! I know what you mean! The trick? Add a little oil…OR soak them first! 😉
Aren’t those coconut almonds the best? I bet they’d be amazing on banana oatmeal made with coconut milk topped with dried pineapple and coconut flakes. Holy crap, one sec, I need to go write that combo down so I can remember make it!
And speaking of nuts, that woman sort of sounds like one. Who sits down at someone’s table without even asking first?! I would have been majorly annoyed – when I go to coffee shops, I like being in my own little zone.
My nutty experience for today was Barney Butter on my pumpkin oatmeal this morning. So good!
That was certainly a nut-filled day! And very cool that Maisie Jane’s tweeted you. The different variations of almonds you’ve been showing lately on the blog look delicious.
I had a similar experience at the movie theaters. I was with my hubby, and there was literally a ton of seats, but this family chose to sit RIGHT next to us. I had my bag in the seat next to me (since there were SO many open seats I figured this would be ok) and she sat down next to my bag, then proceeded to toss her bag, her coat and everything else ON TOP of my purse. My purse wasn’t small mind you. I then reached through her stuff, grabbed my purse and slammed it down in front of me, and she still didn’t even bother to say excuse me or sorry. Ninja was about ready to kill her lol
That would drive me nuts. Depending on how hungry/tired I was, I’d probably be very tempted to shove all her stuff on the floor…
The other day I told my brother on the phone I had a date with my boyfriend Justin. He didn’t get the nut butter reference, and it was in that moment that I realized how pathetic my life is. I’m glad someone else out there unashamedly loves nut butters. I got a tweet from Chobani the other day, and I got quite giddy, so I totally understand your little happy dance!
I want some nut butter!!! 🙁 I must find me some pumpkin seed butter soon or else I will die. 😉
That lady at Starbucks…seriously?!????
Ahh yes, kobacha and almond butter is indeed a winning combination 🙂 I am finally back to eating the stuff occasionally, as my orange hue has lessened in intensity! Phew. Watch out for excess beta-carotene Amanda, that stuff can catch up on you fast haha. But at least you’re eye sight will be stellar 😉
Justins maple almond was the FIRST AB I ever tried and instantly fell in love. I agree, it is less sweet than the vanilla, and just seems to go better with foods
That lady is a stinker indeed. I’m glad you stayed there and didn’t give in to her crabbiness and lack of etiquette when it comes to getting a (dumb) point across!
I’m definitely keeping my eyes open for the orange hue and trying to keep my portions reasonable. Gah! Why does this stuff have to be so darn good?!
I’m pretty sure I commented on most of these things on Instagram already (love the ab, milk frother, and kabocha, no surprise there) so I will comment on the coffee shop thing. I swear this ALWAYS happens to me. I swear I am a magnet for overbearing table-less folk who like to disregard personal space and politeness. End rant.
I had those almonds today too. So amazing.
Nut butter + banana
I don’t buy nut butters because for one, I go broke because I can’t portion my servings, and two, because they get me in serious tummyache trouble!:) Yet, I go through about 5 quarts of almond milk a week ( can I get a huge hello to some Silk unsweetened vanilla- YUM!) and go through shredded coconut like it is going out of stock someday with my homemade chocolate coconut raw energy bites. I do totally adore the new Artisana superfood nut butters but my wallet does not!:) If you get a chance to try them though, the Gogi Milk Thistle Cashew tastes so much like peanut butter, it’s insane!:) Thanks for the delicious posts and I now realize that my life is incomplete without a milk frother:)
You know how I like my peanut butter and soy pudding combo?
Well…7 puddings in 4 days. Sorry-I’m-not-sorry.
You should have whipped out your frother and thrown it in her face. I bought something similar ages ago from Ikea I think, and lost it between the car and home. Clever.
For someone with sticks predominantly to almonds as their preferred nut (restrictions or no restrictions) You certainly keep it varied! I will have to give that kabocha a go- I was on Lucie’s page earlier and she too, ate kabocha sweet with a chocolate sauce so now I’m keen!
Nut butter + spoon = happiness.
Your new homework assignment is to go back to Ikea and get another frother. I hear it’s a good one, and it’ll change your life – promise. And you also HAVE to give sweet kabocha a try. It’s pretty much the only way I eat it these days.
That lady? Oh my- how obnoxious! It sounds like you handled the situation very well though. I’m so awkward when things like that happen so I probably wouldn’t have said anything either.
I’m glad you finally tried Justin’s Maple Almond Butter. It’s unbelievable (like all of his products). It’s funny- I totally stopped eating almond butter for the past few months in lieu of peanut butter but cracked open a new jar last week and I almost died. Almond butter >>> peanut butter. The end.
I love you just a little more for saying that <3
People can be so rude at Starbucks! Creepy too.
Haha…any plans for the wknd? 🙂
Heading to the farmers’ market and meeting up with a blogging friend tomorrow, and then dinner with the family on Sunday. Hopefully I’ll find the motivation to get some nagging errands tackled as well…
OHmmgeee I’m having some serious food envy over here! How rude of that lady at Starbucks though, no respect these days. And you had me at roasted kabocha….I die!
I’m loving all the almond butter. It’s the best 🙂
Wow! That is really obnoxious! I would have told her to get up or said I was waiting for someone else.
And best combo—Crunchy Almond Butter and a big Apple!
Um, rude! There are no (appropriate) words for that lady.
Am I the only one that thinks it is fine for someone to sit down at the chaur/ table? The rude part was shoving your stuff aside!