Confession: I did it again…
… I played with your heart, got lost in the game. Oh baby, baby. Oops you think I’m in… err… sorry, but sometimes I miss that song. And I can’t believe I just admitted to listening to Britney Spears in my younger years. I wasn’t a huge fan of hers or anything, but I have to admit that she had some catchy tunes. But back to the point – I did it again… I cheated…
Breakfast: eggy banana oats with cinnamon, roasted almond butter, honey.
And the worst part about it? I went back to my main squeeze that same night…
Night snack: Weetabix softened with milk and topped with almond butter and blueberry jam.
Please use kind adjectives when you think of me… Please. So now that we’ve addressed the topic of my infidelity and got the first and last meals of my day covered, how about we fill in the middle part, seeing as it’s What I Ate Wednesday and all.
Lately, I’ve really been craving simple meals (see breakfast above). No fuss. No muss. No pinch of this, extra sprinkle of that – just simple foods where I can taste all the individual flavors. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for getting creative in the kitchen, and I’m pretty impressed with some of the creations that bloggers can come up with, but when it comes to my own eats? I have to confess that I really don’t put that much thought or effort into them.
A simple morning snack…
Coconut Oikos and an orange.
A pretty basic lunch…

Amy’s cheese pizza and a chicken salad.
An afternoon coffee [and snack]…
Dry cappuccino from Starbucks.
A slice of banana bread that I baked up earlier this week.
A less than glamorous (read: cold leftovers) meat-and-potatoes kind of dinner…
Parmesan breaded chicken breast, baked potato with a dollop of Greek yogurt, and some green peas… most of which I ate prior to taking a picture.
It’s nice, though… to just be able to grab something simple and not feel like I have to add something just to up the calories or balance it out. To not worry about if what I’m eating will hold me over because I don’t mind going back for something extra if I get hungry again. To not agonize over coming up with the absolute perfect meal/snack, because heaven forbid I’m not 100% satisfied with what I eat – it could ruin my whole day. As strange as this sounds, it’s nice not to care.
I mean, obviously I still care – I do my best to stay healthy and eat good food – but it’s nice not to have that obsessive mindset surrounding it anymore, you know what I mean? To not feel like one bad meal or day will throw everything out of whack. To just kind of go with the flow and not worry. I have no idea where I’m going with this, but I think I’m just feeling kind of sentimental about recovery this morning. It’s good stuff 🙂
HAppy Wednesday, friends! See you guys tomorrow for Thinking Out Loud!
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Do you ever feel like you care too much about what you eat?
Did you listen to Britney Spears growing up?
Cold leftovers: yay or nay? Big time yay. I actually prefer cold food. Even if something is freshly cooked, I’ll usually wait for it to cool off to room temps before eating.
I’m with you, I love love LOVE my leftovers cold AND I wait for my treats to cool before diving in. I don’t understand people that feel the need to heat everything first! I loved Britney, totally loved her. I still enjoy some of her music…yes..yes I do. I’ve been eating so “boring” lately, but it’s been working for me so that’s all that matters!
I was more of a Spice Girls fan when I was little. Okay I was a HUGE obsessed Spice Girls fan.
Cold leftovers are amazing. Especially Pizza. Cold pizza for breakfast may be my top 5 favorite breakfasts.
I do think I still care a little bit TOO much but I’m finding that balance. I’ve come SO far in the past year and while I never want to lose caring all together (I enjoy eating healthy and feeling good) I have those anxious days every now and then that will get farther and farther apart as I go.
As a follow-up to yesterday’s long comment lol, I have to say that I don’t think too much about food, but I sometimes worry about the reason behind that! I think it’s a combo of multiple reasons, but I can’t ignore the fact that I would feel pretty anxious if someone suddenly banned the main foods I eat and I’d have to come up with something new to fix up for breakfast and lunch!
I STILL listen to Britney Spears…. like you said, catchy tunes. But I’m also a Bieber fan, so….. lol… apparently I don’t have very high standards when it comes to music 😉
When I eat leftovers, I always try to eat them the way they were made the first time, so that includes reheating! But it’s pretty neat how some foods taste SO much different cold vs. hot.
I used to worry about the reasoning behind my careless attitude towards food as well, but after managing just fine in situations where I couldn’t have what I normally have, I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that I’m genuinely fine with just going with the flow. Maybe try to mix up your breakfasts and lunches and see if that helps?
I definitely listened to Britney growing up, whether I wanted to or not. I feel like it was constantly on EVERYWHERE. And her tunes stick to you like glue.
Definitely pro the cold leftovers. I actually love cold pizza. It’s equally as good as hot pizza, but in a different way.
And I most definitely think I care too much about what I eat sometimes. It’s a lot better than it used to be, but now sometimes I fear I don’t care enough. Slowly getting to a better balance.
I think I care both too much and too little about what I eat… lol. Just in different ways.
Work in Progress.
I vote YES on cold leftovers (most of them anyways). Definetely love having leftover roasted or steamed veg in my fridge (noshnoshnosh) and I will even eat my leftover fish cold.
Also.. I am telling watermelon that you are cheating with Orange. *wink*
😯 I thought we were friends, Missy…. I thought we were friends…
Not caring is the best feeling in the whole world ♥ Sounds like you’re in such a healthy space 🙂 …and i used to love me some britney! 😉
It’s a really nice feeling not to care. I used to subconsciously keep track of calories but one day I just made a point not to do it anymore and since then I don’t think about it. I think at this point I only care what I’m eating when it comes to foods I don’t like because I’m picky, which is kind of a relief. I love being able to eat a bowl of ice cream without thinking about it!
Oh, and Britney was my first concert. My poor corrupted 8-year-old self…
I get a little squeemish about leftovers but if I eat them I prefer them cold – ESPECIALLY Italian foods. UGH. I die just thinking about leftover pizza and tomato sauce. I’m liking your breakfast cravings just sayin’ 😉 It’s funny how you feel almost guilty leaving behind a beloved food to eat another. I felt bad for my lonely Kashi cereal this week because I neglected it for other foods haha. I definitely have the fear of “ruining” snacks. It’s one of the things I still struggle with because I snack but hold a fear of going “overboard”. Baby steps. Happy reflecting on recovery day! 🙂
Girl, I STILL listen to Ms. Spears 😉 Only while working out though if that has any redeeming qualities. I also prefer my leftovers cold! My husband always heats them up which I think is so strange. Nothing is as good as cold pizza or a cold casserole 🙂
Confession: I still have her on my iPod and get a little giddy whenever one of her older songs come on. No shame 😉
Britney Spears songs are good forever, no shame here! That banana look is looking really yummy right about now.
Can’t believe you’re still “cheating”! 😉 I find that when I have LESS time to prepare a meal, I’m less picky. Sometimes my lunch breaks are super-quick & I’m starving so I just toss whatever I can in a bowl & call it a day! Lately I’ve been crushing on ricotta cheese with apples & bananas & cinnamon of course. Mmmmmm.
My Mom didn’t really let me listen to Britney Spears haha but I still loved her! There are some days that I do over-think what I eat and other days that I just eat. I need to work on not thinking about it so much. As far as cold leftovers go…I really don’t like leftovers cold with the exception of turkey from Thanksgiving! My mom loves cold pizza for breakfast…blah.
Thanksgiving leftovers… gah! I swear, the week after Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year because of all the leftovers I get to enjoy. Ok, so Christmas is way better, but post-Thanksgiving is definitely up there 😉
I always care too much about what I eat. It’s exhausting. Your food sounds very yummy though! I have such plain tastes in food.
agree with you so much on the whole it being nice to not care – i stopped thinking about things so much and now just eat when i’m actually hungry and it’s done wonders. it amazes me how much time i spent thinking about food before – either what i’d be eating next, when i’d be eating it, or how much i wished time would move faster so i could eat. depressing.
the mindset is freeing. the one that allows you to eat out wherever, no matter what menu it is. the one that lets you grocery shop in 20 minutes rather than two hours. the one that makes events about people rather than food. thanks for the reminder. needed it all today!
You better be doing well, lady! Been too long since we talked. A serious e-mail session is needed…
I usually don’t care about what I eat except for dinner. I usually use dinner as an opportunity to balance out the nutrients I missed during the day. I LOVE Britney when I was younger. And now I have that song stuck in my head! I hate cold leftovers. I hate cold food. Most nights I end up heating my food up multiple times throughout my meal. If it’s not burning my mouth, it’s usually not hot enough! It’s crazy — I know.
Oh, green peas! How I LOVE them!! 😉
I generally re-heat my leftovers, but I am a big fan of cold pizza and cold roasted veggies. Yum! 🙂
Not sure if I would say I was a fan, but Britney did have some catchy tunes. I usually prefer warm leftovers, but cold pizza is my jam! Great to see how much progress you’ve made with food anxiety. I feel the same way a lot – it’s nice to not worry about coming up with the perfect meal!
I will fully admit to loving Britney Spears. I have to admit to still kind of liking her now…. Not all of the drama and inappropriate stuff (which, granted, makes up a lot of her public identity), but I still think she’s a pretty good singer and I wish nothing but the best for her!
Cold leftovers, especially Pizza, were a staple of my childhood 😀
I’ll always have a soft spot for her in my heart as well. It actually kind of broke my heart when she went crazy a few years back, so I’m glad that things have finally [sort of] settled down for her.
I secretly enjoyed Britney Spears…I somehow missed that banana bread recipe and need to make that ASAP. Food is on my mind quite a lot, thinking what to make, how to do this or that and reading food blog most of the time certainly does not help..however, I try to keep things pretty simple on weekdays in terms of cooking and try to bake or make special things on weekends. Cold foods hmm i do like it but I dont wait for warm or hot food to get cold.
Feeling sentimental about recovery when it’s making you feel happy and free isn’t a bad thing at all in my book. Makes me wish I was there already, too, but I can at least see the baby steps I’m making. Because yes, I did have a meal/snack fail earlier today but whatever? I’ll keep eating what sounds good and try not to worry [too much].
Come on, Britney was SO cool back then and there were definitely worse options out there :D. I’ll even go so far as to admit I actually listened to a song by her when putting my iPod on shuffle yesterday. Nothing like a bit of good old-fashioned tunes every to make me smile.
No to cold leftovers. Actually, I prefer most of my foods – aside from things that have to be eaten cold like ice cream, obviously 🙂 – to be really (!) hot. Lukewarm lunches or dinners are NOT okay.
Happy Wednesday, Amanda!
I still have Britney on my iPod too, and it makes my heart all giddy when her song pops up every now and then 😉 And even baby steps will get you where you want to be as long as you keep moving forward. Happy Wednesday, girlie!
That banana bread looks amazing! Did you post the recipe earlier in the week and I missed it somehow?? I’d love to try it out! Also, what is a “dry cappuccino?”
I cant wait to try that bread either 🙂
Nooo I actually posted it a few months ago, but it’s pretty much my go to banana bread recipe so I whip it up whenever I have a few bananas that are starting to spot. And a dry cappuccino is just a cappuccino with less milk and more foam. The usual ratio for a capp is: 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 foam… so asking for it dry is just basically asking for a stronger coffee flavor.
That’s great that you’re in such a positive state of mind about food, you’re awesome! And all your meals look absolutely delicious… and MUCH healthier than what I’ve been eating lately. I need to take a cue from you!
Sometimes, the best meals are the simple ones. Or, you know, the ones where you throw 5 different things into a bowl without any other prep work and stir it all up. 😉
I’m not ashamed to admit that I listened to Britney, Nsync, the Backstreet Boys, and all of the other classics growing up. 😉 I still listen to their old stuff occasionally. It’s great music. 🙂
And I know exactly what you mean with not caring. It’s so different from the “I need to eat this this and this at this time” mentality that we used to have. It’s so fabulous just to eat and enjoy whatever you’re eating at the moment.
loved britney! still do, actually. i spent ages working on a poem for her when i was like 9 and nailing down the right rhyme scheme. i finally mailed it – and then not even a general reply 🙁 i’m still a little bit sad about it! I worked hard on that poem!
off the top of my head, pizza is only thing i think i like cold. i guess it depends though..
Awwr! That story about your 9-year old self is so sad 🙁 But I’m betting you had a tonne of fun and excitement leading up to it, so it wasn’t a total waste, right 🙂
Your eats look great!! Just looking at your banana bread makes me crave it so bad!! I´ve been eating simple lately too and just love it! 🙂
I have a hard time with simple eating. I can’t eat a banana without peanut butter, yogurt without cereal, a salad without chickpeas…I think I need to get back to the basics.
Please send me over a slice of that banana nut bread ;). Thanks!
I think it’s absolutely WONDERFUL that you don’t stress over your eats! It must be such a relief and so freeing :). Congrats!
I do find that I care about what I eat… but sometimes that doesn’t stop me from eating ice cream haha. Lately, I’ve been having some body image issues, but I’m trying not to obsess about them. I know I’m healthy, I know I’m in good shape, and I know that there are some women out there who would love to have my body, even if it’s less than ideal. But sometimes when you put on an item of clothing and you don’t like the way it looks, or you look in the mirror and see that pudgy tummy that won’t go away, it gets hard not to obsess. But, I’m just continuing my life, switching up my workouts a bit, and trying to get back to where I was when I was really happy with my body. Being a healthy living blogger and promoting self-confidence (which I have a lot of), sometimes puts a lot of pressure on me to feel like I have to be self-loving and peppy ALL the time. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes us healthy living bloggers have fat days too. But then I make sure I’m eating good food that makes me feel good instead of gorging myself on foods that will make me feel worse. I kind of got off on a tangent here, sorry!
I used to LOVE B. Spears, but N*Sync had my heart all the way.
I really like cold pizza…that’s about it.
I definitely struggle with feeling like I have to be happy or peppy all the time, especially when I’m writing, but everyone has days where they just feel like crap. And even though I’m usually at a pretty good day with my body, I have those days where I wake up feeling fluffy too, so you’re definitely not alone, girlie <3
Coconut okios is like a spoonful of heaven! Leftovers cold 100% I hate the taste of reheated turkey and chicken and think most other meats are better as cold leftovers. Also, cold pizza is probably one of my all time favorite leftovers. Oh, and cold sweet potatoes yum!
Nope – wasn’t a Brittany fan growing up. However, I was crazy for the Backstreet Boys. I saw them on Good Morning America today, which brought back so many memories. 🙂 Fun stuff.
As for leftovers, it depends on the dish. Pizza and lasagna can be cold, but most other things get nuked.
Cold leftovers are teh bestt. I often like them better than the first meal! (maybe the flavours have combined better?)
& omg, I definitely worry about the 100% perfect meal… that’s something I’m working on. I’m happy you no longer worry!
It really helps to shift your focus. If you stop looking at single instances and focus on the bigger picture instead, then one meal or one slip-up doesn’t seem nearly as bad.
You know I’m on the same wavelength as you, girl! I love food and am conscious of making sure I eat the right foods but at the same time, it’s no longer the focus of my days! It’s liberating to be able to just “go with the flow” and trust my body to ask for what it needs! As much as I’m now calculating numbers and macros for other people, it’s nice to be ignorant about my own intake. And funny enough, I’ve noticed that my meals lately have become rather repetitive and boring…but I’m loving every bite and also loving the fact I’m not worrying about getting enough variety ;)!
I wasn’t a huge fan of Britney either, but I do agree she has some catchy tunes and some songs that are great to run to. All of your eats look delicious as usual! Leftovers…yay, but cold…nay.
I loved britney growing up 🙂 And YES, i do get in modes when I care too much about what I eat, but I do what you just did and just surrender to the fact that “yeah, im not totally satisfied with this, but thats OKAY.” that sentence is a huge concept, and one that i still struggle to really embrace sometimes. And as for cold leftovers- i say yay. i love cold pizza 🙂
Cold pizza is the BEST. I remember many a morning where cold pizza was on the breakfast menu after a crazy night 😉 And one thing that I’ve found helped me a lot is to expand my focus and stop obsessing over small incidents but look at the bigger picture instead.
I love it simple and plain too! I think if I weren’t a blogger, I wouldn’t be creative at all 🙂 I am still too anxious when it comes to ‘bad’ eating days or ‘slips’, but I get better. When I talk about it, it seems so abnormal and irrational, but it’s just how I still feel about food. Go with the flow – that sounds pretty nice and relaxing.
PS. I NEED to make these eggy oats!! I am drooling!!
I’m usually not a fan of cold leftovers at all, but there is one exception I will make – pizza. For some reason I love eating it cold. I was a huge fan of Britney Spears. She was the first concert I ever went to when I was 11 years old.
You already know I completely agree with you when it comes to cold food! If we ever get the chance to meet, people may think were crazy when everyone else is eating while we’re waiting for our food to get cold, Ha Ha!
… I cannot believe you weren’t a fan of B.Spears 🙁 🙁 I was kind of sort of obsessed with her.. however, not a fan of her music these days!
No, she’s definitely not the same anymore 🙁 But I’ll always have a soft spot for her…
I was a huge B.Spears fan. I’ve been to two of her concerts and I owned all of her CDs (before CDs stopped being cool, that is). I eats tons of leftovers! And, if something has meat in it, I refuse to heat it back up. I HATE reheated meat. Blech! It tastes so gamey to me.
This is a bit of a weird coincidence! I sent you an email last night and some of your post here answers my questions or reassures me that I am on the right track – I can’t wait to get to that place where I no longer need the ‘perfect’ meal with the ‘perfect’ ratio of vegetables or the ‘perfect’ amount… god forbid my plate having one extra mushroom on it!
I’m only starting the recovery process so I’m still struggling to recognise hunger cues and also what food it is I want not what my ED tells me I should have… this post has really cheered me up.
Thanks and talk soon,
Cara x
As we were chatting yesterday about this, you’re so right.
As I’ve gotten more into blogging I’ve found myself more interesting in lifestyle stuff…like makeup, fashion, and beauty, but I’ll always be interesting in food and healthy recipes.
Brit brit was my go to gal as a teen;)
She’s my jam.’OH and cold leftovers are the way to go!
Chat more today love!
PS I had a dream we met (if only it were true!)
Food will definitely always be a part of my life too, but it’s nice to be able to say that it’s a PART rather than a sole focus. And it definitely WILL be true some day! Maybe even sooner than you think 😀