Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. Before we talk about anything else, we have to talk about the weather.
You guys… it snowed on Monday and Tuesday. Snowed. Okay, so it was more like heavy white rain and it didn’t end up sticking around, but still! I’ve actually had to keep the heater running over the past couple of days because it’s been that cold. As we speak I’m currently bundled up in about 3 layers, with fuzzy socks on my feet and a steaming mug of hot tea within arm’s reach at all times. Winter is coming.
2. … and will you hate me if I admit that I’m kind of, sort of, maybe okay with that because it just means that snowboarding season will be here soon?!? Don’t get me wrong… I’m not willing to skip over the fall months in favour of winter, but neither am I lamenting the changing seasons. It’s all about making the most of it, right?
3. Oh! And speaking of the mountains, look what I came across in an old photo album while I was over at my parents’ this past weekend!
That teeny, tiny speck on the left is me — leading my dad up a mountain — and the scene of the crime is the very same Jasper Skytram that I showed you guys from my last trip to Jasper…
Look familiar? The first picture is circa ’86, making me about 1.5 years old and meaning that I’ve been visiting the mountains for basically my entire life. Fun fact: my first trip up there was actually when I was still in the womb — my parents went while my mom was pregnant with me. No wonder the mountains feel like home…
4. And speaking of home, Momma Spoons gifted me with the sweetest thing the last time I was over there…
That right there, friends, is a box of silver spoons that belonged to my grandma, which she gave to my mom as a wedding present, and which my mom gave to me for Spoons’ anniversary. Spoons for Spoons! So sweet I couldn’t even handle it. Literally. I was blubbering like a baby.
5. Baby, baby, baby bananas!
Sorry… I’m easily distractible 😆
6. And if you need further proof of that, you needn’t look any further than the floors of my home, where you’ll often see things like this…
That would be my Swiffer, lying in the middle of the room where I conveniently abandoned it after losing interest in sweeping after about… oh… 2 minutes. This happens to me all.the.time. I’ll start cleaning, think of something else that needs doing, go do that, come back to cleaning, think of something else to do, etc., etc. And the best part is that I’ll leave brooms, mops, and vacuums lying in the middle of the floor for days — simply stepping over them when I’m walking around 😆 #winningatlife.
7. Didya hear?!!? The release date for the iPhone 6 has finally been announced! September 19th is the big day! And while I’m not sure if I’m going to preorder, I will definitely be getting one ASAP. I may have mentioned this [a few hundred times], but I’m still rocking the old 4, and it deserves to be put out of its misery. I can’t even open Twitter or Instagram anymore because of how often the darn thing crashes in the process, and it’s probably about ready to self-combust from the crazy amount of pictures it has on it. Mostly of food.
8. And on that note, I’m going to leave you guys with the promise of pancakes on the morrow (did I honestly just say that?!?) because it’s getting close to that hour where I promised myself that I’d shut down for the night, even if that means ending a ToL on #8…
Happy Thursday, friendly faces! 😀
No questions… just tell me whatever comes to your mind! 😀
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Those spoons are absolutely adorable! I’m sort of the same way with cleaning. It has to be broken up between other chores/catching up on blogs/Netflix…you know, the usual!
I’m going to ignore you whole fall and winter loving ways and instead talk about spoons for Spoons. What a perfect gift. So touching and all you need is a little silver polish and those babies will be glistening like new again.
I leave my vacuum out all the time. It makes the Hubby nuts, but during the week, when he’s gone, it’s usually smack dab in the middle of the kitchen, the living room or the dining room. It’s weird because I’m so anal about other stuff. Oh well, I just go with it. Speaking of going with it, ending ToL on #8, nicely done!
I was going to text you, but then I realized that it’s 11pm there, and if it were 11pm here, I would be asleep, and you probably are too. BUT forgive me for being a terrible blend. I miss you, and I hope you are well! And I will be texting you soon to get a full update 🙂
Yay! Definitely looking forward to chatting with you 😀 I know you’ve been busy settling in.
I swear, the cold weather hit the northern hemisphere like a brick this week! We didn’t get any sort of snow-like precipitation or anything, but it definitely went from sweaty-hot to sweater-cold in a snap.
So excited for the pancake recipe! Pancakes make me smile 🙂
I can’t believe it’s already snowing!! I don’t mind fall, but if I never saw snow again I wouldn’t be too upset…
Ok so I have a confession to make. I never upgraded my phone to the new IOS version that came out this time last year. I think it looks stupid so I never changed it. Then all sorts of apps started hating me because of it and I’m also just kind of bored with the iPhone. I have a lot of friends who switched to Galaxies and I’m kind of thinking of turning to the dark side…(space pun not intended!) You’ll have to let me know how you like it! The new health apps seem pretty cool and kind of make fitness trackers like fit bits a little more obsolete!
I actually wasn’t super keen on switching over to the new iOS either, but now that I have, I really like it! I’ve been using an iPhone for so long that it’d just feel strange to start using something else…
Can’t. Wait. For. That. Pancake. Recipe. Seriously though. Also, I would DIE if it snowed right now. So not ready for that.
I heard about the snow you guys got over there – that’s nuts!!! I am so not ready for snow for at least another few months. Actually, I’m never really ready for snow. In my ideal world it would snow for about two weeks around Christmas, and then magically clear up and turn into spring in January haha.
I have one of those robot sweepers. He roams around and sweeps for me while I do other stuff. I wish I could find a robot for all my other cleaning. The spoons are beautiful!
One of these days I’ll learn to snowboard! I’m such a summer girl, I rebel against all of winter! haha! xxoo, ganeeban
Oh my gosh, the spoons!!!! SO sweet! And they are beautiful. 🙂 Love presents like that. Also, um, SNOW?! Already?? Yikes. That be crayyy.
I am soooo pumped for the iPhone 6. Gold. Definitely gold. Ha.
Oh man, the weather. What a disaster. I’m glad it’s back to normal and sunshine today! 🙂
I have my eye on the gold one as well! I’ve always had black, so it’d be nice to get a different colour for a change.
I absolutely do not want winter to come! EEEKKK! I love tanks and shorts too much!
I can’t believe it’s already (almost) snowing up there! It’s still warm in VA and I’m totally ok with it!
That present from your mom is the sweetest thing ever!
HA! You have the same ADD tendencies as me, apparently! I am so easily distracted AND amused by anything which makes me giggle. Bonus points for anything miniature sized.
I would love to go to any place with a view of those mountains! UGH. Certain photographs give me chills just looking at the gorgeous landscape. I’m so jealous!
HAHA I love the ADD. I always seem to have a broom somewhere on my floor. Usually after the dogs start thinking its a game though!
Oh my gosh I can’t believe you are already getting snow!! I can’t even imagine that. Its still 90 F and sunny here everyday! I’m definitely ready for fall weather though. The spoons your mom gave you are so gorgeous!!
SNOW…well that is just insane! It is still hot as heck here and the mosquitoes are the biggest pain in the butt EVER…I actually wouldn’t mind snuggling up in warm clothes right now. I am snuggled up on the couch in between clients. 😉
I’m still rocking the 4 as well, so I feel your pain there. Mine, however, is also only 6 gigs. Oh, you didn’t know they made them that small? Ya, me neither. Apparently I got jerked around when I bought the thing and because I’m a stupid girl, they gave me a 6 gig. Which means I basically have NO storage. I literally have ONE app [Instagram] and some music and the thing is freaking full, which means I can’t take pictures. SO ANNOYING. My plan isn’t up till Feb so I have to wait to upgrade, but I might just bite the bullet and buy a 5 so that I can at least have more freaking space on my phone!!!
You guys are lucky it didn’t stick around! Here in Calgary we got absolutely pummelled with snow… it actually looks like December now and it’s so depressing. As if Albertan winters weren’t long enough! A lot of trees snapped under the weight of the snow so even when it melts everything will look mangled 🙁 I love this province, but I hate it at the same time…
I honestly can’t believe you guys got it worse than we did 00 usually it’s the other way around! But I know what you mean about the love/hate thing. Very much ditto on that one.
Ugh, snow?! That is horrible. I am upset because it was in the 40’s here overnight & only in the 50’s today… so cold!! I see people outside with winter hats & coats on – too soon for that! At least you have snowboarding to look forward to. I just HATE winter. I need to finish school before I can go anywhere else warmer though. I’m looking forward to the new iPhone too! Mine is a similar state (I have the 4S). Happy Thursday girl!! 🙂
I cannot imagine it being cold already. It is supposed to be 100 degrees here in California tomorrow and I am already dreading it. Snow is crazy!
OH GOODNESS ME all the beautiful pictures of recipes you are posting are such torture…I may have to hijack my floor lounge and go on a cooking equipment shopping spree because I just need your recipes in my life. Although…considering I totally made fun of Edmonton’s weather in my TOL post today I might deserve it. 😉
It seriously snowed in Calgary earlier this week, snowed as in still-a-foot-of-snow-on-the-ground snow, plus a few fallen trees and power outages. Craziness!
That really is crazy. I can’t believe you guys are getting worse weather than we are! Usually it’s the other way around!
I love finding pictures of things I still do! It makes me realize how important they are in my life – like getting outdoors and enjoying the mountains!
I’m from Calgary and there is STILL snow on the ground! I can’t believe it….. And that its supposed to be 25 next week!!
Crazy, right?! I can’t even handle how unstable our weather is! IT’s not fair that it can literally go from +25 to freezing in 24 hours.
Winter is most definitely coming! I actually turned the heated seats on in my car this morning… how embarassing 😉
I always love the first snow fall, the first time down the slope, the first hot chocolate and then I start wishing for the warm weather! Lol
Oh no, it’s far too early for snow! I love to ski, but I still want my fall. Being so close to Canada, hearing that you got snow just makes me more worried for my first winter near the boarder.
New phones are so exciting! Hopefully you love the 6 when you finally get your hands on it. The cover on your phone now is super cute 🙂
You’ll be fine! We tend to get the worst of it in this neck of the woods, and you’re way out east where it’s a lot more mild!
It kind of blows my mind that it’s snowing there and we are sweating in the 90’s here! Would love to split the difference! Those pancakes look amazing!
Girl I am so with you on getting distracted! I’m one of those people that loves things being clean and organized, but in the middle of what I’m doing I find something else to do..so it’s a bunch of unfinished projects at the end of the day. Doesn’t help working from home lol!
That is freaking awesome your mom gave you those spoons! I would have been a mess too!
OMG. That weather is scary. I didn’t know it got that cold already in September! haha. Although I’ve been complaining about the heat down here, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.
Fall weather makes me so excited! And snow?! I’m still trying to process no more 90+ (F) days! And full disclosure, I had to use a Celsius to Fahrenheit calculator to know what temp that was. #fail
I love tiny baby bananas! I will choose those over a regular size on ten out of ten times.
Happy Thursday!
I used to have to use a converter all.the.time, but I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of it after so many years of reading American blogs!