What’s up my fellow cereal lovers! Happy Wednesday to ya! 😀
Before we start celebrating the deliciousness that is WIAW, I need to make one more brief cereal mention because, as of today, I have a new favorite to add to my list, all thanks to a package that I received this morning from the ever so sweet and generous L…

She surprised me with a baggie of my newest addiction after hearing me lament about the fact that I wasn’t able to find it in any of the stores near me…
Obviously, I had to dig in stat…

… and… Ohhhhh.mi.gosh. I’m in love. Both with L and Enjoy Life Double Chocolate Crunch granola. The chocolate. The crunch. The kindness. EeeeEEEEeee. I’m smitten…
… and now I’m ready to party…
When it comes to extremely serious and life-altering cereal vs. oatmeal debate, most people tend to agree that oatmeal wins at breakfast time…
Eggy bananafied steel cut oats topped with almond butter and pudding.
While cereal wins at snack time…
Blueberry Greek yogurt, Kashi Honey Sunshine, puffed wheat, cocoa ginger snaps.

… and sometimes even at lunch time. But today, I was feeling a but more savory when the clock struck noon, so I decided to go with something that I haven’t had in a while…
Tofu stir fry! 😀
All I did was saute some pressed tofu and veggies (bell pepper, celery, mushrooms, broccoli) in toasted sesame seed oil and soy sauce, add in a spoonful of sunflower seed butter (this is key) when it was done, and plopped the whole shebang over a bed of noodles. Speedy. Scrumptious. Satisfying.
After letting that digest for a while, and because I was busy with work this morning and couldn’t get my workout in, I decided it was time to get my sweat on, so I headed to the gym for a full body weight session.
As of last week, I kind of gave up following the NROLFW lifting plan. It’s not that I wasn’t getting results, it’s just that I found myself getting bored and not enjoying my workouts as much. So, I scrapped the plan and came up with my own routines based on whatever I felt like working that particular day.
I made it halfway through, though, which is pretty good considering my issues with commitment. One thing I have no problem committing to, however, is my beloved post-workout snack…

1 cup frozen mango, ½ cup almond milk, 1 scoop vanilla whey, 1 tsp. chia seeds.
Apparently, I also have no problem scrapping dinner and snacking the afternoon/evening away…
Greek yogurt, Kashi Honey Sunshine, puffed wheat, Cinnamon Puffins, trail mix.

Chocolate chip cookie dough balls
Random craving: steamed broccoli, hummus, ketchup 😯

Teeccino. Chocolate pudding spiked with cocoa powder and almond butter.
Eggified spelt flakes with cottage cheese and jam.
Yeah. I don’t know either. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and honor those cravings. Speaking of which, I’m feeling a banana&AB craving coming on, so I’ll end the night on that note.
I hope you’re all having a wonderful [insert whenever you’re reading this], and I’ll see you tomorrow with the giveaway winner! 😀
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Do you always eat set meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Or do you sometimes find yourself snacking the day away instead?
Do you ever experience some bizarre cravings? Some of the weirdest ones I get hit with are ketchup, salsa, mustard, and pickles.
Yumm! Definitely craving right now.
Thanks for the suggestions!
all your eats look deelicious as always! – I definitely find myself snacking away ALLLL the time…Some days are just snack-ier than others. hehe 🙂
And I also have the strangest cravings sometimes! Some of your pictures (the tofu stirfry!) are actually sparking my cravings 😉
I swear, toasted sesame oil MAKES a stir fry! I’ll have to try throwing in some SSB next time…yet ANOTHER reason for me to fall in love with my beloved nut butter! 😉
I usually stick to normal meal times during the week, but on the weekend anything goes! And you should know that I’m one of the poster children for bizarre cravings! Last night I had 1/2 a pita dipped in raspberry chipotle salsa and the other half dipped in a mix of mashed banana and peanut flour. Couldn’t decided on sweet or savory, so I went with BOTH! Haha!
I try to keep my meal times the same. Love the recipe! Anything with apples is awesome
I want that bowl of cereal with the cocoa ginger snaps…and that oatmeal and those chocolate chip cookie dough balls!
It’s nice to plan meals, but I often find myself going for snacks (especially when I have school or at my internship). The weekends are the best to plan for meals and try new things.
That’s a funny question because I usually end up turning my meals into snacks by eating snack foods 😀 Cereal is one of my top favorites! Oh I saw that same granola at the store yesterday. I should’ve picked it up! I’m drinking my first cup of Teeccino as I was reading this post. I’m liking it very much! What flavor is yours? I think I’m having a chocolate pudding craving after seeing your snack haha. I think it’s time for one.
Any time is a good time for chocolate pudding 😀 And the flavor of Teeccino that I have now is mocha, but I’ve tried their chocolate mint and almond amaretto and really love those as well 😀
I usually eat set meals and snacks. I feel best when I eat on a schedule!
This summer I have turned into a “snack-through-my-meals” monster!! I start school next week though, so it’ll be back to breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack again. I’m actually looking forward to the structure, but not looking forward to all the prep that goes along with it! I feel like I’m able to listen to my cravings better when I snack. I guess that will just be for weekends though.
The things that I tend to get random cravings for are boca burgers, eggplant, pickles, and tomato sauce. And now I’m craving chocolate granola and it’s all your fault! haha.
omg yay! that’s the new granola from enjoy life <3
i have always admired your creativity, which is so evident by how you take a product and style it (as only you can) by pairing it with other scrumptious foods to create the perfect meal. i would kill to have a meal made by you, especially your breakfasts!!
xoxo <3
EEeep! I couldn’t agree more! I’d kill to have a meal made by you, girlie!
Um Chocolate chip cookie dough balls.. wow those look good!
I’ve been trying to stick to 3 meals with a snack in the afternoon, but during the weekends that doesn’t always happen!
Mmm good day of eats! I love tofu during lunch – I find that when I eat too many veggies at lunch (read: salads) my stomach ends up hurting!
I’m pretty sure my family thinks everything I eat is weird. Mine usually involve random condiments too! I’m far more likely to snack through lunch and not have an actual meal than to snack through dinner. What can I say, I love me a big meal for dinner 😛
It’s actually quite rare for me to have three square meals/day. I always eat breakfast, but when I’m on my own and without a structured schedule (as it’s been most of the summer), I snack for there on out. A post-workout snack always happens, followed by a mini meal an hour or two later, followed by another mini meal…and another…and another. 😀 I prefer to eater smaller amounts continuously throughout the day because doing so keeps my energy levels high, and prevents my tummy from becoming overwhelmed. Plus, snacking is just more fun! Many different foods and flavors in one day adds a little extra zest to life.
Strange craving: (prepare yourself for gross out!) I really like hard boiled eggs and mayonnaise, aka egg salad or deviled eggs. I know most bloggers find this combination rather repulsive, but it’s pure comfort food to me!
Amanda, I keep extreme binging at night. This is not the way i want to gain 🙁 Its wrong. I still do not exercise ever. I’m crazy cause I should but my legs are dead weight (probably cause I”m so terribly out of shape after 3 years of sleeping and sitting and binging). At night, I can exceed 1000 cals in chocolate and carbs…gross. Every. Single. Night. It has to stop. Its just boredom and depression. Its causing bad bowel issues (C)…do carbs worsen the C I wonder…gosh, any help? I have to stop this. Have to.
I NEED TO TRY YOUR POST WORK OUT! WOWWWWW! Looks amazing Amanda 🙂 And eggified spelt flakes!? I must find out how you do those 🙂 That picture looks fabulous 😀
That really is quite a crazy craving. I am loving your post-workout snack. I wish I wasn’t so lazy – I’d make those more often!
Usually set meals but at weekends or holidays I snack much more and don’t have a lunch.
Weird cravings? Pickles too. Actually anything pickled – onions, beetroot or actually Branston pickle. Mmmmm.
I am so sorry for not commenting on your blog. I do read all your posts, but often I do not find the right words to formulate a comment. I could blame it on your beautiful pictures, who make my mind go into ” must eat” – mood, which clearly is a distraction ;P
I am one for both set meals and snacks. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, supper, snack – that’s my day 😀
Bizarre cravings… Hmmm, nah – nothing bizarre about me 🙂
Sometimes I definitely just snack through the day. Although, my snacks can be more meal-sized haha. All of your eats always look so yummy :). I want to eat them all the time!
I’m a big snacker. I used to try and avoid my cravings but now I just go with what my body tell me that it wants and it works for me. The eggy bananafied steel cut oats look amazing!
I have that granola and I love it!!! Which is funny because I’ve tried the other Enjoy Life granolas and I don’t really like them all that much. I guess it’s the chocolate that makes it so good. 😀
I always eat actual meals because otherwise I just don’t feel as satisfied. But of course I need my snacks throughout the day too!
Hmm my weird cravings lately are cream cheese and sub sauce. 😛
Ahhh I am such a big snacker..I just can’t stop! I try to have three set meals – mostly because for lunch and dinner I figure I need something other than sweet things because otherwise I would literally live on cereal, nut butter, bars, muffins, cookies, dried fruit…so I gotta get my nutrients from ‘real’ food I suppose! 🙂 I much prefer my snacks though hehe! And gahh, everytime I see those cocoa gingersnaps I really want to try them!!
I’ve been seriously craving kabocha..probably because I haven’t had it so long and I can’t get my hands on any..oh and broccoli too! But it’s okay because I have a HUGE bag of it in my freezer yum 🙂
I would send you my kabocha if I could! I still have one sitting on the counter, and as much as I want to dig into it, I’m scared that it’s gonna cause me stomach problems again 🙁
*drool* double chocolate granola… ohman, just the sound of that makes me excited! and super jealous.
Its coming into mango season over here! Im so excited, mainly because of the smoothies I can make with them!!
Gotta love them random cravings! You know what, I have REALLY been craving broccoli lately. I don’t know what it is, but every night when it comes to dinner decision time I want it, sadly I’m out of it today so I opted for a tofu scramble.
I am going to have to try sunbutter in my stir fry, I would have never thought of adding it.
And to finish this comment on quite a random note, you have lovely nails. hahaha, I’ve noticed this before and forgot to comment on them. Not creepy I swear!!
Because I’m very prone to overeating or bingeing, I do try to follow structured meal plans because the more times I eat in a day, the more opportunities there are for me to go ‘over the top’. Not so much the exact meals, which I tend to ‘wing’ according to the day, but the ‘three meals, two snacks’ with breakfast and snacks being sweet, with lunch and dinner savoury. Otherwise I’d get through a jar of nut butter and bags of dried fruit every day, which are obviously okay in moderation, but I…don’t ‘moderate’ them very well 😛
I always crave ketchup! And when I’m feeling ‘off’ I get strange cravings for salty foods…salt/vinegar crisps, salted PB and nooch mostly.
Your day of snacks does look yummy though!
I’ll often snack through a meal! I prefer snacking away anyway- much more fun! 😀
Haha YOU’VE just given me a MAJOR cereal and granola craving!! I think it’s snack time now 😉
I often crave mustard. But wholeseeded mustard…
it’s odd.
I eat it with everything if i crave it.
Your pictures are always so good. i just want to eat the…picture…x
As I meal plan for avoiding waste mostly, I tend to have set out dinners, however, recently by body has been telling me straight up what its craving and I have ended up snacking a lot more than usual, I think working things out so that I can ‘go with the flow’ a bit more and have a snacky day would be great for me!
I think we have the same taste buds!! I love Enjoy Life food brand, especially their cookies!! I love the combo of hummus and ketchup and I just discovered those cocoa ginger snaps last week and i already went through one bag :/ Thats awesome you stopped doing the workout because you werent enjoying it. I usually beat my self up if Im not enjoying a workout!! Some of my cravings other people mighnt find weird, but other bloggers actually give me the ideas!! (cottage cheese + cinnamon or yogurt +pudding mix!!)
Your meals…just.pure.deliciousness. 🙂 I am always snacking my day away + eating my breakfast, lunch, and dinner..Yeah, I spend a lot of time eating, I think 🙂
I have a lot of bizarre cravings, I like to add pickled anything to everything, like I am constantly pregnant or something 🙂 I like to have cocoa and PB in my chilli. I like to eat cucumber+apples+horseradish+mustard salad with almost any meal. I ama bizarre eater 🙂
you take the most GORGEOUS photos!!… i never did NROLFW too… i just made up my own routine!
Lately ALL my meals have been very snack-y and light, but also frequent. I dont know if this is good or bad…I probably need to beef the minimeals up for health sake, anywho..
I get random cravings for tuna, mustard, broccolli.
i’m totally an all-day-grazer more than a sit-down-and-eat-big-meal-er!
and i also am 100% like you that i crave random things – like condiments ! i often make food to accompany my craving for condiments like hot sauce, salsa, guac, honey mustard, nutritional yeast, etc ! teehehe
and if you love sun butter (like i do) you should try chocolate covered sunflower seeds. but i warn you…dangerously addictive.
thanks as always for the inspiration!