After having to skip out on the randomness last week, it feels extra good to be back at it today!
1. I honestly can’t believe there was a time in my life where I thought that pumpkins were only for carving and squash was only for decor. In my defense, that’s pretty much how things went down when I was growing up — it wasn’t until I discovered healthy living blogs that my veil of ignorance was lifted. All I can say is thank goodness for that.
2. Speaking of decor, I spent some time adding little fall touches to my home last weekend…

… but, really, besides Christmastime, my home pretty much always feels like fall. I’m big on neutral palettes with warm accents, prefer bunches of dried twiggy branches to colourful flowers, and love mixing beat up classic pieces with more contemporary ones. My home radiates calm, and that’s how I like/need it.
3. Also on the “need list?” A donut pan. Why? To make recipes like this…

Banana Chocolate Chip Baked Donuts // Baked Cinnamon Sugar Mini Donuts
I’ve been craving donuts like crazy lately, but finding a place to buy ’em that’s allergy-friendly is a bit of a challenge. I’ve been meaning to pick up a pan so that I can make my own, but I keep forgetting whenever I walk into a store.
4. At least I always remember the cinnamon…
Oh, don’t give me that look — it was on sale! And don’t ask how long those’ll last me for because it’s kind of embarrassing how quickly I go through them…
5. In non food related shopping news, I took a trip to the mall earlier this week…
I didn’t manage to find any coloured skinnies (drat!), but I guess I made out alright 😉 Two sweaters from Old Navy in an attempt to add a little colour to my otherwise black, gray, and brown wardrobe; Humbeline ankle booties from Aldo (thanks for the inspo, Lisa!) because the only boots I had were knee-high; LaVanila deodorant and Ole Henriksen 3 Little Wonders from Sephora because I needed the first and wanted to experiment with the second.
6. Speaking of experimenting, I need to get my butt into the kitchen and start doing some. You know how I mentioned that I’m in charge of dessert for Thanksgiving? Well, it’s right around the corner (Monday for us Canadians), and I still have no idea what I want to make. The problem is that no one in my family is a big fan of pumpkin/pecan pie — myself included. Since that’s basically the epitome of Thanksgiving dessert, I’m kind of at a loss for what else to make. Oh bother.
7. I know I already mentioned this one in my last “Currently” post, but it deserves another shout-out…
8. The return of random facts! Gosh do I love these things…
1. The image that that conjures in my mind is not a pleasant one.
2. Drat it! I knew I was forgetting something the last time I renewed my insurance…
3. #truth. iPads and computer games got nothing on couch cushions.
4. Mind = blown.
5.… 😯 😯 😯 Beulah Hunter in 1945.
9. Speaking of pregnancy… whoaaaa that’s probably not one of the smartest ways to start a sentence. Before your mind runs away with you, no, I’m not pregnant (you can calm down now Mom… J). What I am is super excited for Tiff, who just had her beautiful baby boy last week! I’ve been reading Tiff’s blog for years, and I literally had a fit when I found out about her surprise birth. I’m not even joking — I was over at my parents’ for dinner and squeed out loud, probably scaring everyone in the process. It’s amazing how close and attached you can become to the people that you spend so much time reading about online. The world is definitely changing…
10. Happy Thursday, friends! Rock its socks off! 😀
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Do you like donuts? What’s your favourite kind?
What’s a good Thanksgiving dessert that’s not pumpkin/pecan pie?
Love the new boots! Even though I would TOTALLY break my ankles in them! Ha! And honey, you get absolutely no judgement from me on the cinnamon thing…I buy all my containers from Sam’s or Costco…and they usually last about two months! 😉 Your random facts are always the bets! Ohhh, the couch cushion fun I used to have as a kid…those were the days! And I really need to listen to the Imagine Dragons song now that I’m not reading from my phone like I was earlier this week!
I’m with you…totally deprived of all squashy goodness until discovering the blogging community a few years ago…such a shame! Obviously I have to make up for lost time now! 😉 LOVE doughnuts! My favorite has always been blueberry cake…unglazed…with coffee because dunking is NOT optional! And funny that you mentioned buying a doughnut pan…I bought one a couple of years ago, used it twice and haven’t brought it out since, but was JUST saying the other day about how I plan one dusting it off and playing around with some ideas soon! Hmm, good T-Day dessert that’s not pecan or pumpkin pie (can’t say I blame ya on not liking pecan pie…ugh, too sweet for me!)….how about a fudge pie…or a peanut butter pie…or a CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER PIE?! 😀
Oh and ps, you’ve totally inspired me to break out the fall decor this weekend! Love your balls! Yep, that’s totally what.she.said! 😉
Peanut butter?! Are you taunting me? 😛
Haha! We just typed our comments at the same time!! SO sorry love, I’m a forgetful ninny!
I didn’t grow up eating squash or pumpkin and I still don’t eat it all that often, unless I get something in my food share. That being said, I currently have a butternut squash, an acorn squash and a spaghetti squash hanging out on my counter. The butternut and acorn should be easy, but O have no idea what to do with the spaghetti squash, although I have been eyeing the spaghetti squash lasagna you linked to earlier in the week.
I’m digging your fall decorations (I swear you must get such amazing natural light at your place), I adore the ankle booties, and I want homemade donuts too. If you find a place that sells the pans, let me know because I’m going in.
I might need some of that calming decor in my life! But usually what draws me in are bright and beautiful colors…possibly in an attempt to keep myself cheerful? Now I’m looking into this way too much…
I cannot get over that long pregnancy…slightly terrifying!
No such thing as too much! Decor actually has a huge impact on our moods — that’ why people make such a big fuss over things like paint colours and feng shui.
SO deprived. Seriously, for-real-pumpkin, butternut and kabocha, even sweet potatoes – not part of my repertoire until adulthood. I kinda dig making up for lost time, though. 😉 And I love decorating with them (not so much the sweet taters) so it’s a total two-for-one. Your decor is very much on par with mine – natural, calm, soothing, and generally fall-inspired. It is a sweetly dangerous time of year for my wallet.
I was exactly the same with squash, I can’t believed I missed out on it for so long! Just one of many things I owe to HLBs!
We definitely ate pumpkin and squash growing up, but not as much as I do now. My mom is a fabulous cook, and they were fall/winter staples for us. Now I do so much more with these things, and get more creative, it’s cool because I share the recipes with my mom now!
That’s definitely awesome. I think my love for it rubbed off on my mom because guess what I found sitting on her counter the last time I was over there — kabocha! I’m not quite sure her level of adoration quite equals mine, but give me another month and I’ll have her converted 😉
Apple pie, lemon meringue pie, pumpkin apple streusel muffins, sweet potato casserole, cranberry bread are all desserts that we’ve had for Thanksgiving at one point or another («« I vote for the streusel muffins because those are flippin fantastic 😉 ).
We have many containers of those organic spices at home too, although admittedly only two are filled with cinnamon. Haha.
Before blogs I had never really considered squashes to be edible either! Kind of strange how they make up a big part of my diet now 🙂
I love all of your fall decorations! No shame on the cinnamon… I go through that stuff like crazy too haha!
I’ve loved Imagine Dragons lately – great song!
I LOVE the smell of cinnamon, but can’t stand the taste. I bake it lots for my boyfriend all the time just to have the smell in the house!
You may just be the first person I’ve ever come across that doesn’t like the taste of cinnamon 😯 I’m just going to pretend I didn’t see that 😛
Two things – 1. Come decorate my home for me and 2. Those black heels are sexy. I want a pair.
I feel the same way about Thanksgiving desserts! Thankfully, my mom found the perfect solution: Kentucky Derby Pie. We make it every year – there’s a recipe on my blog, but it’s like pecan pie… but with chocolate chips and bourbon. That makes it not so ewwy-gooey and adds SO many more flavor layers.
Oh. My. WOW those boots are gorgeous!! And now I really want something with cinnamon 😉
My parents never fed me squash growing up… like literally never! I didn’t try it for the first time until I had it at a restaurant well into my teen years. I can’t believe they deprived me of such deliciousness! Ah well, I’m definitely making up for it now.
Given how much you love pumpkin and squash, I can’t believe you don’t like pumpkin pie! It’s like pumpkin oatmeal… but so much richer and sweeter! Gah, I can’t wait until Monday haha. Maybe instead you could make an apple crisp? Or how about a pear upside-down cake?
I know, I know — it’s blasphemy. I honestly think it’s a texture thing for me. But an apple crisp sounds pretty fabulous, so I think I’ll probably end up going that route instead.
Omigosh the boots are adorable! I wish that I could wear heels without falling every 10 minutes 😉
Came across your blog! LOVE.IT. Your fall decorations are beautiful and I too like earthy decorations. I like bringing the outdoors in. I can’t help you on the non-pumpkin dessert suggestion because I am currently in the midst of a pumpkin anything obsession. I eat anything and everything pumpkin. I just devoured an entire (minus one slice) pumpkin pie over the course of 3 days. I bought pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin butter and pumpkin bagels. {Somebody stop me.} 🙂
My mom used to make acorn squash all the time and I hated it! I hated a lot of the things I love today and I’m glad I did. I likely wouldn’t have the same love for them today! Instead I hate everything I loved back then (all the junk), which is good. 😉
Those boots … HOT! I need a pair!!
I remember helping my mom scoop out pumpkin seeds when we carved them, but I don’t think I ever associated pumpkins/squash with eating either. What a shame…
I do like donuts! I could say that I love healthy baked donuts and all, but if we’re talking about the real stuff, give me some apple crullers 🙂
For dessert, apple crisp is an idea! This is a maple-walnut apple crisp that I found from Cooking Light:
And just because we’re scone lovers:
Thanks, girl! That apple crisp actually looks pretty fantastic. I might do something along that route.
So I’m terrible with desserts, I don’t like a lot of them, plus I eat Paleo so i haven’t figured out yet how to balance that with making any paleo desserts….
But I digress.. I’ve always eaten pumpkin seeds if that counts for eating pumpkin related things!
I must say, your interior designing skills are quite impressive- love the use of colours there (even it it means its a ‘Fall’ like state most of the year 😉
Thats so funny about the squash as decor thing- I found it so strange reading how people ate it when I was directly looking at one on the living room table! I really wish we celebrated Thanksgiving here in Australia- I love Turkey and the whole ideal behind it is great- although never knew you guys celebrated earlier than the Americans. Maybe its a good excuse to do it twice 😉 A good thanksgiving dessert…just produce a jar of AB, several spoons and say dig in.
You should join the celebration and host a turkey dinner this weekend too, just for the heck of it 😉 And I would totally be fine with the AB and spoons route, but my family doesn’t share my sentiments when it comes to the best nut butter out there. I’m pretty sure that means I was adopted…
LOL. imagine the meal ”I’m thankful Amanda’s not my daughter…”
I’m absolutely in love with those shoes. Like, IN LOVE.
Just thinking about being pregnant for 17 months makes me cringe. I have a hard time imagining being pregnant for the normal amount of time, let alone almost double! Sheeeesh.
If you find a donut pan and start posting those recipes I’m definitely going to have to invest in one too. I’ve always wanted to but never got around to it. Plus, I like the taste of baked donuts WAY better than the fried version.
You know, it’s strange — I don’t necessarily like the taste of doughnuts, but the smell is just so good and comfy 🙂
I love croissants though :P, especially almond ones!
Love Simply Organic’s Cinnamon! I go through bottles of it in just a few weeks!
1. I definitely grew up eating squash and pumpkin. I made my first kabocha squash last night though and I’m obsessed!
2. I love donuts! I like pumpkin ones (of course) or chocolate cake ones.
3. What about pumpkin bars or pecan bars? Apple pie is a little seasonal too, right? Or maybe a crustless fruit tart with pears to be seasonal?
Mwaha! Another kabocha addict 😀 And I’m thinking there’s definitely a very high possibility for pumpkin bars… especially if chocolate is involved.
I can not find these kabocha squashes that everyone is raving about and it’s making me mad! I look every time I am at the grocery store or farmers’ market. Nada, nada, and nada. 🙁
That being said, a good friend brought me flowers, donuts, and homemade apple butter the other day to cheer me up after a particularly stressful week. I ended up putting some apple butter on the maple glazed donut. Oh my. SO good!
OMG I’m in love with those boots! I may have to go hunt them down
1. I love your fall decorations. You have great taste.
2. Yes, you HAVE to get a donut pan. I love mine and I just made a new recipe with it.
3. I still have to try the LaVanila deodorant. I’ve heard it’s great.
4. I use Ole Henrisksen’s Sheer Transformation at night and I LOVE it. I also like the vitamin C serum but the green one is just weird.
5. That’s disgusting that we produce that much saliva.
6. Yay for Ethan! He’s so freakin’ adorable. 🙂
odd but for the holidays my mother would make, for dessert, jello salad with huge chunks of fresh fruit & copious amounts of whipped cream (in a can- the spray kind!) we had non pumpkin and non nut eaters in our house but we would always eat jello & fruit!
Although I start eating squash long before HLBs, they certainly make me crave them more than before! My love for squash (particularly butternut) started during my Weight Watcher days as it was a “free” food and of course I milked it completely! You got me wanting a donut pan now too! I find the store-bought/Krispy Kreme varieties way too sweet for liking but I would love to turn muffin/cake batter into donuts! Has the Starbucks in your hood introduced the “duffin” (a.k.a. donut muffin) as yet?
Duffin?!? Whaaaat?! No! At least I don’t think so. I admit that I don’t spend a lot of time looking at the baked goods in Bux because they’re not allergy friendly, but I’m liking the sound of these mixed breed baked goods…