Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. I’ve had a few people mention that they were missing the days where I used to include random facts in my ToL posts, so they’ll be making a comeback!
1. Wellllll, he helped make it popular on this side of the ocean, anyways… which is good enough for me!
2. It’s also considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane… Just saying.
3. Here are a few recipes if you’re interested!
4. … which is exactly why I used to drink straight from the honey bear when I was little.
5. Admit it — you just did it. Confesion — I did 😉 And I’m in the clear! Thank you, oil pulling…
2. And here’s a little random fact about yours truly — I always keep my phone on silent because otherwise I find the texts, tweets, e-mails, and other notifications to be way too distracting. I totally lose my train of thought if I’m writing or working on something and I get a ping, so I just leave my phone off and check it at random intervals. I actually don’t even know what my ring tune sounds like 😯
3. I do know what I’ll be doing with these overly spotty bananas, though!
Can we say flourless banana bread muffins?!? Oh.heck.YES.
4. The other day I almost bled to death from a nick on my finger that had a diameter of about 2 mm (that’s 0.08 inches for all my American peeps). Not even kidding. I didn’t think much of it until I looked down and saw the entire tip of my finger covered in blood. The dratted thing ended up soaking through a whole sheet of Kleenex and 2 Bandaids. Seriously… you’d think I sliced off a chunk of my finger or something. I’ll save you the gory visuals, but this is the cut that was responsible (hint: it’s on my index finger). I know — I couldn’t believe it either…
5. Lookit what I came across when I was in the bookstore the other day…
Emoji stickers! They didn’t end up coming home with me, which is a fact that I’m kind of starting to regret… I think another trip to the bookstore might be in order.
6. As for why I was in the bookstore in the first place… new books!
I tried to get into one of the books I already had in my stack after finishing Throne of Glass, but I really wanted to know how the story continued so I went out and bought the next two books. I foresee a few late nights in my near future…
7. I also foresee sharing the recipe for the crepes that I showed in yesterday’s WIAW post since so many of you were interested. Now to actually pay attention to the measurements so I don’t end up with a recipe that says “just add a little of this and a splash of that until you reach the right consistency.” Not helpful.
8. I can never decide whether I prefer smooth or crunchy nut butters. Remember how I announced the death of my Wowbutter stash last week? Well, I went to pick up some more only to find that they only had the crunchy kind in stock. I’m usually a smooth kind of girl, but I figured that crunchy Wowbutter was better than no Wowbutter at all, so I brought a jar home with me.
Verdict? Not bad at all! The crunch makes things interesting 😆
9. Speaking of Wowbutter… guess who got her mom hooked on it?!? I never thought I’d see the day where my very traditionally Polish mom would jump on the banana & nut butter snack bandwagon, but miracles do happen! And the fact that she was willing to let me take a picture of it is more proof of that.
10. And speaking of Mom… Mother’s Day is coming up soon and I managed to convince my momma to take a trip to the mountains with me for a girls’ weekend away 😀 Maybe I’ll even get lucky and be able to sneak another snowboarding trip in there too! But for now, off to get my hair done. Happy Thursday!

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This is really looking so tasty and yummy. I really like this recipe. Thank you for sharing this wonderful dish idea. Really love it.
Guess what! I actually read this when you first posted it…hey HEY! 😀
Love the random facts…you are cracking me up over the moose thing! Lol! And you know, I keep my phone on silent a lot of the time too. Mainly because if I’m texting someone, by the time I hear they 3rd or 4th chirp, I’m about ready to throw the phone out the window! And don’t get me started on my friends who can’t seem to get more than one thought out in a single text! Haha!
Mmmm, crunchy nut butter is the best! And I know I said fig was my favorite jam flavor, but seriously, nothing beats a peanut (or almond) butter and blueberry jam sandwich…and I KNOW you agree!
Thomas Jefferson is my new hero. I love that man (almost as much as I love mac & cheese). Those crepes look amaaaazing. I’m not a huge breakfast fan (don’t kick me out!) but I love a good crepe.
I love that phone case! I have the flamingo one!
Those emoji stickers are sooo cute. PS your nail shape looks really good – super random but I know you love beauty haha 🙂
<3 you! I can't even tell you how long I've fought with nail shape, and I -still- never thing I get them right. And don't even get me started on when I break one. Omg :mad:
Those emoji stickers are amazing! And your phone case?! I need to find one like that for myself. Way more fun to carry around an animal than a plain ol’ patterned case…
I ALWAYS keep my phone on silent too for exactly the same reason! Plus I’ve never turned the sound off on my keyboard so it makes an annoying sound when I type – annoying to others not to me so usually I turn it on silent when I’m not at home.
OMG yes you have to share that crepe recipe ASAP!!!
Awwww that is awesome, girlie!!! I hope you girls have so much fun together….and I can totally relate to that “omgness my parents are eating XYZ even though they only eat XYZ” mentality, haha. 🙂 And I can’t believe this is my first Mother’s Day as a mom! I keep forgetting so I keep thinking only about my own mom, lol.
Bananas never last long enough in my house for me to make muffins sadly. I can’t keep my phone on silent when my kids are at school and it drives me nuts sometimes. I used to combine smooth and crunchy nut butter because the smooth was too smooth and the crunchy too crunchy, if that makes any sense! not really a solution but I liked it at the time. now I tend to go all smooth 🙂
Haha I have those same emoji stickers! I use them for grading. I’m always tempted to use the poop one. 😉 lolz.
Ahhh, I’ve missed these posts! Life with a newborn has thrown my life into a total clusterF! Now that we are settling into a routine, I’m excited to get back to blogging again 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Ooooh…yay! I’m excited for you to share that crepe recipe!
By the way, I made your chocolate chip skillet cookie over the weekend and it was fantastic! Justin and I gobbled it up within a few days! Definitely need to make it again!
Especially now that you’re eating for THREE! Omg… still seriously so excited for you 😀
hehe…that’s right! Thank you so much! We couldn’t be happier! 🙂
I knew there was a reason I liked Jefferson so much, aside from the obvious.
I always add honey to my tea when I’m sick. Now I actually know why. Thank you for that.
My phone is on silent too. I can’t deal with the notifications either, and once I see them, I have to check them. It’s a bit OCD, but I’m working on it.
Mmm brown bananas means baked goods.
Have a great weekend with your mom.
Ahhh you said “lookit”! haha I love it! I say that, but to see it written down makes me realize that I have never written it down, and it looks so funny! Lookit. lol I can vouch for the honey being a great cough suppressant! And I should probably keep my phone on silent too because I get distracted by all the notifications too… 🙁
My phone is usually silent all the time too I can’t stand the constant noises. Glad you brought back the fun facts I love reading stuff like that!
Hahaha, those emoji stickers are awesome. Just give me sheets of the cry-laughing & unimpressed faces, though. I never have my cell phone ringer turned on either – I prefer to call & text people on MY terms, thank you very much.
I need to email you for blog advice this wknd.