Hi friends! Merry… no wait, that’s not right… Happy New Year!
Today’s post is coming at you a little later than usual because I didn’t end up getting home until after 2 last night (this morning?), so I ended up sleeping in a little. I probably could have prewritten a post yesterday and scheduled it to post so that I could stay in bed, buuuuut then I wouldn’t be able to chat with you guys while eating breakfast…
I briefly considered trying out a new breakfast for the New Year, but I was honestly too tired to think up anything different and ended up on autopilot through the whole breakfast-making process. Sleeping in or not, I still only managed to get around 5 hours of shut eye last night, so you’ll have to forgive me for being a little scatterbrained – I’m thinking that an afternoon nap is going to be very necessary today.
Oh! I should probably fill you guys in on what it was that kept me up so late. Okay. So. I was originally going to go out to the movies and then hit up downtown to watch the fireworks with the boy, but there was a last minute change of plans. About an hour before we were supposed to leave, the boy called me and asked if I wanted to go have dinner at his parents’ and meet his family. No pressure, just something to consider.
Cue panic. I’m generally all right with adapting to a change of plans, but meeting the family of the guy I’m dating? That’s not something that you just spring on someone! I need at least a week to freak out , obsess, and prepare!
I had 54 minutes.
Not going to lie – my initial reaction was to say no. Every ounce of my comfort loving self wanted to stick to the original plan and tell the boy that I could meet his family another time, so that’s exactly what I… almost did. Even though I may have slightly hated on resolutions in yesterday’s post (which was a little more cynical than I wanted it to be), I have to admit that it was the fact that it was the New Year that motivated my final choice. I went… and I’m so glad that I did because I ended up having a great time. Good food, fantastic people, and tonnes of fun (Taboo might just be my new favorite game)? A great memory for sure. Oh! And speaking of great memories… Remember that year-long project that I briefly mentioned at the end of yesterday’s post? Time for the big reveal…
A… jar, Amanda? Yes! But not just any jar – a jar filled with 365 good memories. I got this idea off Pinterest, and what you do is start with an empty jar and for each day of the year, you write down the good things that happened to you on that day and throw the paper in the jar. At the end of the year (or, I guess, whenever you could use some cheering up), you open the jar and read about all of the amazing things that happened. It’s still too early to write an entry for today, but I started one day early so my first entry reads:
December 31:
Pushing myself to step out of my comfort zone and having a great time meeting the boy’s family.
Happy New Year, loves. All the best for the upcoming 365 days 😀
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What was your first breakfast in 2013?
Anyone else interested in filling a jar with good memories?
And… how was your NYE?! What did you end up doing?
Wow I love this project idea! Very cute. I think other options would be a quote a day, or something you are thankful for each day. I did a cute thing once where I saved wine corks from special dinners or drinks with friends, special dates, etc. and wrote who I was with and the date on the cork, then saved them in a beautiful class vase and used it as a living room center piece =) Every once and awhile I would look through the corks and remember those special nights.
Wow wow wow so much excitement around your parts up in Canada!! Congratulations on taking the big and brave step and meeting your man’s parents. That’s huge! I’m so happy to see that your relationship is reaching such wonderful levels. I sense 2013 is going to be a great year for you in your romance sector!
And I loved the memory jar idea so much that immediately after reading this post I tore two papers and wrote memories from yesterday and today on them. I have the perfect jar at home to use for this 🙂
Happy New Year Amanda!! Wishing you only the very best for this year <3
Yay – so glad you had a wonderful time!!! I LOVE the jar idea. I’m totally doing that!!!
What a great story! That’s great that you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone and were rewarded for it by having a great time. Great way to kick off the new year. And taboo is the best game ever, I’m kind of obsessed. And I love that Pinterest-inspired idea!
Love this idea, what a great way to look back on the year at the end of 2013. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Amanda! May it be full of joy and success!
My Reader almost gave me a heart attack when I came back from a 2-week break but I’m slowly catching up on reading. Not so much on commenting though 😛
Holidays can be stressful sometimes but I’m sure you had a great time with your boy’s family. I spent my NYE at the airport in Istanbul waiting to board a plane and sending my wishes to the people I love via telepathy (hope it works!) because even the wifi wasn’t cooperating with my festive spirit.
I’m not positive and persistent enough for a jar like yours but I think it’s an awesome idea 🙂
I think I would have fainted when I saw my Reader after two weeks 😯 I’m glad that you enjoyed some time away from the computer with your family 😀
By chance, I just happened upon your blog again. I used to follow you a few years ago, and I have definitely missed your insight. It’s so nice to see you back again. I hope you enjoy blogging again, because I will definitely enjoy coming by here again.
Happy 2013! May it be a good one 🙂
I am so happy I read this post before I went to bed last night! I absolutely LOVE the Memory Jar idea! You bet your balls (okay i know you don’t have any…), that I told Joshua we are doing this all year! I am so excited for the end of the year to come only so I can look back & see what made each day so special. You are the GREATEST!!
p.s. I’m so so SO happy that your visit w/ the boys parents went so well. How could they not love you though??!!!
May 2013 treat you wonderful! <3
Love that you’ll be doing this! I hope you share some of the memories on your blog, too 😀
Cheers to you for mustering up the courage to meet the boy’s family! I would have been *terrified* too, especially considering some of my previous “first-meet” experiences (think serious grilling…with too much alcohol involved). I’m so glad it went smoothly, and that you enjoyed yourself!
I LOVE the memory jar idea, and miiiight have to make one myself. 🙂 When I was in high school, I kept a journal, which served as a place to record major thoughts and activities from the day. Even though I’d jot down just a few lines each night, I’ve really enjoyed re-visiting those memories. I only wish I’d kept it up through college and post-graduation!