Confession: I did it again…
… I played with your heart, got lost in the game. Oh baby, baby. Oops you think I’m in… err… sorry, but sometimes I miss that song. And I can’t believe I just admitted to listening to Britney Spears in my younger years. I wasn’t a huge fan of hers or anything, but I have to admit that she had some catchy tunes. But back to the point – I did it again… I cheated…
Breakfast: eggy banana oats with cinnamon, roasted almond butter, honey.
And the worst part about it? I went back to my main squeeze that same night…
Night snack: Weetabix softened with milk and topped with almond butter and blueberry jam.
Please use kind adjectives when you think of me… Please. So now that we’ve addressed the topic of my infidelity and got the first and last meals of my day covered, how about we fill in the middle part, seeing as it’s What I Ate Wednesday and all.
Lately, I’ve really been craving simple meals (see breakfast above). No fuss. No muss. No pinch of this, extra sprinkle of that – just simple foods where I can taste all the individual flavors. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for getting creative in the kitchen, and I’m pretty impressed with some of the creations that bloggers can come up with, but when it comes to my own eats? I have to confess that I really don’t put that much thought or effort into them.
A simple morning snack…
Coconut Oikos and an orange.
A pretty basic lunch…

Amy’s cheese pizza and a chicken salad.
An afternoon coffee [and snack]…
Dry cappuccino from Starbucks.
A slice of banana bread that I baked up earlier this week.
A less than glamorous (read: cold leftovers) meat-and-potatoes kind of dinner…
Parmesan breaded chicken breast, baked potato with a dollop of Greek yogurt, and some green peas… most of which I ate prior to taking a picture.
It’s nice, though… to just be able to grab something simple and not feel like I have to add something just to up the calories or balance it out. To not worry about if what I’m eating will hold me over because I don’t mind going back for something extra if I get hungry again. To not agonize over coming up with the absolute perfect meal/snack, because heaven forbid I’m not 100% satisfied with what I eat – it could ruin my whole day. As strange as this sounds, it’s nice not to care.
I mean, obviously I still care – I do my best to stay healthy and eat good food – but it’s nice not to have that obsessive mindset surrounding it anymore, you know what I mean? To not feel like one bad meal or day will throw everything out of whack. To just kind of go with the flow and not worry. I have no idea where I’m going with this, but I think I’m just feeling kind of sentimental about recovery this morning. It’s good stuff 🙂
HAppy Wednesday, friends! See you guys tomorrow for Thinking Out Loud!
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Do you ever feel like you care too much about what you eat?
Did you listen to Britney Spears growing up?
Cold leftovers: yay or nay? Big time yay. I actually prefer cold food. Even if something is freshly cooked, I’ll usually wait for it to cool off to room temps before eating.
Hi there! Im a 20 year old girl from canada
Your blog is so inspirational
As I struggle to overcome my own ED your thoughts are more motivating then you can imagine
Thanks a million
This post made me smile! It IS so good to just be…not to think…not to worry…not to obsess. I still have days from time to time where I think a bit too much…but that’s usually when other things are taking a toll on me (like last week and not having ANY sleep and my appetite being all screwy).
I either like my food really hot or really cold, but most always cold when it comes to leftovers…ESPECIALLY roasted veggies! I swear they just taste sweeter straight outta the fridge!
I totally listened to Brit when I was younger…and used to belt that song at the top of my lungs in my room…drove my mom NUTS I’m sure! 😉 Also, Backstreet Boys and NSYNC…though my mom helped me in the singing of that last one! She kinda had a crush on Lance…oops? 😯
Those eggy oats… oh my, yum!! I agree, it’s nice NOT to care what you eat sometimes. Unfortunately I find myself caring too much most of the time, but then I have those days that I just eat whatever falls in front of my face. Oh well. Been trying to find more of a balance to that & trying to work out what makes my tummy angry… like my love of kabocha squash. Thought of you the other day when my tummy turned on me after eating that thing. 😉 Sad. Anyway, enough of my rambles. Have a great day!
I honestly miss kabocha, but it’s just not worth risking my stomach’s wrath just to eat it. I’ve had to cut back on how much watermelon I eat too, which is just all sorts of sad 😥
My mom wouldn’t let me listen to Britney when I was younger! I never knew why, but when I got older she told me that she was “Too skanky” and a “bad role model”. Understandable, seeing as she was always half-clothed.
I often eat my leftovers cold, but I honestly think it has a lot to do with ED and wanting food ASAP. I don’t take time to cook meals or even reheat them. I need to learn patience and learn to deal with the anxiety around WAITING. Somethings I DO prefer cold though, and I’ll heat up the, let’s say, chicken breast, and keep the mashed sweet potatoes on the side so they are still cold. =)
Your meals look so good! And I still love Britney Spears, so no judgment here.
I try not to care too much about food. Sometimes I do, and then I can quickly get into anxiety mode, so I try just to make healthy decisions and not over-think it too much. Operative word “try”, since it doesn’t always work.
So much love for this post!! Honestly, it breaks my heart to hear about young girls overthinking/obsessing about food…to hear someone say they fear a food is a messed up thing society created for us. I personally love your simple meals 🙂
Sometimes I care loads about what I’m eating and other times I sort of just let go; this usually happens when I go on holiday or something…holidays are meant to be for enjoying!
It depends what food it is as to whether I prefer it cold or not; usually I prefer things piping hot out of the oven..cold pasta is pretty nice though! Also eating it cold is apparently meant to slow down the carb absorption as well so it gives you more sustained energy ;).
I used to listen to Britney all the time! Her songs are so catchy!
There was a day when everything that passed my lips had been planned, prepared, and obsessed over for hours–sometimes days. Eating was my life, which was ironic, because it–and my infatuation with it–was also destroying my life. It took a long time to find a healthier food/life balance that enabled me to appreciate not just eating, but LIVING. However, along the way, I learned that I genuinely *do* love food, and that I love sharing that interest with others. It’s funny though, as much as I enjoy a fancy schmancy meal, I really won’t enjoy it if I’ve prepared it—or tried to prepare it. 😉 Maybe all the years I spent being fussy in the kitchen wore me out, but I find complicated recipes far too stressful and time consuming! By the time I’m ready to sit down, I’m either 1) starving 2) frustrated or 3) both. So, I keep it simple! I definitely enjoy food more when it requires minimal prep and contains minimal ingredients. 🙂
I was a huge Brittany fan during my “tween” years, and pretty much knew every word to every song. She still powers me through workouts from time to time, too. 😉
I think all the time I spent obsessing in the kitchen turned me off from cooking as well. I really admire the people who can throw together fancy meals, and I’m more than willing to eat them, but definitely not if I have to put in the effort. Unless I’m cooking for someone else… thennnn I’m willing to spend a little more than 10 minutes prepping a meal 😉
If I ever find myself focusing on my food choices too much I just have to think about how nice it is NOT to care. And it really is nice.
Some things are definitely better the second (or third or fourth) time around…I like leftover roasted chicken breasts cold, and pasta in tomato sauce…can’t get on board with cold red meat though, for some reason
LOVE Britney. I listen to her all the time. I don’t care how much of a trainwreck she’s become or how mainstream pop she is…her music is just amazing
We all cheat every once in awhile it’s part of life. I try not to stress about it too much. I did notice that the last couple weeks I’ve been trying to not have cheats (which for me is mainly fro-yo) that I wanted alcohol a couple times that wee. Which I normally don’t drink much. So I guess what I’m saying is if I removed one cheat item it makes me want another. Weird. And yes I listened to Britney Spears and I don’t usually like cold leftovers.
I definitely used to care WAY too much about what I ate. I planned, analyzed, and perfected every single meal and snack until I was blue in the face. It was ridiculous. Not caring is honestly one of the best feelings in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I still love great food (who doesn’t?) but I don’t obsess over it. And, like you, I’ve been embracing simple flavors and combinations lately- peanut butter sandwiches, quesadillas, fruit, veggies and crackers with hummus, etc. Mmm…
PS: Since I started my second job at Starbucks this week I’ve been learning how to make all of the different drinks. It’s slightly overwhelming but super fun! And I made sure to accurately learn the difference between a “wet” and “dry” cappuccino. (:
I can’t even imagine how overwhelming it must be to learn all of the different drinks, but it makes my heart happy to hear that you’re paying extra attention to the capps <3
I am guilty of over thinking for sure! I just posted ab it. As for Britney…. They just don’t make pop music like they used to
I feel like I’ve found a good balance of caring about what I eat. I mean, of course I care that it’s tasty and (usually) healthy, but I don’t give it more than a 2 second thought and I certainly don’t obsess about it anymore – life is too short to waste too much time thinking about food!
As for cold leftovers, it depends on the food. Cold pizza: yes. Cold soup or stew: yuck!
I don’t know how you do it, but you are seriously amazing with those pictures of delicious oats. Noms. Britney Spears, such a classic. I love her and all the other fantastic pop jams of the 90s and early 2000s. It is totally okay to have oats as much as you want, especially if they look that good girl.
I still need to try coconut oikos! Yum!
I was never a huge Britney fan, but I did enjoy some of her stuff…even I have to admit, she’s catchy!
Although I have wondered into obsessiveness a couple of times over the last year or so, generally I’m easygoing with what I eat. If it sounds good, I’ll eat it, and if I’m hungry earlier than usual, I’ll eat it. Life is definitely so much simpler this way without worrying about counting or timing meals or anything. it’s been a lot easier forcing my brain to listen to my body, instead of the other way around!
Cold leftovers are the best! Your eggy oats always look amazing and always make me want a bowl now (even if I’ve already eaten).
There’s always dinner 😉
Cold food > hot food. Always. I will seriously eat frozen fruit in the middle of winter but obviously it’s a lot more refreshing in summer. So I do eat hot food sometimes, but I prefer most things cold or at least chilled. Especially now that it’s getting hot, I’m moving more towards meals that require no cooking or minimal cooking so I can eat without working up a sweat!
I’ve gotten better about caring less about my food–I used to be so obsessed over when I ate, and if I was going out somewhere to eat, I had to know about it ahead of time so I could plan the rest of my meals around it and basically restrict leading up to the meal out. I still care a little too much about my food, like if I’m getting in enough veggies and the right balance of macros and the ingredients of what I’m eating. But I’m finally starting to realize that my body is sometimes smarter than my brain, and everything will all balance out without me worrying over it.
banana bread, get in my belly! I love breads, muffins, etc and now I am really craving one, thanks alot! lol. Ive also been craving oatmeal lately…I think when I have almond butter in the house I jump right to toast, banana, or oatmeal because I can put a huge dollop right on top!
TOTALLY know what you mean here! It is really freeing to be able to just…throw together whatever the heck you want and not worry about whether it has the perfect # of calories or macro balance or whatever. Over time, you slowly but surely realize that hey, your body is smart and everything balances out! So you eat a meal that’s all carbs… what, you’ll be craving chicken and veggies or whatever the next day lol. Though I have to say, the pizza + salad combo can’t be beat!
I am in total agreement about cold leftovers- I always wait for my meals to go cold! Well sometime I wait till Luke warm just because I’m eating with family and it would be inappropriate but if I can have it cold I do 🙂 I really like the flavours better but also it sits better in my stomach- which is a constant battle! I have glandular fever at the moment (fun :() and its so weird- I’ve actually lost my appetite! The doctor said I would but I thought- no I’m ALWAYS hungry- but surely enough food is not appealing- its so sad 🙁 especially annoying because obviously I still must eat- but food is not as enjoyable at all! I keep reminding myself that food will taste good again soon lol- looking forward to that 🙂 so at the moment I just go with what’s easy- not too much thought and am satisfied pretty easily with my meals. I’m the same way usually too- I’m very flexible about my food- but I do get a little annoyed (very mildly) when I don’t enjoy a meal. “I played with your heart- got lost in the game…” sorry just singing along 😉 loved Britney xo Sophia
Awwr Sophia, I hope that you feel better soon! I can definitely relate to not wanting to eat at all when my stomach feels off, which is why I stick to pretty basic and carby foods – fruit, crackers, toast, cereal, oats… And if all else fails, there’s always ice cream 🙂
As a reformed binge eater who lost over 100 pounds and has kept it off, I sometimes feel sad that I have to be so AWARE of everything I eat now. There are definitely days when I remember the “old” ways when I didn’t even know what calories or portion sizes were….
I STILL listen to Britney! Remember when she almost died a few years ago? That was weird.
I prefer cold leftovers too – esp PIZZA!
I remember. I felt so bad for her! I sorta feel like I grew up with her, so I’m glad to see that she’s more-or-less okay.
I care about what I eat to the extent that knowing that eating healthy makes me feel better physically…butttttttt that being said, I don’t find it hard to eat healthy (by societal standards, not some bloggers…wink wink!).
I STILL listen to Britney Spears. I will always root for her!
As for leftovers – depends on the food! Pizza and potatoes, always cold. Chili or soup must be hot!
I distinctly remember that ‘Oops’ vid coming out.. I was grade 6 or 7.. it was awesome and I immediately taught myself the dance.. a much bigger feat before youtube! I still bust out her moves every now and then, I’m sure I should be embarrassed. I still have her best gems on my ipod. And I love leftovers cold, especially any kind of seafood, or chicken.. it’s so much better.
I still have a lot of her hits in my playlist as well, and I have to admit that it makes me feel a little giddy when they come on. I think I’ll always have a soft spot for her.
Ahh, Britney, such memories. She really fell off the bandwagon and pretty hard too. I must have missed your banana bread post, it looks delicious! And I’m the opposite, I prefer most food warm. Call me crazy.
I prefer warm foods for the most part. Cold foods are healthier though I think! I’ve been in the mood for easy, simple meals too. Maybe the warmer weather has something to do with it!
I used to be so specific about what I ate, it was so time consuming and nerve wracking! In the end, completely NOT worth the anxiety. If I did have a little something extra, I’d feel TERRIBLE for the rest of the day. I love going with the flow, but still staying aware of what I eat, but not so much with the calorie counting, weighing, etc. My mind is at ease, and my body is JUST FINE…actually, it’s better. Best that it’s ever been.
And did I listen Britney? You bet your behind I did…and Christina and Jessica. Just to name a few… 😉
I tried to recreate Amanda style oats this morning (pretty picture and all) but failed miserably. Tasted great, but looked gross! I really should cut back on the whole oats for breakfast thing…I don’t want to tire of them!
Mine only look good when they need to make an appearance on Wednesdays 😉
oooh cold apple crumble with cold custard! and cold roast chicken gets my vote too! but pizza has to be reheated! BTW, love your idea with the weetabix, i have mine swimming in milk or crumbled ino yogurt!